Will this case ever be solved?

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Misty thought the a/c technician was family-related to RC per her hypnosis session

:floorlaugh: "Misty thought". A contradiction in terms...
Very few believe she was really hypnotized.
Of course I wouldn't know why he choose not too come forward but on occasion people are smart enough not to step into the middle of a media storm.

What media storm? When? Where?
I say his identity was and is still being withheld due to the fact the A/C man has/had a close connection to one of Ron C's close family members.. And IMO He should have never been cleared by a certain investigator assigned to this case.......JMHO
I never thought this was a frame up set up, but I did think LE set a trap and Tommy fell right into it. I also think he gave them some information he can't back away from. MOO

BBM :)

You got that right, LE set a trap and they ALL fell into it. IMO, there is good reason they are ALL sitting in jail and it doesn't all have to do with the drug charges. JMO.
Wasn't it also said that someone other than the "tester" and Misty were in the room with her when she was taking these tests? Why is it i recall something along these lines?
What media storm? When? Where?
I say his identity was and is still being withheld due to the fact the A/C man has/had a close connection to one of Ron C's close family members.. And IMO He should have never been cleared by a certain investigator assigned to this case.......JMHO








http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/... -FL-/atthispointronwasabouttogoaftercame.jpg



Haleigh Cummings -FL- :: 2/16/09 The landlords, Phyllis and Donald Bard remember Haleigh as "adorable" video by crankycrankerson - Photobucket


Haleigh Cummings -FL- :: 2/11/09 Search continues. Bakdrop for the report is Ron and Leonard Padilla being interviewed by Nancy Grace on CNN. Ron thanks supporters, LE, and says he took and passed a poly. video by crankycrankerson - Photobucket

Haleigh Cummings -FL- :: 10/2/09 Lt Johnny Greenwood: the investigation, tips, lack of info. Arrests unrelated are still used to try to ask more questions because they do not think it is a stranger abduction. video by crankycrankerson - Photobucket

http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/...mmings -FL-/?action=view&current=30v2nn9.jpg

http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/... -FL-/?action=view&current=haleighcase005.jpg
Looking at these pics, I cant wait for Tim Miller to sue the Cummings like he is doing Casey.
Thanks for the pics mkay.. There are several I've never seen before like the one with GGMS and Geraldo... Is that TN or KB standing there with GGMS and Geraldo? Wonder IF that was before or after they called the authorities on him...
Why hasn't anyone come forward and spoken about this case in Satsuma?1. They had neighbors...one very small interview. Closest neighbors moves away within 2 wks.
2. The AC guy has never spoke
3. The town never welcomed the media.
4. Not one friend of any of these players has spoken
5. Not one employee of the bridge company has spoken about Feb 9, 2009.
6. The person who worked the quick market is in hiding and never spoke.
7. When GVS, was there, not a living being around. It gave me the creeps..seemed like everyone was hiding in their houses and peeking out.
8. No people at the bus stop, except for Santos has spoken. There had to be more than him standing there.

Every singel piece of info ron/misty gave has three different scenarios.

I don't know how everyone else thinks but this is one town that is run by the police and has everyone under its thumb or scared to death. They have managed to keep the press out of their town and no one is screaming at PCSO to open this up. None of the people who know or were around that day will talk....WHY NOT?

There is something very very wrong going on in Putnam County. Either that or people just plain don't give a damn about a precious child. They have moved on and rather quickly, I may add..

BBM: IMO, the fact that no one will come forward with even the tiniest bit of information speaks volumes to me. This fact is the 600 lb. gorilla in the room. These people are afraid of something that's for sure. I've never seen a case where gossip wasn't even evident.................too strange..
JMO he may or may not have been doing drugs then, or dealing them. I don't know. None of us here know. I also don't know too many people that would admit to doing drugs, especially with a TV camera in your face. Stupid questions, jmo.

Ron's very own attorney stated that Ron was taking "Pain medication" for various injuries. He was obviously totally stoned on many of the videos taken during the days following Haleigh's "disappearance". I have always thought that he never quit taking and selling drugs. He just wasn't caught for a brief period of time. Geraldo has been the only media presence to actually ask "hard" questions of Ron Cummings and I have to give him credit for it. No other media personality ever asked the "hard" questions. Nancy Grace asked him if he was lying, that was about as hard as she got with Ron, all the other interviews she had with him were well sweetened to the point of causing nausea.
Just want to say that I, for one, would like to see a prison interview of Tommy. I really would. We have seen the glamor interview of Misty from prison and I interpreted her little talk as showing that she is willing to just keep on withholding what she knows about that night, ie., who was really involved, who was really at the house that night, where she really was that night........where was Teresa? Did Ron leave work and go back to the mobile home? I'm one of those WS'ers who thinks that Misty does not and never will know where Haleigh's body is located, but I do believe that she knows who knows what happened....

