Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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I can't condone the behavior (for the sake of the kids) but I can't figure out what reaction "Octomom" expected? I can guess she thought everyone would celebrate?

More and more I am prone to think that Nadya lives in the land of unicorns. :banghead:
I think she thought everyone would say 'oh,look there,a poor, single mom w six kids now has 8 more...poooooor thing...we MUST help her!!'
I think she thought everyone would say 'oh,look there,a poor, single mom w six kids now has 8 more...poooooor thing...we MUST help her!!'

Yep. And she just feuls the fire with the things she says and buys. I wonder how it would have been if she was a good mother and spent all of her time between the hospital and six at home. I would still be angry she had eight on purpose while on welfare, but it would be easier to "move on" and want to help I think. (hmmm, those are her words, right? move on?)

I read somewhere that the first two may come home today. I am guessing they didn't since we haven't heard. I am going to guess that with anyone else they would have brought two home, but she surely wasn't ready and was able to delay it.
Oh I forgot to mention about the Dr Phil show. She mentioned how much she needed furniture for the new house and would welcome any donations!
If it's true she spent $1,000 for new make-up, maybe she should have visited a few thrift stores instead.

I used to watch and enjoy Jon and Kate Plus 8 (I'm not such a fan anymore...they no longer seem to try to give their kids "normal" lives; now all they do is things most normal families can't do, like take lavish vacations and buy million-dollar homes), and in the early years Kate would go grocery shopping during the babies' nap. Although she had a short period of time to shop before getting home to the waking babies, she really seemed to enjoy the break. This was before the nannies that she seems to have around all the time, when she was offered help by family and friends (and really seemed to appreciate the help). My goodness...I didn't realize I had such issues with J&K+8!

Yet, here is Nadya, who seems to get a lot of "me" time, even though she has six kids at home already!

My little one, who is 13 months old, is getting over a bad fever (including ear infection and strep throat). She spent the better part of the weekend being held because she cried whenever we tried to put her down. And I mean the better part...Mr. Mr. E and I got very little sleep because the baby cried whenever we lay her down. So what is Nadya going to do when one of her babies (or more) are sick and feverish and just want to be held? Sit up in a rocking chair at two in the morning holding eight babies? Can you imagine 14 kids with the stomach flu????

Weren't there a set of quintuplets years and years ago that were exploited by their family? The Dion quints or something like that? (I hope I'm not confusing different families".) I even have some paper dolls of them. IIRC they were put on display and even in circuses? Does anybody know who I'm talking about? It almost seems that is what some families are doing today.
yes the Dion girls were terribly exploited!! They were never bonded with their family, Dr kept them and pretty much put them on display and years later when the family got custody back their father did the same thing. They were in Canada.

Weren't there a set of quintuplets years and years ago that were exploited by their family? The Dion quints or something like that? (I hope I'm not confusing different families".) I even have some paper dolls of them. IIRC they were put on display and even in circuses? Does anybody know who I'm talking about? It almost seems that is what some families are doing today.

Bold by me

NO NOT exploited by their family. Years ago in Canada there was a natural birth of quintuplets and the government took them from the family with NO reason at all. These are the only children on record to be IDENTICAL 5 children. Meaning 1 embryo split into 5.

They kept the children for a long time and a 'doctor' studying them built a home with a viewing area for the public to come and watch the children. It was horrible and a terrible scare on the Canadian government. The home was called Quintland.

They were eventually returned to their family. But I don't think it was until the girls were about 10 yrs old. :(
Patty wasn't it the father who had them performing in the circus after they gained custody? If I recall correctly they had older siblings but were never really embraced by them, the older children seemed to be jealous. It was sad all the way around.
Here's a link I found that mentions their claims of abuse by the father.

Oh I forgot to mention about the Dr Phil show. She mentioned how much she needed furniture for the new house and would welcome any donations!
If it's true she spent $1,000 for new make-up, maybe she should have visited a few thrift stores instead.


It wasn't just ANY make-up..It was MAC! Sheesh!! I can't even afford Maybelline...LOL (TMZ has video of her at the MAC counter at Nordstrums buying the make-up)
Patty wasn't it the father who had them performing in the circus after they gained custody? If I recall correctly they had older siblings but were never really embraced by them, the older children seemed to be jealous. It was sad all the way around.
Here's a link I found that mentions their claims of abuse by the father.


