Would You Visit Casey if You Were Cindy, George, or Lee?

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No I dont do jail and my kids grew up knowing that . I would write but no collect calls and no visits. I would attend the hearings but I would never lie to authorities for them.
To plead with them, to be honest with the law, themselves and God. Absolutely.

To play their game...no

If they were a manipulator and had some weird power that some how made it hard for me to think clearly in their presence ...no
No I wouldn't visit. I'd be using the time to meditate and try to figure out what I may have done wrong to create a sociopath and to be closer to my grand daughter. I wouldn't have a daughter anymore. I never really did in the first place.

Love has nothing to do with it. Sorry to be so abrupt but I can't even pretend KC is my child. My children are honest, hard working and successful. They would never be in this situation and neither would I.

Let KC rot in solitude I say as her pretend Mother. Best grounding she ever had.
If Casey were my child, and it was the eve of her death penalty hearing, knowing what we (as spectators) know right now, this instance, I would visit her. It would be my last visit to her and the speech would go something like this, "You've done your fair share of talking, Casey--whether it was during our jail house visits or in your letters--and I've supported you. Now it's time for you to listen to me. This is my last visit to see you. These are the things I want you to hear before your trial: I love you. I carried you under my heart for nine months, the same way you carried Caylee. While my heart was beating for yours, I imagined the life you would create for yourself. I had hopes for you--maybe you would be a teacher, or doctor, or an artist. Maybe you'd get married. Most of all, as I watched you grow, I imagined you as a mother. In all my hopes and dreams for you, I never thought you'd be sitting in a jail, accused of murdering my grandchild. I never thought you'd accuse me, your father, or your brother of untrue and unspeakable things. So, even though I may not have raised you perfectly, and I am sure I made a lot of wrong choices along the way, I refuse to accept any more blame or responsibility for your poor choices and behavior. You will have to accept the consequences for your actions. There will be no more visits from me. Your father and I will not be putting any more money in your commissary account, and from here on out, we will be sitting on the side of the prosecution so that you, the world and, most importantly, CAYLEE, understand that we want justice for our murdered granddaughter."

BEAUTIFULLY put!!! CA should read this & take it to heart. Thanks for writing all of this. You have my utmost admiration.
I don't need to mince words, I would be there no matter what.

Not saying anyone is, just saying I would go to the ends of the earth for my child. Ive thought about this before, the what ifs, but I still would always be there.
My grandson is my Life! If my daughter took him away from me and the evidence was black and white that she was responsible, I think we both would be given the death penalty. She would be lucky that it would be carried out with a lethal injection but I would have to live with it naturally until the day I died. So I would not have any compassion for her. I know I'm supposed to forgive but.......
You know, just to add. what a lesson in life and what a life question. I do believe children are the product of their up bringing, but I also believe they are predisposed to DNA. I don't think that is an excuse, but I do believe it's very real. Casey was given everything except her own identity. She lived in a facade, much like alot of us. Keep up with the "Jones" and all that. I lived that and it was alot of pressure. Again, not excusing, it just was and is. Cindy. IMO is dominating and Casey and CAYLEE suffered for it.
KC who???? Oh! You mean that creature that lived in my house, stole my money, accused my husband and son of molesting her, the one that murdered my beautiful granddaughter. No, I don't visit people that have no soul.
I am wondering if this women that the defenses has hired to talk to Casey, may be the reason why Cindy and George have stopped visiting Casey? I was thinking maybe she has asked Casey not to talk to them. It would make sense if she has. The molesting accusation would seem less decidable if Casey continued to talk to them as if nothing happen. JMO.
Hello WS

Thank you to AngelWhoCares :)


The judge will rule sometime in the next week whether people who visit Anthony can be kept confidential.

After the hearing, the Anthony family attorney, Brad Conway, told News 13 he plans to revisit trying to get the Anthonys to be able to do video visits with their daughter in jail.

For me, Mr. Conway's statement makes it sound like there is a legal "battle"(?) that must be fought and won, to enable George and Cindy visitation with Casey. Why does/what does Mr. Conway have to "revisit trying" "to be able to do video visits with their daughter in jail?"
Probably I would visit, doesn't mean I would give her unconditional love, and I wouldn't necessarily side with my husband and son over my daughter on molestation accusations. I personally wouldn't care what the media thought, but that's just me!!!:twocents:
If I was one of her family members, I'm sure I would...but only once. I would want to see her face, and ask her why, and how she did this to Caylee. I would need to have answers that only could come from her. If she lied to me, and proclaimed her innocence, I would walk right out...and that would be it. IMO, either way, she is guilty as sin. I would have to disown her. Some might say that that would be easier said than done. But not for me. She would lose all love I have for her. True.
If I was one of her family members, I'm sure I would...but only once. I would want to see her face, and ask her why, and how she did this to Caylee. I would need to have answers that only could come from her. If she lied to me, and proclaimed her innocence, I would walk right out...and that would be it. IMO, either way, she is guilty as sin. I would have to disown her. Some might say that that would be easier said than done. But not for me. She would lose all love I have for her. True.
I feel the exact same way!
Not until after trial. I agree with Baez on this one. But after trial HELL YES.
Yes, I would definitely go - and if she refused to see me I would just keep on trying.

