Wrongful Death Suit filed Nov. 13, 2013 in California

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Well, wouldn't it be nice if there is a reason for someone to get a warrant and find out who is behind all that. I have never seen such hatred. No one likes Jan Caldwell on the McStay Family case either.

I noticed that too...she is an apologist for Gore, nothing more.
"Farewell Event for Lou Scanlon: Yesterday, a farewell dinner was held for retiring Police Chief Lou Scanlon. The event included many of Lou's former colleagues from San Diego and Police Chiefs from throughout San Diego County. Chief Scanlon is scheduled to work next week to coordinate the transition with incoming Chief Jon Froomin, who will begin work on Monday, May 13."



Hey, can someone set me straight here? Of all the documents I have read lately, i'm not sure I understand what is happening date wise.

I understood there was to be a court date tomorrow, 8-8. Then I read something that said attorneys were meeting to work out dates, or maybe that was old stuff? Help :confused:

I just don't get it ... Why Tues night/Wed am? If it was supposedly clear to most by Monday PM that MS' injuries were such that it was highly unlikely he would recover, then what happened on Tues PMish to possibly fuel someone/s into a possible violent rage? TIA

ETA: Were there reports of any violent outbursts by anyone/s at the hospital/s?
Hey, can someone set me straight here? Of all the documents I have read lately, i'm not sure I understand what is happening date wise.

I understood there was to be a court date tomorrow, 8-8. Then I read something that said attorneys were meeting to work out dates, or maybe that was old stuff? Help :confused:


Maybe we could ask a moderator to reopen the thread for attorney questions. AZLawyer was so helpful in answering our questions!

ETA - The thread IS still open - Curosity Never Kills the Cat - Legal Questions for Verified Lawyers.

I just don't get it ... Why Tues night/Wed am? If it was supposedly clear to most by Monday PM that MS' injuries were such that it was highly unlikely he would recover, then what happened on Tues PMish to possibly fuel someone/s into a possible violent rage? TIA

ETA: Were there reports of any violent outbursts by anyone/s at the hospital/s?

No reports. At least none made available to the public and I would guess not made available to the Zahau's either. However, Maxie's medical records could have notes made by the hospital staff.

Well if you believe Nina...this is why Nina stopped over Tuesday night. I personally believe Nina was looking for her sister. Remember this is the night Nina took Jonah's car.

But so Tuesday after being with him all day - I just kept thinking, I don't understand. I don't - you know, I'm like a family member. I was as close to Max as - he was like my second son. And I kept saying to myself - I don't understand. I don't get it. You know? And at this point - they didn't know what hap - they didn't - the doctor's didn't know if the cardiac arrest came first or if the fall caused the cardiac arrest. They - they didn't know. That was very unclear at by Tuesday. So this is what the nurses were telling me Tuesday. - um so by the time I got back to my sister's that night, I just had this thing in my head I just don't get it - and I said, you know, I'm just gonna go over to her - I'm going to ask Rebecca - can you please show me - like show me where you found him show me how you found him - and then I just wanted to see, like how - show me - where what position. You know I just wanted to see for myself and that's why - (inaudible) it's a very long story - that's why I went there I just wanted her to show me how she found him, because I didn't understand and because she wouldn't tell me,(inaudible) I asked her what happened - she wouldn't give me any information - so my purpose of walking down there and texting her and saying - hey are you around I'd like to come by - was for the sole reason, I was an aunt who was just at the hospital all day with her nephew - seeing him in that condition and saying I just wanted answers - can somebody - please just tell me what happened because I don't understand this. So, that was my reason for going down there - it was ten o'clock at night, I had just gotten back from the hospital - it was about 9:25 or so and I got back from the hospital. So that's why I went there at that time of night. But I figured that she would be there - because I figured where else is she gonna be - but she never answered the door. So I thought because Adam had come in that day, that afternoon, the brother -

I'm more inclined to believe N went off looking for DS too. Wonder what prompted/caused/fueled DS to leave the hospital that Tues evening and w/o N?
I'm more inclined to believe N went off looking for DS too. Wonder what prompted/caused/fueled DS to leave the hospital that Tues evening and w/o N?

My best guess is that Dina started fomenting about revenge almost as soon as she went to hospital on Monday (she must have been a bit embarrassed also about not being available). I think they planned to have Rebecca pick up Nina because of this (Monday evening?). I believe the plan was starting to take form or at least was on someone's mind by Monday night or Tuesday morning... wasn't Dina curiously absent from the hospital on Tuesday? And, Nina too. Although I think you could be right, Dina left Tuesday evening and maybe that is why Nina had to borrow Jonah's car?
I'm more inclined to believe N went off looking for DS too. Wonder what prompted/caused/fueled DS to leave the hospital that Tues evening and w/o N?

