Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #2

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Anyone remember the time when the screams were heard, was it close to 11PM? And when the bicycle family watched Dina lurking and skulking around the mansion was what time?

There is no way the ME could possibly give a valid time of death, estimated or otherwise. Rebecca was left to the elements waaaayyy too long. If Nina has credible eyewitnesses to show where she was between 9PM and 1AM, then bring them on, good for her. Same goes for her larger twin. As to her phone records, we will never know...

The ME would disagree with you there, and since he has training and all, well, I'll just believe his version.
Anyone remember the time when the screams were heard, was it close to 11PM? And when the bicycle family watched Dina lurking and skulking around the mansion was what time?

You must mean the family that LE didn't find credible? We all know how often eyewitnesses are wrong, don't we?
The ME would disagree with you there, and since he has training and all, well, I'll just believe his version.

Yeah, Dina called herself a Dr. and a Scientist and a property owner and imo, has absolutely lied regarding her time-line of that night into the next day's very early morn.

That particular ME is incompetent or perhaps was strongly encouraged to state the findings as he did, imo of course.

Oh, yeah, I believe he was promoted after some time had passed, too.

Don't know about you, but when someone tells bold-faced lies, well they've lost all kinds of credibility.
^ Sorry, I don't believe LE in this case got it wrong. I think they got it 100% right. Suicide. I don't believe in conspriacy theories - especially when 100 or more people would have to be in on it. No, I belive Rebecca Zahau killed herself.

My belle,
You have an interesting way of sidestepping the heart of a post and then adding a disconnected comment. If one weren't careful, one could get thrown off center.

My posting referred to the ridiculousness of the method of the supposed 'suicide' of RZ. One of your side steps brought up my words about revenge killing. No. We are not in Myamar. People do kill ( and often) for revenge, however. You like to tangle the words. Instant smoke and mirrors. You'd make a good prosecutor!!!

Anyway....youmay bieve that the death of RZ was a 'suicide'. We can agree to disagree. What the h*ll does Myamar have to do with the price of tea in China? Good god.

Revenge killings in the U.S. are most often tied to gangs just as the killings in Myamar are often tied to gangs. I do believe the ME and LE were competent and it was suicide and RZ is one who decided the methods to carry it out.

What is ridiculous is to suggest a mother of a young child would leave his ICU bedside to exact revenge when all she had to do is pick up the phone and call cops. As it was, the hospital did that for her.

Chasing Halo's, if this was max's thread, then yes, Dina is considered a victim. On this thread- the wrongful death suit filed By RZ family- she, along with her sister and ex brother in law are actually the alleged perpetrators... of an especially heinous murder. Under those circumstances- I don't think she would be considered a "victim", on this thread. I hope a Mod will correct me if I am mistaken.
Revenge killings in the U.S. are most often tied to gangs just as the killings in Myamar are often tied to gangs. I do believe the ME and LE were competent and it was suicide and RZ is one who decided the methods to carry it out.

What is ridiculous is to suggest a mother of a young child would leave his ICU bedside to exact revenge when all she had to do is pick up the phone and call cops. As it was, the hospital did that for her.


BBM This makes no sense. To exact revenge on Rebecca, all Dina had to do is call 911...Hmm, perplexing and inexplicable how your reasoning works.
Link please?

Also this is bashing a victim here.

Let's not forget how Rebecca the MURDERED VICTIM and her family have been continuously based by pro-Dina's. And there was no wrongful death suit against Rebecca or her family. Let's not be hypocritical here. This is the WRONGFUL DEATH SUIT by ZAHAU against Dina and POIs here. Dina is NO victim. She is a repugnant, sadistic, heinous murderer.
Yeah, Dina called herself a Dr. and a Scientist and a property owner and imo, has absolutely lied regarding her time-line of that night into the next day's very early morn.

That particular ME is incompetent or perhaps was strongly encouraged to state the findings as he did, imo of course.

Oh, yeah, I believe he was promoted after some time had passed, too.

Don't know about you, but when someone tells bold-faced lies, well they've lost all kinds of credibility.

Glad you brought up Dina's tendency to EXAGGERATE and SENSATIONALIZE. Her idiosyncratic *HYPERBOLIC STYLE* left trademarks EVERYWHERE on the crime scene of Rebecca's sadistic, heinous murder -- from the noose, gag, hands-behind-the-back and leg bindings, nudity, hanging off a public-free-for-all visible courtyard to the CRAZY THIRD-PERSON painted words in LARGE BLACK BOLD LETTERING on the door taunting Jonah and the cops, "SHE SAVED HIM CAN YOU SAVE HER".
Anyone remember the time when the screams were heard, was it close to 11PM? And when the bicycle family watched Dina lurking and skulking around the mansion was what time?

Yes. I believe the impartial bicycle family of eyewitnesses who saw Dina carrying a large black bag and acting bizarrely and skulking to and from the Spreckels front door to the back at about 11pm Tuesday.

Snip -
A passerby did notice a woman at the house that night and reported it to police following Zahau's death July 13. But that witness's description of the woman does not match that of Nina Romano, according to Zahau family attorney Anne Bremner.

In a series of emails and interviews with News 8, Bremner said the witness now believes the woman he saw was Nina's sister, Dina Shacknai.

"The witness sent me a picture of Dina and said it was Dina," according to Bremner, who said the witness was riding a bicycle by the home at approximately 10:20 p.m. on July 12.

"He was going by and saw somebody with a large, black bag trying to get in the front door and looking around and going to the back of the house," Bremner said. "She was 40 to 50 years, 5'5", 170 to 190 lbs., long dark hair; wearing a black and white striped short sleeve shirt," said Bremner.

