Will there be an arrest very soon?

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Will there be an arrest this week?

  • Yes

    Votes: 56 24.5%
  • No

    Votes: 28 12.2%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 26 11.4%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 7 3.1%
  • Not enough information to make an arrest at this time

    Votes: 61 26.6%
  • Maybe next week there will be an arrest

    Votes: 19 8.3%
  • I'm unclear on exactly what LE have and would rather not comment

    Votes: 32 14.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Article update to include:

...on Friday, July 2, Sheriff Staton emphasized that Terri Horman "Has been cooperative throughout this entire process." He also points out that, since she is not a "person of interest", there is not sufficient evidence to bring to a grand jury or a prosecutor.



I've been lurking occasionally to follow this strange sad case, letting all the members here keep me up to date. But I do have a question.

Why is LE continuing to say TH is not a person of interest, even a week after they told her husband of her plan to pay the landscaper kill him? It just seems so strange LE would continue to say they don't suspect her of anything in light of all this. :waitasec:

Even with the new information, I have a feeling they're still not going to arrest her any time soon. All their attempts to pressure her to confess or slip up haven't worked so far. Right now, I'm not optimistic about a forthcoming arrest, but hope I'm wrong.
I am a notoriously bad predictor of this type of thing, but I will say I don't think there will be an arrest this week. I HOPE there will be (so long as it's with enough evidence to go to trial), but I would be surprised. What are they hoping will happen between now and the next few days that will give them more leverage/information?

Not to mention, they still have 40% of the 2000+ valid tips they've received to sort through.
In NY they must hold bail hearings overnight. Earlier this year, my sister's daughter was arrested for DUI at 11 pm Saturday. She had bail set by 4 AM. My sister let her stay in jail til the next morning - seems she sobered up real fast and has been on the straight and narrow ever since. She was bailed out on Sunday, and had to show up for court on Monday.
They need probable cause, real evidence, to arrest her. They can't arrest someone because of what they might do.

Yeah I get that...but I think they have enough if they want to use it, I think they are holding out in the hope that she will go to them.
Not in any states I've ever heard of. This is a state crime, so it depends on the way things are done in Oregon. In the states I'm familiar with, all the people arrested over a weekend show up in court on Monday morning.

Tennessee has night court that runs all the time. At least Nashville does. It is a hoot and a half to go watch with friends on a Friday or Saturday night.

Illinois and Missouri do not.

These are three I personally know of.
On what grounds? You can't just arrest someone because you suspect them. Where's your evidence? Circumstantial evidence is the cell ping & the landscaper. That's all that I know of.

Remember Louis Ross? He was arrested for murdering Hasanni Campbell & got out the next day! Now he lives in Arizona, a free man.

TH has a lawyer that won't allow that to happen.


Just because we don't know anything as the public, doesn't mean that LE doesn't have a firm case developing against her. It took a week for us to find out why Kaine left in such a hurry last weekend and then turned around and filed for divorce first chance he got; why Terri hired a criminal defense atty last week (though we had a good idea of why, but from a difft angle). Its been stated LE was focusing on her shortly after Kyron disappeared (like a few days or so). We didn't even have confirmation till the last day or two that they did indeed check her cell records, her computer, etc. We all now how tight-lipped LE has been. I really believe there is a lot more about this case we don't know right now. Not only that, we may never learn all the details of this case, even when it goes to trial.
In NY they must hold bail hearings overnight. Earlier this year, my sister's daughter was arrested for DUI at 11 pm Saturday. She had bail set by 4 AM. My sister let her stay in jail til the next morning - seems she sobered up real fast and has been on the straight and narrow ever since. She was bailed out on Sunday, and had to show up for court on Monday.

Thank goodness for that! Not all parents have that kind of success that quickly. Good for your niece!
After what we have learned today, now what do we think about the article that said that Terri Horman was expecting to be arrested very soon for child endangerment . At the time, I thought it was about a drag out fight between her and Kaine, but now we know he wasn't involved or at the house at least with the first 911 call about threatening. So what child endangerment?

