Found Deceased WY - Gabby Petito, Grand Teton National Park #86

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No, this is Whole Foods store that they went to after the restaurant dine and dash. They are shown browsing and putting items in a canvas bag. They aren't shown paying but I assume they did pay. If it wasn't at an automated check out, then LE probably talked to that clerk too. (Maybe that's why that party of the tape wasn't released? The clerk can be identified? Surely surveillance includes the check out areas.)
I thought it strange that they didn't show the checkout, either. That would have given more indication to both of their moods, since we don't see any interactions with others in these clips.

So I went back and checked the timestamps, and there is 2.5 minutes of missing time between 2:27:03 and 2:30:31 -- after GP places the cheese in her pack (2:26:40) and just before they walk out the door. Enough time to check out a few items.


When they reappear at 2:30:31 (3:00 on the video), they come from the area between the checkouts and the aisles (store-side), NOT between the checkouts and the exit. You can see earlier in the video (1:28 and 2:35, for instance) other shoppers leaving the store with grocery bags from that enclosed self-checkout area -- you go directly from there out the door, NOT back around to the aisle side. You can even see GP & BL pass the yellow social distancing dots on the floor where the line would form. From there, they walk directly out the exit -- you can even see off to the right of the screen at 3:10 a man with a cart exiting from the correct direction (presumably from the non-self-checkout lanes).

Also, when they walk out the door, GP's tote bags are still in the same position over her left shoulder (black strap over white) as they were when she was walking around the store.

IMO, the "bombshell" part of the video here is that this could be video evidence of GP & BL shoplifting.


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I thought it strange that they didn't show the checkout, either. That would have given more indication to both of their moods, since we don't see any interactions with others in these clips.

So I went back and checked the timestamps, and there is 2.5 minutes of missing time between 2:27:03 and 2:30:31 -- after GP places the cheese in her pack (2:26:40) and just before they walk out the door. Enough time to check out a few items.


When they reappear at 2:30:31 (3:00 on the video), they come from the area between the checkouts and the aisles (store-side), NOT between the checkouts and the exit. You can see earlier in the video (1:28 and 2:35, for instance) other shoppers leaving the store with grocery bags from that enclosed self-checkout area -- you go directly from there out the door, NOT back around to the aisle side. You can even see GP & BL pass the yellow social distancing dots on the floor where the line would form. From there, they walk directly out the exit -- you can even see off to the right of the screen at 3:10 a man with a cart exiting from the correct direction (presumably from the non-self-checkout lanes).

Also, when they walk out the door, GP's tote bags are still in the same position over her left shoulder (black strap over white) as they were when she was walking around the store.

IMO, the "bombshell" part of the video here is that this could be video evidence of GP & BL shoplifting.
I noted Gabby's posture. Arms folded in front of her. Defensive, protected IMO.

We know Brian wanted lunch without paying.

I wondered the same as you. Shoplifting. Brian seems to like a free lunch.

Tension level, had to be high.

This day IMO was a powder keg.

Poor Gabby. I wish we could have CCTVed her out another door, to drive home to her family and leave that ne'er do well behind.

But that wasn't going to happen. Brian kept control of the keys. To her van.

(That week he was back in Florida, fair chance IMO he took the keys with him.)

Controllers control. Until they lose control.

And then it can get deadly fast.

By day's end.

So, so, so sad.

I did not want to consider shoplifting, but I doubt they paid for their "purchases". Why choose Whole Foods when it is so expensive? Surely, they could have found a market that was more budget friendly. The young couple seemed to have Champagne taste on a beer budget. JMO
Irony. Brian seems like a comfortable freeloader.

Gabby wanted to make a career of the vlogging.

He put her way -- the honest way -- down.

He's the thief.

He stole her ability to outgrow him.

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I thought it strange that they didn't show the checkout, either. That would have given more indication to both of their moods, since we don't see any interactions with others in these clips.

So I went back and checked the timestamps, and there is 2.5 minutes of missing time between 2:27:03 and 2:30:31 -- after GP places the cheese in her pack (2:26:40) and just before they walk out the door. Enough time to check out a few items.


When they reappear at 2:30:31 (3:00 on the video), they come from the area between the checkouts and the aisles (store-side), NOT between the checkouts and the exit. You can see earlier in the video (1:28 and 2:35, for instance) other shoppers leaving the store with grocery bags from that enclosed self-checkout area -- you go directly from there out the door, NOT back around to the aisle side. You can even see GP & BL pass the yellow social distancing dots on the floor where the line would form. From there, they walk directly out the exit -- you can even see off to the right of the screen at 3:10 a man with a cart exiting from the correct direction (presumably from the non-self-checkout lanes).

Also, when they walk out the door, GP's tote bags are still in the same position over her left shoulder (black strap over white) as they were when she was walking around the store.