Dearest QUESTER.... (we must be posting cousins, because Q-U-E-S-T is part of my name, too:loveyou:) As I stated earlier, I recently and suddenly withdrew from my "social sensitivity"
class.... So, I'll just state my opinion. In my opinion, NR gave the reason her sister drove off from the hospital in a rage (re-listen to her telephone interview with Chan 8) "The doctor came into the room about 8pm and told us MS would never walk or talk again." (I can understand. Yes, I personally understand the devastating impact of that message. I want to wrap my arms around any Mother who has received news of their child's imminent death.)
I also believe her sister (DS) conveyed she might have been seen by people walking/bicycling in front of the Ocean house. NR gave the interview in what she believes was a throw-herself-on-the-sword-sacrifice and tell the public, "We are twins, so you must be confused about who was really seen!"

As much as I have tried, looking at many photos....THEY DO NOT LOOK ALIKE, AT ALL!
The recent disclosure of the type of knots around Rebecca's neck, was the definitive piece of information that moved my meter of doubt to the full on conclusion of MURDER.

(no reason for anyone to ask me how I stand on this, ok?)
I'm more inclined to believe N went off looking for DS too. Wonder what prompted/caused/fueled DS to leave the hospital that Tues evening and w/o N?

Given DS' uncontrollable rage in the past (how an insider said DS was seen physically threatening Rebecca at a party in the past, as an example, and how she raged against Jonah by jumping atop his moving car shouting "You can't leave me" as another), it seems self-evident that DS couldn't control her rage at Rebecca any longer and felt she had to take action against Rebecca for presumably hurting Max.

DS waited a day to lash out at Rebecca because she was most likely gathering the materials necessary to exact her revenge on Rebecca and Tuesday night was the apt time. Recall that according to her own sister Nina, DS left the hospital at 6am Tues to go to her summer home a few blocks from the Spreckels mansion where Rebecca was staying and that DS then returned to the hospital supposedly at around 6pm according to Nina and 8pm according to Jonah.

Can you imagine, DS' anger and hatred of Rebecca was brewing the entire Monday since Max's accident throughout Tues, and finally DS exploded by abruptly leaving the hospital. Given that Nina was staying with DS at DS' summer home, there is no reason why DS left the hospital without Nina, is there? Unless DS was in a violent, uncontrollable rage and confrontational mode towards Rebecca. I believe the entire Tues DS was collecting the items (rope, duct tape, knives, gloves, paint, etc.) to hurt Rebecca. And finally decided to return to hospital to poke her vindictive head into the ICU so that she could be seen as the caring mother by hospital staff and be caught on camera to secure an alibi for herself before she went on her murderous rage against Rebecca.

I believe DS had it all planned out. Rebecca's tortured and humiliating death was imminent that Tues night.
CLUE, and she was mocking Rebecca and the Zahau family.
THAT IS ABSOLUTELY, SICK, SICK, SICK....talk about being out of touch with reality. Who makes "board games" about the untimely deaths of residents of your community? As an ex-member of Federal LE, one would assume she'd have more social awareness and consideration for the deceased and their families. (I can think of a lot ugly things to say....but I am trying to pass a class on "social sensitivity"......Oh heck, it won't be the first class I decided not to complete.....WHT-TH-F??????)

Inparadise, as always thank you for sharing the info. Did the recipient of "the gift" hold it up and say, "Thank you Mrs. G. for all your hard work and pursuit of social sensitivity. You are the most clever woman I have ever met?" (NOT!)

No, Mrs. Gore read the game instructions (that she had written), and everyone that was there, except for the Gore's of course, had a very uncomfortable look on their faces. She was mocking Rebecca and her family.
I brought this post over from another RZ thread.

Justice for Becky! - Good summary of Federal Statute(s) and element of proof can be found here:


"In order to prevail on their claims, they will need to find proof that the defendants are guilty of conspiracy. As provided by federal statute, the family will need to establish that defendants “conspire[d] to violate section 1111, 1114, 1116, or 1119 of this title, and one or more of such persons d[id] any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy.” 18 U.S.C.A. § 1117. Section 1111 referred to in the statute defines murder as “the unlawful killing of a human being with malice and aforethought.” Id. Essentially, the family will need evidence that the defendants had planned and intended the violent hanging of Rebecca Zahau.

There has been no mention of additional evidence obtained in order to affect potential charges."

18 U.S.C.A. § 1117


From the linked blog page, author mentions that Zahaus need to establish *conspiratorial conduct* amongst the defendants, namely Dina Shacknai, Nina Romano, and Adam Shacknai. I believe if a warrant is granted to obtain the phone records, phone calls, voicemails, and text messages of the defendants, then we can see a logical conspiratorial connection aka collusion among these POIs. I also believe that Jonah Shacknai's phone records will help reveal the conspiracy as well.