I would say first thing - I don't want to discuss the case because we are being taped, but I would want to know how she was, and if she needed anything, and if she felt her lawyer was still helping her, those kinds of things without specifics. And to tell her no matter what I love her, and she is always in my heart. When my daughter was young, I used to kiss her palm and tell her to keep the kiss in her pocket so she would always have one when she needed it.

But I wouldn't lie to anyone. If the press asked me questions, I would say, please no comment. She is my daughter and I love her.
I will love my baby girl til the end!!!
You made me tear up ~ my sentiments exactly, tough one when she extuingushed her own baby... ugh I wish for not as is.
First of all, CA and I are so very different, we are worlds apart in our parenting skills, not that I am a perfect parent by any means, none of us are... but if my child had lost my grandchild for 31 days and never called 911...that alone would have alarmed me big time!! Then when finding the car with the smell... (knowing my child was known to tell "half-truths"?)...I think I would have been working diligently with LE to find out why, instead of denying it and getting angry with them and trying to blame it on someone innocent. I know also, that I would have been out there myself assisting with the search for my granddaughter. When she was arrested for check fraud, I personally would not have allowed her back in my house on bond until she told me where my grandchild could be found.. but that's just me.

Then murder indictment....more "half-truths" on her brother and dad....etc. etc. As far as visiting her after all of that? ME? I don't know. That's just too much heartbreak for me. But I'm talking about me. Like I say, I'm so much different than CA and I've raised my kids differently too, thank God. But I'm not judging her by any means. A mother's love for a child is unconditional. And I certainly understand her love for her child. But I don't know about whether or not I could visit her.
Most parents love their child unconditionally. I have tried to imagine how I would feel if my daughter (who is in her 20s) did something like this. I would try to give her support knowing in my heart that if she did kill her child she was not in her right mind and is still not in her right mind. I feel Casey does not see her parents because she knows she's guilty and she doesn't want to face them. Early on, George got her to agree to set up a meeting just him and her and when the scheduled time came George waited 1.5 hours before Casey finally said she didn't want to see him. What gives with that? Casey's guilty heart is finding it easier to not face the people she knew loved her.
Most parents love their child unconditionally. I have tried to imagine how I would feel if my daughter (who is in her 20s) did something like this. I would try to give her support knowing in my heart that if she did kill her child she was not in her right mind and is still not in her right mind. I feel Casey does not see her parents because she knows she's guilty and she doesn't want to face them. Early on, George got her to agree to set up a meeting just him and her and when the scheduled time came George waited 1.5 hours before Casey finally said she didn't want to see him. What gives with that? Casey's guilty heart is finding it easier to not face the people she knew loved her.

Thank you, so well written.

I think this is exactly how GA & LA feel about KC, that maybe she lost her mind. It's hard to know what CA thinks about this, as she has backed up KC's stories as if she believes her, but maybe she thinks this, too.
If I were Lee, I would visit her maybe 4 times a year. He needs to maintain the course he has been on for some time now, stay somewhat removed from this battle cause it is only going to get uglier. But he should visit as he could be an important conduit for Cindy, because:

Cindy should not see KC without beginning intense, intense, several times a week therapy. CA progressively became more like KC over the time that this case went on. Like they're syncing, only CA is not capable of going to that place KC went in her head. There is a bigtime rivalry there, and CA cannot be KC's mother, her real mommy, until she talks to someone about how they feed off of one another's deceit. For example, the discussion about Ricardo's apartment picture-CA was trying to pull a 'gotcha' and KC was trying to avoid it-That was the most unhealthy communication and I would not go through that anymore if I were CA.

George should go if he is going to revert to George 1.0 (the guy from July 16th). Otherwise, he promotes the back and forth.

I don't think cameras should deter any one of them. I would not watch a video of CA telling KC she loves her, that's boring, the public is not clamoring for that. The public watches videos that offer some sort of insight about what happened to Caylee. Don't talk about the case, we won't listen.
Most parents love their child unconditionally. I have tried to imagine how I would feel if my daughter (who is in her 20s) did something like this. I would try to give her support knowing in my heart that if she did kill her child she was not in her right mind and is still not in her right mind. I feel Casey does not see her parents because she knows she's guilty and she doesn't want to face them. Early on, George got her to agree to set up a meeting just him and her and when the scheduled time came George waited 1.5 hours before Casey finally said she didn't want to see him. What gives with that? Casey's guilty heart is finding it easier to not face the people she knew loved her.

BBM. IMO, Casey, in true sociopathic style couldn't care less about facing her parents because that would mean she has some semblance of a conscience, which she has not shown she has. I think they make her angry (especially CA) with their questions and that's why she won 't see them. Plus, I really do believe she detests CA and harbors all sorts of resentment. Of course, this is all the opinion of a person not credentialed in psychology - me!

On another note, if my beloved son was a murderer (heaven forbid!) and it was the eve of his DP hearing, I would visit him. I would tell him while I abhor what he has done, he is still my child, my flesh and blood and I will always love him and be there for him. I am his mother and he is my son and there is no stronger bond, no matter what. No doubt, I would suffer tremendous guilt and blame myself for the way he turned out. I would agonize over argument, every stupid thing I ever said to him, every baseball game I missed. But at the end of the day, I could never turn my back on him. It's my job as a mother to help him accept what he has done along with the consequences that will follow. I would try mightily to get him life and not the DP. I would spend the rest of my life crying and being half of the person I once was.
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