Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #2

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It's easy to assume a jury would be shown pictures of Rebecca Zahau's alleged suicide. Especially the pictures of the overturned chair and red dog bone. The room SDSO stated showed no signs of struggle. A jury would most likely see the list of items taken into evidence, which did not include the chair or the dog bone. In my opinion, a reasonable jury will look closely at the pictures and after hearing about the 4 injuries to her head wonder why the big red dog bone was not seized nor tested. A jury may even be as curious as to how the detectives determined so early in the investigation the chair and dog bone were not pertinent pieces of evidence. As well, it's feasible a jury might be curious to why panties found in a guesthouse of a defendant who admitted viewing *advertiser censored* before allegedly discovering a woman hanging nude were not tested. I think the Zahau attorneys would also delve into how gloves taken into evidence could be missing DNA. I can only assume the plaintiffs might then call an expert on Confirmation Bias. The expert might explain how decision makers have been shown to actively seek out and assign weight to evidence that confirms their theory, and ignore evidence that could disconfirm their theory. Otherwise known as Selection Bias. JMO.

How does any of the above prove the very detailed elaborate story the Zahau's are alledging? Please, please, explain.
Hmmm...wonder if Jonah has been/will be subpoenaed to give a deposition as to Dina's unstable state of mind regarding her actions and statements before Rebecca's murder and after.

Or perhaps Jonah will be subpoenaed to give a deposition on Dina's stable state of mind regarding her actions and statements before Rebecca's suicide and after.
Seems like the Zahau supporters want to discuss anything except the actual allegations that the Zahaus have brought against Dina, Nina, and Adam. Why? Because they are so ridiculous even they can't believe them!

I dont find them ridiculous in the least.
^ Then please explain to me how the Zahau's will prove that both Dina and Nina sat on the bed while Adam threw Rebecca over the balcony. Please.
Then please tell me, how do you think the Zahau's will be able to prove the crazy story they've alledged?

Takethe suicide theory and the murder story and put them side by side them side. One ( the murder)is a methodical, ritualistic revenge killing totally grounded in practicality and done in a state of rage.The other involves hopping around a room, gagged and bound after hitting oneself on the head 4 times, stripping naked, shutting the door, turning off the light while bound hand and foot with a t-shirt in one's mouth and leaping from one toe off of a balcony and disturbing only a small fraction of dust because the toe leap was so high and precise. This all happened after painting one's nipple with TWO paintbrushes and cutting the rope with TWO knives. Of course, the rope left no debris or shavings from the slicing on the floor which, well, doesn't make sense like ANY of that theory. The strange message on the door which was written in the third person ( hmmmm......) gets thrown in and the grand finale was of course knowing that you would be found hanging naked and dead. That is the strangest, most implausible theory of the two. And I have even left out a lot. It doesn't look like a suicide. Never has.
According to Search Warrant 11-165, Jonah was interviewed twice: on the morning of July 13 by Detective H. Lebitski and D. Hillen, and again on July 15. IMO he would have been questioned extensively about Dina's demeanor and her reaction to Rebecca's death. The tapes of the interviews would surely be used as evidence. JMO

One would think, but then you have to consider how much evidence was overlooked. Do we know for sure they even taped the interviews? I will have to look at the warrants again. What would be even more interesting is if Jonah, during 2 interviews, was not asked about Dina's demeanor and her reaction to Rebecca's death. If the detectives were being thorough they would have asked. IIRC, The warrant doesn't disclose any info Jonah may have given about her demeanor or anything about Nina and Adam. There is some info about whereabouts, but not much. I would love to hear Jonah's interviews.
If this case makes it to trial, Dr. Peterson will no doubt be heard by the jury either through medical records or actual testimony.

Brain death has to be diagnosed and, iirc, Dina has stated in an interview that Max's EEG went flat on Friday. No doctor is going to tell a mother her child is brain dead until it is diagnosed. Max's date of death is Sunday, July 17, 2011. To even suggest that the diagnosis of brain death was made just a day after Max's traumatic injury has no basis in fact. His organs were transplanted. Doctors aren't going to wait another few days for the EEG to go flat and another few days after that if they've already diagnosed brain death and organ donation is planned. That doesn't even make sense.



Dina also has called herself a Dr. and a scientist hah.

Also...remember the post about Maxie being 'brain dead' ? The girl didn't pull that out of her arse. She heard it directly from Dina and/or her father (Dina's EXbf).

You wanna know when Dina is lying? Its when her lips are flapping.
Takethe suicide theory and the murder story and put them side by side them side. One ( the murder)is a methodical, ritualistic revenge killing totally grounded in practicality and done in a state of rage.The other involves hopping around a room, gagged and bound after hitting oneself on the head 4 times, stripping naked, shutting the door, turning off the light while bound hand and foot with a t-shirt in one's mouth and leaping from one toe off of a balcony and disturbing only a small fraction of dust because the toe leap was so high and precise. This all happened after painting one's nipple with TWO paintbrushes and cutting the rope with TWO knives. Of course, the rope left no debris or shavings from the slicing on the floor which, well, doesn't make sense like ANY of that theory. The strange message on the door which was written in the third person ( hmmmm......) gets thrown in and the grand finale was of course knowing that you would be found hanging naked and dead. That is the strangest, most implausible theory of the two. And I have even left out a lot. It doesn't look like a suicide. Never has.

