Wrongful death trial begins. Trial coverage and discussion #2

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His girlfriend is 72?!?!?! And this is supposed to influence the jury how? A man that much younger is going to be far more likely to desire a woman 20 years younger than him...one that he had easy access to, and one who would have rejected him flat out, causing him to be angry.

They said she doesn't live with him & they have no plans to ever marry or move in together after a 20 year relationship, plus he's never introduced her to his family. Yeeeeaaah...why isn't this believable.
Can someone hear AS cutting RZ down on the 911 tape? I would think that it would be audible since he was standing on that tiny table. I'm just assuming that, no matter how skinny she might have been, she was still a adult woman so, wouldn't it be kind of hard for him to hold her while cutting the rope without dropping her or falling down the table? He must be Hulk or something.

I've always wondered about this. The sounds on the call don't match all the things he said he did, IMO.
Agree! Said this yesterday! That was preplanned to give the jury a look at AS's "girlfriend of 20 years."

Good call, Imp. I do believe you and the others are right that this was pre-planned...
They said she doesn't live with him & they have no plans to ever marry or move in together after a 20 year relationship, plus he's never introduced her to his family. Yeeeeaaah...why isn't this believable.

Sounds like an elderly female acquaintance of AS got to spend some time in sunny San Diego on the defense team's dime.
The more I think about it the more I think that the attack did not happen in that spare bedroom. I really think the attack happened either in the master bedroom area or the guest house. The master bedroom was not tested for dna or fingerprints. The guest house the same. I think it was either a surprise ateack in the master bedroom or perhaps RZ went to the guest house either to check to see if AS needed anything before she went to bed or she went after getting the text from NR. Perhaps she received the text, freaked out because she felt like she couldn’t not respond to NR because it might upset Jonah, but she was hesitant because she wasn’t sure if NR was angry and wanted a confrontation which she did not want to deal with. So maybe she went to speak to AS in the guest house to get his opinion and perhaps see if he could contact NR to feel her out to see what state of mind NR was in before she would agree to meet up with her for a talk. I can see this happening because maybe she didn’t want to bother Jonah with this thinking he had enough on his plate at the hospital and so AS would be the only person she could go to. Once in the guest house is when the attack could have occurred. There was no testing for dna etc done in the guest house. AS dna and fingerprints would be all over the guest house as well as Rebecca’s. He wouldn’t have to worry so much about wiping down the scene since there was no blood. I think he planted the knives etc in the spare bedroom- and all he would have to wipe down was the areas he knew he had touched. The door, balcony door, bed post, and I really think he wiped down the railing. The LE had said that they thought she slid sideways over the railing because they railing was dusty and part of the railing was clean and they said the clean part was her body sliding against the railing. I think he had touched the railing as he threw the rope over and so wiped where he had cleaned. Perhaps the toe prints were his not hers. There really wasn’t any good scientific evidence that the toe prints were hers. I think he then took her body out in the morning to the yard right before he called 911. He intentionally did this so early as it was prob dark so unlikely that anyone would see him do this.
Also, I think JS left a voicemail because NR contacted either him or her sister to say Rebecca wasn’t get back to her and JS called her to talk about it.
I don’t think JS knew about this beforehand I think he came up with the story about the voicemail realizing his brother was the only other person there so wanted to cover for him.

Sorry for the long tangent.
Also, I think JS left a voicemail because NR contacted either him or her sister to say Rebecca wasn’t get back to her and JS called her to talk about it.

This is an interesting angle I hadn't thought about!
Reading that, I agree it's brilliant. Thanks to the "investigation" and the conclusions the "investigators" drew from it, Greer doesn't have a whole lot to work with with regard to AS's culpability. However, he does have AS at the scene (supposedly the only other person at the scene other than RZ all night), and he also has ample evidence (imo) that her death was a brutal homicide, not a suicide.

1: AS presence at Spreckels at the time of RZ's death
1: RZ's death a homicide
2: AS caused RZ's homicide

1 + 1 = 2

I'm quoting my silly self because I just realized I got so wrapped up in my little formula there, I didn't make my initial point to Tortoise about Mr. Greer's brilliant questioning toward the end of AS's testimony. My point is I think it's very smart of Mr. Greer to emphasize with each witness the improbability that RZ's death was a suicide. He should just keep bringing it back to that point, imo, to make sure it's never far from the jury's mind. If he can do that, then my dorky formula kicks in.
The more I think about it the more I think that the attack did not happen in that spare bedroom. I really think the attack happened either in the master bedroom area or the guest house. The master bedroom was not tested for dna or fingerprints. The guest house the same. I think it was either a surprise ateack in the master bedroom or perhaps RZ went to the guest house either to check to see if AS needed anything before she went to bed or she went after getting the text from NR. Perhaps she received the text, freaked out because she felt like she couldn’t not respond to NR because it might upset Jonah, but she was hesitant because she wasn’t sure if NR was angry and wanted a confrontation which she did not want to deal with.

I think that there is strong reason to believe that the main incident could have occurred in the guesthouse (likely by confronting her in master bedroom, then getting her out there somehow -- or chasing her after she tried to escape??). She *might* have gone out to see if he needed anything, but I just don't see evidence of a closeness indicating she'd seek him out for advice after the NR text. That's the one concept I'm personally less inclined to believe.

