Would your opinion of KC change if she came clean?

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The only way that I would change my opinion of her is if she came clean, told us that her daughter is alive, bring her home alive, and have a good reason for what she did. (There's still a part of me that is hoping the evidence may be wrong and she is alive) If she came clean, told us that Caylee died and just treated her body like a piece of trash, I would never change my opinion of her. She gave birth to this baby and supposedly loved her like a mother should and then treated her like crap because she was only thinking of herself.
The ones I "might" change my opinion of is GA & CA if they would tell the truth. They have to accept by now that Caylee is dead by the actions of their daughter. They can't protect her anymore, and she is going to get considerable jail time regardless of when she is charged with a capital crime.

They are the ones who have more to lose, because KC is a "done deal" as far as LE is concerned. There is no reason at this point to continue their charade.

It appears to me they are sacrificing their ONLY surviving child for KC. They will end up getting him arrested in all of this if they do not come clean with what they know. They may also get arrested for such obvious obstruction of justice.
that made me cry.

Yeah, me too, just thinking of it..but I know that I couldn't say no to a small child not wanting people to be mad at their mommy. I was mad at my brother once, and his 6 year old son at the time told me that his feelings were hurt because I was mad at his daddy..trust me , that changed real quick, just for him..
The only way I would ever change my opinion of her is if Caylee is alive and she had a good reason (danger to Caylee) why she sent her somewhere. Caylee would have to be alive and well and be brought back home. But we all know that is not going to happen!

So NO,... its too late to apologize. If she was any kind of a mother she would tell where Caylee is so she can be put to rest. But she is too worried about saving her own skin! If she ever loved Caylee like she claims she did, she wouldn't have thrown her away like garbage or buried her out in the woods somewhere! This is just my opinion.
My only opinion of her is that she is the last person who saw her daughter and won't tell anyone where 1)that last place was and 2)where she is now. She lies to the people closest to her and to LE. She steals from people closest to her.
If she came clean now, my opinions about all of this would not change.
<snip for space>

DO CINDY AND CASEY NOT REALIZE HOW FREAKING STUPID THEY ARE?? I mean point blank.........you've been caught in lie after lie and still continue the lie???? What kind of mind could even do that??
Minds of people who truly believe they are above everyone else, and of course more entitled..JMO.

The only way Casey fessing up would change my opinion of her is if, by some wonderful miracle, Caylee was still alive. Presently I find her to be as evil and self-centered as one could possibly be.
The only reason she would "come clean" now would be a self-serving reason. She wouldn't do it out of love for her child, it would instead be an attempt to gain something for herself. So absolutely not.
maybe add a poll?

but, no.

unless caylee is still alive and this was all some gov't vendetta against her and her family cause she has secret sensitive information and they kidnapped caylee and casey is under duress and IS mother of the year, in other words: conspiracy theories galore....

so, no.
The only reason she would "come clean" now would be a self-serving reason. She wouldn't do it out of love for her child, it would instead be an attempt to gain something for herself. So absolutely not.

I agree. If Casey could drastically reduce the time she spent in jail she MIGHT come clean.
Minds of people who truly believe they are above everyone else, and of course more entitled..JMO.

The only way Casey fessing up would change my opinion of her is if, by some wonderful miracle, Caylee was still alive. Presently I find her to be as evil and self-centered as one could possibly be.

Yep..In my mind, the longer she let's this go on, the more the words PURE EVIL come to mind. I've seen and been through ALOT in my lifetime, just as many other posters here have, but I've Never Seen anyone or anything like Casey. It's quite scary to be honest! :eek:
Casey coming clean???? We have better odds at winning the lottery!!!
Yes, I would nominate her for the Razzle Award.
I also would change her sentence, from death, to something like life in Solitary Confinement. She can lie to the rats.
If she came clean, my opinion would change. She won't come clean though because SHE CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

It might lower the ultimate charge from Murder 1 down to Murder 2 if she cooperated.
NO! MOO, but if KC ever tells where Caylee is, it will be to save her self, NOT for the love of her precious daughter.<------mighty big IF

She needs to come clean for herself, she is going to have to face what she has done and the family is going to have to face the fact of what she has done! Also my thoughts of her will never change based on the fact u dont report a child missing after 31 days without that parent being involved somehow. That would be like someone taking there child to a desert and walking away and never looking back and saying you left your child with a nanny, but coming up with a lie and say I left them at an apartment that was vacant. To me it should be more then child neglect . Sorry!
No way for the reason being it's never been about Caylee for her. It's always been about herself so if she came clean now, it still would be for her and not Caylee.
Okay well this is the perfect time for me to respond to this question since I'm a 23 year old single mom of toddlers and actually got to go out to a bar last night. My mom was willing to watch them but it was the usual catch...they had to be asleep. I got all ready at 8:00 and laid them down to sleep, my 2 year old was out in 30 mins but the 3 year old would not sleep. I tried soo hard to put him to sleep and yet didn't make it out of the house till 12 AM. I'll be honest, I hated having kids last night probably more than ever before, but guess what? I still woke up this morning with living breathing children in my bed. No matter what explanation Casey gave, I could never feel any sort of compassion for her. Living in a country where there is always a Planned Parenthood accesible, there is no excuse to consider your child a burden. God blesses us with the option to have them, but we have the final choice in whether or not we choose to carry and keep them. Caylee didn't choose Casey, Casey chose to have Caylee and no matter what the circumstances are, she failed Caylee. If Caylee is dead, I don't think she's even worthy of a jail cell and I'd be willing to stick the needle in Casey's arm myself.
Nope....no matter ....the damage has been done...it would have to be really something endangering to Caylee and she was protecting her but I can't wrap my mind around that...it just hurts too bad and she has hurt too many people.
The only reason she would "come clean" now would be a self-serving reason. She wouldn't do it out of love for her child, it would instead be an attempt to gain something for herself. So absolutely not.

what these cats said...I feel that she might open her mouth about where Caylee is if they take the death penalty off the table. Many people have less than perfect families, but they don't kill their children.

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