Personally I'm still on the fence about Jonah's direct involvement in Rebecca's death, but I do believe he was aware of much more than he let on. I think it's likely he knew Dina was on a deadly collision course with Rebecca Tuesday and hence, he stayed away from the Spreckels mansion Tuesday night. However, if Jonah was the one who invited Adam to Coronado, and Jonah was the one who specifically told Adam to stay in the Spreckels Tues night, then...I'd say it's likely he knew of Dina's vengeful plot and either tacitly or outspokenly consented to it because he believed Rebecca deserved the painful, humiliating end for presumably hurting his youngest son.

On the other hand, like Time, and the fact that an insider told me how much Jonah loved the Spreckels mansion, I truly doubt he would consent to a public hanging of Rebecca at his beloved mansion. I think he'd have likely sought a more quiet, distant place if he wanted Rebecca hurt/dead.

Since an insider had said that Jonah and Adam were not close and hadn't seen each other in years, and the fact that Adam calls his nephew Max "the boy" (a distancing term) in a 911 call, it appears Adam did not have a warm relationship with either Max or Jonah. So I think that it was the #1 plotter Dina who suggested that Jonah ask Adam to come visit Spreckels and Max because Dina knew she could convince the stooge Adam to do her bidding. It will be interesting to see if the phone records ferrets out Adam's connection to Dina.

It's plain to see that Adam could not have come up with this elaborate scheme on his own even though he said he was a "can do" guy. He appears to be a follower, not a leader. However, Dina appears to be quite the domineering, controlling, manipulative type so I think Adam did as he was told by Dina.

I believe that the phone records will bear out that Dina made a slew of high-strung, angry, hateful calls/texts about Rebecca to Nina and Adam (and Jonah) versus the other way around because she was the obvious leader in the vengeance against Rebecca.
No, Mrs. Gore read the game instructions (that she had written), and everyone that was there, except for the Gore's of course, had a very uncomfortable look on their faces. She was mocking Rebecca and her family.

The fact that Mrs Gore went out of her way to mock Rebecca's gruesome death by going so far as to create a deplorable board game means that she and Gore know in their guts and minds that their ruling of suicide was ridiculous, and that they seriously did Rebecca wrong. The Zahaus should bring this game into evidence (ask witnesses at the party to be deposed) and inform the Judge of the Gores' obvious hateful prejudices against the Zahaus. Their demeaning manners and behaviors towards the Zahaus and Rebecca's unnatural death shows a clear conflict of interest in investigating Rebecca's death. In other words, the investigation was a bogus, biased one and 100% in favor of Shacknais and prejudicial against Rebecca. SHAME ON THE GORES for being disgusting, vile creatures!
So would RZ, faced with her likely imminent end, have kept mum about whatever a possible aggressor was interested in knowing or would she have spilled any pertinent/interesting beans or did she have any beans to spill or would an aggressor not be interested in any beans whatsoever?

Ugly in every way.
This is an article I found...I guess there was a hearing August 1. For some reason I had August 8 stuck in my head. I am hopeful reading this. If it had been dismissed as requested by plaintiffs, this case would have been dead in the water. However, here is an excerpt from the article:

Defense attorneys argue that Zahau killed herself because she was feeling guilty about the boy's death.

Greer said Zahau's death boils down to one word -- vengeance.

"That anger and need for vengeance, we think, fueled this whole thing into a confrontation that eventually escalated into murder," Greer said.

Zahau's family strongly believes Jonah Shacknai's wealth and influence as the founder of a large pharmaceutical company played a big part in the investigation being ruled a suicide.

"The evidence does appear to be leading to that theory," Greer said.

Attorneys for both sides will be back in court next January to set a trial date.


The litter mates have their Depends in a bunch. IMO they have tried to distract from Rebecca's murder by claiming that she harmed Max. Basically I hear them say that its okay that she is dead because of that. They have done nothing but try to discredit her at every turn.

So it looks like there will be a trial. Unless there us another opportunity to go before a judge and a dismissal request by plaintiffs is granted. I don't know enough about those issues. Carioca?
The fact that Mrs Gore went out of her way to mock Rebecca's gruesome death by going so far as to create a deplorable board game means that she and Gore know in their guts and minds that their ruling of suicide was ridiculous, and that they seriously did Rebecca wrong. The Zahaus should bring this game into evidence (ask witnesses at the party to be deposed) and inform the Judge of the Gores' obvious hateful prejudices against the Zahaus. Their demeaning manners and behaviors towards the Zahaus and Rebecca's unnatural death shows a clear conflict of interest in investigating Rebecca's death. In other words, the investigation was a bogus, biased one and 100% in favor of Shacknais and prejudicial against Rebecca. SHAME ON THE GORES for being disgusting, vile creatures!

What Mrs. Gore did was in very poor taste. When I think about her motives, and the information that Sheriff Gore must have shared with her.......I am sickened beyond belief. They are both disgusting individuals on many levels.........makes me understand why their son is such a loser.
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