Hmmmm, just going by memories of the stories I read long ago. I actually thought the parents kept the children away from the world. But again, that's just memory on my part, not fact.

I know some of the women made a movie about it in the late 1980's or something? A couple of them died young and the 3 remaining I think lived out their lives together.

But what I do remember is that it was a supreme tragedy that the government took these children for no reason. This was a family that had extended family help for the babies (UNLIKE Nadya). And the Canadian government exploited those children.

Maybe the father never bonded with the kids since they were returned so many years later.. and he saw them as a meal ticket too?

What I do remember of the story is that it didn't seem any of the women lead successful happy lives. I wonder if that's what Nadya's childrens' future holds too?
Kate had a free tummy tuck and I think a free breast lift? I can't remember. I just remember that it was free to her. I'm sure Nadya will expect the same. There seems to be some kind of entitlement that some parents of multiples assume they deserve. Of all the shows about mass multiples I've seen, what are the freebies? Houses, diapers, college educations, etc., etc. Nadya will no doubt want it all (and more!).

On a brighter note, Baby Mr. E is feeling much better today. Her fever is down, her energy is up,and she's eating (and keeping down) crackers and fruit. I just got word from my other half (who is staying home with her this morning) that she's playing and getting into all kinds of trouble, so that's good news. It's been a loooong weekend, so I hope that by the time it's my turn to take her this afternoon, she'll be ready for a nap!

ugh, I want one!
just kidding,,,,,, kinda. :)

I'm happy the babe's doing better.
On the Today show this morning they showed Octomom bringing home her first two. The media was insane, everyone crowding around the car and screaming. The driver had to get out and tell everyone to back off. I said "That poor woman," thinking about how we brought home Baby Mr. E a little over a year ago, and it was such a serene and peaceful time. I told Baby Mr. E, "Here is your home. Here is your neighborhood. When you get bigger, you'll ride your bike here." etc. etc. And Octomom just had nothing but noise and chaos.

My husband said, "Hey, it's what she wanted, right? All that attention?"

And it's true. As my mother always said, "You've made your bed, now lie in it."

And anyway, those babies had better get used to noise and chaos, right? Even without the media surrounding them 24/7, they've got 6 older brothers and sisters in the house.
I don't think my opinion is going to be very popular, but I don't think Nadya is doing this for attention. I do not believe it was her intention to have 8 babies, but she did, and I think people need to understand that there are no other surviving octuplets. This would have been a media frenzy even if she wasn't a single mom to 6 other children. As I recall, when the news was released Nadya requested privacy and her name out of the media. But, I think after realizing she needed money to raise all these children she had no other choice than to sell their story. I think she is a very personable woman and I wish her the best.
I don't think my opinion is going to be very popular, but I don't think Nadya is doing this for attention. I do not believe it was her intention to have 8 babies, but she did, and I think people need to understand that there are no other surviving octuplets. This would have been a media frenzy even if she wasn't a single mom to 6 other children. As I recall, when the news was released Nadya requested privacy and her name out of the media. But, I think after realizing she needed money to raise all these children she had no other choice than to sell their story. I think she is a very personable woman and I wish her the best.

Any single mom with no job, on food stamps, using student loans to live on, who already has six children and goes for more through costly IVF (here's where the choice came in), is lacking common sense and any sense of reality or personal responsibility, imo, as evidenced by her shameless expectation that others pick up the slack for these poor babes. Forseeable that it would get a lot of attention and if she hadn't wanted that, she would not have done what she did. That is true even if the IVF had only produced one child, let alone eight. Couple that with plastic surgery and $1000 cosmetic buys, etc., and I call her a vain, greedy, selfish, immature, unbalanced woman who is exploiting the fact that people want to help these innocent children. She is absolutely disgusting, and not as "personable" as she should be either, imo, under the circumstances.

