Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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I was drinking tea when I read that and it is now up my nose!

LOL, hate when that happens..

I think that with the disability claims for herself and her 3 children, food stamps and student loans, she is experienced with applying for and receiving money without having to work for it. She seems to have a welfare mentality, although she says that she does not.

I never understood how she used student loans to support the kids.
I also read that she paid her own nanny at $500 per week IIRC. How does someone going to school pay someone that?

I wondered why she would allow Radaronline to have access and publish photos of her previous home in the horrendous state that it was in - wasn't she embarassed for herself and her children living in that pigsty? But now I think it was done so that the poverty conditions that the house reflected could drum up donations.

The house pics were the mother Angela.
IMO, they were in this together.
They played each other in public, watching her mother, she'd smile after saying something.. Then that time on Dr Phil where the mother said she was looking at houses with her friend hoping someone would donate money for a house. Nadya said, mom you can't ask that.. Then we see her buying a house.

I just found an AP news item by her 1st publicists dated 3 days ago link - while it's long, they say
"They have a unique way of using people," former publicist Joann Killeen said of Suleman and her parents. "Manipulating people, getting what they want and moving on."
Public scorn, including death threats, motivated the Killeen Furtney Group to quit handling publicity for Suleman on Feb. 14. The ties are still not totally severed, Killeen told The Associated Press.

Killeen still receives packages for Suleman that she opens in her yard wearing a mask and gloves, a precaution recommended by police. A van of gifts is headed to Suleman's new La Habra home Friday.

Suleman's donation Web site is still in Killeen's name because a new nonprofit trust has not been set up to accept 25,000 cash donations of varying sizes.

Though the calls have slowed down from the round-the-clock frenzy in the weeks after the Jan. 26 births, Killeen still fields calls from news organizations because of disorganization in Suleman's camp.

Killeen said the work is particularly excessive considering that she agreed to complete three tasks for Suleman for free: evade the media gauntlet when she left the hospital, select a television interview venue and put together a photo opportunity once all eight babies were home.

But Killeen's responsibilities quickly became much more than the average public relations gig, including stints playing with and bathing Suleman's older children while fielding media requests.


The PR people stepping down was something I knew would happen. There is a radio station here in NJ, the afternoon guys told listeners to go to the site and complain to her PR people. They also told people to keep playing with the donate button, hoping that anyone really wanting to donate wouldn't be able to because the bandwidth would be exceeded.

Yes Roselvr - maybe this is where our disconnect is. It was I believe around the day or so after the Dr. Phil appearance Allred gave a press conference to detail more of what she said she or the AIW saw & I saw her while watching TV state that now that the AIW were not in the home that she feels the children should be removed & placed into foster care.

I found it online.. People - Gloria Allred: Take the Octuplets Away from Mom

According to what I'm reading, it looks like she held a press conference right after the Dr Phil taping, or very soon after it. She then appeared on a few shows.

I think she needs to step back. I'm not in agreement with her & think she's making herself to look like a fool.

It almost seems that parents have been left to fight this one on their own. Are you aware there is a fund set up for children damaged by vaccines? So far only one child has been compensated for autism like symptoms. Last year. The lawyers were very bright in claiming the child had an undiagnosed mitochondrial defect that may have lay dormant forever had it not been for the vaccines.

Where can I find this information?

I wish Angelina would just adopt Nadya's kids herself, rather than giving N. the money, and get a restraining order on her!

IMO, this is false. I don't believe Angelina is interested in donating money.
If in fact she really did say it, IMO it would have been to Dr Phil for Angels In Waiting and not directly to Nadya.

Dr K. has a technique for embryo implantation which he adheres the embryo's to the lining of the uterus

I don't know. I haven't read anything about how he does the IVF.

Roselvr, I will not and have never gotten my children flu vaccines (nor myself), and I have a friend who's daughter was perfectly normal and progressing normally until the age of about 2 and a half. She stopped using words, she began to "grunt" and scream to communicate. She was diagnosed with autism (and I don't know the details) but she is dependent on her parents for the most part at the age of 19. It seemed to happen like a light switch going on and off.

One that I know is almost 19, while another is almost 16.

