woman claims Karr confessed to her 5 years ago

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Jayelles said:
Guppy - what is your take on Karr? Are you optimistic that he's the guy?

Nope, I got a real sinking feeling after seeing his wife's lawyer yesterday. He says she can't stand him but at the time of the JBR murder not only were they broke but he didn't go anywhere that Christmas, or any other Christmas, for that matter. I just can't see any reason for her to lie. If he's the killer, she stands to make a fortune for her story, since she was with him until 2001.

On the other hand, he may be good for the murder/disappearance of the three 11 yr old girls in Alabama and Georgia, although at least one of them happened after he move to Polly Klass' home town in California.

The one interesting thing attributed to Karr is the part about him being wanted for murder and child *advertiser censored* in four states, although that could have been one of the things from the Thai police that didn't pan out. I'll have to look it up. Colorado, California, Georgia, and Alabama would be four.

This guy sure looks like a good candidate to be the perp, but I'm not gonna bite until he can be placed in Colorado, unless his DNA is a match, or he comes up with a story that doesn't sound like a theory from one of the forums. I fully expect some surprises when we find out from the killer what actually went down. It sure would be nice if that were tomorrow.
Linda7NJ said:
Got me:waitasec:

I figured someone would have been able to place him in Boulder by now!
That's the thing. I'm not even going to begin to entertain the thought that this obviously disturbed individual is JBR's killer until someone can at least place him in Colorado.
guppy said:
Nope, I got a real sinking feeling after seeing his wife's lawyer yesterday. He says she can't stand him but at the time of the JBR murder not only were they broke but he didn't go anywhere that Christmas, or any other Christmas, for that matter. I just can't see any reason for her to lie. If he's the killer, she stands to make a fortune for her story, since she was with him until 2001.

I have no clue one way or the other, but playing the Devil's advocate, I have to ask:

If he was home at Christmas in 1996, how come no one can come up with anything better than, "I remember." ??? They've had days now to come up with a single photo or family video. I am possibly the single most unorganized person on the planet, and I could have put my hands on proof by now.

Maybe THEY were broke, but HE wasn't. He seemed to drive a lot of seriously expensive cars for someone who couldn't afford a plane ticket.

She has a lot of reasons to lie - she doesn't want her kids or herself in the middle of this media frenzy; maybe he did something to one or more of the kids and she doesn't want it to come out; maybe he did something to a relative or friend's child and she fears being held responsible for since she knew he was a total perv. Maybe she thought he was doing something else illegal when he was really in CO...and she doesn't want to be a part of it.

I don't know if any of this makes sense, but the ex isn't going to be the one who convinces me unless she comes up with something better, and fast.
tybee204 said:
If the FBI recorded her conversations with Karr they probably determined then that his story was false. If Nate Karr was a long time Ramsey employee I am certain that would have come out. I am also certain LE and the FBI know every person that was at the Ramsey Christmas party and I dont believe for a minute the Karr's were there. They both would have been under the umbrella of suspicion from day one.
Tybee; You know what is really strange? Here is a Man claiming to be at the Ramsey's house 3 days before. And no one that was there has come forward and confirmed it.He was there all right in his mind.
While I can't remember all holidays I've spent with my husband, I sure remember that he was home. I think she would have noticed a missing husband.

I can't help but wonder if spending a few nights in jail might bring Karr back to reality, meaning he no longer wants to confess.
Trino said:
While I can't remember all holidays I've spent with my husband, I sure remember that he was home. I think she would have noticed a missing husband.

I can't help but wonder if spending a few nights in jail might bring Karr back to reality, meaning he no longer wants to confess.

Wouldn't this be the kind of thing the DA would have confirmed before putting her neck on the line so publicly? That's what gets me - if she didn't do her homework on this and she's wrong about something so easy to investigate, than her career is basically over, her reputation ruined and she's got to be smart enough to know that.
lovebites said:
Wouldn't this be the kind of thing the DA would have confirmed before putting her neck on the line so publicly? That's what gets me - if she didn't do her homework on this and she's wrong about something so easy to investigate, than her career is basically over, her reputation ruined and she's got to be smart enough to know that.
One would think that any DA investigating this case would be exceptionally careful and cautious> I do not buy that they acted quicker to get Karr because he was starting a 'new' job teaching. This is crap. They picked him up when they did because they were scared he would take flight.
I sincerely hope they have covered themselves with evidence against him.One expert (TALKING HEAD) I saw on Fox said he believed they were hopeing to make the case against him when they got him home.
I hope they are doing the right thing by JBR because she deserves better than another mixed up investigation that will not stand up. All children do.:furious:
Linda7NJ said:

Actual recording & Phone transcripts


If that really is John Karr's voice I just heard saying those sick things about JBR, then what in the world is this tape doing out in the media and on the internet? I mean, what if he really is the perp??? Wouldn't this hurt the case?