Tommy on the other hand should be a bit desperate right now since he has had a taste of prison life and I truly would like to hear from him.........right now it would be a nice preview if we at least got a statement from his attorney, if he still has one...........well that's my wish list right now regarding who I would like to see talking in an interview.
Ron's very own attorney stated that Ron was taking "Pain medication" for various injuries. He was obviously totally stoned on many of the videos taken during the days following Haleigh's "disappearance". I have always thought that he never quit taking and selling drugs. He just wasn't caught for a brief period of time. Geraldo has been the only media presence to actually ask "hard" questions of Ron Cummings and I have to give him credit for it. No other media personality ever asked the "hard" questions. Nancy Grace asked him if he was lying, that was about as hard as she got with Ron, all the other interviews she had with him were well sweetened to the point of causing nausea.

Taking pain medication if prescribed is not on drugs imo. My father takes pain meds and I would not call him on drugs. JME

bbm, it is not obvious to me, and I do not share your opinion. Personally I would have needed to be medicated and many parents I imagine need to as well to go through a horror like this. JMO. I don't wish this on any parent and certainly would not fault them for needing medication.
JMO LE has only publicly asked for people with knowledge of Misty's whereabouts. I think they know exactly where Ronald and Tommy and Joe were. Tommy is the only one who has been named a suspect, and imo, Misty is "the key" and was allegedly offered immunity. Doesn't take much to connect those dots imo.
Taking pain medication if prescribed is not on drugs imo. My father takes pain meds and I would not call him on drugs. JME

bbm, it is not obvious to me, and I do not share your opinion. Personally I would have needed to be medicated and many parents I imagine need to as well to go through a horror like this. JMO. I don't wish this on any parent and certainly would not fault them for needing medication.

No one has stated that Ron was actually prescribed these medications himself. Many people need to take medication for pain, myself included. My opinion on Ron's actions and words during many interviews is that he was stoned.
No one has stated that Ron was actually prescribed these medications himself. Many people need to take medication for pain, myself included. My opinion on Ron's actions and words during many interviews is that he was stoned.

No one has stated anything either way. It's all opinion. That was my point.
Only problem is the Cummings will never make the $$$ to pay him.

There's no proof Ron lied.
Only opinions of people who have no idea and 'think' he lied.
Casey told her attorney Caylee was dead all along.
That's the difference in Tim suing or not.
"Think he lied?"

ron cummings is a compulsive liar. He is also a pill-head. Can't believe anything he says. He loves to toot his own horn. He is arrogant, obnoxious and a criminal. He is another one who was given everything in life and was never taught any personal responsibility.

The family all lies. Maybe somebody should go back in time and see who really watched the children Who do you think bottle-fed an infant,chased a toddler and changed their diapers? rc got custody but he didn't take care of both of these kids.

May I suggest that the move to Satsuma was his first stab at parenthood on his own? Look how that turned out!
Taking pain medication if prescribed is not on drugs imo. My father takes pain meds and I would not call him on drugs. JME

bbm, it is not obvious to me, and I do not share your opinion. Personally I would have needed to be medicated and many parents I imagine need to as well to go through a horror like this. JMO. I don't wish this on any parent and certainly would not fault them for needing medication.

Sprinkle me with some Fairy Dust. Ron is a pill head. Was always wasted and didn't stop because he had kids. He just could hide them better when he was housed with kids. They kept him home more...doesn't mean he stopped. He was not of any maturity or character to stop doing drugs.

He was a 21 yr old <modsnip> who contolled women by seducing them with drugs. It's what he does. It's who is he is. I think the whole family is into pills. He got out of many of his arrests by saying the drugs belonged to other people.

His attonrey was giving up an excuse for him. rc was healthy as an ox and certainly didn't have any injury to need vicodin and oxycontin for 5 yrs.

"Think he lied?"

ron cummings is a compulsive liar. He is also a pill-head. Can't believe anything he says. He loves to toot his own horn. He is arrogant, obnoxious and a criminal. He is another one who was given everything in life and was never taught any personal responsibility.

The family all lies. Maybe somebody should go back in time and see who really watched the children Who do you think bottle-fed an infant,chased a toddler and changed their diapers? rc got custody but he didn't take care of both of these kids.

May I suggest that the move to Satsuma was his first stab at parenthood on his own? Look how that turned out!


Hi, Whisp!! :seeya:

Well, I don't know how much RC was "given" in life, but I do think we should factor in that his father left him when he was very young, then when his mother remarried his step-father didn't want him around and he had to go live with GGMS (which I think was a much better situation.)

Lot's of times when the men in a boy's life reject them they turn out to have grave troubles. Believe me, I'm not sticking up for RC, I just see a lot of resentment in him and I think he took it out on the women in his life.

Still would like to know what that big tatt of his mother was all about. :banghead:

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