"He is positive it (was) Dina and she was acting very suspiciously," Bremner wrote. "He has seen subsequent news reports that said Nina was out front and he said that's not the person he saw."

Let's not forget how Rebecca the MURDERED VICTIM and her family have been continuously based by pro-Dina's. And there was no wrongful death suit against Rebecca or her family. Let's not be hypocritical here. This is the WRONGFUL DEATH SUIT by ZAHAU against Dina and POIs here. Dina is NO victim. She is a repugnant, sadistic, heinous murderer.
Still waiting for the link in which you stated Dina said she was a doctor and a scientist.
Still waiting for the link in which you stated Dina said she was a doctor and a scientist.

I recall when Dina was making her media campaigns on tv, she introduced herself as "Dr. Shacknai". It might even have been on Dr. Phil show, which some pro-Dina's absurdly claim only Zahaus would use.

For certain, when Dina was applying to take a competency/licensing exam to become a PsyD, she claimed she was already a doctor instead of being a "candidate" for the degree, and her application for the exam was then REJECTED by the Board, and she had to reapply. Not sure if she ever reapplied or took the exam or passed it. This was thoroughly discussed on another thread here.

Lash gave you link to her other *exaggeration*. In her plea in front of the Council in coronado, Dina called herself a "scientist". This was caught on video, by her own publicity team. In same Council meeting, she also *lied* and stated that she herself was a "property owner in Coronado", which another insider has verified that that is FALSE.

So for the pro-Dinas who claim that Dina was uncertain whether or not Max would make it on Monday or Tuesday, and didn't know that he was even braindead until Fri or Sat, that is BOGUS. Dina herself blatantly stated that she is both a *doctor* and a *scientist* so don't tell me she could not interpret what other doctors said to her in the hospital, including what Dr. Peterson said *abruptly* on Tues evening to her that her one and only biological son with Jonah the multibillionaire "will never walk or talk again". (Again this statement about Dr. Peterson was out of the mouth of Nina, Dina's own twin at a Crosstalk taped interview).

Are you going to tell me Dina did not understand the implications or ramifications of what that phrase, your son Max "will never walk or talk again" means? That Dina didn't know Max was for all intents and purposes "brain dead" aka a permanent vegetable?

Are you going to stand there and tell me that she was clueless about Max's fatal, irreversible condition, and that she did NOT blame Rebecca for his fatal condition? And that Dina then did not go MAD with VENGEFUL FURY and exacted a heinous, torturous, humiliating murder of Rebecca?

If you do not see all the hyperbolic, exaggerated, sensationalized, elaborate hallmarks and MOs of Dina all over the crime scene of the murder of Rebecca, then no one can help you and I hope you are never called to analyze a case with reason and evidence on any jury.
I think Dina’s recent interview is the first sign that there is a serious fracture in the team work of the defendants, who can’t settle or conclude their involvement independent of the others.

Here's a link to that interview again, from Feb 7, 2015:


Because IMO, that interview sounds an awful lot like Dina creating cover for herself and her sister, and at the same time not even mentioning that Adam was there on the property the whole time. Dina bald face lies about Nina “not being at the mansion” in this interview. That’s simply stunning to anyone who knows anything at all about this case, and Nina herself has admitted to being there. So, you have to scratch your head here, and ask, why would Dina be so willing to put out a lie about Nina in a totally unnecessary, untimely interview? And is that also a signal that she and Nina are going to ramp up their efforts together and throw Adam under the bus?

And doesn't it seem very, very odd that none of Dina's many lawyers appeared with her in this interview, where she had so many unnecessary things to say "on the record?" Or even had a statement to make on her behalf?? That is just astonishing, IMO. I doubt the whole "team" of lawyers sent Dina out to do THAT interview. It sure didn't make her look good, or her case look any better, IMO.

The other thing important to remember is that this is a civil case, not a criminal one. That means that “BARD” (beyond a reasonable doubt) is not the standard for the jury—instead, it’s a preponderance of the evidence, and a unanimous vote is not always required. I’m not sure if unanimity is required in California if the $$ amount is above a certain amount, but AZlawyer could probably answer that. I don’t think a jury of 12 is always used for a civil trial—I’ve heard a jury could be 6 in some cases, but again, AZlawyer could address this.

Here's some info from California Courts website (BBM):

When considering the evidence, an important difference exists between civil and criminal cases in the degree of proof required to sustain an accusation. In a criminal case, the defendant, in order to be convicted, must be proved guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In a civil case, a party suing another has to prove that charge by a preponderance of the evidence. In every trial, the judge carefully explains the degree of proof required to reach a verdict. You should pay careful attention to the instructions on the degree of proof.

Preponderance of the evidence : Greater weight of evidence, or evidence that is more credible and convincing. Refers to the amount of proof required to win in a civil case. It is that degree of proof that is more probable than not (lower standard than that required in criminal cases).

In a civil case, the judge will tell you how many jurors must agree in order to reach a verdict.


220. A trial jury shall consist of 12 persons, except that in civil
actions and cases of misdemeanor, it may consist of 12 or any number
less than 12, upon which the parties may agree


IIRC, both the plaintiffs AND the defendants have requested a jury trial.
Link please?

Also this is bashing a victim here.


This particular thread is about a wrongful death suit. In other words, Rebecca's murder. She is the victim in this thread. Not the <mod snip> twin. Nor the <mod snip> twin. Or Maxie's uncle. All three of them are considered the perps in this civil case.

Wondering why the 'bashing' of Mary, Rebecca's sister, a victim, doesn't bother you. hmmmm....
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