I don't know about Nadya,but how many of us have husbands that behave,in a way...like her?? (or know of them).

I know a lot of people like this. They have kids but realize kids need routine, or they have a routine but it's not the traditional routine due to parents liking to sleep late.
No way do I believe Angelina Jolie is donating money to someone who sent her creepy letters. I have no doubts whatsoever this story came from Suleman herself. She has to do something to try to keep herself in the limelight, and it is quickly disappearing.

Look at the sources. Even if it was true, I believe the money would come anonymously. Hollywood stars are paranoid about the possibility of stalkers.

You posted while I was preparing my other post.
Angelina makes good news and it would not surprise me if someone in the Suleman family started this.

But remember CPS will always be involved b/c of her older disabled child. So even without the cameras etc. her family will always be on the radar of the authorities who make such determinations, which is more than can be said for alot of households. I do understand what you are saying, but there are more safety nets from a child protective perspective here then most people have in place.

I don't feel that CPS in CA has time to monitor her. Most are overworked.
Sure they may watch her right now but honestly I doubt she's been monitored the way she is supposed to be. IMO, had someone been monitoring her, her state assistance may have ended. How does someone have 6 kids with back problems? RED FLAG!!!

If AiW came into that home with the sole purpose of intimidating her, writing reports on her and outing her as a bad mother, then shame on them. They were in a position to give guidance, to help educate and to insure the health and well being of those babies. If Nadya only accepted their help so the hospital would start releasing her babies, had no plans on working with them and allowing them to help get her kids the care they need, then shame on her. To be honest I don't know who was more at fault in the fiasco. I just know the babies and kids are the ones who lost the most when the grown ups couldn't figure out a way play nice with each other.

This is exactly what I think she did.
She allowed AIW to come in until she got her own plan enacted.
When they sat at Dr Phil's table, she had this weird look on her face, you could see she was up to something.

While the jury is still out on the cause of autism I believe they have already found a genetic marker that shows a predisposition for autism, which doesn't mean a child will end up on the spectrum but may mean there are things that must be done to prevent it from happening. It would also mean the octs have another risk factor, they already know higher mults have a higher incidence. So if the genetic link pans out it would be likely at least some of the octs will be somewhere on the spectrum if all the kids in fact have the same father,

There is a family in Utah I watched a documentary about, all 7 of their kids are autistic to one degree or another. The younger ones are all seemly worse off than the older. There is a family of triplets that Discovery had been following since before birth, in the last update when they were 3 they had just discovered 1 of their boys is autistic and another family of triplets I read about last winter all 3 of their boys are at the severe end. They are in MD and have a terrible time there due to lack of services available. It's truly frightening for these kids.

The one in Utah, wasn't it 6 kids with autism, none multiples?
I'll have to switch to my windows computer later, I was looking up multiple births on it yesterday or the day before and ran across a few good pages about the multiple births and the medical status.
missmybaby, you are a wealth of information! Thanks for your information re: autism and multiples. I am not sure what Dr. K uses to adhere or stitch the embryos to the lining- there is a video of him and Nadya (I think with her twin pregnancy) that was a "news item" of sorts. If I run across the link, I'll post it (it's somewhere in the Part 1 of this saga).

I know I feel that Nadya is/was Dr. K's human guinea pig. It's just my opinion and means nothing, it's just shameful that a bunch of innocent children and babies were "created" because Nadya wanted a big family and a doctor needed to make a name for himself. No regard for the babies they were "making" is apparent, it doesn't even seem that Nadya was preparing to be a mother again. Such an odd situation.

The story of the 2 year old is heartbreaking. I give you kudos for working in the field with CAAN. I am on the fence about CPS and it's effectiveness- I've seen too many kids slip through the cracks and wind up dead. It shouldn't be that way but how do we fix it?
I respectfully disagree as a person that is going to be intimately working with CPS shortly. There's no safety nets simply because 1 child MAY have a worker.
I've mentioned earlier, I'm working on my Childs Advocacy in Houston. Once I become one, I help take over areas that CPS lacks in. One huge thing is time. It is a very well documented fact that CPS DEPENDING ON THEIR CASE LOAD - GENERALLY SEES A CHILD LESS THAN 1 EVERY 2 MONTHS.

