Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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azwriter, I don't know much about those quints, although I've seen old black-and-white phots of them and the set up where people could come observe them. That was before all the social programs that could have aided the parents, right? And before IVF. These were naturally occurring quints -- that is a miracle!

I have heard parents of multiples (i.e. Kate Gosselin) say that they don't exploit their children, but rather they do what is needed to afford their children. Baloney. In some instances (the Gosselins), the public can determine where they live, how the layout of the house is, and even which kids sleep where (and which have their own rooms)! They know everything about those kids...imagine how easy it would be to lure one away by getting them talking about their interests, which are plastered all over TV and the internet.

Some parents of multiples (the McCaugheys, the Dilleys) manage to live quiet, simple lives outside of the spotlight. If, as Kate Gasselin, "infertility creates multiples, so give us a lot of money" (I've paraphrased here), then don't do it if you don't got the cash.

I'm way OT; I've said nothing about Octomom. So I'll say this. I've been thinking of the two homebound babies all day. I hope everyone is doing well.
I don't think my opinion is going to be very popular, but I don't think Nadya is doing this for attention. I do not believe it was her intention to have 8 babies, but she did, and I think people need to understand that there are no other surviving octuplets. This would have been a media frenzy even if she wasn't a single mom to 6 other children. As I recall, when the news was released Nadya requested privacy and her name out of the media. But, I think after realizing she needed money to raise all these children she had no other choice than to sell their story. I think she is a very personable woman and I wish her the best.

I certainly would not attack your opinion, justanordnryday. You have a good heart from what I read here. However, I do take exception to your thought that she did not intend to have eight infants. In my opinion, she was quite knowledgeable about the process of planting the potential babies. She'd been through it before. And her medical history would show she mostly likely would end up with more than one fetus when 6 were planted. I can't give her a pass on those intentions. Like others posting here, I see her as being very irresponsible. Babies, one or more, require income to raise and nurture them. As a mother of 6 already, she had to have been aware of that when she made her decision before she went through the procedure and brought 8 more little ones into her household.
I too wish her and the children (all 14) the best. But, I can't overlook what she's done to her parents, her original 6 and the future of the newborns.
I'm old enough to remember those five children (sigh). They were exploited in order to afford them. If I remember correctly, the Canadian government actually took over custody of them to help out the mom and dad who were very poor. AT the time it was quite a big deal and the public was very curious about them. As they grew, they were featured in newsreels (weekly black and white films shown at the movies before the main feature).

Hey az... my grandmother had news articles from this story is how I learned about most of the Dion quints. The government ripped these children from the family, not to help them out. They couldn't even see the babies for the 1st year+. The parents fought hard to get back custody.

A doctor built Quintland and put them on display so people could come and view them through a long glass barrier. They became a sideshow to say the least.

I think Grandma still has those articles too. Have to ask her about it.
I'm hoping that Dr. Phil has so much egg on his face that he has to personally foot the bill for Angels in Waiting. As the group stated a week ago, they don't have the money to help Nadya and need public donations.

He's contributed to this circus side show & aided in Nadya's celebrity delusions by having her on, wasting air time, 4 shows in less than a month.

God help those children, that's all I can say. I'm so very scared for them.

You think if she'd want the public to change their minds about her, she'd actually sit down with a competent interviewer (ie: Barbara) and show the world her grand plan for these children. But noooooooooooooo, make up is more important.
Hey az... my grandmother had news articles from this story is how I learned about most of the Dion quints. The government ripped these children from the family, not to help them out. They couldn't even see the babies for the 1st year+. The parents fought hard to get back custody.

A doctor built Quintland and put them on display so people could come and view them through a long glass barrier. They became a sideshow to say the least.

I think Grandma still has those articles too. Have to ask her about it.

PattyCake, I hope you can locate those news clips. And, share them here. I bet everyone would like to know more about this situation. It was very sad. But at the time it was a subject that had never been delt with before so I am sure those involved could not see any harm in what they were doing.
I'm hoping that Dr. Phil has so much egg on his face that he has to personally foot the bill for Angels in Waiting. As the group stated a week ago, they don't have the money to help Nadya and need public donations.

He's contributed to this circus side show & aided in Nadya's celebrity delusions by having her on, wasting air time, 4 shows in less than a month.

God help those children, that's all I can say. I'm so very scared for them.

You think if she'd want the public to change their minds about her, she'd actually sit down with a competent interviewer (ie: Barbara) and show the world her grand plan for these children. But noooooooooooooo, make up is more important.