IMO, the "bombshell" part of the video here is that this could be video evidence of GP & BL shoplifting.
Good analysis.
I noted Gabby's posture. Arms folded in front of her. Defensive, protected IMO.

We know Brian wanted lunch without paying.

I wondered the same as you. Shoplifting. Brian seems to like a free lunch.

Tension level, had to be high.

This day IMO was a powder keg.

Poor Gabby. I wish we could have CCTVed her out another door, to drive home to her family and leave that ne'er do well behind.

But that wasn't going to happen. Brian kept control of the keys. To her van.

(That week he was back in Florida, fair chance IMO he took the keys with him.)

Controllers control. Until they lose control.

And then it can get deadly fast.

By day's end.

So, so, so sad.


I had to zoom in on the parking lot video, but you can clearly see Brian slam the driver side door as hard as possible. His body language looks stiff and awkward. IMHO he is barely containing his rage in public.
I thought he put the hat and sunglasses on because he may have been crying earlier but shoplifting could also be likely.
If they were shoplifting with Gabby’s bag, and she is holding all the merchandise, why isn’t she also concerned about her appearance? No sunglasses or hat for the person most likely to be caught with stolen goods?

Edit: a word
I had to zoom in on the parking lot video, but you can clearly see Brian slam the driver side door as hard as possible. His body language looks stiff and awkward. IMHO he is barely containing his rage in public.
I thought he put the hat and sunglasses on because he may have been crying earlier but shoplifting could also be likely.
If they were shoplifting with Gabby’s bag, and she is holding all the merchandise, why isn’t she also concerned about her appearance? No sunglasses or hat for the person most likely to be caught with stolen goods?

Edit: a word
I'd think since he was driving BL probably already had the sunglasses on--but my eyes aren't good enough to be able to tell for sure even zooming in. So I don't know if those were a disguise. The hat may have been a "just because" too, not necessarily anything to do with what it sure looks like they did. (@wnk's analysis is compelling to me.)
I had to zoom in on the parking lot video, but you can clearly see Brian slam the driver side door as hard as possible. His body language looks stiff and awkward. IMHO he is barely containing his rage in public.
I thought he put the hat and sunglasses on because he may have been crying earlier but shoplifting could also be likely.
If they were shoplifting with Gabby’s bag, and she is holding all the merchandise, why isn’t she also concerned about her appearance? No sunglasses or hat for the person most likely to be caught with stolen goods?

Edit: a word
The only reason I thought that the pair might have been shoplifting is that they did not stay together the entire time they were in the store. Brian kept walking away from Gabby, and I wondered what he was up to. Was he doing "lookout" to make sure they didn't get caught, or was he agitated that Gabby was taking too long to make her selections?
I'd think since he was driving BL probably already had the sunglasses on--but my eyes aren't good enough to be able to tell for sure even zooming in. So I don't know if those were a disguise. The hat may have been a "just because" too, not necessarily anything to do with what it sure looks like they did. (@wnk's analysis is compelling to me.)
Likes hats to cover balding head.
I had to zoom in on the parking lot video, but you can clearly see Brian slam the driver side door as hard as possible. His body language looks stiff and awkward. IMHO he is barely containing his rage in public.
I thought he put the hat and sunglasses on because he may have been crying earlier but shoplifting could also be likely.
If they were shoplifting with Gabby’s bag, and she is holding all the merchandise, why isn’t she also concerned about her appearance? No sunglasses or hat for the person most likely to be caught with stolen goods?

Edit: a word
I noticed that he also hit the side of the van fairly hard with his hand after closing the door. He was definitely venting and angry.
Well if there was ever a question about the duck walk that video proved it. SMH, what in the world did she see in that creep? JMO
What do any abused woman see in any creep? I can't speak from experience so this is MOO. I think some women may find it hard to leave an abusive relationship. Some for lack of self worth, or fear, or there might be some kind of comfort in the "known" (as in she knows him and not wanting to start over with someone new).
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Well if there was ever a question about the duck walk that video proved it. SMH, what in the world did she see in that creep? JMO
She was young and this was her first relationship. She had no other healthy relationship to which she could compare. Nobody taught her about coercive control.

What we don’t know CAN kill us.
We would all benefit if Sex Ed included learning about controlling behaviors and domestic violence.

The most dangerous time for a victim is when she leaves her abuser.
Because she knows she will either end up dead or he will make her feel as if she were.
This, among many other things, is why victims “stay” in an abusive relationship.

My theory is that victims “stay” because they need a perfectly timed exit to remain safe, and it takes time to develop a plan where they can escape alive.

