WV WV - Aliayah Lunsford, 3, Lewis Co., 24 Sep 2011 - # 6

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I just listened to the redacted 911 recording here ... http://wboy.com/videoplayer.cfm?id=3290f5f7ccfcc4e36b3d02586fd8ad285a4ac398

Unless you guys heard something different in the un-edited version; what I first thought was a man speaking in the background on Lena's end, on closer listen sounds like a radio call on the dispatcher's end instead?

She says "it's a girl", twice.

Too many edits. Like Grandma said back thread we've heard a lot of them redacted here and it can be misleading.

It even sounded as if it were edited while it was getting ready for a connection.

A side note not related directly to this case but interesting: When a person calls 911. As soon as you hear the phone ringing you are being recorded.

How do I know this? Well, about 25+ yrs ago I knew a man that had murdered his wife, gone out with a friend to a nightclub and then took his buddy home and "discovered" her body with buddy there. He called 911, he was laughing and passing marijuana back and forth with the buddy while he waited for the 911 operator to pick up. That's how they got his butt. He's still in prison and is serving a life sentence (I'm a WS'er, I looked him up to see if he was still in prison :))
Where did you read that? 6 fathers for 7 kids? They better check the twins. They have been known to have different fathers, too.
Momma's a busy little bee, isn't see?

She read the post wrong.... 6 different arrests for the bio Dad is what the post said. It was misunderstood. :)
Oh wow, I guess I missed that. Going back to look for the post, any idea who the local was?

That was me. The sign in front of the church said Saturday and it was the weekend before school started, so August 20.
She read the post wrong.... 6 different arrests for the Step Dad is what the post said. It was misunderstood. :)

actually it was 6 different arrests for the BIO dad.. sadly, SD has way more
Too many edits. Like Grandma said back thread we've heard a lot of them redacted here and it can be misleading.

It even sounded as if it were edited while it was getting ready for a connection.

A side note not related directly to this case but interesting: When a person calls 911. As soon as you hear the phone ringing you are being recorded.

How do I know this? Well, about 25+ yrs ago I knew a man that had murdered his wife, gone out with a friend to a nightclub and then took his buddy home and "discovered" her body with buddy there. He called 911, he was laughing and passing marijuana back and forth with the buddy while he waited for the 911 operator to pick up. That's how they got his butt. He's still in prison and is serving a life sentence (I'm a WS'er, I looked him up to see if he was still in prison :))

That is so cool and smart and makes sense!!
just listened to the 911 call at wboy again, and it sounds to me that the only thing different is now Gma's phone numbr is bleeped out.
I went back and listened. The operator asked when was the last time you saw her. Lena answered "real early" then the operator said "the last time you saw her was 6:30 this morning?" She answered yes. How would the operator know "real early" and 6:30 are the same thing? Something isn't jiving here. Another thing is how does 911 record the caller before they answer? I could hear briefly Lena whinpering before the 911 operator answered. Just seems odd.:waitasec:

It is odd, also I recall in the Anthony case, you can hear Cindy talking to Casey, before the 911 operator picks up too, not sure how it happens but it does.:waitasec:
It is odd, also I recall in the Anthony case, you can hear Cindy talking to Casey, before the 911 operator picks up too, not sure how it happens but it does.:waitasec:

Must be as soon as you dial 911 you are connected...kind of like how a cell phone with a dead battery can still dial 911 or so they say?:waitasec:
It is odd, also I recall in the Anthony case, you can hear Cindy talking to Casey, before the 911 operator picks up too, not sure how it happens but it does.:waitasec:
It makes sense that 911 would start recording the second you dial it, that way if someone does something to the person calling at least the operator will hear it if she can't answer immediately.
Must be as soon as you dial 911 you are connected...kind of like how a cell phone with a dead battery can still dial 911 or so they say?:waitasec:

Read Kat's post at the top of the page, lol.
It is very strange if the SF was truly NOT mentioned at all in the 911 call and even stranger if his name was taken off the tape...?
Could not find it quickly. It was the Darlie Routier case, so too much to search through. I lived in Plano at that time and followed it closely. I still peek at it every once in awhile.

Anyway, this is another article on it:

Look for 911 homicide calls and statement analysis. They can examine the words and tone of voice.

Didn't go through the whole call but 2 things stood out right away. She starts out with "My baby's missing".
In this case, the father took personal possession of a problem (“I have”) and referred to his problem (his dying son) as “an unconscious child.” When the paramedics arrived at the residence, the child already had died. The father had assaulted his son, causing cerebral hemorrhaging. Twelve percent of the 911 callers in the study took personal possession of the problem. All were guilty of the homicide.

And she never asked for help. She never said "Get the police here right away" or "Find my baby".
Thirty-seven percent of the callers in the study made urgent and demanding pleas for help, and each was innocent. This finding was the strongest indicator of innocence in the study. Conversely, 22 percent of the callers were patient and polite, and all were guilty of the homicides.
While she sounded urgent she didn't demand help. At least that is how it seemed to me. Remember Cindy's call to 911? "You've got to find her now!"
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