WORLDWIDE - Terrorist threats and scares

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ISIS terrorists are preparing for attacks at the World Cup in Russia using drones, it has been claimed.

Sick propaganda has been shared a number of times implying the terror group will target the tournament due to take place in June.

Now chilling images have been shared on the messaging app Telegram which reportedly show preparations for attacks.

They show drones being armed with grenades, missiles and mortars that can be dropped on targets.

Weaponised drones are already being used by ISIS fighters in Syria and Iraq.

They are the cheap kind normally used by filmmakers and hobbyists, but with deadly bombs attached.

I just hope Russia and the security services of other nations are fully prepared for this and strained relations with Russia don't have deadly consequences.
No, America, the face of domestic terrorism is not brown

Of course, Mark Anthony Conditt was a terrorist.

Most of us knew that long before he was cornered in Austin, Texas and cowardly took his own life after killing two people and injuring another--none of whom he knew--with homemade bombs.


Of course, I am aware of the FBI's definition of terrorrism: "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives".

It's that last phrase - " furtherance of political or social ojbectives" that usually prevents police and public officials from describing most American mass killers as "terrorists."

Indeed, Manley refused to label Conditt such, even as the rest of us already knew he was a terrorist.

Until Thursday. On that day, Manley was participating in a panel hosted by Austin's public radio station, KUT-FM . On that day, he admitted Conditt was indeed a terrorist.

"I actually agree now that he was a domestic terrorist for what he did to us," he said. "This is a distinction I wanted to make today."
White Mass Shooters Are Not ‘Lone Wolves,’ and We Must Pay Attention

There is no single definition of terrorism. The following is the FBI definition of domestic terrorism: “Perpetrated by individuals and/or groups inspired by or associated with primarily U.S.-based movements that espouse extremist ideologies of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.” The Department of Defense defines terrorism as: “The calculated use of unlawful violence or threat of unlawful violence to inculcate fear; intended to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.” U.S. law defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.”

White American terrorists are being radicalized, and the so-called lone wolves are actually a pack of wolves, according to Pacific Standard magazine. These white men are talking to each other, going to the same websites, reading the same stories, taking up arms and choosing the same targets for death.
Residents of tiny Clarence seeking answers in wake of terrorism charges

The typical calm in Clarence was interrupted in February, when federal agents swarmed upon a property on North Main Street to search for homemade explosives that an anonymous tipster had claimed would be there. Multiple explosive devices were found, but the occupants of the property said they had no idea the devices were there and that they suspected a neighbor — Michael B. Hari — had placed them there.

That incident was just the beginning.
FBI, Homeland Security warn of more ‘antifa’ attacks

Since well before the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned deadly, DHS has been issuing warnings about the growing likelihood of lethal violence between the left-wing anarchists and right-wing white supremacist and nationalist groups.


In interviews, law enforcement authorities made clear that Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric and policies — first as a candidate and then as president — helped to create a situation that has escalated so quickly and extensively that they do not have a handle on it.
The Terrorism and Extremist Violence in the United States (TEVUS) Database

Examining the Relationship between Population Characteristics, the Presence of Hate Groups and the Presence Violent Far-right Extremists at the County Level, led by Amy Adamczyk, Steven Chermak, and Joshua Freilich, sought to determine whether the presence of hate groups (including white-supremacist groups and black-supremacist groups) and other population characteristics in counties would be significantly related to the likelihood of far-right terrorists residing in those same counties.

Analyses established an empirical and statistically significant link between the presence of white-supremacist hate groups and the residences of far-right terrorists, providing evidence to support a relationship that had often been assumed.

Findings also revealed that far-right terrorists were more likely to live in counties characterized by larger populations and lower levels of trust in others.
“A new poster from ISIS in Indonesia seems to have the terror group setting its sights on several U.S. institutions.

The poster shows an ISIS gunman, under the words Allahu Akbar. He is shooting an automatic weapon up at a devilish figure labeled 'satanic'.

'Satanic' targets include government bodies-- the United Nations and Federal Reserve, news outlet CNN, entertainment outlet Universal Studios as well as NASA.”

