GUILTY WV - Emmaleigh Barringer, 10 months, dies after brutal rape, Ripley, 3 Oct 2016 *Arrest*

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Everyone, please, please go report this page to Facebook. I can't even stand to type what I read in the comments posted by a NAMBLA member. It takes a twisted person to create a page like this! I'm guessing they get a thrill out of the shock factor. I did not know what NAMBLA stood for and I'm sorry I googled it.
Has everyone lost their freaking minds?
Clowns, pedophilia...
There is even a site telling what NOT to dress your child as for Halloween, stating they could be harmed for it.
I should start a thread about that, but have no clue where to put it!
Hi, DropthePuck!

I read the police report and the officer stated Emmaleigh is 9 months old.

Various media sources are reporting her age as 9 months; others as 10 months.

The Go Fund Me page states 10 1/2 months.
They were living in Rolling Meadow Village complex. It is a public housing complex and rent is based on income and number in the family. (I say that b/c it was probably another reason he was looking for a woman w/children.) The laundry facilities are in the basement of the building, not in their own personal basement area (Sorry if I'm the only one who thought that they had an actual home w/ a basement, like maybe living in a duplex.). So, he took her out of the apartment, and down into a basement laundry room, in the early a.m., when no one else would be there, and no one would hear. This, to me, is forethought. I had thought maybe that drugs were involved earlier, something like meth, but I don't now, this was deliberate and he'd most likely molested her before, but this time he lost control. I am against the death penalty but for this man, I'm seriously re-thinking. He is evil.
Everyone, please, please go report this page to Facebook. I can't even stand to type what I read in the comments posted by a NAMBLA member. It takes a twisted person to create a page like this! I'm guessing they get a thrill out of the shock factor. I did not know what NAMBLA stood for and I'm sorry I googled it.

I reported the site to FB. Hopefully they will take it down. It should fall under a couple of their choices. That's just sick. That group has been trying make themselves out as "normal" for awhile now. If I were them, I'd not bring too much attention themselves quite honestly, on the flip side, it's sometimes a good thing to shine the light on the cockroaches of the world. It's the only way to flush them out of the dark and let the world see who they really are.
Everyone, please, please go report this page to Facebook. I can't even stand to type what I read in the comments posted by a NAMBLA member. It takes a twisted person to create a page like this! I'm guessing they get a thrill out of the shock factor. I did not know what NAMBLA stood for and I'm sorry I googled it.

There was someone posting very similar comments on the sick facebook page yesterday using a phony account...using Harold Jarche's face.

I can't recall the name he was using. Quite possibly the same person.

ETA - Reading further...I am pretty sure it is the same guy. The wording. Sick 4***!!
Oh my...found the name that guy was using [Harold Jarche's face guy] He liked a post on the above facebook. Justin Winters.
She was born 11-27-2015.
So she was 10 months and one week old.
Everyone, please, please go report this page to Facebook. I can't even stand to type what I read in the comments posted by a NAMBLA member. It takes a twisted person to create a page like this! I'm guessing they get a thrill out of the shock factor. I did not know what NAMBLA stood for and I'm sorry I googled it.

I can't even allow myself to go to the FB page. Won't do it.
It means she was possibly in the process of dying. The body temp will lower as death nears. It could also be caused from brain shearing if she was shaken too. My heart is breaking but I'm so damn angry too! Graphic warning: but I seriously hope this sick *advertiser censored* is put in general population. They don't take nicely to baby killers and baby rapists. I hope that he dies a horrible death. I have absolutely no tolerance for these sick a$$holes! He needs a meeting with a broom and a big a$$ beefy lifer. They have nothing to loose and will take care of business. There is no fixing these type of people. None. I think a death sentence is way too kind for him. I hope he gets his in prison.
Praying for that precious angel! Praying for the loved ones too.
Seriously....if this happened to my child or grandchild... I would be killed him and be in prison and it would be damn worth it.
I have strong opinions about death penalty. If it is without a doubt a person committed a crime, like in this case, give them two weeks (imho that's too much time) to say goodbye and flip the switch. Don't waste taxpayers money keeping them alive in jail.
I'm just so angry about this! Grrr!

