WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 4

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Warning- graphic.

Deceased persons can retain/release 'heat' depending upon a LOT of conditions. As an example, one organ might retain heat longer than another organ.

Perhaps a ME could weigh in here? I am certainly not one.
Thanks. Gotchya! Also, as in larvae, pupae activity causing heat.

Yeah. I was kind of figuring at 6 days in summer heat, in the open, this stage would have progressed rapidly and possibly have been over been now.

Thanks Oriah! Truly.
I know this has more than likely been discussed in length however I can't find it.

Aliayah was said to have "messed" herself when over at a friends house for a sleep over...

If she was there for a sleep over wouldn't she of had a change of clothing and not have needed to go home?

If one of my kids was sick while sleeping somewhere, you bet your buppy that I would bring them home.

Has the Van been spotted on any cameras or videos on this route

or would there even have been any cameras or videos on this route?

And are the places where smokes were bought and gas asked for on this route?

Or near this route?:waitasec:

I don't believe the cigarette buying was ever confirmed as anything but a rumour. Not to point fingers at you specifically, but I thought it made a good example of why links to MSM are requested. Especially because this case seems to be drawing a lot of new people (and I include myself in this) who aren't necessarily aware of how quickly be speculation and rumours can be absorbed as "fact" in fast moving threads.

On a similar note, I see there was a lot of talk about not knowing there were kids on the property. I seem to recall a local poster in an earlier thread mentioning that the kids were seen out and about (she hadn't thought so initially, but a friend later corrected her- I'll see if I can find teh link to back this up), so it might be sheer luck who saw them and who didn't. Especially if the family (including kids) is still unpacking and the older ones are probably helping around the house because of their mother's pregnancy. I mean, I've lived in places where I never saw my neighbours, in closer quarters than this appears to be, and was surprised more than once by kids.
No way am I giving an excuse for this mother for I have an opinion as to what happened to this little girl.

I know of this incident while living on base housing in the military where a man died in the house. The wife was next door at a neighbors house, and when she came home she found him. What did she do? She grabbed her purse and sat on the couch. Never yelled, never called the police or anything. It wasn't until hours later when a neighbor came over and found the woman sitting there like a statue. The neighbor called the police.

The police arrived and this lady just clutched her purse and all she said was, "Where is my purse"

People are known to do strange things while in shock, extreme fear so her actions are in question there could be an explanation. I'll defer to LE on this one. She did seem to be crying in the one video.

Maybe she sold the baby to someone?

Maybe like in another story she gave up her baby to someone she owed something to

Maybe the SD with two kids coming did something.

It could be so many different things.

Crime seems to be increasing throughout the USA. I don't know if I'm just paying attention more or what but even in my own little small town crime is on the upswing. (Child under the Shed) is my area and before this murder happened we only had 2 murders in 10 years! WTH is going on America!

I think it will get even worse with states funding issues. Seems a lot want to release prisoners early. Criminals will become more bold because they know they won't be in jail long if caught.

No, YOU have an opinion??? :tongue::wink:

I think the sale of the child is definitely a possibility in this case. If Aliayah was in fact the child of another man, she may have not been as loved or may have been looked at as a mistake or a bad reminder MOO

OT: As the economy gets worse (which it is) there will be more crime than we are used to in this country without a doubt. Felons may re-offend as a means to get 3 meals and a bed! My brother was burglarized last night in Queens, NY. The guy just took a small TV, a PS3 and some old jewelry. Could be a drug addict? Yep.. or could it be some father of 3 who couldn't get beds in the shelter that night and reduced himself to the lowest of lows so that he could rent a roach infested room so that his children didn't have to sleep on the street? I make no excuses for a criminal act but i know if I had to steal something to feed my child, I would. In NY, if you don't get in the food line early or u don't get to the shelter in time, you're SOL (AGAIN Off topic.. Not even beginning to make an excuse for what may have happened to Aliayah)

