Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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Fantasy Island! Good one!

I wanted to mention five other things that I noticed in one of the Radar videos (the title of the segment I refer to has to do with "Nadya discusses" or something to that effect.)

When the topic of plastic surgery came up, immediately Nadya seemed to drone on about her weight and it was as though she were addressing her baby belly fat, rather than her speculated facial changes. She was avoiding the "subject" completely.

Also, her diatribe about "accepting help", she seemed rather convinced that hoardes of people were going to be volunteering for 6-9 months (Octo Grandma seemed to try hard to wake her up to the reality of it all and Nadya wouldn't let what Gram was saying sink in...) Nadya has to "let go" of something and accept help, according to Nadya. What is she going to do if no help is forthcoming?

When she got to the part of a bigger house, she seems to have herself convinced that she is getting a home out of all this, yet she hasn't spoken a word of accepting "Angels in Waitings" offer of help? THEN when Octogram brought her back to earth in regards to house size, Nadya says that a 4 bedroom house will be fine. I believe that a 3 bedroom home can be made to accomodate all the children for a little while- not forever but it can be done. But my real point is why haven't they spent ANY time to try to upgrade the current house to show they're trying??? I know 6 cribs in one bedroom seems insane, but can't 2 preemies be in one crib for a portion of their infancy? (I am asking because it seems that by placing the babies in close proximity it could be good for their bonding- as they were in the womb?) Sorry, I went on a rant and went off track.

One more thing... I can't STAND the way that Octomom glares at OctoGrandma. It makes her look like she's insane (or like a 4 year old not getting her way)...
You're very welcome. :)

I'm not very good at sleuthing...I'm better at coming up with weird theories and throwing them out there :) but anything I can do to bring y'all closer to the action in this case means I'm giving back, at least just a little.

My daughter's car is down and will be until she saves up the money to get it fixed (she finally got a full-time job!) so I'm having to take her to work.
What usually is an 11-12 minute drive each way has turned into a 20+ minute drive each way as we have the detour to contend with.

I took my little Kodak digi with me yesterday in hopes of getting close enough to get pics. Nope......cars lined up to the curve starting the cul-de-sac. A real bottle-neck situation for residence of that street.
When I saw that, I felt guilty for even taking my camera thinking of getting a pic or two. How dare I impose on that neighborhood.
If I should be in the area and it's clear or at least a bit clearer of traffic than it has been and I won't be in a position of being paparazzi-like, I will take a few shots.

I DO Know I can't stand in line at the bank, at the grocery store or at Michael's crafts without people all around me talking about the Octomom.
I want sooo badly to turn around and shout..."IT'S NOT about the MOM...it's about 8 Precious, Helpless Babies!"
But I hold my tongue. :)
The Angels in Waiting offer supposedly expired at midnight last night...any news regarding whether she ever even contacted them? The babies are one month old and she has not even cleared a room in her house yet or been out shopping for at least a couple of cribs? What she actually needs is someone to take her step by step and say today we need to go get this taken care of, then tomorrow we need to do this, etc. Even with all that stuff piled around the house... I have seen no stacks of diaper packs or formula cases. There may be some hand me down blankets and sleepers and such but they can't be in good shape after 6 older kids and not nearly enough for 8 babies. Most moms are so excited that they have the room ready and stocked by about the 6th month of pregnancy, even when they are working and taking care of other kids themselves. Even with a good income and planning ahead most moms of multiples would be in a super charged mode of action to be getting all of this stuff done and ready and still spend a few hours at the NICU. I worry so much for all of these 14 children...no one seems able to prepare to meet any of their day to day needs!
Amity, have you heard anybody speaking out about wanting to help her at all? Has there been any offers for anything the babies will need from any stores around there or any churces etc sending offers for help?

It would be very interesting to hear from any of the nurses that are taking care of the babies to hear what they have to say about how this woman is when she's with the babies and the cameras aren't on.

He is known for being very aggressive and developed a procedure that stitches the embryo under the uterine lining.
His success rate is extremely poor and he is not on the radar as one of the better docs in beverly Hills.
IMO, he boosted his numbers with her, because without her he probably would have no success rate at all.

One thing that Nadya is probably NOT aware of is that the NICU nurses notes will keep a record of how often she visits and how much time she spends holding or caring for each of the babies. While she states in interviews that she holds each for 45 minutes a day, that is doubtful because with the time it takes to move the babies in and out of the isolettes and get them settled into someone's lap to hold them for 45 minutes would mean at least an hour per baby and that would mean EIGHT hours a day at the NICU. With her multiple interviews and nail salons and shopping, it is obvious that this story is not true.
One thing that Nadya is probably NOT aware of is that the NICU nurses notes will keep a record of how often she visits and how much time she spends holding or caring for each of the babies. While she states in interviews that she holds each for 45 minutes a day, that is doubtful because with the time it takes to move the babies in and out of the isolettes and get them settled into someone's lap to hold them for 45 minutes would mean at least an hour per baby and that would mean EIGHT hours a day at the NICU. With her multiple interviews and nail salons and shopping, it is obvious that this story is not true.