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True regarding low body temp. Chalk it up to neurological damage. My daughter has CP/ seizures etc. Her body temp will drop into the low 90's when ill or verge of seizure. Scary stuff.
I was wrong about Justin Winters posting the sick comments on BT's facebook. It was a George Willis...found in my search history. He has since added more of Harold Jarche's photo's. I contacted Harold Jarche with this reply as of yet. I think Justin Winters and George Willis are one and the same. I understood that these sicko's could be traced by their IP' why haven't the creeps that post these sites and comments been traced?
I can't get this case out of my head. After spending maybe a half hour last night looking thru his FB page, I was truly disgusted with him as a human being EVEN IF he hadn't done this. He is a disgusting pig. Overly sexed, posting very graphic sexual quotes and memes. How could a woman with any self respect want to date him? I mean he is just gross. I was looking for some type of redeeming quality and found not one. And not too many "friends" even responded to any of his posts.

I read in an article this morning that mom's friends and family thought she had finally found her "prince charming." WTH. None of these people read his FB? Or else the bar for prince charming in that circle is WAY low.

I completely agree with you. After looking at his FB page when this first happened, and not even taking into account this horrendous crime, I found him completely revolting as a person and could not fathom how anyone would even want to be around him or date him. I was also puzzled by the fact that he's FB friends with his mom and obviously has no problem with her (and the world) seeing all of his graphic sexual material. WTH?? Mom wasn't bothered by all of his sexual content? He's not the least bit embarrassed about his mother seeing that stuff? That's so weird to me and I just don't get it.
Everyone, please, please go report this page to Facebook. I can't even stand to type what I read in the comments posted by a NAMBLA member. It takes a twisted person to create a page like this! I'm guessing they get a thrill out of the shock factor. I did not know what NAMBLA stood for and I'm sorry I googled it.
*Vomits* apparently it's been taken down now. I could have went the rest of my life not knowing this kind of crap exists. But then again it's sometimes better to know thy enemy.

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I was wrong about Justin Winters posting the sick comments on BT's facebook. It was a George Willis...found in my search history. He has since added more of Harold Jarche's photo's. I contacted Harold Jarche with this reply as of yet. I think Justin Winters and George Willis are one and the same. I understood that these sicko's could be traced by their IP' why haven't the creeps that post these sites and comments been traced?

Nothing there that I can see.
True regarding low body temp. Chalk it up to neurological damage. My daughter has CP/ seizures etc. Her body temp will drop into the low 90's when ill or verge of seizure. Scary stuff.
I'm so sorry your daughter has to go through that! *Virtual hugs*!

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Did anyone else find it so creepy that he took SO MANY pictures of himself in that bathroom mirror?? He's worse than a girl! DAMN. He acts like he's all sexy too. Someone should have told him long ago that he wasn't. I was waiting for the duck lipped photos! I bet those big ole guys in prison will just love him though!😉 Wonder how long he lasts in gen pop.... I have friends that work at the local prison as guards. Seriously the lifers will end his life quickly. They DO NOT care. They are in for life and having nothing to loose. It won't be pretty I can promise you that too. This is exactly why I am for the death penalty. Not all cases deserve it mind you but some are so deviant that it's the only proper solution in my eyes. They can't be fixed. Why waste our tax dollars keeping filth like this alive?? We have too many sick people and homeless people to waste money on these monsters breathing. I say throw him in among the lifers and announce what he did. And be very descriptive. Let him feel what she felt. Just my 2 cents but I honestly have no problem with being the one to flip the switch. This disgusting pig deserves to feel wrath.

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Nothing there that I can see.

The George Willis was posting comments on BT's facebook...same type of comments that the Justin Winters was posting on the BT Is Innocent Facebook. His posts are buried in there somewhere...unless he has removed them. He was using the coloured portrait of Harold Jarche's face as his profile pic...I see now that he has changed it to a black and white one. He has also recently lifted of the net other photo's of Jarche's to make up his profile. The other night he only had the coloured portrait and the wine glass. Hiding behind phony profiles to enable him to post his disgusting comments.
The George Willis was posting comments on BT's facebook...same type of comments that the Justin Winters was posting on the BT Is Innocent Facebook. His posts are buried in there somewhere...unless he has removed them. He was using the coloured portrait of Harold Jarche's face as his profile pic...I see now that he has changed it to a black and white one. He has also recently lifted of the net other photo's of Jarche's to make up his profile. The other night he only had the coloured portrait and the wine glass. Hiding behind phony profiles to enable him to post his disgusting comments.

Oh ok. Thanks Thyme. I can't stand to look at his page.

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