HOW is that watching a child? That is not 'involved'. And that CPS worker will not be there to advocate or discuss anything about any other child in that home.
Don't you think THAT DAY THEY SHOW UP, NADYA will have everything picture perfect? And yes, unless there is 'concern' they will make the appointment to see her.

1 CPS worker does not have any capabilities here. No matter how you look at it. Even worse, if there's not an issue with their particular childs' file & the child is in the bio moms home, there's even less of a chance that child will be visited for months on end.

And, PattyCake, things are only going to get worse. In my state alone, 77 case worker positions have been cut because of the budget.
And, PattyCake, things are only going to get worse. In my state alone, 77 case worker positions have been cut because of the budget.

I saw a news clip from Denver, and they were "supposed to" hire 40 more case workers and it was never done. (I don't have a link- it was a blurb in the news one morning.) Sadly, every state seems to have problems within the system itself. Realistically, abuse/neglect has been happening for as long as we've been on earth, it just seems the "system" hasn't been effective in curbing it. We need a new system. (JMO)
While I do think that social workers to check on children are needed at this day and time, it seems to me that they get blamed an awful lot for when tragedys occur. The mother and/or father are the ones truly responsible for the upbringing and welfare of the children. Too many times outsiders are blamed when something happens that "they didn't do enough". I am tired of people not taking responsibility for their own children and family. The social workers are not living with the family and cannot watch everyone's children 24/7. If something happens to any of those babies, it is no one's fault except the mother/grandparents living in the household. If the grandparents know that inappropriate behavior is taking place, then they should take charge and put the babies interest first. Nadya brought all 14 of these children into this world and is ultimately responsible, not the social workers.
While I do think that social workers to check on children are needed at this day and time, it seems to me that they get blamed an awful lot for when tragedys occur. The mother and/or father are the ones truly responsible for the upbringing and welfare of the children. Too many times outsiders are blamed when something happens that "they didn't do enough". I am tired of people not taking responsibility for their own children and family. The social workers are not living with the family and cannot watch everyone's children 24/7. If something happens to any of those babies, it is no one's fault except the mother/grandparents living in the household. If the grandparents know that inappropriate behavior is taking place, then they should take charge and put the babies interest first. Nadya brought all 14 of these children into this world and is ultimately responsible, not the social workers.

I for one are not blaming CPS / workers. They lack the actual time to be effective for most any families and generally are not involved UNTIL something happens.

The responsibility of the heath, safety & security lies with Nadya completely.

If CPS isn't currently watching this woman closely though - with all the warning signs flying around and at least attempting to ensure safety, then and only then are they accountable for a child being harmed. Ignorance is not an excuse. This is a tragedy waiting to happen and we're all hoping someone somewhere is watching this family very closely.

If workers are deliberately chosing to ignore all the complaints being sent in, etc - there is how I feel they (CPS) would be accountable. That's all.

We're going to be left with the world screaming 'WE KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN, SOMETHING SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE!!'. My take on CPS is that I truly hope they are investigating all complaints fully & to the best of their ability and not just tossing this aside. If they've done their job the very best they could and something still happens - it is completely on Nadya's shoulders.
I for one are not blaming CPS / workers. They lack the actual time to be effective for most any families and generally are not involved UNTIL something happens.

The responsibility of the heath, safety & security lies with Nadya completely.

If CPS isn't currently watching this woman closely though - with all the warning signs flying around and at least attempting to ensure safety, then and only then are they accountable for a child being harmed. Ignorance is not an excuse. This is a tragedy waiting to happen and we're all hoping someone somewhere is watching this family very closely.

If workers are deliberately chosing to ignore all the complaints being sent in, etc - there is how I feel they (CPS) would be accountable. That's all.

We're going to be left with the world screaming 'WE KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN, SOMETHING SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE!!'. My take on CPS is that I truly hope they are investigating all complaints fully & to the best of their ability and not just tossing this aside. If they've done their job the very best they could and something still happens - it is completely on Nadya's shoulders.