Read more:

El Pais

A family of six carried out three suicide attacks on three Christian churches in the Indonesian city of Surabaya on Sunday, killing at least 13 people and injuring 40, official sources said. Police have pointed to a married couple who had returned from Syria with their four children, aged between nine and 18. The Islamic State (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the attack. The police blame the radical group Jamaah Anshar Daulah (JAD), which is similar to ISIS.

Indonesia, the world's largest Muslim-majority country, has seen a recent resurgence of local insurgent groups. This morning's attacks occurred successively at Sunday Mass in a Protestant, a Catholic and a Pentecostal church in Surabaya, the second largest city in the country, in the northeast of the island of Java.

Police have reported that the family who carried out the attacks belonged to the 500 ISIS supporters who had returned to the country from Syria. "The husband drove the car, model Avanza, which contained explosives, and drove it through the front door of the church," East Java police spokesman Frans Barung Mangera told reporters outside the police station in Surabaya. The woman and two daughters, aged nine and 12, were involved in the attack on a second church, and "the other two sons[aged 16 and 18] drove a motorcycle and carried the bomb on their lap," Mangera added.


There are still the usual useful idiots who want to rescue these innocent babies and bring them back to the Western world.... :notgood:
Rukmini Callimachi,
Correspondent for The New York Times covering ISIS.

verified account @rcallimachi

1. Horrific videos and images coming out of Indonesia where there were three back-to-back attacks on churches this Sunday. ISIS has claimed responsibility both on Amaq and in a longer press release:


2. In their bulletin on Amaq, ISIS described the sequential attacks as “martyrdom” operations. In the longer release, they identified three modes of attack including a car bomb, a suicide vest and a motorcycle-borne bomb. Waiting for details from the scene to see if this jives:


3. It bears noting that the holy month of Ramadan is about to begin on Tuesday, a time of prayer for the majority of world’s Muslims. It’s also the period when ISIS and other jihadist groups ramp up attacks. This year’s Ramadan will be indicative of how potent ISIS remains


"The operation resulted in 11 crusaders and curch guards being killed and 41 others being wounded, and all praise is due to Allah"
Paris knife attacker was known to counter-terrorism police

"French officials said the knife-wielding attacker who killed a passerby and injured four others in Paris on Saturday evening had been previously been flagged as a possible security risk and interviewed by counter-terrorist police.
The attacker, named as Khamzat Azimov, 20, struck in one of the most popular areas of the city, near the celebrated opera house and theatres, before before being shot dead by police in Paris.
Police said he was previously interviewed because of his contacts, not his behaviour, and they insisted he had shown no signs of extremism in his everyday life or on social media.
Azimov, was listed as a person susceptible to Islamic radicalisation, but “more for the company he keeps than for his own behaviour, his actions or his opinions”, according to a report in Le Figaro.

French police took the man’s parents into custody on Sunday for questioning about his links to jihadists in Syria and searched the family home in the 18th arrondissement in the north of Paris. One of Azimov’s friends from Strasbourg, where he grew up, was also reportedly detained for questioning.

Azimov struck at random in the busy area of restaurants and theatres near Paris’s Opera Garnier in the city’s second arrondissement, at about 8.50pm local time.
Witnesses said Azimov, who was born in Chechnya, but obtained French nationality in 2010 when his mother was naturalised, arrived at the scene of the attack by metro. He was dressed in black, and carrying a knife."

"Several witnesses claimed the attacker cried “Allahu Akbar” as he lunged at people. This was confirmed by the public prosecutor, François Molins. Isis has claimed responsibility for the attack."

A family of five, including an eight-year-old child, has carried out a bomb attack on a police headquarters in Surabaya, killing at least four people and injuring 10, an Indonesian police official has said

The suicide bombing comes just one day after 13 people were killed in the city during coordinated suicide bombings targeting three churches.
Indonesia church bombings: police say one family and their children behind attacks
Read more

The blast occurred at 8.50am, said East Java police spokesman Frans Barung Mangera. Police confirmed the attack was carried out by a family of five, including an eight-year-old, who drove up to the gates of the police station on two motorcycles and then detonated the explosives at the security checkpoint. The four adult perpetrators died but the young child is now recovering in hospital.


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