Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #19

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Why does the search warrant say signed 9/16 but they just did it today?

From my understanding this is a warrant to search the contents of a hard drive that was already found inside the van, not a warrant to search an address FOR a hard drive. LE in many areas are not automatically permitted to access the contents of electronics. This warrant is for the files on a hard drive, not the parents' home being searched right now.
upload_2021-9-20_15-5-42.jpegThe area is a popular undeveloped boondocking site, where a hunter and at least two sets of travelers in the area reported sightings between Aug. 27 and Aug. 29 of Petito’s small, white 2012 Ford Transit van with Florida plates.

The FBI is still requesting information from anybody who may have seen Petito, Laundrie or their van between Aug. 27 and Aug. 30. Tips and reports can be submitted to FBI - Tips, the main FBI tip line at 1-800-225-5324 or the Denver FBI Office at 303-629-7171.
Petito investigation turns to cause of death and confirming identify of remains
So according to the search warrant, they know the van returned to North Port, FL on September 1, at approximately 10:26A.M. because it was clocked on a license plate reader on I-75. Does this necessarily prove that Brian was the driver? Would the video from the license plate reader show the occupants of the vehicle?

No - automatic number plate recognition cameras read the VRM of the vehicle and store it. There will be an image but generally they're not of great quality for that kind of identification since they are designed to read the plate.
I would agree with this and just mention that most police officers don’t really receive in-depth or extensive training on how to detect/handle a lot of issues like this. They generally aren’t trained as social workers or mental health professionals. As police officers, there is only so much they can do and actually, in this case they did a pretty decent job compared to what would have been done/not done in other cities around the country.

In hindsight, I’m sure they wish they did more, we all do. But there’s only so much they can do in their capacity and training as law enforcement.
I think you bring a great point up. Also, this case and its twists and turns, nothing is or was as it seemed. We still can't make sense of it right now, and I think those officers (particularly the softer-spoken one whose camera footage was first released) tried the best with the (faulty) information that they had. They had to act within the scope of the law, and the scope of information they had and were given.

I sincerely hope this stop is analyzed and addressed by academics and professionals in LE and psychology and DV and whatever else -- so similar signs can be identified and handled better from here on out.
I was in a relationship once with a woman who would get angry enough to hit me repeatedly. I never retaliated of course, but I did grab her wrists once to stop her, and that frustrated her even more. You're right, it's a hard spot to be in since you don't want to hurt the other person, but you also don't want to put up with them hitting you repeatedly either.
Well, it's like this, Gabby is dead.
Now we do not have a Cause of Death or Manner of Death and as of now we do not actually know whether she was murdered or died of natural causes.

That makes her a victim of murder or misadventure.
We know today that a larger human, a male was seen 'slapping' her.
It looked to me like he was winding her up- bringing about her hysterical state, pulling the rug from under her feet so she lost a sense of what was real and what was in her imagination.
She could no longer tell.
Probably had a huge sense of denial going on at the same time, cognitive dissonance- 'this can't be really happening' but it was- happening to her and happening to her dream career as well.
She appeared to internalise it.
Maybe she felt she could control it better that was- if it was all HER fault, she was, somehow, less of a victim, not a victim at all.. just a tad OCD-ish or whatever label was cast upon her at any given time. By her partner.

I think she wanted to be happy. With him.
RIP girl.
Al of the above is merely my own opinion based on the bodycam vids, mostly.
If you've watched the video you can see the
park ranger vehicles and insignia on the uniforms.
Park rangers are peace officers and have very
Watch the body cam video. Her uniform and badges clearly show she’s a park ranger.
So is the guy taking to Brian with the scarf face mask. They are not LE.
Not to belabor the point, but Park Rangers are pretty much equal to LE. You can Google it and get lots of info about them.
Watch the body cam video. Her uniform and badges clearly show she’s a park ranger.
So is the guy taking to Brian with the scarf face mask. They are not LE.
So does that mean that the park ranger stop is not related to the 911 call that relates to him chasing her down the sidewalk? Surely a 911 call would go to the police department, not to park rangers?
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