Thank goodness for note taking!

Just found this online:


We do not know why Suleman is not accepting the offer, but at a news conference later today, famed L.A. attorney Gloria Allred and "Angels in Waiting" founder, Linda West-Conforti, are expected to describe in detail disturbing conversations with Nadya and why they believe that she was not willing to accept their offer. Ms. Allred will also comment on what she believes should happen next.

Gloria got her soapbox out!
No big shock that she didn't accept, I guess. It would mean relinquishing "control", and people, Octomom has a fantasy she is determined to manifest.

She's gonna steer her ship right onto the rocks, all by herself. Trying to make reality bend to her fantasy.

Having those 8 babies all at once must have been INTOXICATING narcissistic supply . . . she must have a virtual ton of confidence that if she can squirt 8 babies out at once, she can do anything.

This is a narcissist in rare form here . . . media attention, albeit negative, is attention after all . . . a feat of "motherhood" that no other woman has achieved -- much less achieved ALONE (no man). Octomom is living it up in top form. Her extreme confidence is a force of nature. I can't stop watching for a minute.
OK - reality check. The Family Courts in CA would not give Mr. zig any custody, only visitation, because he moved to a one bedroom apartment pending divorce. THEY WOULD NOT ALLOW OVERNIGHTS. Even if Mr. zig said, I'll sleep on the floor, boy gets the couch, girl the bed (boy is 13, girl is 10) - no way. (by the way, if the kids had a sleepover with a friend with a single Dad, it would have been OK for them to sleep on the floor at a friend's house). Oh, and there's more...even if he put beds in the living room, NOT OK.

So, the fact that any CPS would even THINK about 14 children in a three bedroom home is totally beyond me.
Breaking News - this - just in....

"At one month old, the babies are doing well," Mandhir Gupta, MD., Neonatologist at Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center tells ET. "They are alert and responsive to the care our nurses are providing them. In fact, we are slowly introducing them to nipple or bottle feeding a few times a day, and they're getting better and better at coordinating sucking, swallowing and breathing. Our nurses can't help but smile as each in turn gets stronger."

Please see link for all the story.


Hmmmm, to me it's what's not said that concerns me..... The nurses are mentioned but what about Octomum and now that I think about it why hasn't she been giving us updates?
Another hefty cost for the taxpayers,having law enforcement constatntly at this home. The bill is growing and the other children aren't even out of the hospital. I keep asking where is this big house that Octogramp's referred to,where no one would ever find them !!!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I, too, have been asking WHERE IS THAT HUGE HOUSE, Mr Doud (btw why is Nadya last name different than her father's but same as her mother's) said that they had but w, the public would never find?? Please someone tell me. WHy don;t they sell THAT house and pay for the one they are being foreclosed on? Or Better yet, go live in that huge house ? Is it in the USA or elsewhere? Surely someone can find out IF, in fact, this was not a LIE.
One thing that Nadya is probably NOT aware of is that the NICU nurses notes will keep a record of how often she visits and how much time she spends holding or caring for each of the babies. While she states in interviews that she holds each for 45 minutes a day, that is doubtful because with the time it takes to move the babies in and out of the isolettes and get them settled into someone's lap to hold them for 45 minutes would mean at least an hour per baby and that would mean EIGHT hours a day at the NICU. With her multiple interviews and nail salons and shopping, it is obvious that this story is not true.

Yes, they do. Very good notes in fact. Our twins that were born at 29 weeks, were left by their biomom at the hospital. She gave birth, was released and never went back. UNTIL, she got notice from CPS and DCS that she had to attend a 72 hour hearing. While the NICU nurses took notes, the social worker that worked for the hospital did not. At least not very good ones. So while we were finishing up our paperwork and instruction on how to care for 29 week preemies, in order to take them home and into foster care, biomom was lying ans saying she called to check on the twins. Well it came down to the NICU nurses which KNEW and documented that the biomom nor birthfather or any grandparents or family had visited at all. However since the sw did not note whether biomom actually ever called, these twins were released to go home with biomom. Anyway it worked out and we got them back at 5 months . They were malnourished, failure to thrive and our baby girl was wearing preemie clothes still at 5 months. WIthin a month of us having them they were thriving and gaining lots and lots of weight. So, YES octomom had better be aware, that the nurses in NICU, have definitely been paying attention, to not only all she does or not do, but also to all she may say and any "weird feelings" these nurses may get from her. I have a feeling these babies will be taken into custody of CPS/DCS . I think she may think this as well. WHy else would she not get things ready for babies UNLESS she just assumes American public will give her everything she needs. That could be what she is waiting for. The best offer possible.
Thank goodness for note taking!

