Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California, #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
^^ The above comment is irrelevant with regard to Dina, Nina, and Adam defending themselves against allegations that they murdered Rebecca. More distraction and deflection.

However, I have some musing on the above comment.

Only Jonah and Rebecca knew the depths of love and commitment they had for each other. But what is obvious is how they lived their lives together, the exciting and the mundane parts, as a committed couple, and what their friends and family have said about how happy they were most of the time. Rebecca had concerns about Jonah's 2 teenagers being very rude and disrespectful to her, which she shared with her sister. Many teens are rude and disrespectful to a parent's new partner. And Rebecca expressed a lot of concern about how rude and nasty Dina treated her. Many ex-spouses are rude and nasty to the new partner of their ex, particularly when there is shared custody of a child. That's simply reality in "blended families." Manipulative and nasty behavior on the part of the bitter ex-spouse is pretty common, IMO.

Sometimes "rude and nasty" behavior progresses to a strong compulsion, a vendetta, with vindictive behavior. Which is what I think we have all observed here. It didn't matter whether or not Jonah and Rebecca were "soul mates" or just "friends with benefits", IMO-- Dina hated Rebecca just the same. There was nothing Rebecca could do, or not do, to mitigate Dina's hate for her, IMO. I personally think Dina hates Jonah just as fiercely as she still hates Rebecca (dead in her grave in the "hot pink casket"), but Jonah is her meal ticket, and she has to modulate her public behavior and criticism of him due to the divorce conditions, IMO. So she misplaces all that anger and hate onto Rebecca, a convenient target, IMO. (And now that Rebecca is dead, that anger and hate is displaced again onto XZ and the entire Zahau family. That's beyond obvious from her court filings, IMO.)

A story as old as time-- "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

What I wonder, is if Dina had it all to do over again, would she treat Rebecca more kindly, for the sake of her son, Max, and Max's father, Jonah? Does Dina have any regrets for what she has done? For how abominably she has behaved? For all the horrible things she has said? Does she have any conscience, or not? I wonder. She seems like she would score high on Hare's psychopathy checklist. Here's an overview.

^ Rebecca also commented in her journals that Kimberly, Jonah's first wife, did not like her. Funny, that NO ONE in the family seemed to like Rebecca. And Max even told another family member he was scared of her.

When NO ONE likes the new girlfriend, there is usually a good reason why.
^ Rebecca also commented in her journals that Kimberly, Jonah's first wife, did not like her. Funny, that NO ONE in the family seemed to like Rebecca. And Max even told another family member he was scared of her.

When NO ONE likes the new girlfriend, there is usually a good reason why.

Jonah liked the new girlfriend :) And, it appears as if Jonah's friends like her and thought she was good for Jonah (Lubner). Two ex-wives not liking someone isn't "NO ONE". In fact, not liking (Kim) and hating (Dina) are vastly different things IMO.

Finally, I don't recall ever seeing evidence that Max told another family member he was scared of Rebecca. Dina said that, but where is proof? Who did Max tell that to? Why wouldn't he have told his mother? For me, until I get that detail I will believe that Dina made it up.

However, playing along, if Max was scared of Rebecca, then shame on Dina for not taking concrete action. IMO asking Jonah to not leave Max alone with Rebecca versus going to family court and putting in place something official and documented is very telling. Why wouldn't Dina go to the officials if she was so worried? IMO, nothing formal was in place because there was nothing to worry about. There is no evidence that Max was scared of Rebecca because wouldn't Dina have acted in a forceful way... one in line with her personality/nature?

But then there is the fact that Dina has stated in MSM that either Rebecca or XZ killed Max. Personally I think that Dina must be feeling extreme guilt because, in theory, she could have taken action and perhaps prevented Max's accident. While I don't believe that is the way things went down, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Anger and guilt is certainly is a great motive for murdering Rebecca, IMO of course.
And I wonder, if Rebecca had it all to do over again, would she treat Dina, Kim, and Jonah's children more kindly, for the sake of Jonah? Does she have any regrets for all of the horrible lies she told Mary about them?

It seems it was Rebecca who had the problem according to KZ's link.

For Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: Factors, Facets, and Items

Glibness/superficial charm Neil said she had become materialistic.