All they can do is go check on them and if they are doing fine at the time they show up, they can't do anything. If they took any of those babies for just fear of something that could happen and placed them in a foster home, then if something happened to one of them in the foster home, they would be blamed for that also. While I do hope that they are being checked on, what I am really trying to say is that all they can do is the best at that time and that they are not the ones raising the babies and can only do so much. Everything can look fine one minute and something happen the next. People can't go into other people's homes and remove children based on what might happen. In my opinion, the family that lives in that home is ultimately responsible for the welfare of the children. In the small county that I live in, even if you had 30 social workers, they could not go to each home that someone might think that a child was not being cared for properly. What happened to families watching out for each other and their children? Not fussing at you....just rambling :)
I just saw an article about her clothing in In Touch magazine, those shoes she wore on Dr Phil a few weeks ago (with the white shirt that had big blue/teal dots) were $200. It also said she has about $50,000 in credit card debt.
I wasn't saying you did(advocate their removal), but fiasco is the perfect word for all of this. I don't believe that anyone who is running around in the media has any altruistic purpose here except to figure out a way to make as much $ as they can for themselves. It is really gross. Fortunately the hospital & CPS cannot do that, so there are some advocates in the situation that will hopefully be able to remain objective.

But there are those who are using this as an excuse to advocate their removal which is totally different. Of course I think Suleman is a nut & shows poor judgment; how could anyone not have realized that the first moment they looked at her? But there are alot of parents who do that and many of them take home NICU preemies as well. As a matter of fact a friend of mine was an RN in a NICU - she said actually more babies than we realize that are premature are due to the mother's actions while pregnant (ie drug abuse etc.) & the nurses in the NICU have a hard time detaching as a result of that & SWs are often involved (I'm not saying there aren't premature babies born to very good mothers too, but just statistically more prematurity is due to prenatal actions that were less than appropriate). It is very upsetting -she said she wasn't cut out to work there b/c of that and she was afraid she'd wind up adopting a baby & she was done with having babies! Now this was a leading edge NICU by the way. So my understanding is that actually they are used to seeing alot of crap parents and having to deal with those issues. If anything that should make those who are worried feel better since these people probably have a lot of experience dealing with all sorts of nutty parents.
I am not going to argue with you but your friend is wrong.
Why are CPS involved due to her older child's disability? I've known lots of people over the years with lots of kids and lots of different disabilities, none that had a CPS case unless there was a problem in the home.

The only ones I've known with an open CPS case was because of suspected/reported abuse or neglect that bears constant supervision. And those parents lived with the threat of losing their kids if they didn't walk the straight and narrow.

I would like to add a quick note to everyone posting here. It is a pleasure to share ideas here, whether we agree or agree to disagree everyone has been so respectful of each other and caring for/about the babies has been kept as a focus. (Except understandably when O.M. does something new and crazier.):blowkiss:
yup. ITA
While I know that positive tb skin tests do not always mean TB, please know that in America we are having outbreaks of small pox, polio, whooping cough and other child hood diseases that we had all but erradicated. WHy? Illegal aliens and immigrants are NOT vaccinated for these diseases so they sneak over and then expose our children with these diseases again. Just another reason we need stiffer border patrol. These nannies are all from spanish speaking countries and I would be willing to bet probably illegal. That being said I would also bet that Merry Poppins hires them (obviously) and does NOT have them tested. I would like to know what kind of a screening and background check Merry Poppins actually does? I know I would NOT let them watch my children.

Link please showing me where the stats are indicating that immigrants are reinfecting the US with the illnesses listed above? Beyond that I take issue with the assumption that spanish speaking women are "probably illegals" simply because they are from spanish speaking countries.

I will join in the outrage however if it is shown that Merry Poppins is breaking the law.

To me the salient point is that Suleman had a prior relationship with the company that is providing her with nannies. Unless there were misprints, she has used them in the past with her 6 children. I doubt she is paying them anywhere near the amount that is speculated simply because their name is in the press and the media attention is priceless...I am sure it is part of her contract. SO I am curious as to the paper trail with her money period and whether the state has discontinued her food stamps.
I don't know if the site I got this from is OK to link so I'm just going to post this letter

(article is snipped letter is posted as found.) Someone should forward this to Nadya come to think of it I think I will...

