Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #19

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exactly, i bet had her own parents begged her not to go it wouldnt have made a difference so the police cannot be held accountable for what transpired, its sad but Gabby had a choice and she chose Brian.
I also think that the officer really was trying to be reasonable and act as a human being rather than just a robotic enforcer. I imagine he is beating himself up over all of this but also cannot be to blame because they would have reunited immediately, but probably would have had fights directly related to the stress of court appearances and etc. The problems in their relationship were clearly there before the incident.
Two quick thoughts. First, I wonder if all the boxes in the Laundries' garage are Gabby's and Brian's things that were removed from the storage unit.

Second, as a resident of the droughty western US, I'm in awe of the rain, especially having heard it rains in FL most afternoons.
Yes, I have total rain envy. I'd kill for that right now.
I really wish people would quit saying this.
Gabby had visible marks.
She reported them to the officer. Said Brian cut her face. Photos confirm.
This doesn’t appear at all in the report and she’s never asked if this was before or after she hit him.
They ignored her claims and dismissed her as “manic”

Brian admits to leaving marks on Gappy.
On the video.

The police dropped the ball on this. IMO
And, the officer looked at the marks on her face and neck and reported to the others that 'she has marks on her, too.'

Yet they never checked her thoroughly like they did Brian. I wonder what they would have seen if they had. IMO
Sorry...another IF:

If anything, this case shows how difficult it is for LE to deal with DV issues.... Brian had more marks on him from Gabby, and Gabby admitted she hit him. Neither wanted to be separated....watching the video I thought Gabby was the one out of control. BUT, I did think it would escalate. DV usually does. DV can be a two way street. LE knows this.
IMO Gabby was clearly showing signs of an emotional/mental crisis. Had they had the training to recognize that and gotten her evaluated, it would have been revealed that she was a suffering from emotional abuse at the hands of her boyfriend. Had that happened, I believe she would be alive today.
I think they should have had a woman police officer at the stop to interview Gabby. I am intimidated by male police officers as a petite blonde woman myself and I know for certain I would clam up and tremble just as she did.

As sad as I am to see this outcome, I can predict that any woman (or person) who has ever been abused could have predicted it. That 911 call was hard to listen to. The police failed Gabby.
They did have a woman there. I understand you are upset but what else do you think you hey should have done?
I know of no second report. The original report released a few days ago has a narrative by Eric Pratt on 8/13 and it says, "I believe it was reported that the man assaulted the female." His uncertainty refers to his memory of what was said about the call, not that the caller was uncertain.

In this report it states, "no one reported that the male struck the female"

He spoke with Chris, Brian and Gabby and they all gave the same story
I saw most of the live coverage at the laundrie house today, but not all. Did anyone see LE search of the truck camper in the driveway? I did not. Also, some of the “evidence” boxes were styrofoam boxes (empty). What do you suppose that was about?
I think those were the styrofoam coolers they used to bring in LE's lunches and cold drinks. MOO
Some interesting stuff in the warrant. Apparently her van’s license plate was read as it entered North Port via the Sumter Blvd. exit of I-75 on September 1, 2021 at 10:26 am.

There are several statements regarding her mental health at the time. “Based on the totality of the circumstances related to the subject’s (Gabby) mental health, I believe there is probable cause to believe the subject is unable to care for herself due to her increased anxiety.”
I would agree with this and just mention that most police officers don’t really receive in-depth or extensive training on how to detect/handle a lot of issues like this. They generally aren’t trained as social workers or mental health professionals. As police officers, there is only so much they can do and actually, in this case they did a pretty decent job compared to what would have been done/not done in other cities around the country.

In hindsight, I’m sure they wish they did more, we all do. But there’s only so much they can do in their capacity and training as law enforcement.

But no! Lack of training or requiring comprehension is not an excuse nor a justification for "well, what could they do.". The lack of training IS the problem. It is hardly new news how the very nature of abuser-victim dynamics keeps victims from being able to speak up, protect the abuser, believe the twisted garbage about themselves that the abuser drills into their heads - in short the whole mental hold - exists and protects abusers.
But that was my point though… If she calls him some name for grandfather wouldn’t that be the name programmed for his contact information?
She could have him programmed in as Granpa Stan. Between parents and step-parents, it's not unlikely that she had more than one Granpa. BL, in his haste to make the situation go away, may not have put much thought into how he referred to Granpa/Stan.

Things that stand out in the warrant:

1. Repeated reference to Gabby's mental health. She was deemed to be 'endangered' and with concern that she could not care for herself based on her increased anxiety.

2. The van's license plate was scanned arriving in North Port, Florida on the morning of 9/1. No word on who was driving it.

As we just heard on the 911 call. However, that is not what LE stated when they pulled them over. It was that a report of her hitting him. They even stated if they had to arrest someone, it would be Gabby since she was the agressor

How did the information from the 911 call (which obviously states he is the aggressor) not accurately get relayed to the LE

You know after reading this I'm wondering if the LE said this to prompt BL to defend GP?? He didn't.
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