Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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What an absolute trainwreck. It's hard to watch the videos for the embarrassment I feel listening to her backpedal . . . or watching the dagger looks of rage on her face when she is put on the spot.

I think there will be as much monetary benefit for Octomom in the current state of "negative" publicity as positive. People will pay as much, if not more, for the thrill of disgust and hatred Octomom inspires. She is a celebrity, her face is becoming as much an icon as Casey Anthony's.

She has her money and her recognition and "infamy". To a narcissist like her, it's all the same. Obviously, by reading her response to the *advertiser censored* offer, she was titillated rather than offended and chagrined. She seemed to miss the fact that "freak *advertiser censored*" was the purpose of Vivid's offer. Hello!! All she could come up with was to make her "baby fat" an excuse. Good lord!!

Nadya has until MIDNIGHT tonight to accept offer.

I have my doubts this p*ycho will accept Angels offer for FREE HOUSING & CHILD CARE.

I think its probably for the best because then these children can be adopted out eventually and have some semblance of a normal upbringing. She's stupid enough not to accept what I deem an amazing gift / offer, then she should not be a mother. Just my opinion as always.
It only gets worse, doesn't it?
She believes a four bedroom home will be suficient. She likes it cozy? That's not cozy that's a cage.
What has she been doing the past months. Why hasn't she prepared for any of this?
She really believed the American public would shower her with donations and gifts when she became "Mother of the Year."
Her interviews are not helping her one bit. Every time she spouts her plans, she is making a fool of herself and turning public opinion against herself.
The only solution I can see is for CPS to step in and take charge of at least the 8 infants as they prepare to leave the hospital.
I just finished watching part two of her interview with Dr Phil, and all I can say is that I think she's worse than nukkin phuts. IMO She has no regard for the truth or respect for other people's intelligence or their needs.

At the end, he reports that she called him after the last interview and told him how she had cried for the first time, realizes she made a mistake (followed by reminding us that everyone makes mistakes :rolleyes:) and (for the 50th time) said she realizes she needs to learn to let go and accept people's help.

WTH? Who does she think she's fooling? It's been clear even through his interviews that she feels no compunction about using people and has been doing so for years.

She is clearly conceding only what she is forced to to manipulate and to milk what she can out of people to serve her. I can't believe Phil doesn't know this, which makes his advice for us to send money to her very irresponsible in my view. :(
Something she said set off the sleuth in me... She said that she could have worked! She said she begged them to let her work. :confused:

Now, am I crazy, or was she not fighting to maintain her disability status? Didn't they send a PI to watch her even?

It was also reported that she even filed against her employer again later, over a wreck she had - saying they were responsible because it was on her way to a doctor's appointment for the first injury.

Do you all think it would do any good to let Phil know what we think about all this and his advice?
Yup the one and the same SallyLu! He will be going there in the fall. Unfortunately, we will be moving further southwest at the same time. We are headed down to Fort Bliss for 10 months. Then who knows? Maybe back here?

Errr, just realized summat and maybe now's not a good time to mention it but Dr Phil attended UNT - not for music though!!!!

Dr Phil is losing what little creds he had in my eyes. Where is Jerry Springer when you need him??????
God, she spouts off a bunch of bullcrap when she speaks. It's buzzword after buzzword, without really saying anything. She reminds me of my friend who is addicted to self-help books.

For what it's worth, I didn't think her house looked that bad. Overcrowded and untidy, maybe, but I expected cockroaches and rats from the stories I'd heard.
God, she spouts off a bunch of bullcrap when she speaks. It's buzzword after buzzword, without really saying anything. She reminds me of my friend who is addicted to self-help books.

For what it's worth, I didn't think her house looked that bad. Overcrowded and untidy, maybe, but I expected cockroaches and rats from the stories I'd heard.

In the link above to Radaronline, Nadya kept repeating the buzzwords like you said. I was listening and she lost me somewhere around the negative about negativity, and her perspective... LORD! I could see her lips moving but I couldn't understand one point she was trying to make.

She totally lives in the land of Unicorns.
In the link above to Radaronline, Nadya kept repeating the buzzwords like you said. I was listening and she lost me somewhere around the negative about negativity, and her perspective... LORD! I could see her lips moving but I couldn't understand one point she was trying to make.