Lying about that day with Kyron?
I am most intrique with Sheriff Staton's remark "I've got a lot of decisions this coming week." Wishful thinking perhaps, but my mind is telling me he meant deciding about charges.

I am afraid it has to do with scaling back the investigation for Kyron. I don't think he will be able to answer many more questions we want answers to, even after an arrest is made. They will still be concerned about the integrity of the investigation. Other than naming a person of interest, they MIGHT do that after they make an arrest. :waitasec:

IF she were arrested for the "murder for hire" (whatever the name of the actual charge is), would she be able to get bail?

Yes. With the attorney she has, yes. He would probably get her bail on actual homicide charges.

I guess the LE is not afraid of Terri taking off to Mexico or someplace else.

As we speak KATU is at the end of her driveway. No, I don't think they are concerned.
I'm not so sure she'd be eligible for bail, depending on the charges. Even if bail was set, I am thinking it would be so high, she and her family would not have the resources. Murder charges don't generally seem to get bail, especially when involving children. Solicitation of capital murder likely unbailable too. Not that legally she isn't eligible, I just think a judge would deny it, despite Barrister Houze.
I'm not so sure she'd be eligible for bail, depending on the charges. Even if bail was set, I am thinking it would be so high, she and her family would not have the resources. Murder charges don't generally seem to get bail, especially when involving children. Solicitation of capital murder likely unbailable too. Not that legally she isn't eligible, I just think a judge would deny it, despite Barrister Houze.

if the da decides to seek the dp it would be impossible to get bail
I remember in the Scott Peterson case when LE kept an eye on him in the face of increasing amounts of circumstantial evidence, mainly to watch him and to develop their case (and also waiting for the bodies to be found, sadly). Perhaps in cases where no live/deceased body has been found, they watch their primary suspect closely while giving them the illusion of freedom under the reality of increasing public pressure, in the hopes that something they do points to more evidence of a location, accomplices or motive. All the while building their (LE) case.

My thoughts are that they want a solid case and are building that carefully. They've removed any other potential targets of harm (other child, husband) from her reach and continue to watch her and follow leads. Also, if they do believe Kyron is alive, they might believe they have a better chance of finding him if TH is free but monitored... maybe in desperation, she would try some communication method she believed was secure and they could trace it.

I also believe we don't know much of the evidence (circumstantial or otherwise) the LE possesses about TH and the case. I think that's wise.

I've been lurking occasionally to follow this strange sad case, letting all the members here keep me up to date. But I do have a question.

Why is LE continuing to say TH is not a person of interest, even a week after they told her husband of her plan to pay the landscaper kill him? It just seems so strange LE would continue to say they don't suspect her of anything in light of all this. :waitasec:

Even with the new information, I have a feeling they're still not going to arrest her any time soon. All their attempts to pressure her to confess or slip up haven't worked so far. Right now, I'm not optimistic about a forthcoming arrest, but hope I'm wrong.

I googled "suspect vs. Person of Interest" and this interesting article came up. Explains some of the political reasons and a few legal reasons. I think the public pressure to identifiy her as at least a POI is getting stronger and stronger. Hoping they have all their ducks in a row before they do.

I googled "suspect vs. Person of Interest" and this interesting article came up. Explains some of the political reasons and a few legal reasons. I think the public pressure to identifiy her as at least a POI is getting stronger and stronger. Hoping they have all their ducks in a row before they do.


Thank you very much for this!

"Obviously, 'person of interest' is a number of steps from someone who has been charged," Gazlay says.

Jim Kouri, a spokesman for the National Association of Chiefs of Police, says "person of interest" often is a euphemism for "suspect."
"If it's a suspect and you say 'person of interest,' you're using the euphemism to avoid problems down the line," says Kouri, a former New York housing police officer. What problems? Police sometimes "try to maintain that the person really isn't a suspect" in order to get him to agree to questioning without Miranda warnings, Kouri says. "You don't want the guy to lawyer up."

Kouri says across the country, "it's the legal counsel telling police chiefs that they should instruct their officers and train them to use that term."