"This reminds me of the advice given by the surviving Dionne Quintuplets shortly after the birth of the McCaughey septuplets in 1997."

Dear Bobbi and Kenny,

If we emerge momentarily from the privacy we have sought all our adult lives, it is only to send a message to the McCaughey family. We three would like you to know we feel a natural affinity and tenderness for your children. We hope your children receive more respect than we did. Their fate should be no different from that of other children. Multiple births should not be confused with entertainment, nor should they be an opportunity to sell products.

Our lives have been ruined by the exploitation we suffered at the hands of the government of Ontario, our place of birth. We were displayed as a curiosity three times a day for millions of tourists. To this day we receive letters from all over the world. To all those who have expressed their support in light of the abuse we have endured, we say thank you. And to those who would seek to exploit the growing fame of these children, we say beware.

We sincerely hope a lesson will be learned from examining how our lives were forever altered by our childhood experience. If this letter changes the course of events for these newborns, then perhaps our lives will have served a higher purpose.

Sincerely, Annette, Cecile and Yvonne Dionne

"As published in Time Magazine, December 1, 1997."
missmybaby, that letter should be sent to all the "mega families". It offers wisdom from people who experienced the "fishbowl" lives.

I rarely hear anything of the McCaughey's. Are they maintaining a low profile or don't I pay attention?
missmybaby, that letter should be sent to all the "mega families". It offers wisdom from people who experienced the "fishbowl" lives.

I rarely hear anything of the McCaughey's. Are they maintaining a low profile or don't I pay attention?
they say they only do a couple of media events per yr now;one is their yrly interview with 'Aunt' Ann Curry (perhaps why Nadya did her interview with her?),and I think the other is that they appear in Ladies' Home Journal around the kids' b-days every yr.very reasonable to me,and Ann has become somewhat of an aunt to them,lol.
since they did accept public donations,they said they didn't want to tell the public,'thanks,but you can't see them'.they also recorded a children's album,and Bobbi did some patterns for McCall's children's clothes,which I would consider 'work',and not the same thing Nadya is doing.I think they sponsor a family of multiples as well.
they say they only do a couple of media events per yr now;one is their yrly interview with 'Aunt' Ann Curry (perhaps why Nadya did her interview with her?),and I think the other is that they appear in Ladies' Home Journal around the kids' b-days every yr.very reasonable to me,and Ann has become somewhat of an aunt to them,lol.
since they did accept public donations,they said they didn't want to not tell the public,'thanks,but you can't see them'.they also recorded a children's album,and Bobbi did some patterns for McCall's children's clothes,which I would consider 'work',and not the same thing Nadya is doing.I think they sponsor a family of multiples as well.

I'll have to google them and see what's out there, but so far as I've seen, they're "non pimping" kind of folks? I believe that Nadya may have agreed to Ann Curry and the original publicist so as not to show her real greed. I just don't believe she can overcome what she thinks she deserves (as far as media attention and money is concerned). I don't know what the "lessor of two evils" is concering Nadya, but I'd rather not feed her narcissistic tendencies and would rather "google" the McCaughey's. :twocents:
Sleuthers -- other than the link shown above by Boyz_Mum, things have been pretty quiet on the Octomom front. Even Radaronline has stopped its daily video interview with Nadya (although I am sure they will continue posting it on a less frequent basis). I am hoping that this lack of media attention will result in:
1. Octomom spending time mothering and bonding with the babies.
2. Octomom coming up with something to bring her back the attention she craves.
3. Octomom flipping out.
4. All of the above.
5. None of the above.

Whatever happens, I am sure Kaiser's social workers are keeping track of the family and quietly watching what is going on.
I wonder how many of these hospital employees had been contacted by papparazzi to dig up info?

I wonder how many of these hospital employees had been contacted by papparazzi to dig up info?


I don't know if I read it in the article or heard it on fancast, but the hospital speculated that it didn't appear to be related to anyone wanting to "sell the story", they thought (or so they said) that they belive the workers were just being nosey about the octo father.

The article said Octomom doesn't plan on suing, but I have a hard time believing that.

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