She totally lives in the land of Unicorns.

I thought the same thing!!
Something she said set off the sleuth in me... She said that she could have worked! She said she begged them to let her work. :confused:

Now, am I crazy, or was she not fighting to maintain her disability status? Didn't they send a PI to watch her even?

It was also reported that she even filed against her employer again later, over a wreck she had - saying they were responsible because it was on her way to a doctor's appointment for the first injury.

Do you all think it would do any good to let Phil know what we think about all this and his advice?

I don't know, but I just sent him a letter telling him I wouldn't donate to help her raise all these children until a complete psychological work up was done that could guarantee she was mentally fit to raise them. To me, that's huge. If she's not fit, then their Childrens' Protective Service or whatever they call it needs to step in.

I think the public needs to be assured this woman is capable of raising these children with positive outcomes.

Something's just missing with her. She doesn't get it. You can't raise children while living in La La Land.
As Dr. Phil said, "these are not dolls."

ps. Anytime you have 6 children & 2 adults living in a 2 bedroom home, the living conditions are deplorable.
As a social worker in a NICU (east coast) I can say there is NO way in hell, if this were in our hospital, that CPS would not be contacted to make the assessment as to whether or not these children are at potential risk. Even in a licensed daycare there has to a 1:3 ratio. Her own brood is 1 (possibly 2, if her mother hangs in there,) to 14! Unsafe is an understatement.
the message board at Dr. Phils is spewing out hatred for this woman like I've never seen... well, other than for KC. A. She is just fueling the fire to ensure those children WILL be removed. And they have video proof to show the judge her 'choices' in life & priorities.
the message board at Dr. Phils is spewing out hatred for this woman like I've never seen... well, other than for KC. A. She is just fueling the fire to ensure those children WILL be removed. And they have video proof to show the judge her 'choices' in life & priorities.

Do you have a link? I don't know the good doctor's web address. Thanks PC!:)
Thanks PattyCake! I ended up finding it (who would have thought it would be as simple as drphil.com?) LOL!

As I started reading, the page number grew by about 10 pages! Apparently we all have lots to say about octomom?

I am beginning to think that either way Nadya will not be able to take these children home due to the level of hatred toward her. It sounds like some people would take things into their own hands. Well, then she can always go into hiding for 2 days to stay safe. :p
I am beginning to think that either way Nadya will not be able to take these children home due to the level of hatred toward her. It sounds like some people would take things into their own hands. Well, then she can always go into hiding for 2 days to stay safe. :p

I'm not sure which nail salon she'll hide in this time? :crazy:
This psychotic, delusional, grossly self-absorbed, pathological-lying, child-neglecting, insane, ungrateful, manipulative, psycho deserves every ounce of hatred that is being spewed at her,, and then some. She needs to be investigated for FRAUD--- NOW!!! ..using disability payments FROM HARD-WORKING TAXPAYERS and school loans for her supposed 'injury' (..??) and 'schooling' (did she really even go to school? ...probably all lies like everything else!).. to have all these pregnancies, hoard children, have surgery on her face to make her look like a deranged, blubber-lipped duck, endless manicures, mind-blowingly expensive IVF surgeries... livin' the Hollywood High Life while her poor long-suffering mom picks up the pieces,, her dad has to go to risk his life in Iraq to make money,, and she has not worked a day since she started poppin' 'em out!! And being a total biatch to her mom on top of all of it for trying to talk some sense into her (and saying what the whole world is thinking!).. and to add insult to injury, the mom is LOSING HER HOUSE because of all this. And Octo-P couldn't care less,, still indignant and with an undeserved sense of entitlement. It's all just too insane. And those poor sickly-looking little children who did not ask for such a life, ones which they will surely be facing disabilities... all for this warped woman's greed......!!! She and her poor excuse for a 'doctor' need to be made to be accountable for their actions. I hope the American people will not let them get away with this.. and there is NO WAY these babies should go home with her! This is taking 'playing God' way too far. HELLO--- THERE IS A *REASON* THAT WOMEN DO NOT HAVE 'LITTERS' OF EIGHT BABIES in the natural world!!!
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