It honestly looks like they are shoplifting in plain site. There are plenty of carriages and I could understand if they were wearing mask and gloves for protection from Covid and not wanting to touch the cart, but they are just walking up and down shopping and putting everything in the bags. I don’t think they had money issues, since Brian used her cards on the way back, maybe they were trying to do some TikTok challenge and see how much free stuff they could get. Since they were traveling and didn’t plan to go back to that store, maybe they thought they could get away with it.
It honestly looks like they are shoplifting in plain site. There are plenty of carriages and I could understand if they were wearing mask and gloves for protection from Covid and not wanting to touch the cart, but they are just walking up and down shopping and putting everything in the bags. I don’t think they had money issues, since Brian used her cards on the way back, maybe they were trying to do some TikTok challenge and see how much free stuff they could get. Since they were traveling and didn’t plan to go back to that store, maybe they thought they could get away with it.
MOO but I feel like Gabby wouldn't have shoplifted on her own, and that it was Brian's idea and she knew better than to argue with him about it. Especially since this is shortly after their incident at the Merry Pigs. That was fresh on her mind. And it's heartbreaking to watch her walk with her arms folded across her chest and her head down a bit. That's a very defensive posture.


Arms crossed over the chest: This gesture is used to create a barrier between the person who is crossing their arms and something or someone that they do not like. This is a universal gesture for almost any culture and situation that can be identified as something defensive or negative.

It honestly looks like they are shoplifting in plain site. There are plenty of carriages and I could understand if they were wearing mask and gloves for protection from Covid and not wanting to touch the cart, but they are just walking up and down shopping and putting everything in the bags. I don’t think they had money issues, since Brian used her cards on the way back, maybe they were trying to do some TikTok challenge and see how much free stuff they could get. Since they were traveling and didn’t plan to go back to that store, maybe they thought they could get away with it.
We don't really know if trip expenses were routinely funded from shoplifting/dining and dashing. Maybe they were. I don't know that we know enough about either of them to say one way or the other.

I can't honestly imagine deciding to set off on a cross-country trip, eating in restaurants (which we know they did more than that one time), and going to "tourist spots" (like the spot where GP was photographed in a long skirt holding the crocheted pumpkin) if I was worried about COVID. And I don't think any of the trip photos show either one in a mask. So I'm not sure they'd worry about touching a grocery cart or if they did, I'd think they'd have carried sanitizer. I did wonder if putting stuff in a canvas bag while shopping is acceptable in states where reusable bags must be used for groceries. I can't imagine it would be acceptable store behavior but my state still allows plastics. So I don't know.
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We don't really know if trip expenses were routinely funded from shoplifting/dining and dashing. Maybe they were. I don't know that we know enough about either of them to say one way or the other.

I can't honestly imagine deciding to set off on a cross-country trip, eating in restaurants (which we know they did more than that one time), and going to "tourist spots" (like the spot where GP was photographed in a long skirt holding the crocheted pumpkin) if I was worried about COVID. And I don't think any of the trip photos show either one in a mask. So I'm not sure they'd worry about touching a grocery cart or if they did, I'd think they'd have carried sanitizer. I did wonder if putting stuff in a canvas bag while shopping is acceptable in states where reusable bags must be used for groceries. I can't imagine it would be acceptable store behavior but my state still allows plastics. So I don't know.
We don't really know if trip expenses were routinely funded from shoplifting/dining and dashing. Maybe they were. I don't know that we know enough about either of them to say one way or the other.

I can't honestly imagine deciding to set off on a cross-country trip, eating in restaurants (which we know they did more than that one time), and going to "tourist spots" (like the spot where GP was photographed in a long skirt holding the crocheted pumpkin) if I was worried about COVID. And I don't think any of the trip photos show either one in a mask. So I'm not sure they'd worry about touching a grocery cart or if they did, I'd think they'd have carried sanitizer. I did wonder if putting stuff in a canvas bag while shopping is acceptable in states where reusable bags must be used for groceries. I can't imagine it would be acceptable store behavior but my state still allows plastics. So I don't know.
I see a lot of people shop with recyclable bags, but the bags stay in the cart and they use them in the end. Maybe that is how they shop in Florida, I just know if I saw that where I live, it would be a definite red flag for shoplifting. Maybe she wanted to be caught, maybe it was a dare, who knows. It is heartbreaking to see this and know just a few hours later, she would be dead. It really was a true miracle that she was found after being left where she was.
A couple quick observations. First of all, the article says after they left the store, they sat in the van in the parking lot for 20 minutes. I don't doubt for a second they might have been shoplifting, but then again, if they had, would they sit in the parking lot for 20 minutes afterwards?

Secondly, didn't her step-dad say she was found with her favorite sweatshirt on? He described it but I can't recall. And the photographer said a pair of hiking boots was next to her? These are not things she has on, which tells me she likely wasn't murdered immediately after they got back to the campground after this trip. Jmo.

Lastly, the sandals that can be seen behind the van in the Bethune video... Neither one of them have those kinds of flip flops on in these captures.
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