I've been thinking about Dr Phil all night. This is a man who at one time had a license to practice Psychology. This is a man who has a pretty big following from what we've read. I can't put it into words very well, but I am disturbed that this man with the so called training would nurture Nadya's illness in the way that he has. To me it's akin to a sponsor pouring a drink for their alcoholic peer. (KWIM?)

I've also given thought to the IVF doctor. I realize that IVF is a voluntary method to have child/children but what type of oath could this man have taken if he made a choice to implant Nadya with so many embryos? I've never met a doctor who would do such a thing~ who risks a patients life like this? (Back problems not the issue, what about gestational diabetes or toxemia?)

IMO, I am having trouble feeling any sympathy towards the grandparents either. I don't know why but I think they are involved in this up to their eyeballs. It appears that each of them have an agenda.

I really would like to know how much time Nadya spent with her original 6 before the octs. We know she had a week away from the kids at least once a year to have 6 kids under 7 years just to give birth.

I'll continue to pray for the babies and the original 6 children. They didn't choose to be born to a woman with socio tendencies. God help them all.
I certainly would not attack your opinion, justanordnryday. You have a good heart from what I read here. However, I do take exception to your thought that she did not intend to have eight infants. In my opinion, she was quite knowledgeable about the process of planting the potential babies. She'd been through it before. And her medical history would show she mostly likely would end up with more than one fetus when 6 were planted. I can't give her a pass on those intentions. Like others posting here, I see her as being very irresponsible. Babies, one or more, require income to raise and nurture them. As a mother of 6 already, she had to have been aware of that when she made her decision before she went through the procedure and brought 8 more little ones into her household.
I too wish her and the children (all 14) the best. But, I can't overlook what she's done to her parents, her original 6 and the future of the newborns.

Well, I read an interview where she stated that she had multiple embryos implanted previously and the most she ended up with was twins. So, if in fact that is true, then I believe her intentions were not to have high order multiples.
Well, I read an interview where she stated that she had multiple embryos implanted previously and the most she ended up with was twins. So, if in fact that is true, then I believe her intentions were not to have high order multiples.

Her intention was to add at least another mouth to feed to an already too-large brood for which she herself was not providing. She spent money she didn't have to undergo IVF yet again, when she already had more obligations than she could handle. This is insanity - excessive - ridiculous by any stretch of the imagination. It is just amazing she has met up with so many along the way who enable her - the IVF Doc, Dr. Phil and countless others, I'm sure.

I wouldn't believe anything she says in an interview anyway...

Well, I read an interview where she stated that she had multiple embryos implanted previously and the most she ended up with was twins. So, if in fact that is true, then I believe her intentions were not to have high order multiples.

That's like my high school students telling me that yes, they had sex, but their intention wasn't to get pregnant.
Despite my disgust of the selfish and supremely self-centered Nadya, my curiousity got the best of me today and I just watched the new video clips on radar online. I don't know if I am allowed to link to the site, but if you happen to watch the video entitled "Octo-babies inside home", I wanted to point out a portion of the clip that (in my opinion) gives a good glimpse into the mind of a very dangerously immature and narcissistic "mother" of 14.

The video segment in question is the one that begins with her returning home with two of the babies from the hospital (SUV driving into the garage and she's being filmed as they are trying to close the garage door to the other pararazzi). There are at least a dozen very disturbing things about this video segment, but the one that really affected me begins at the 2:58 mark of the video (the entire thing in 5:52 long). Nadya is excitedly entering the bedroom where her mother (Angela) has been trying to get the toddler boy to go to sleep (late Tues. eve). In my opinion, Nadya is bursting with excitement not because two of her precious babies are home from the hospital, but because there is a film crew and photogs are she is the center of attention!! As Nadya enters the bedroom, her beautiful little TWO-YEAR OLD (JUST A BABY HIMSELF), is crying out for Mommy and clearly desperate to be with her. Nadya scoops him up and says HI! Her baby boy reaches for her face and clearly wants some "face to face" time with Mommy, and she pulls her head away from his little hands and just carries on reaching for something in the room. Its only natural that the little boy wants to see Mommy's face and she won't even take 10 seconds to reward him with good eye contact!!!!