Grandiose sense of self-worth Claimed she was a Burmese princess

Pathological lying Said Max was her son, XZ was her daughter, claimed she was a princess, and she gave Max CPR

Cunning/manipulative Tried to drive a wedge between Jonah and his children

Lack of remorse or guilt[COLOR="#FFA0000"] Did not feel responsible for Max's accident[/COLOR]

Emotionally shallow Had become materialistic according to her husband, Neil

Callous/lack of empathy Lived with Jonah and was still married to Neil, had no remorse for Max's injuries

Failure to accept responsibility for own actions Took her own life in an angry, nude suicide rather than face questioning by Max's family and Child Protective Services

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom Was a workout fanatic

Parasitic lifestyle Only worked for two years of her life, depended upon men to take care of heri

Lack of realistic, long-term goals Expected Jonah to marry her when she knew he was incapable of not cheating on a wife

Impulsivity Took her own life in a very implusive nude suicide after getting a phone call

Irresponsibility Let a litttle 6-year old boy be fatally injured under her care and did not feel responsible

Poor behavioral controls Was a shoplifter, and cheated on her husband Neil numerous times with numerous men, according to Ann Rule.

Early behavioral problems ??? Don't know since we know nothing about her childhood

Juvenile delinquency ??? Was sent away to Christian college in another country - Why?

Revocation of conditional release ???

Criminal versatility Shoplifter, and Max's accident

Many short-term marital relationships Had numerous affairs with numerous men while married to Neil according to Ann Rule. She was still married to Neil, but living with and dreaming about marrying Jonah at the time of her suicide

Promiscuous sexual behavior See above, and possibly into bondage

Thank you, KZ for posting that! It certainly seems to prove that Rebecca Zahau had psycological problems.
Jonah liked the new girlfriend :) And, it appears as if Jonah's friends like her and thought she was good for Jonah (Lubner). Two ex-wives not liking someone isn't "NO ONE". In fact, not liking (Kim) and hating (Dina) are vastly different things IMO.

Finally, I don't recall ever seeing evidence that Max told another family member he was scared of Rebecca. Dina said that, but where is proof? Who did Max tell that to? Why wouldn't he have told his mother? For me, until I get that detail I will believe that Dina made it up.

However, playing along, if Max was scared of Rebecca, then shame on Dina for not taking concrete action. IMO asking Jonah to not leave Max alone with Rebecca versus going to family court and putting in place something official and documented is very telling. Why wouldn't Dina go to the officials if she was so worried? IMO, nothing formal was in place because there was nothing to worry about. There is no evidence that Max was scared of Rebecca because wouldn't Dina have acted in a forceful way... one in line with her personality/nature?

But then there is the fact that Dina has stated in MSM that either Rebecca or XZ killed Max. Personally I think that Dina must be feeling extreme guilt because, in theory, she could have taken action and perhaps prevented Max's accident. While I don't believe that is the way things went down, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Anger and guilt is certainly is a great motive for murdering Rebecca, IMO of course.

I highly doubt Jonah still liked Rebecca very much after Max's fatal injuries.

We don't know if Luber liked Rebecca or not. He never said. So there is not a fact backing up your ascertain that friends (one person constitutes "friends"?) of Jonah liked Rebecca.

We also don't know if whoever Max told he was scared of Rebecca told Dina then, or after Rebecca sucide - so again, you have no facts to back that up.

Amazing to me that posters continue to bash the Mother of Rebecca Zahau's victim, when it is Adam Shacknai the Zahaus falsely accuse of "murdering" a woman who committed suicide. Talk about hate!
Just a quick question is 'MSM proof' the same as 'Ann Rule's book proof'?
If you read back in the threads you will find that the Zahau supporters have used Ann Rules book as a MSM source, many, many, many times.

They just don't seem to like it used when someone refers to Ann's information about Rebecca's numerous past acts of cheating on Neil, or the fact that the movie The Housemaid was found at the scene and taken into evidence!
And I wonder, if Rebecca had it all to do over again, would she treat Dina, Kim, and Jonah's children more kindly, for the sake of Jonah? Does she have any regrets for all of the horrible lies she told Mary about them?

It seems it was Rebecca who had the problem according to KZ's link.

For Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: Factors, Facets, and Items

Glibness/superficial charm Neil said she had become materialistic.