You are right, it would be so much easier to move around that guesthouse, no problem with leaving DNA. Based on the items found in the guesthouse, she could definitely have been in there. Then, Adam could have staged the back bedroom & either thrown her over balcony or just staged the scene from the ground. Since no thorough investigation was done, we'll never know. I haven't heard any indication that they analyzed footprint patterns between guesthouse, main house and around the courtyard to see if it all matched up to the suicide theory and Adam's story... (nor that they tried to identify the source of her muddy feet).
Amazing how AS cannot recall any details involving RZ and the scene of her horrific death scene.

However, following questioning by Mr. Greer, AS questioned by Mr. Webb about his personal life, education, work history, etc. and AS can cite precise measurements of tug wiring, holidays, dates, etc. without missing a beat! OH, and according to Mr. Webb, JS comes into this (trial) ONLY because he's the "home owner!"

Let's hope the convenient memory loss and complete distancing from RZ not lost to the jurors.

I've always wondered about this. The sounds on the call don't match all the things he said he did, IMO.

I still think any cutting happened before the 911 call.

From the polygraph
AS: I think.. I got to reach her and realized I wasn't going to be able to get her off without a knife. You know I tried -- I realized -- quite quickly. You know I realized this thing will happen like this. I went around the back into the house which the door was open. I got a knife with the butcher block thing -- came back out -- cut her down -- and tried called 9-1-1 shortly thereafter -- if not before.

I still think any cutting happened before the 911 call.

From the polygraph
AS: I think.. I got to reach her and realized I wasn't going to be able to get her off without a knife. You know I tried -- I realized -- quite quickly. You know I realized this thing will happen like this. I went around the back into the house which the door was open. I got a knife with the butcher block thing -- came back out -- cut her down -- and tried called 9-1-1 shortly thereafter -- if not before.


This is the MAIN thing that sticks out for me. I can't believe it wasn't brought up in Adam's questioning (or at least nobody has mentioned this, I didn't get to see anything more than 10 minutes of Greer's direct). It's absolutely HUGE.
IMO, the reason Adam was in Coronado was to get rid of Rebecca in order to hide what really happened to Max.

What do you think really happened to Max? This bugs me a lot. I feel like SDSO's rulings on both of these deaths are questionable.
And what was that?

I'm really saddened that this site has no sympathy for a dead child.

Where do you get the idea there's no sympathy for a dead child here? Everyone here thinks it's terribly sad that little Max is dead. And you'll see plenty of remarks expressing sympathy for Dina's loss of her only child, even from people who don't particularly like her.

The problem here is that neither Max nor Rebecca's deaths have been explained satisfactorily.
Thank you, Tricia! I'm off to listen.

I just re-read the Town and Country article by Sean Elder, here:


I am having a
WTF moment. How did I miss this?


“Nobody talks about Max,” says Nina Romano, “but if he hadn’t died, maybe Rebecca would be alive.”



Damn Nina, people are talking about Rebecca because she was murdered.

Also, sorry in advance for getting a little graphic but typically women will take out a tampon before a shower and immediately put one back in right after the shower. She would not be walking around without sometype of tampon or pad, especially while naked. If she was attacked in the shower she obviously wouldn&#8217;t have the opportunity to take care of that need.

Rebecca had an IUD and probably wasn't having regular periods anymore. Spotting while on the IUD does happen but I believe the blood was due to being assaulted with a knife.
If I was on the jury I would believe AS murdered Rebecca and the plaintiff has proven its case.

1. AS had means, motive and opportunity.
2. AS is not a credible witness going on his 911 call, his polygraph result with his account and all the arm movements he was making to convince the polygrapher, and his hostile manner and obviously rehearsed court testimony.
3. I believe he was awake that night because he said Max's accident happened yesterday.
4. The case is clearly murder with bound feet, fingerprints on the knife blade, blood on the knife handle, the mechanics of getting herself over the railing, the gag, the screams, the injuries to her head and back, her legs bent in rigor, the fractured (cricoid?) bone in her neck, the evidence she was hog-tied, the third-person message on the door, her nakedness, the plastic bag with her DNA inside it, the overturned chair, the bed that moved but never left drag marks on the carpet, the wiped down items and places,...(may have forgotten a few points but that seems like most of it).
5. AS knew how to tie the knots even if he claims ignorance.
6. AS writes in capitals and the slant of the letters matches his writing.
7. The cutting down/table/CPR/emergency call/texting JS story is a farce.
8. His "embarrassing" confession to masterbating that morning probably to explain semen they might find on the rope,
9. The investigation that was not an investigation.
10. AS saying he thinks it was suicide when all the evidence points to murder - why wouldn't he now have changed his opinion and said it must have been a different perpetrator.
11. AS saying in his police interview that he hoped she wasn't tied up - (which is an admission in and of itself he didn't think suicide) all that business of not noticing and asking the detectives etc.
12. The impossibility of CPR with her jaw being in rigor at the very least he could not have tilted her head back or compressed her chest while holding the cellphone.
13. Knowing the house would be unlocked to get a knife when there is a kitchen in the guest house.
14. Noticing what type of rope it was even when he would hardly admit to knowing what he was moving out of the way.
15. Saying immediately she hanged herself.
16. Distancing from Rebecca - calling her "something hanging" and not a person he had known for a few years.
17. Touching everything - the gag and wrist knots to explain his touch DNA (if they'd bothered to look for it).
18. His repeated emphasis on what his father said to him about Max so that he could not possibly have thought she saved him and painted it on the door.

Yes, I would vote that the plaintiff proved its case.
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