On Topic: Thanks for the post Lera213 :seeya:
I said I did not think I had seen them getting on the bus at the stop by the armory. There were 2 girls that started getting on this year that I had not seen before, but they appeared to be much older than the 2 oldest girls. I did later find out by one of the moms at the bus stop that those were the 2 oldest girls.
If one of my kids was sick while sleeping somewhere, you bet your buppy that I would bring them home.
I don't believe the cigarette buying was ever confirmed as anything but a rumour. Not to point fingers at you specifically, but I thought it made a good example of why links to MSM are requested. Especially because this case seems to be drawing a lot of new people (and I include myself in this) who aren't necessarily aware of how quickly be speculation and rumours can be absorbed as "fact" in fast moving threads.
On a similar note, I see there was a lot of talk about not knowing there were kids on the property. I seem to recall a local poster in an earlier thread mentioning that the kids were seen out and about (she hadn't thought so initially, but a friend later corrected her- I'll see if I can find teh link to back this up), so it might be sheer luck who saw them and who didn't. Especially if the family (including kids) is still unpacking and the older ones are probably helping around the house because of their mother's pregnancy. I mean, I've lived in places where I never saw my neighbours, in closer quarters than this appears to be, and was surprised more than once by kids.

Thank you SnoopyDoobyDoo

Yes, I would bring her home ASAP if she was my child also but I thought (maybe I am mistaken) that she at that time only said she messed...:waitasec:

Also thank you for letting me know that was a rumor about the cigarette buying, I was not aware of that and thought I had read every post there was... Thank you again... :hug:
Well if hard drugs are involved in this mess then people should be getting desperate to get the eyes off of them.
While some violent crime rates have dropped nationwide and in WV, assaults have increased in WV by 12.2 % in one year according to this news report. My personal opinion based on local news reports is that it's mostly drug & alcohol related assaults.


Other WV statistics are equally as disturbing. According to this news article
A 2009 study by the West Virginia Perinatal Partners found that one out of every five West Virginia babies are exposed to drugs or alcohol before they are born. But doctors who specialize in the care of newborns say the problem now could be even greater that the 2009 study indicates.

Well if hard drugs are involved in this mess then people should be getting desperate to get the eyes off of them.

Yep... was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately IF a woman is doing drugs while pregnant, it's the poor fetus that will suffer the worst withdrawals.
Thanks. Gotchya! Also, as in larvae, pupae activity causing heat.

Yeah. I was kind of figuring at 6 days in summer heat, in the open, this stage would have progressed rapidly and possibly have been over been now.

Thanks Oriah! Truly.

You're welcome. I think. :(

Also- that does not mean that an HRD dog, or any other scent-seeking devices etc- could not scent on decomp at that point. Does that make sense?
Well if hard drugs are involved in this mess then people should be getting desperate to get the eyes off of them.

And that was how it went in the Haleigh Cummings case; they couldn't stop their drug use and all went to jail--but still no Haliegh:(
How long can a child of 3 last in the woods with no food, water and animals? I know we should keep hope alive but I have been researching these cases a very long time.Nothing makes sense in this case!
Yep... was thinking the same thing. Unfortunately IF a woman is doing drugs while pregnant, it's the poor fetus that will suffer the worst withdrawals.

Nowadays, it's pretty much standard procedure for hospitals to do drug tests on moms and newborns so we'll soon know about that as well. State will put the babies in custody for any non- prescibed drugs in their systems.
How long can a child of 3 last in the woods with no food, water and animals? I know we should keep hope alive but I have been researching these cases a very long time.Nothing makes sense in this case!

Don't forget that she was sick too.
WV doesn't have enough foster homes to keep every child born in this state with drugs in their system.
Does the fact that LE does not seem to be making any effort to make this a national story mean that they have reason to believe it will have a local ending? Or just that they don't want the outside scrutiny? I can't decide.
On Friday, Jeff Killeen, a special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Pittsburgh Division said searches had turned up little evidence of Lunsford's whereabouts.

Killeen also said the extensive around-the-clock search was taking a toll on law enforcement officers and volunteers. He said dozens of new officers and volunteers will take over much of the search this weekend.

You're welcome. I think. :(

Also- that does not mean that an HRD dog, or any other scent-seeking devices etc- could not scent on decomp at that point. Does that make sense?
Yes, lot's of sense.

They were discussing the use of the helicopter and heat sensing technologies.
I am aware of the body cooling to the surrounding environment at different rates in different locations in the body. I think the heli was day 6. I wondered if they waited until day 6 because of a lack of resources on day one and two or if they thought any remains might produce heat at that point in time (day 6) due to blow fly (or other) larvae and the resulting heat from them.

So many variables in decomposition, eh?
I could keep you busy for months with my questions, lol.
I am ever so curious and love to learn.
No one case is ever the same as another.
Neat really, IMO.

Thank you for your answers, Oriah, truly.
And...your patience. :)

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