Grandiose sense of self-worth Claimed she was a Burmese princess

Pathological lying Said Max was her son, XZ was her daughter, claimed she was a princess, and she gave Max CPR

Cunning/manipulative Tried to drive a wedge between Jonah and his children

Lack of remorse or guilt[COLOR="#FFA0000"] Did not feel responsible for Max's accident[/COLOR]

Emotionally shallow Had become materialistic according to her husband, Neil

Callous/lack of empathy Lived with Jonah and was still married to Neil, had no remorse for Max's injuries

Failure to accept responsibility for own actions Took her own life in an angry, nude suicide rather than face questioning by Max's family and Child Protective Services

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom Was a workout fanatic

Parasitic lifestyle Only worked for two years of her life, depended upon men to take care of heri

Lack of realistic, long-term goals Expected Jonah to marry her when she knew he was incapable of not cheating on a wife

Impulsivity Took her own life in a very implusive nude suicide after getting a phone call

Irresponsibility Let a litttle 6-year old boy be fatally injured under her care and did not feel responsible

Poor behavioral controls Was a shoplifter, and cheated on her husband Neil numerous times with numerous men, according to Ann Rule.

Early behavioral problems ??? Don't know since we know nothing about her childhood

Juvenile delinquency ??? Was sent away to Christian college in another country - Why?

Revocation of conditional release ???

Criminal versatility Shoplifter, and Max's accident

Many short-term marital relationships Had numerous affairs with numerous men while married to Neil according to Ann Rule. She was still married to Neil, but living with and dreaming about marrying Jonah at the time of her suicide

Promiscuous sexual behavior See above, and possibly into bondage

Thank you, KZ for posting that! It certainly seems to prove that Rebecca Zahau had psycological problems.

To me, this sounds exactly like....."She had it coming......she had it coming...."

Cell block tango defense. Catherine Zeta Jones as a young version of Dina.....

I don't agree with most of what you posted, but even if I did, that's just not any valid excuse for murder.

I *could* compile a similar list for Dina.....but I won't. I don't need to. (I'm reminded of the "I'm rubber and you're glue" childhood rhyme thingie!) ;)

And in other news......

Funny you should bring that up, because iirc, it was the second ex-wife of JS who 'introduced' the kinky sex to him. I'm sure it is in one of these multitude of threads....I'll go look.

Actually, now that you mention it, that's a question the Zahau family attorneys should ask Dina in her deposition. I wonder if that line of questioning has been included in their list of questions? It certainly seems highly relevant. Questions about bondage, kinky sex, etc. should be asked of all the defendants.
^ Rebecca also commented in her journals that Kimberly, Jonah's first wife, did not like her. Funny, that NO ONE in the family seemed to like Rebecca. And Max even told another family member he was scared of her.

When NO ONE likes the new girlfriend, there is usually a good reason why.

How do you know that was written in her journals? IIRC, the information contained in those journals has never been made public.
How do you know that was written in her journals? IIRC, the information contained in those journals has never been made public.

There are excerpts in Ann Rule's book, pages 226 - 229.

From Rebecca's journal (CAPS by me)

"There is a fire within my heart that RAGES with such burning desire...to be looked upon with eyes so full of love that I would be lost in them like a seaman in the vast ocean...to have my face cupped in loving hands as if they were cradling a fragile egg, lest it would crack under the slightest pressure...to have my hands held in two loving hands as I am told how much I am loved...that things are going to be ok...to know that I'm always #1 no matter what may be...to be held like a piece of art, a rarity...someome so special...ALAS, there will never come true as long as I'm with him. Is this my curse for leaving Evan? That I have finally found someone I love more than they love me so I would finally feel the pain....

Is that why I feel this incredible EMPTINESS?"

Page 228 - Ann Rule writes, "She wrote of being harassed and hated by TWO ex-wives..."

Wow. So dramatic! Sure sounds like she was jealous of Jonah's kids...all three of them. THEY were #1 for Jonah.
To me, this sounds exactly like....."She had it coming......she had it coming...."

Cell block tango defense. Catherine Zeta Jones as a young version of Dina.....

I don't agree with most of what you posted, but even if I did, that's just not any valid excuse for murder.

I *could* compile a similar list for Dina.....but I won't. I don't need to. (I'm reminded of the "I'm rubber and you're glue" childhood rhyme thingie!) ;)

And in other news......

As I have said before, this is not a movie musical - it is peoples real lives. That you keep bringing up a song from a movie that has nothig to do with this case, just shows how out there some of the thoughts about Dina Shacknai, an innocent person who lost her little boy because of Rebecca Zahau, are.

