Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #19

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Since a lot of people may have missed it:

Timestamp 8:35 is where there is a discussion of whether BL hit GP or not. She explains that he grabbed her face. Demonstrates it twice. And says that's how she got the cut on her left cheek, and that she can "still feel it".

Later on in the cam footage someone says that "there are marks on her too". I think it's the bearded officer, but it might be BL. Hard to tell. But it was discussed.

Here is a cropped version of a clearer screenshot of the aforementioned cut. Note that I have only cropped the screenshot, not done any other editing. Timestamp is visible.

Hand cut/scratch, with timestamp visible:

I also think that there is a redness on her right arm, just above the elbow that looks like pressure marks from a hand grab. It's faint and seems to only start appearing later on. My guess is she would have had bruises there in a few hours. But YMMV.

View attachment 313624

link to the source:

What irks me is that it's discussed and shown to various officers in the cam footage but not written up in the report. Nor do they take pictures of HER injuries.
Makes me angry.
The timeline written by detectives for the search warrant covers a series of messages between Petito and her family, including “odd” messages to her mother received on Aug. 27, and a report that the van was detected by a license plate reader on the Sumter Boulevard exit of I-75. The timeline states that “a white Ford Transit, bearing Florida tag QFTG03…entered the City of North Port” on Sept. 1 at 10:26 a.m.
Gabby Petito investigation: North Port police search warrant provides new details | ABC4 Utah
The report says that Brian had locked Gabbie out of the van and tried to take off without her. Gabbie freaked out and tried to crawl back into the van through the window, to prevent Brian from leaving without her.

Remember: It was Gabbie's van, and they were thousands of miles from home. The fact that she was freaked out was 100% reasonable.
I am going to apologize ahead of time because I am going to use this post to reply to all the replies I've gotten, most in the previous thread that I can't reply to.

You are right there was wrong on both sides in the argument. She might have been provoked, which is one of the reasons they didn't arrest her.

My post wasn't about whether or not I thought they had a toxic relationship. It was about, with the facts known at the time and three different people's statements, what should the cops have done differently? For example, arrest her, arrest him, arrest them both. Or like crimedawg said, follow her to her campsite to be sure of her safety.

Concerning how the cop talked to BL. That would look bad if it was friends hanging out on the corner, but as an interrogation method I thank he did a brilliant job. If he had come on strong or "in a professional manner" BL would have clammed up or taken a more defensive posture in his statements. The LE loosened him up and then kept popping up with non-sequenter quedtions to surprise him into honest answers. And the LE did ask him about the slapping incident multiple times in that method and each time BL indicated (smoothly in that practiced liars manner) that he was just pushing her away when she was slapping at him. I actually thought he tried not to state that she was slapping at him to protect her from legal repercussions.

And about GP hitting BL. I sometimes wonder if we are all watching the same video. She clearly states she slapped him at the moonflower incident. He had marks all over his face (as she might have as well). She clearly said she hit his arm which made him swerve. And another time she said she was hitting him to tell him he was being pulled over. I didnt think there was any question about how much she was hitting him I thought the question was why and if she was doing it in self defense.

And yes I think he was emotionally abusing her. That's morally wrong, but not supporting her YouTube dream or telling her to calm down isn't illegal in the same way as threatening her life might be.

I could say more but that would be pointless. Minds are made up here and they aren't changing. But I will ask again this question. No matter how the investigation went how should the DV stop have ended. Her arrested, him arrested, both arrested or just like it was .

Edited to fix the horrendous errors and typos. I should never type long posts on my phone
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I am quite certain that there are many people here with experience with the dynamics between abusers and victims, as well as into how abuse and co-dependency tend to play out, both internally and externally.
I don't dispute that for one second and my heart goes out to all who have suffered or are maybe still suffering. I greatly value their input from their personal perspective.

I fear though that there are maybe some who are just avid fans of body language analysis and are interpreting actions to fit in with their own theories. IMO.
According to the North Port Police search warrant signed by judge, detectives sought to examine an external hard drive found in Gabby Petito's white Ford van recovered at Brian Laundrie's family home.

The warrant (which was signed Sept. 15) notes that Gabby’s “cellphone has been turned off for approximately 15 days” which would mean it was last turned on around Aug. 31/Sept. 1.
Aug. 31 is the new playlist on their Spotify account, isn't it?

