WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 4

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Does the fact that LE does not seem to be making any effort to make this a national story mean that they have reason to believe it will have a local ending? Or just that they don't want the outside scrutiny? I can't decide.

Could it be that the national news media won't pick up the story because its not sensational enough? I mean, who would they interview? Who would NG tear apart? LOL No one is talking!!
There are so many cases that go "unheard" for just this reason (lack of sensationalism! Look at poor Sharon West :(
The MJ trial is much more important apparently

Here are a couple more from my sis yesterday. I really like the church.


Could it be that the national news media won't pick up the story because its not sensational enough? I mean, who would they interview? Who would NG tear apart? LOL No one is talking!!
There are so many cases that go "unheard" for just this reason (lack of sensationalism! Look at poor Sharon West :(
The MJ trial is much more important apparently
I think they have decided there is more money with the MJ trial and the freaks surrounding it.
Does the fact that LE does not seem to be making any effort to make this a national story mean that they have reason to believe it will have a local ending? Or just that they don't want the outside scrutiny? I can't decide.

Great question and I don't have any strong opinion one way or the other but it did prompt me to do a little background research on FBI Special Agent Jeff Killeen. He doesn't appear to be a shrinking violet so to speak and probably would not shy away from national or international attention.

Department of Justice Releases First National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction
U.S. Marshals Service to Launch Nationwide Operation Targeting Top 500 Most Dangerous, Non-Compliant Sex Offenders

“The FBI considers the investigation and identification of child sexual predators one of its significant priorities, and we have considerable resources dedicated to the protection of children from online exploitation and abuse,” said FBI Special Agent Jeff Killeen.


Just a bit of what FBI Special Agent Jeff Killeen has been involved with - doesn't look like he would shy away from attention....moo.
Good! Put 50 more cops in there and turn the heat up.
I am not as young as I once was (almost 50) and I know that by day 3 my feet hurt and swell. Day 4 it's so very hard to get my favorite boots on. I don't dare take them off after that during the day on breaks or I will never get them back on. Wrap the ankles with stretchy tape, moleskin on the heels and blisters, keep on keepin' on. At the end of the day go straight to the hotel and put the feet up with ice to get the swelling down. I have even gone so far as to use Preparation H on the feet and enclose them in plastic with rubber bands while sleeping, LOL! Hey, it takes the swelling down! Not complaining, I would never give up, ever. The Prep H is funny! I don't care who you are! lmbo :) :)

7 days for folks who are not used to it has to be horrendous.
I am not as young as I once was (almost 50) and I know that by day 3 my feet hurt and swell. Day 4 it's so very hard to get my favorite boots on. I don't dare take them off after that during the day on breaks or I will never get them back on. Wrap the ankles with stretchy tape, moleskin on the heels and blisters, keep on keepin' on. At the end of the day go straight to the hotel and put the feet up with ice to get the swelling down. I have even gone so far as to use Preparation H on the feet and enclose them in plastic with rubber bands while sleeping, LOL! Hey, it takes the swelling down! Not complaining, I would never give up, ever. The Prep H is funny! I don't care who you are! lmbo :) :)

7 days for folks who are not used to it has to be horrendous.
LOL that is the first time I have heard of it used for that. I have heard it is good for wrinkles. :crazy:
LOL that is the first time I have heard of it used for that. I have heard it is good for wrinkles. :crazy:

OT: (last one) LOL! I got the idea when I read somewhere it was good for removing the swelling in under eye bags and puffiness around the eye! I have allergies, it does work.
Just a thought but we know how much it cost CA for looking for her daughter. I apologize if that's the wrong thing to say but the family just isn't talking and it makes no sense whatsoever. None. This story just breaks my heart more each day.

Okay what? The PC wasn't televised? ugh

5 NEWS Update 9/30 4:00 pm

Law enforcement held a press conference at 2:00 p.m. in regards to missing Aliayah Lunsford. At that time they had said there was no new information. Tune into First at 5 for more information.

Did I miss it?

