Would your opinion of KC change if she came clean?

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She might come clean but only if it gave her some substantial benefit, what with her being the center of the Universe and all.

So no, my opinion would not change.

It might change if there were true genuine remorse, but she is not capable of that.
There may be feigned remorse at some point but that's just annoying as he!!.
Going with your hypothetical --- Casey comes clean and tells exactly what happened; Caylee is recovered, etc. then yes, it would affect my opinion of her. In your hypothetical, I assume 'coming clean' means telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth and everyone is somehow assured she has done exactly that. How much and in what ways would all depend on what she says. I would still want her to stand trial for any crimes committed and to bear all costs of her actions/inactions. However, I do believe people can turn their lives around and become better than they were before. A true religious conversion comes to mind, as a hypothetical.

Do I think it likely? 100% no on both counts; coming clean or a true religious conversion. So I don't expect my opinion to ever be changed, except for possibly becoming worse, as more information is released.

I agree. If she would tell the truth, and it could be verified that it is indeed the truth, then my opinion may change, depending on what that truth is. Even still, if she came clean, I still think that I may have a somewhat better opinion of her than I do now. Right now, to me, she is the lowest of the low. So, really she has nowhere to go but up, or stay low.
"The Truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers" was spot on. So I think it's a moot point. She's had countless opportunities to man up and her version of what happened is so out there I don't even think she remembers what the truth was anymore.

I've been raised to forgive people who A) tell the truth, B) say they're sorry and C) mean it. I don't think I could do that in this case, but I'm not worried about breaking my morals because A B and C ain't gonna happen. But yes, my opinion of her would indeed change. It would sink even lower, even though I think that's against some law of physics.
She will never tell the truth. Ever. Ever. Ever.
So, no, my opinons of her would never change.
when pigs or donkeys or elephants fly.....
If she came completely clean -- not twisted half-truths or omissions.
If as a result of her unguarded cooperation, the body of Caylee was found.
If she was truthful that her lies backed her into an unexpected corner when her parents asked her to leave the house and she found herself homeless without a job or money.
IF she expressed genuine remorse and not just theatrical remorse.
IF she apologized to LE, ZFG, her friends, her family and the public.

THEN, and only then, would the act of coming clean MITIGATE the punishment.

Otherwise, she is still engaged in the cover-up of the original crime and society has a right of retribution. Understandably, she has the right to remain silent, but that is her choice. When the mitigation involves coming completely clean on the truth for closure sought by many, and she chooses to remain silent, exercising her rights, then she can't expect the mitigation effects that would flow from disclosure.
Casey come clean? Look at her cell phone records and tell me when she took a shower. No way will she come clean. No I can never forgive her for the hurt she has caused so many people. I especially feel for her GM.
my opinion would change if she really did have a "compelling" reason for putting everyone through this. I really would have to hear what she had to say and know it was the truth. I can't see any of that happening, however, but it would still be a relief to finally know what happened to that baby.
Although I would like nothing better than for her to actually come clean and tell the truth, my opinion of her would not change in the least. Not only for whatever it is that she has done to her precious child, but also for everything that she has put everyone else through with her lies and deceit. Everyone else in this situation is innocent (well most are anyway) and what she has done is inexcusable to say the least.
I had to think about this a minute. No, it would not change my opinion of Casey. Because, my opinion seems to go against the flow here. I think something went WHAP in her brain somewhere. I think that she is so far out there that she just can't look at what has happened, and I don't think she can help it. I think she is completely psychopathic, but I do not think she is a spiteful . I don't think she is evil. I think she is so off level that she can't help herself.

I mean, come on! Who would do this on purpose? I think the clearest picture I saw of Casey was the first news report, when she was in court for the first time (the first time that I saw her, anyway). You could literally SEE her mopping up her tears and getting herself together. She was disappearing within herself.

I know that you all hate her. I certainly, certainly hate what she has done. But to me, she elicits pity. I feel very sorry for her. I don't think she can bear whatever it was that happened - and I do feel that she did it herself.

There. Flame away. No. I know Caylee didn't get humankindness. I know she didn't get pity. I know that she is dead at the hand of her mother. But I don't think her mother can help what is happening now and I don't think that stoning her at the gates of the city (as it were) would do anything for me besides leave a knot of hatred in my belly, and I am not put together that way.
Well, not to be picky but "technically" what you have stated isn't possible. If Casey is indeed a psychopath/sociopath then she does have complete control over what she does and nothing "snapped", it didn't need to snap in order for her to do something this hideous. Maybe you meant psychopath as in psychotic? They aren't the same thing...and Casey is not psychotic. OK, enough of the technicalities.

I believe some people's inability to accept that someone who doesn't fit the stereotype of a cold-blooded killer could do such a thing is certainly to Casey's advantage. I mean who WOULD do such a thing if they were in their right mind? The answer is simply, and frighteningly, a psychopath. It had to be done in order for he/she to have what he/she wanted so it is acceptable to them. They are entitled to live a good life and no one, even their child, comes before them. As hard as it is for most of us to wrap our brain around, these people do exist and do not feel remorse or guilt.
There was a Mother on "O" show yesterday who accidentally left her child in the car when she went into work at school. I felt her pain as she told the story and I know 'If' this was an accident, I would probably feel KC's pain.

This said I would have to say the lying confuses me and I don't know if I would have any sympathy at all for KC. I was not brought up to tell lies. My rear would have been raw from the whippings.

It would not change my opinion of her AT ALL. Not one ounce.
The ones I "might" change my opinion of is GA & CA if they would tell the truth. They have to accept by now that Caylee is dead by the actions of their daughter. They can't protect her anymore, and she is going to get considerable jail time regardless of when she is charged with a capital crime.

They are the ones who have more to lose, because KC is a "done deal" as far as LE is concerned. There is no reason at this point to continue their charade.

It appears to me they are sacrificing their ONLY surviving child for KC. They will end up getting him arrested in all of this if they do not come clean with what they know. They may also get arrested for such obvious obstruction of justice.

Ditto. I would not change my opinion of Casey, it's just to late. I might however change my thoughts about George & Cindy. I have not felt much compassion for them until I saw/heard the interviews with them. THEN the pain came thru. Casey has shown nothing but coldness. Given that I just don't think I could change the way I feel about her.
I don't think my opinion about her would change at this point, but that is just because she's really a non-entity to me. I would, however, feel a great deal of relief, since finding Caylee (dead or alive) is really the only thing I care about in this case.
Nope because chances are whatever hapened to Caylee is NOT good and for her to come clean now would only be to save her own *advertiser censored*. If she came clean the day Caylee went missing maybe, provided that what happened to her was NOT by her mother's hand...JMO
I hate to say this, but Casey makes me sick to my stomach to even see her and I doubt I could ever feel any other way towards her at this point. I cannot even fathom her being able to do away with her child, one minute here, the next gone and her acting as tho nothing in the world was different.

She makes me ill now and would still make me ill, even if she were to come "clean". She owes everyone that.
No way! She didn't report her child was even missing for 31 days! And then, only because Cindy called and reported!
It is so sad that most likely we will never know where this baby is! That truely sickens me.
But Casey will never tell. She will go to her grave being the only one that knows!

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