Just found this online:


We do not know why Suleman is not accepting the offer, but at a news conference later today, famed L.A. attorney Gloria Allred and "Angels in Waiting" founder, Linda West-Conforti, are expected to describe in detail disturbing conversations with Nadya and why they believe that she was not willing to accept their offer. Ms. Allred will also comment on what she believes should happen next.

Gloria got her soapbox out!

Disturbing details is what scares me. While I had tremendous hope that this was the perfect solution for the children, it is very obvious Nadya has A LOT TO HIDE. Why else not accept? Humm lets see, round the clock highly skilled nurses watching her every move and she'd actually have to take some mental therapy too? YAH THINK she knows if someone's watching 24/7 for at least 6 months that ALL HER CHILDREN would undoubtedly be taken away because of her behaviour.

Once again Nadya, placing YOURSELF before the kids is repulsive and I'm praying to the heavens YOU DO LOSE ALL THESE KIDS. sick _ _ _ _ _
Yes, they do. Very good notes in fact. Our twins that were born at 29 weeks, were left by their biomom at the hospital. She gave birth, was released and never went back. UNTIL, she got notice from CPS and DCS that she had to attend a 72 hour hearing. While the NICU nurses took notes, the social worker that worked for the hospital did not. At least not very good ones. So while we were finishing up our paperwork and instruction on how to care for 29 week preemies, in order to take them home and into foster care, biomom was lying ans saying she called to check on the twins. Well it came down to the NICU nurses which KNEW and documented that the biomom nor birthfather or any grandparents or family had visited at all. However since the sw did not note whether biomom actually ever called, these twins were released to go home with biomom. Anyway it worked out and we got them back at 5 months . They were malnourished, failure to thrive and our baby girl was wearing preemie clothes still at 5 months. WIthin a month of us having them they were thriving and gaining lots and lots of weight. So, YES octomom had better be aware, that the nurses in NICU, have definitely been paying attention, to not only all she does or not do, but also to all she may say and any "weird feelings" these nurses may get from her. I have a feeling these babies will be taken into custody of CPS/DCS . I think she may think this as well. WHy else would she not get things ready for babies UNLESS she just assumes American public will give her everything she needs. That could be what she is waiting for. The best offer possible.

Yes she does expect the offers and indeed she is getting some. This is what she banked on and it is happening. It makes me sick. I am glad the hospital appears to be trying to initiate scrutiny.

HLN is reporting that octo-mom rejected the offer from angels in waiting. I'll try to find a link, it's just something a talking head said on TV for now.
Yes my time and my visits were documented when my preemie was in NICU. I saw that they even wrote about my demeanor with my son. As in "Mother stroking child, mother showing love and care for child, Mother speaks to child" But that was 18 yrs ago.
I got a Pell grant for my first year, ( earned scholarships off of my grades for my following years)... but the grant only covered 50% of my cost. Now, there were some single parents there that got grants and free daycare, that were state funded (but not Pell) and in the middle of the semester whatever was left over that they didn't use for books and tuition, they got it as money to do whatever they wanted with. Never failed, midway through the semester, people started coming into class dressed to the nines, because their unused grant money came in. So... I can guess Nadya probably got other grants, as well. Being a single parent with 6 kids, of which 3 are disabled... oh, and she is disabled... well the state of Cali probably financed not only her breeding choices, but cosmetic surgery choices, as well.
I have a feeling these babies will be taken into custody of CPS/DCS . I think she may think this as well. WHy else would she not get things ready for babies...

I agree. I think she is privately flip-flopping between holding out for a miracle deal and finally waking up to the fact that these babies are not going home with her under any circumstances. I think somewhere in her mind she knows that she cannot handle this situation even with help. Also, she wants to be in control (according to Dr. Phil interview aired yesterday 2-26-09) and that is just not possible. One more example of unrealistic thinking.

Sure would like to know what the "disturbing details" are.

"At a news conference later today, Gloria Allred will reveal "disturbing conversations" with Nadya Suleman that will provide some insight into why the mother of the octuplets born last month rejected a deal with Angels in Waiting for help. The deadline ended at midnight last night and Suleman opted to not accept the one offer of help she has received after much begging on her part."

Reminds me of that scene in Jerry McQuire...Show me the money, SHOW me the money, SHOW ME the money, SHOW ME THE money, SHOW ME THE MONEY!
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