My word, I just can't believe this is the same response for going on 7 days tomorrow. Honestly, how can that be!!!!! :banghead:
Here are a couple more from my sis yesterday. I really like the church.



Such a sad task in such a serene place.....I can literally hear John Denver singing....... "West Virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country roads"!!!!!
I think they have decided there is more money with the MJ trial and the <modsnip> surrounding it.

Right, and the Jackson family would rather have media spend thier time helping to find this lil girl :banghead:

Also, I wonder why super stars that are doing live interviews, don't take their time to say a sentence about a missing child that needs help...?? Really, would it be that hard.... I am sure all the stars don't like the spotlight all the time:maddening:
I don't know how it is in WV but here any child born is considered the husband's unless a court says otherwise. Even if the birth father wanted his name on the birth certificate he would have to go to court to get it put on. The husband is always the legal father of a child born during the marriage.
I do notice there is a child that seems to have a different last name, though. Not sure how that works or if it was a mistake.
I may be wrong but I also thought you could name the child anything you want, including the last name, you just can't name someone as the father unless they sign papers or have a DNA test to prove they are the father, that is if they parents weren't married. When I had my child I wasn't married and I was told I couldn't name the father on the birth certificate unless he signed papers in the hospital.
If they were married and agreed to be named the father he wouldn't have to do anything since it would be presumed he was the father as they were married.
Make sense?
My daughter's father was proved by DNA and the state added him to the birth certificate. I didn't even know that until I got a copy of it that he had been added. She had my last name, though, even though her father was named on the birth certificate with a different last name.

Yes this just happend to a friend of mine. Him and his wife were seperated and she got pregnant by her boyfriend. The judge had to issue a paternity test to prove he wasn't the father because the state held him resposible financially until the test came back. He was then released from all past and future support.

This is the study I wanted to find earlier regarding cadaver dogs and transfer.
One of the questions surrounding human cadaver dogs is how soon after death they can recognise a corpse, and how long a "fresh" corpse must remain in one place for a dog to detect that it has been there. In a study published last year, the forensic pathologist Lars Oesterhelweg, then at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and colleagues tested the ability of three Hamburg State Police cadaver dogs to pick out &#8211; of a line-up of six new carpet squares &#8211; the one that had been exposed for no more than 10 minutes to a recently deceased person.

Several squares had been placed beneath a clothed corpse within three hours of death, when some organs and many cells of the human body are still functioning. Over the next month, the dogs did hundreds of trials in which they signalled the contaminated square with 98 per cent accuracy, falling to 94 per cent when the square had been in contact with the corpse for only two minutes. The research concluded that cadaver dogs were an "outstanding tool" for crime-scene investigation.
I know this has more than likely been discussed in length however I can't find it.

Aliayah was said to have "messed" herself when over at a friends house for a sleep over...

If she was there for a sleep over wouldn't she of had a change of clothing and not have needed to go home?


You would think Baby A. would have had more clothing with her on an overnight stay.

I do wonder if LE/FBI ever found the 'messed up' clothing? That would certainly be a huge red flag if they didn't. It would also be a red flag if there were no clothing of Baby A's found in the home.

IMO, either this baby was given to someone or she is no longer with us and is hidden. I just cannot see how she could have been taken from the home with so many people in it.

There simply has to be something the person/s responsible forgot to cover his/her bases on.

I just have this deep feeling that LE/FBI is waiting for Mom to have the twins, and then this investigation will heat up. She has answers that only she can give as to why the 2 hour drive and so forth, and why she did what she did that morning.

My heart is just broken for this beautiful, sad little child. Just looking at her pic makes me want to just scoop her up and keep her safe from any and all harm! She is so precious! My daughter tells me I would need a place the size of Texas for all the little children I want rescued. She is right.

PLEASE let today be the day! Someone has to have seen something or knows something!

Not related, but yet it is... there is a huge need for foster and foster to adopt parents. We adopted six (2 sib groups of three) many years ago (1998 and 2001) which gave us 9 children altogther. Many kids (not saying in this case, cause I have no idea) are returned to unfit homes for lack of a better placement plan. We can save everyone but we can save a few.
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