Just because we don't know anything as the public, doesn't mean that LE doesn't have a firm case developing against her. It took a week for us to find out why Kaine left in such a hurry last weekend and then turned around and filed for divorce first chance he got; why Terri hired a criminal defense atty last week (though we had a good idea of why, but from a difft angle). Its been stated LE was focusing on her shortly after Kyron disappeared (like a few days or so). We didn't even have confirmation till the last day or two that they did indeed check her cell records, her computer, etc. We all now how tight-lipped LE has been. I really believe there is a lot more about this case we don't know right now. Not only that, we may never learn all the details of this case, even when it goes to trial.

That is true. LE has been able to keep a lot from the public until they were ready, a credit to them.
I do think she's guilty, but I've been wrong before. The worst they have her on as far as I know is that her cell pings showed her up on Sauvie, but unless Kyron is found up there, it doesn't mean much except that she lied.
If she's guilty of harming Kyron, I don't want her to get away with it. Whoever is responsible, I don't want them to get away. That happens too often in real life. Makes me sad and sick.
I remember in the Scott Peterson case when LE kept an eye on him in the face of increasing amounts of circumstantial evidence, mainly to watch him and to develop their case (and also waiting for the bodies to be found, sadly). Perhaps in cases where no live/deceased body has been found, they watch their primary suspect closely while giving them the illusion of freedom under the reality of increasing public pressure, in the hopes that something they do points to more evidence of a location, accomplices or motive. All the while building their (LE) case.

My thoughts are that they want a solid case and are building that carefully. They've removed any other potential targets of harm (other child, husband) from her reach and continue to watch her and follow leads. Also, if they do believe Kyron is alive, they might believe they have a better chance of finding him if TH is free but monitored... maybe in desperation, she would try some communication method she believed was secure and they could trace it.

I also believe we don't know much of the evidence (circumstantial or otherwise) the LE possesses about TH and the case. I think that's wise.

Thoughtful post. Yes, LE did remove other targets of harm which was smart. I do hope what you say is true and I hope that their efforts bear fruit. Kaine may believe the murder for hire plot on her part, but unless there is solid evidence, it will just turn into a "he said she said."

To me, it would be a miracle if Kyron was still alive, although that would be the best outcome. If he is alive, he can tell LE what happened to him. If he's not, well, then we are left with whatever evidence can be gleaned if he is found. Heartbreaking.
As guilty as I believe TH is, they ain't got squat that will stick, at least nothing they've given up so far.

I do expect that her lawyer will be showing up in the news soon to make a statement. Since I doubt he's being paid, he will need to get his free advertising in to make it worthwhile to himself. Can't blame a guy for making a living, but I bet he's got some nasty comments coming his way. He must have a thick skin.
I remember in the Scott Peterson case when LE kept an eye on him in the face of increasing amounts of circumstantial evidence, mainly to watch him and to develop their case (and also waiting for the bodies to be found, sadly). Perhaps in cases where no live/deceased body has been found, they watch their primary suspect closely while giving them the illusion of freedom under the reality of increasing public pressure, in the hopes that something they do points to more evidence of a location, accomplices or motive. All the while building their (LE) case.

My thoughts are that they want a solid case and are building that carefully. They've removed any other potential targets of harm (other child, husband) from her reach and continue to watch her and follow leads. Also, if they do believe Kyron is alive, they might believe they have a better chance of finding him if TH is free but monitored... maybe in desperation, she would try some communication method she believed was secure and they could trace it.

I also believe we don't know much of the evidence (circumstantial or otherwise) the LE possesses about TH and the case. I think that's wise.

Excellent post...I completely agree.

I would think LE has her bugged, GPS'd, the whole thing. They may even have installed video cameras in one or two trees that show all doors to the home in case she tries to sneak out with a backpack and go into the woods.

It wouldn't surprise me.

In the SP case, they grabbed him the instant he showed signs of bolting.

I am glad they are getting their ducks in a row, working on the evidence, and hopefully letting her maybe make a mistake that will let them know where precious Kyron is.
No arrest until Sherif Dan has "evidence you can hang your hat on".

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