Any single mom with no job, on food stamps, using student loans to live on, who already has six children and goes for more through costly IVF (here's where the choice came in), is lacking common sense and any sense of reality or personal responsibility, imo, as evidenced by her shameless expectation that others pick up the slack for these poor babes. Forseeable that it would get a lot of attention and if she hadn't wanted that, she would not have done what she did. That is true even if the IVF had only produced one child, let alone eight. Couple that with plastic surgery and $1000 cosmetic buys, etc., and I call her a vain, greedy, selfish, immature, unbalanced woman who is exploiting the fact that people want to help these innocent children. She is absolutely disgusting, and not as "personable" as she should be either, imo, under the circumstances.


There is no proof that she got plastic surgery or spent $1000 at MAC. I don't consider TMZ to be a reliable news source. I agree with your opinion of her actions. However, I feel what is done is done and there is no going back and changing her choice to use IVF to have another child.
I can't imagine any other reason than attention-getting for a single, jobless woman with six kids to implant 6 embryos. Except for money. She sees people like the Duggars and the Gosselins with big, nice houses taking lavish vacations (Disney World, skydiving, Grand Canyon, skiiing, etc, etc), and thinks "Hey, I could do that. All I need is a bunch more kids. Six is nothing. 12, though! 12 will get me what I want!" Then she got two extra, which, in her eyes, was probably just more money.

No sane person in her situation would bring more babies into this world for any other reason. She didn't have the time, energy, or money for the original six!
I don't think my opinion is going to be very popular, but I don't think Nadya is doing this for attention. I do not believe it was her intention to have 8 babies, but she did, and I think people need to understand that there are no other surviving octuplets. This would have been a media frenzy even if she wasn't a single mom to 6 other children. As I recall, when the news was released Nadya requested privacy and her name out of the media. But, I think after realizing she needed money to raise all these children she had no other choice than to sell their story. I think she is a very personable woman and I wish her the best.

Thanks for your post, it says most of the things I've been thinking, in a kind and gentle way, thank you. I don't claim to begin to understand another person's complex psychological reasons for doing things, but she really couldn't have planned any of this just for the simple reason that no one has ever had suviving octoplets before! Nadya may not be perfect but I'm not perfect so I don't judge her for what she does. I wish her and her children the very best.
There is no proof that she got plastic surgery or spent $1000 at MAC. I don't consider TMZ to be a reliable news source. I agree with your opinion of her actions. However, I feel what is done is done and there is no going back and changing her choice to use IVF to have another child.

Just looking at before and after photos of her is all the proof I need - it is obvious, and I think she looked much better before she changed her features, too! I personally think the MAC allegation is likely true. It fits with the rest and she has earned no benefit of the doubt, all the way around. She is a greedy, obnoxious person. Of course what is done is done, but she is in the public eye because of her own actions and people can comment because of that. Plus she isn't footing her own bills, which makes her subject to all kinds of criticism, much of it deserved, imo. It's not her kids' fault, and I feel for her parents too.

There is no proof that she got plastic surgery or spent $1000 at MAC. I don't consider TMZ to be a reliable news source. I agree with your opinion of her actions. However, I feel what is done is done and there is no going back and changing her choice to use IVF to have another child.

There's several pictures from only a few years back that show a dramatic change in her nose, cheek bones & definitely the lips. There's NO getting around the lips. They are at least 3x's as large as her lips before.

This picture alone shows all the work that she's had done:

If she was so personable, why does the entire world minus .02% hate her? She did the most selfish irresponsible immature thing ever. Have even MORE children when she's HOMELESS (living with parents is homeless at that age, sorry)... no job, 3 kids already disabled,etc.... She's been 'caught' in so many lies I cannot even count any longer.
Weren't there a set of quintuplets years and years ago that were exploited by their family? The Dion quints or something like that? (I hope I'm not confusing different families".) I even have some paper dolls of them. IIRC they were put on display and even in circuses? Does anybody know who I'm talking about? It almost seems that is what some families are doing today.

I'm old enough to remember those five children (sigh). They were exploited in order to afford them. If I remember correctly, the Canadian government actually took over custody of them to help out the mom and dad who were very poor. AT the time it was quite a big deal and the public was very curious about them. As they grew, they were featured in newsreels (weekly black and white films shown at the movies before the main feature).
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