GUILTY WV - Riley Crossman, 15, Martinsburg, Morgan County, 7 May 2019 *arrest*

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Since the article stated that he was injecting cocaine with a needle, im somewhat inclined to think that he did this in private. She should have been able to tell he was on stimulants, but I doubt he would shoot up in front of her or leave any needles out, etc. he may have thought he was good at hiding it.

He stated he shot up and snorted cocaine. If he shot up, she would have seen track marks if she was having sex with him. She works in the food/bar industry for a very long time and has to know the signs of drug use. But, women can be really stupid when it comes to men. SMH.
Finally reading through everything including all the terrible sick rumors.

IMO parents need to be held accountable for a partner harming a child. Not just mothers but fathers also. I'm sick of seeing parents putting their children in harms way for a partner :mad::mad:
Oh - just came back to read - sorry to hear that Riley was not found alive.

All the articles you all have posted - no access here in the EU.... stupid rules. Has he been just charged with murder or "other" charges? Any hearing dates - arraignment mentioned in any of them?

TIA! :) You know me - and court dates! LOL!
Oh - just came back to read - sorry to hear that Riley was not found alive.

All the articles you all have posted - no access here in the EU.... stupid rules. Has he been just charged with murder or "other" charges? Any hearing dates - arraignment mentioned in any of them?

TIA! :) You know me - and court dates! LOL!
@Niner i couldn’t find anything as far as hearing dates... it’s possible they are waiting until after her autopsy today?
He was arraigned on one charge of murder, the degree to be determined after the autopsy. Also, any additional charges would be added at that time. So, the autopsy results, which are due back today are the next step in the process and the issuance of a COD.
Finally reading through everything including all the terrible sick rumors.

IMO parents need to be held accountable for a partner harming a child. Not just mothers but fathers also. I'm sick of seeing parents putting their children in harms way for a partner :mad::mad:
Emphasis and bolding mine

This ^^^^
I have no doubt any longer that Riley's mom knew what he was.
He looks wasted in all of his photos.
And yet he was allowed access to her home and children.

A really big THANK YOU !
Riley Crossman is a reliable teenager, according to her mother Chantel Oakley. So when Chantel wasn’t feeling well last Tuesday and decided to nap before an evening shift at work, she knew she could count on Riley to wake her up when she got home from school.

“And when she got home, she woke me up. She said, ‘It’s 3:30, time to wake up,’ and I said ‘Thanks, babe,’” Chantel told Dateline. “Riley said, ‘No problem.’ She was acting normal. She went toward her room and I got ready for work.”

After Chantel went to work, 15-year-old Riley’s evening continued on as usual. Her maternal grandmother was at the house until around 7:00 p.m., Chantel said, and Riley stayed in their Berkeley Springs, West Virginia home all evening.

“I got home from work around 10:00 p.m. Her door was shut, so by all accounts she was in her room, but I didn’t actually see her,” Chantel told Dateline.

More at Family desperately searching for missing West Virginia teen Riley Crossman

So who was the last person to see Riley?

Her grandmother since she was there?

Her mom didn’t open the door to her room to say good night or check on her since she was alone? And didn’t check on her the next morning?
How is he in a relationship with another woman but is Chantal’s boyfriend?
Did he have his own place or was he shacking up at Chantal’s home?
Emph. mine


Was AM living with them, or just had access to come and go as he pleased at Chantal's house ?
If it was the latter... so dangerous !

Even if he wasn't interested in abusing her kids, he could have used her house for stashing his drug supply, etc.
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So who was the last person to see Riley?

Her grandmother since she was there?

Her mom didn’t open the door to her room to say good night or check on her since she was alone? And didn’t check on her the next morning?
It was reported that her grandmother left at 7 pm and her mother returned at 10 pm, or at least went past her closed door at 10 o'clock. She was FaceTiming with her boyfriend until 10:30 and texting with a friend until midnight. Presumably they both took place at home.
She attempted a FaceTime with her boyfriend at 5:40 the next morning. No way to know if she was in her home or if that was even her since it didn't go through.
Then her mother checked her room at 7:15 the next morning, found it empty and presumed that she has gone to school.
Her grandmother went over to the school the next afternoon to check and see if she was there. I wonder if there were younger kids that she watched every afternoon after school till after dinner.
JMO - Riley was at home and texting at midnight. Attempted FT from her phone at 5:40am. Was not in her room at 7:15am.

So she went missing from her home sometime after midnight and before 7:15am.
Was she abducted by AM on her way to school? (Doubtful) Or taken from her house while the mother and other sibling were asleep? Say between midnight and 5am?

Why this particular night? Riley was home alone at night on a regular basis.
JMO - Riley was at home and texting at midnight. Attempted FT from her phone at 5:40am. Was not in her room at 7:15am.

So she went missing from her home sometime after midnight and before 7:15am.
Was she abducted by AM on her way to school? (Doubtful) Or taken from her house while the mother and other sibling were asleep? Say between midnight and 5am?

Why this particular night? Riley was home alone at night on a regular basis.
There had to be a catalyst! I find Riley's last instagram post on May 6th very telling. She directed that post to someone she was not happy with. This was right before she went missing. It just seems like something was brewing in the background. It sure will be interesting to find out what the motive was!
There had to be a catalyst! I find Riley's last instagram post on May 6th very telling. She directed that post to someone she was not happy with. This was right before she went missing. It just seems like something was brewing in the background. It sure will be interesting to find out what the motive was!
Do you have link ? I couldn't find her IG
There is a very sad post on her Instagram that stood out to me. It talks about being like a penny (not worth anything). At the end there are brackets that say "directed" and has a symbol for a female. It was shortly before she disappeared. Does anyone have any ideas what that might mean? Is it an Instagram thing? May she RIP.

I did not see BloodHoundSleuth's post....Sorry
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If the abduction occurred after midnight but before twenty of six in the morning then it had to happen in the house. I don't see any way that RC would leave the house to meet that awful person. If it happened after the FaceTime attempt at twenty of six the he may have picked her up on the way to school.
She may have disliked him but not feared him.
But. a neighbor saw his truck or one like it backed up her driveway later in the morning, where was her mother at that time?
Geez, I hope she ( her mother) knew nothing about this before or after the fact.
There is a very sad post on her Instagram that stood out to me. It talks about being like a penny (not worth anything). At the end there are brackets that say "directed" and has a symbol for a female. It was shortly before she disappeared. Does anyone have any ideas what that might mean? Is it an Instragram thing? May she RIP.
She had a best friend, who she was very recently estranged from, not by her choice, and there was some "picking sides" going on between the girls friends. I believe that was the cause of the posts.

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