Grandma angrily says to her: "Pay attention to your son!! He's been waiting for you a long time". ------->Nadya's response to this??? She seems to GRIT her teeth and says tersely, "I know" and then "I love you, I love you" to the baby in a very fake sing-song voice. In my opinion, she is ANGRY to be reminded that she has another baby who needs her attention desperately!
The Gma goes on to tell Nadya that there are no blankets for 3 of the kids and that they all need to go to bed, and that there is school tomorrow for some of them, etc. Nadya is still in her mental Disneyland. The clip ends and goes back to her with the babies........but its VERY telling and disturbing in my opinion. Please forgive my rambling rant about this, but I am just so saddened by this. I know this was a busy, crazy time with the two babies coming home, but what are the chances that she actually took any time to spend a few quality "face to face" moments with any of her OTHER SIX KIDS in the past few days? Its as if she has already dismissed her two-year old baby boy as "not useful" to her (and don't forget he has a twin baby sister, too). Its all about the cameras and the attention. She's positively giddy about it. A totally sick narcissist. Hint-Hint Nadya----here's where a Daddy would have been critically important! He could be there to comfort and reassure the other kids (including the ones with disabilties and your OTHER TWO-YEAR OLD TWIN BABIES) as the new additions begin to come home.

I again apologize for the long rant, but watch the clip yourself and see if she doesn't remind you of an immature, emotionally unbalanced 12 year old the entire time (my apologies to the majority of level-headed 12 year olds out there). LOOK at how annoyed she seems when her own Mother reminds her to "Pay attention to your son!!". She tries to play the "loving Mom" with the cameras rolling, but the way she grits her teeth and grimaces in response is very, very telling.

My sincerest prayers go out to the innocent children........
Sweet baby boy with your beautiful brown curly hair (I think your name is Caleb)----I hope you know that you are loved and prayed for! You and your brothers and sisters deserve attention and face time with your "parent"....not just toys thrown in your general direction.

Peace, XXOO
-Humbled by the grace of God and the ability of IVF to bring my DH & I our own miracle daughter. :)
Rain, ty for the play by play. I cannot handle viewing anything with that woman, it sickens me to the core. And joking aside, my blood pressure shoots up when I see her face on TV. I've shown my husband on our BP home monitor.

What you've described is scary and true. The 2 yr old is of no use to her. The 8 new ones are supplying her with the financial means & the celeb. status. With her own mother yelling at her, clearly there's a comment that must have been stated about 10000 times over in that house before. If it's something she always does, then it's a wonder her mother lashes out at her.

She is very scary, very very ill and WTH??? I THOUGHT Angels in Waiting REFUSED To allow cameras in the home.

So this crazed nutcase still has all the control and will listen to no one. I'm truly frightened for the lives of those kids.

PS: RAIN, I have a BUNCH of Thin Mints still in my home.... awaiting for someone else to eat them. ;)
She doesn't have enough blankets for all her children?? Is this just because she's not finished unpacking, or what? Blankets are one of those things that you have tons of, isn't it? Not just one for each family member, but extras folded away in cedar chests and closets. How can she not have enough blankets for all her children?
There's several pictures from only a few years back that show a dramatic change in her nose, cheek bones & definitely the lips. There's NO getting around the lips. They are at least 3x's as large as her lips before.

This picture alone shows all the work that she's had done:

If she was so personable, why does the entire world minus .02% hate her? She did the most selfish irresponsible immature thing ever. Have even MORE children when she's HOMELESS (living with parents is homeless at that age, sorry)... no job, 3 kids already disabled,etc.... She's been 'caught' in so many lies I cannot even count any longer.

I was reading through this thread without a very strong opinion, although I thought something has to be wrong with her, until I read this post. Did she really have three children who were already disabled before becoming pregnant again? I didn't know that, and I am sick to hear it. Those original children deserved every bit of her energy, love and attention. My younger sister is disabled, and sometimes that saying..it takes a village...really came into play. I cannot imagine someone being so irresponsible. Bless those little children, and I am glad that there is focus on them at this point anyway to hopefully make sure they are properly cared for.
I was reading through this thread without a very strong opinion, although I thought something has to be wrong with her, until I read this post. Did she really have three children who were already disabled before becoming pregnant again? I didn't know that, and I am sick to hear it. Those original children deserved every bit of her energy, love and attention. My younger sister is disabled, and sometimes that saying..it takes a village...really came into play. I cannot imagine someone being so irresponsible. Bless those little children, and I am glad that there is focus on them at this point anyway to hopefully make sure they are properly cared for.

Yeah Patches, it's been reported and verified. This might not be the best link to provide but there's many news articles (and she admits to it) that 3 of her children receive disability payments from the government. She admits receiving assistance for her special needs children. Wonder why the world hates her and what she's done to all 14 kids, it's just a nightmare.