For me... this is one of the oddest details. Even though there are plenty of brain fogging details with this timeline, I keep coming back to the possible reality that BL might have made a "driving playlist" after committing such a horrible act.
I think i said that on thread number way way back. BL engage him "i'm not sure if you're in a relationship or not (paraphrase)", then the discussion about 'anxiety' on the ride to the hotel. I am truly shocked that they did not plan on going for a beer after work. But things i found odd and i'll risk repeating. . he worked to engage and find a sympathizer in LE, deflecting from himself, changed topics to national parks etc. The first officer who approached found and stated he felt he was a bit agitated, nervous and verbalized it. He had ants in his pants, but super duper cooperative. The first thing poor GP says when rolling down the window is she's sorry it was her fault. DV is a tough call for sure, but i think she was secondarily a victim of no one really having her back. She was a kid really caught on a hamster wheel of madness and emotion. And he never even got a violation for speeding or failing too maintain control of his vehicle. . . because it was her fault. I watched that video when it first got posted her and felt something was very wrong with BL's behavior. MOO
Once he figured out he wouldn't be charged with speeding, evading the law, or reckless driving....isn't that when he changed to "She's CRAAAAZY"?
I am replying to someone from 2 threads ago (would not let me quote) who questioned why police “just left a note” on the mustang and “didn’t think to run the tags to see that it was Brian’s car.” I have read elsewhere on here, not sure of the accuracy of the information, that the mustang was not in Brian’s name. Therefore, if they ran the tags, it wouldn’t show it was him (possibly one of his parents or another family member IMO) which is why they left a note for it to be moved. I have no factual links or anything addressing who the mustang was registered to, but I just wanted to reply to the other poster to say this could be why they just left a note. JMO
In this report it states, "no one reported that the male struck the female"

He spoke with Chris, Brian and Gabby and they all gave the same story

In the police report it said one of the officers went by the moonflower place to see if any witnesses were still there and that’s where they found Chris and got his information about what he had seen. Chris may not have been the 911 caller… he may have only seen the tail end of the altercation and maybe the 911 caller (if it was a different person than Chris) saw the altercation from start to finish.
Interesting. Her dad said she had money but not enough to spend a bunch of time in a hotel with food and stuff… I do still wonder how she swung that multi-day stay.

10:20 mark

My guess? The same people who have zero qualms about helping their son run from the feds probably shelled out money for a hotel room at Brian's request. I've said it before and I'm going to say it again, I believe that a review of the Laundrie family's financials will reveal more of the specifics about how everything transpired.
If BL is running, he would HAVE to have help. He's young and not independently wealthy. He would need money and also would need communication about what is taking place. Clearly he cannot use the phone he had. At what point are others held accountable and/or questioned for possible involvement? How much does "client/attorney" privilege prevent LE from filing charges for obstruction?
But also the majority of DV perpetrators also actually have mental health issues, be it childhood trauma or other mental health conditions that cause triggers- that’s a see saw that goes both ways.

Well, that's almost by definition.

I will say that BL always had the option of getting out of the van in Moab, downtown, and instead of trying to drive away in Gabby's and strand her, he could have walked away, asking her not to follow. If she had followed him and struck him that would be a very different story.

He could have sought help if he was afraid of Gabby.

The most common thing that DV perpetrators have in common is that their parents used corporal punishment on them, as kids. That makes them childhood abuse victims.

However, mental illness is never an excuse for violence. One also wants to calculate in the amount of damage done (death vs. a bruise from a pinch or a scratch).
Gabby's father clearly states in one of his interviews that Gabby was never diagnosed with OCD!
Yeah I've definitely hidden diagnoses from my parents so they wouldn't think less of me or be mad that I'm spending money on prescriptions. I surely don't want to add to the rampant mental health speculation going on in this thread, but Gabby is an adult and doesn't have to let her parents know anything about any aspects of her health.
edit: I'm bad at spelling
Nobody has suggested recognizing domestic violence is fundamentally simple. But with proper training, there are RED FLAGS that signal when intervention is necessary. It is essential that law enforcement be better trained in recognizing these red flags for their own safety as well as victim safety.

I think it is essential that parents also be trained to recognize the red flags so that they can intervene. Relationships don't start out as violent. Abusers can be incredibly charming not just to their victims but also to the victim's parents. Abusers gradually take control and it is incredibly difficult for a victim to extract themselves from a relationship when their primary support system is far away. Instead of sleeping in the van that night, the Moab police could have suggested GP go to the Moab domestic violence shelter where there would be trained counselors.

Know the Red Flags of Abuse

Seekhaven Family Crisis and Resource Center in Moab, UT
I agree wholeheartedly. However, your adult child may not listen to you, until it's sometimes too late.
I am a scientist and not superstitious but.... damn, that makes you think something supernatural intervened here.
If you listen to the Bethune's original youtube, she notes "today" was the anniversary of their 8yr old son's death in a car accident and they celebrate his life by having a Pay it Forward for Ethan event.

Truly, there is a pay it forward here in their video of the van and their discovering it and I am immensely grateful to the Bethunes that they shared this all with of us.

It's really worth watching their youtube.
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