As I have also said before, if anyone felt "she had it coming" it was Rebecca Zahau herself since she took her own life in her naked, bondaged swan song off the balcony.
BBM for emphasis

No, we have no proof that RZ made those searches. There is also no evidence that she knew how to tie complex, rare, nautical knots.

But we do know that some of the defendants present at the crime scene that night do have that skill set - Adam Shacknai, the tugboat worker.

ETA: It's still unusual that SDSO, after hearing Adam admit to viewing *advertiser censored* on his cell phone just prior to finding RZ's body, didn't bother to take his phone into evidence and check to see what type of *advertiser censored* he was viewing.

Rebecca and her little sister were the only ones there at the time those searches were made. Surely you are not suggesting it was XZ that made the searches?

Law Enforcement sure thought it was Rebecca, since no one else was in that room.

They were not "complex rare, nautical knots" - that is another falsehood by the Zahaus. They were simple SLIPKNOTS. That is stated in Rebecca's autopsy report. And we have no evidence that Rebecca DIDN'T know how to tie them, do we?
To me, this sounds exactly like....."She had it coming......she had it coming...."

Cell block tango defense. Catherine Zeta Jones as a young version of Dina.....

I don't agree with most of what you posted, but even if I did, that's just not any valid excuse for murder.

I *could* compile a similar list for Dina.....but I won't. I don't need to. (I'm reminded of the "I'm rubber and you're glue" childhood rhyme thingie!) ;)

And in other news......

"I betcha you would have done the same"

"number 17...spread eagle"

"...had it coming..."

Dina oops Velma.

eerie how the main prop is red, even the lighting is red.

Curious if the music the neighbors heard blasting was Cell Block Tango.
Just a quick question is 'MSM proof' the same as 'Ann Rule's book proof'?

Yeppers. And don't forget, sadly Ms. Rule was in the early stages of dementia while penning that book.

....The Housemaid was found at the scene and taken into evidence!

Pretty sure it is stated somewhere here in all these threads that movie was never taken into evidence.

Pretty sure it is stated somewhere here in all these threads that movie was never taken into evidence.

No, it wasn't in the list of 45 items taken into evidence per the search warrant


1. Knife
2. Pair black gloves
3. Paper towel w/red stains
4. Box w/paint supplies
5. Dr. Pepper bottle
6. Clothing
7. Flip camera
8. Basket w/cameras
9. Stain kit
10. Clump of hair
11. Document addressed to Jonah
12. Tissue w/red stain
13. Clothing
14. Hair
15. Receipt for paint supplies
16. Candle
17. Water bottle
18. Bedding
19. 2 red plastic cups
20. Underwear
21. Black latex glove
22. Table
23. Greeting card

24. Paper w/writing
25. Bedding
26. Butcher Knife
27. Steak knife
28. White plastic bag
29. Rope
30. Samsung cell phone
31. Paint brush
32. Stain kit
33. Small paint brush
34. Green & white striped towel
35. Bedroom door
36. Tube of black paint
37. Laptop computer
38. Mac computer
39. Olympus camera
40. Lumix camera
41. Swab kit
42. Swab kit
43. Swab kit
44. DNA swab
45. Print cards
^^ Thanks for finding that Betty!

That one there is, forever and day, posting misinformation.

^ Rebecca also commented in her journals that Kimberly, Jonah's first wife, did not like her. Funny, that NO ONE in the family seemed to like Rebecca. And Max even told another family member he was scared of her.

When NO ONE likes the new girlfriend, there is usually a good reason why

Maybe because they're racist? Generally speaking.

But in this case, I doubt most of the Shacknais knew Rebecca well enough to make a valid argument for not liking her. How much time did they really spend getting to know her? With an open mind? IMO, they knew she was young, it is obvious she was beautiful, also was Burmese. Could that be the reason for their disdain???

Maybe because they're racist?

It wouldn't surprise anyone that two ex-wives and daughters didn't like RZ. Max liked her. Adam himself stated he'd never met her until he came to Coronado.

It does appear all Jonah and Rebecca had a wide circle of friends. Recall, they had originally been planning a big party at the mansion before Max's accident and Rebecca's murder.

Just speculating, but it might also have been likely ex-spouses and older children may have been concerned about the possibility of Rebecca and Jonah starting their own family. Of course that wasn't likely at the time RZ was murdered as her autopsy showed the presence of an IUD (dislike posting such personal information, apologies to RZ and her family).

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