"In Nadya's view, the money that she gets from the food stamp program ... and the resources disabilities payments she gets for her three children are not welfare," he said. "They are part of programs designed to help people with need, and she does not see that as welfare."

Furtney declined to say what kinds of disabilities the three children have, the Times reported."
Thanks for the link! I guess I've had my head in the sand. I hear Octomom almost everytime I turn on the tv, but I haven't paid a lot of attention to that story. I think she wants to BE Angelina Jolie too. She's definitely not right. I think I will go back to being oblivious now. :eek:
She doesn't have enough blankets for all her children?? Is this just because she's not finished unpacking, or what? Blankets are one of those things that you have tons of, isn't it? Not just one for each family member, but extras folded away in cedar chests and closets. How can she not have enough blankets for all her children?

From what I've been able to gather from other websites and articles:

While the babies' nursery was being fully furnished and decorated, and
while everything from Grandma' house was being packed up and delivered to the new house (and then unpacked, etc.), Nadya was observed:

1. Taking her oldest daughter to Disneyland with the reporter/videographer from radar online (and his money). She also was videoed openly blushing and flirting with this male reporter while talking about long-ago memories of sex. She was very coyly answering questions about sexual desire and "feelings" with the male reporter as she drove them home from Disney at 1 AM with her little girl asleep (we hope!!) in the backseat of the car. :(

2. Getting her nails "re-manicured" at a salon so they would be a shorter length (but also look OK for photos and interviews)

3. Shopping at Target with radar online money. No kids with her.

4. Shopping at Toys R US with radar online money. Nadya's quote: "My kids need new toys for the new house". No kids with her. She bought 1 box of diapers.

5. Buying over $1000 worth of MAC cosmetics with radar online money.

6. Shopping at __fill-in-the-blank___ with radar online money.

7. Taping her new video blog for guess who's website that she is has already sold out her kids to.....

And yes----her Mom was very upset with her that she had done no planning for the older 6 kids in terms of their basic bedding in the new house!!!
It looks like Nadya has not done one lick of work during this big house move and ZERO prep of her own for 14 kids eventually all living there. It has all done for her.........


And yes---in the video of her bringing home the first two Octuplets from the hospital, Nadya has her makeup expertly applied (eyebrows perfectly tweezed, hair done) at 9:30 PM at night. And we're supposed to believe she is a hands-on mom to six kids already...two of which are still BABIES??!! (boy/girl twins--2 years old) and three with verified special needs???

How much does IVF cost? I know it's expensive. The more eggs that are implanted, does that make the cost go up or is there a standard cost? TIA
WITCH! She calls 911 on the PAPARAZZI because they were getting too dangerous at her house????

Isn't this what she wanted? Endless celebrity status?

I hope the cops took their sweet time because these actions truly put these kids in grave danger. The only reason I say that is because CPS needs to go get those kids NOW!!! They need to see for their own eyes the dangerous atmosphere that NADYA created.

So deal with it psycho... and on HLN, she refers to herself as the 'octomom'! OH GOD, I'm so sick for those kids. THEY NEED to be removed immediately. This is disgusting and this is the ATMOSPHERE SHE created for those kids. NO one else is to blame.

Her actions will get someone killed. She created this, no one else!

THIS IS ENOUGH, I MEAN REALLY ENOUGH! WTH does it take for CPS to take any kid? A DEATH I'M SURE!
How much does IVF cost? I know it's expensive. The more eggs that are implanted, does that make the cost go up or is there a standard cost? TIA
Depends, 8 years ago it cost anywhere from $12,000 to $20,000 without insurance, and no there is no cost/egg.
I don't think my opinion is going to be very popular, but I don't think Nadya is doing this for attention. I do not believe it was her intention to have 8 babies, but she did, and I think people need to understand that there are no other surviving octuplets. This would have been a media frenzy even if she wasn't a single mom to 6 other children. As I recall, when the news was released Nadya requested privacy and her name out of the media. But, I think after realizing she needed money to raise all these children she had no other choice than to sell their story. I think she is a very personable woman and I wish her the best.
First of all, she wasn't childless, as many of us with infertility are- she already had 6, 6! children- two of whom are special needs., that she doesn't take care of. Her make-up needs are a priority. Second of all, if she just had to have another child, mind you she is a single mother with no income and living on Welfare (Yes Nadya, food stamps and SSI are welfare), she could have chosen selective reduction when she found out she had multiples, or don't do IVF, or donate the rest of your embryos!!!!!:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
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