You still haven't answered how the Zahau's will PROVE the allegations they have brought against Dina, Nina, and Adam. It will be up to the Prosecuter to PROVE that Adam painted Rebeeca's nipple with paint, and to PROVE that Dina and Nina sat on the bed (reee-diculous!) to keep it from moving while Adam somehow propelled Rebecca off the balcony without stepping on it.

Are the Zahaus going to claim that there was a witness hiding in the bushes in the courtyard, and yet another hiding in the closet in the suicide room?
One would think, but then you have to consider how much evidence was overlooked. Do we know for sure they even taped the interviews? I will have to look at the warrants again. What would be even more interesting is if Jonah, during 2 interviews, was not asked about Dina's demeanor and her reaction to Rebecca's death. If the detectives were being thorough they would have asked. IIRC, The warrant doesn't disclose any info Jonah may have given about her demeanor or anything about Nina and Adam. There is some info about whereabouts, but not much. I would love to hear Jonah's interviews.

Too bad the Zahaus didn't release the entire file. Doesn't it make you wonder what is in there about Rebecca that they don't want anyone to know? Makes me wonder.
Too bad the Zahaus didn't release the entire file. Doesn't it make you wonder what is in there about Rebecca that they don't want anyone to know? Makes me wonder.
Won't the entire file come to light with this wrongful death filing anyway? If that is the case, then all information on Rebecca will come out. Doesn't appear that Rebecca's family cares about any disclosures on Rebecca or they would not have filed the suit. Proving she was murdered would be more important in the scheme of things I would think.

First, this won't ever make it to trial. But even if it did, the entire case file would not be available to the public.

If this is about proving Rebecca was murdered, why didn't they ask for $1 in damages, instead of 10 Million? And just how are they going to prove their crazy story of what happened?

First, this won't ever make it to trial. But even if it did, the entire case file would not be available to the public.

If this is about proving Rebecca was murdered, why didn't they ask for $1 in damages, instead of 10 Million? And just how are they going to prove their crazy story of what happened?
The Zahau family requested a jury trial and I believe they will get it. A jury would love to sink their teeth into this fantastical "suicide".

I strongly doubt the defendants will allow it to go to trial because their evidence of Rebecca's murder will force charges to be filed in criminal court. In fact, should settlement occur, you can bet on the fact the defendants are saving themselves from murder charges and convictions for this particularly heinous crime. They will settle instead which is an admission of guilt nontheless.
I believe $10 million is a pittance and they deserve 10 times that. If the Zahau's followed the same eye for an eye justice that I believe the defendants did by murdering Rebecca, only the death penalty is good enough for Dina, Nina and Adam. And sadly, there was no murder but just a tragic accident that spun the resultant followup murder.
I believe $10 million is a pittance and they deserve 10 times that. If the Zahau's followed the same eye for an eye justice that I believe the defendants did by murdering Rebecca, only the death penalty is good enough for Dina, Nina and Adam. And sadly, there was no murder but just a tragic accident that spun the resultant followup murder.

Wow. You want the death penalty for three people who were not even considered suspects in a case that was ruled a suicide? Wow, just wow.
They will never settle. In fact, Nina's Demurrer was recently posted to the Court site. She is requesting the Judge dismiss the case against her, and wants the Zahaus to pay her legal fees, and any other compensation the Judge sees fit. I'll post that shortly.

They will never, ever, ever settle this. Why would they? They are innocent of any involvement.
Wow. You want the death penalty for three people who were not even considered suspects in a case that was ruled a suicide? Wow, just wow.
The wrongful death civil suit is alleging Rebecca was murdered by Dina/Nina/Adam - let's get real about what is going on with this civil suit. It's not outrageous to expect the possibility of criminal charges.
They will never settle. In fact, Nina's Demurrer was recently posted to the Court site. She is requesting the Judge dismiss the case against her, and wants the Zahaus to pay her legal fees, and any other compensation the Judge sees fit. I'll post that shortly.

They will never, ever, ever settle this. Why would they? They are innocent of any involvement.

Well let the games begin. If Dina PROVES where she was during that window of time that Rebecca was so brutally murdered - yes, then she will perhaps prove her innocence. In fact, that is a primary reason it is believed she is guilty. She has only shown proof so far of her motive.
You still haven't answered how the Zahau's will PROVE the allegations they have brought against Dina, Nina, and Adam. It will be up to the Prosecuter to PROVE that Adam painted Rebeeca's nipple with paint, and to PROVE that Dina and Nina sat on the bed (reee-diculous!) to keep it from moving while Adam somehow propelled Rebecca off the balcony without stepping on it.

Are the Zahaus going to claim that there was a witness hiding in the bushes in the courtyard, and yet another hiding in the closet in the suicide room?

BBM (Prosecuter)

Ah, LuLu, remember...this is a civil case.
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