Thanks Linda7NJ for that link.
I couldn't see the link to hear it.
Saw a few other links but couldn't click on the phone transcript one.
Anyone else have this problem?
narlacat said:
I couldn't see the link to hear it.
Saw a few other links but couldn't click on the phone transcript one.
Anyone else have this problem?


Some folks on Macs have been having problems with the links on that website. It won't let me copy and paste the text so let me hunt and peck it out for you. I'm not much of a typist, but here goes!

Keep in mind when you read this that he is kinda whispering it into the phone in a really creepy and excited way. (shivers!)

John Karr says to Wendy Hutchins on the taped phone call:

"JonBenet! God, what a powerful thing, just to be alone with that little girl. That doll face. You know she was just so incredible in mind and so unreal in death. She's just so alive. She's so alive. She's so alive. She's so alive. I mean, she's wonderful."

"They've had days now to come up with a single photo or family video."

They've already come up with photos of his kids there. I'd say they're on their way.

Craig Silverman said that this guy told Hutchins he hid under the bed, and that Smit said the dust ruffle looked disturbed. He's using that, but remember: by the time this first confession was made, Smit had already made that knowledge public. Besides, he said he hid in the guest room across the hall from her room. There was no room across the hall from her room.
I can't find the transcripts for the calls, can someone help me out?
SuperDave said:
"They've had days now to come up with a single photo or family video."

They've already come up with photos of his kids there. I'd say they're on their way.

Craig Silverman said that this guy told Hutchins he hid under the bed, and that Smit said the dust ruffle looked disturbed. He's using that, but remember: by the time this first confession was made, Smit had already made that knowledge public. Besides, he said he hid in the guest room across the hall from her room. There was no room across the hall from her room.
Hmm, hiding under the bed. Sometimes I get a feeling that JMK is a firm IDI beliver from this forum who have taken it upon himself to settle this issue once and for all.
MrsMush99 said:
I can't find the transcripts for the calls, can someone help me out?

Hi MrsMush,

As far as I know there aren't any transcripts of the calls in print yet. The only call that has been released at this time is the short one I transcribed a few posts above in this thread. The reporter on the video said that she would have another call for us today at 5pm.

You can still hear the 1st call released at this link: http://www.kron.com/

I found this link on another thread and it has many snipets (in print) from just 1 hour of the 20 hours of tapes -- very creepy.

In one snipet of the article Karr talks about kissing little girls.


Here is a snipet that is even worse:

Hutchens says that in their conversations, Karr had a particular kind of sexual encounter in mind when it came to young girls -- one that didn't involve full intercourse.

"The weird thing about being sexually attracted to a little girl," says the voice on the tape, "is that you really aren't going to have penetrated sex with that little girl."

"I have held little girls in just about every way you can imagine. But I've never done any of those things that are textbook considered ... you know, a "no-no" kind of thing."
Right now only ABC news has obtained one hour of these taped phone conversations and they have played two separate excerpts, today was the second. Surely this all has to come out and be investigated. There are 20 hours of the tapes. This is important psychological information about the suspect. He talks about having held little girls only the way fathers do; and never having had sex with little girls; and being able to pass a polygraph test. These conversations very much make him look like someone obsessed, but not a child rapist or killer. Yet in one part he is imagining what the killer was thinking or doing, and he even mentions the killer striking her on the head when he wasn't sure she was dead from the strangling. And how he could apologize to the parents for doing that when he loved the little girl. This is very confusing. It has to indicate severe mental illness and identifying with the killer, OR guilt. The way he talks about the killer in the third person reminds me of Ted Bundy, who used that method to confess. That is some kind of multiple personality, surely, if he thinks he is innocent, yet talks about the dark deeds. Maybe his current personality, the effeminate man looking to have a sex change and become a female, really thinks the brutal side who did it was someone else.
"Maybe that person who did that ... thinks it's important that someone confesses... And he's chosen that other person to do that in his place ..."

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