Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #3

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A lot of mentions of Brian's art and fascination with Chuck Palahniuk's "Lullaby" book, but I personally don't see the relevance. If he was a crime show buff, people would be obsessing on that and saying that makes him capable of thinking he can get away with it. His generation (and mine) love that edgy crap.

It sure is dark, but I'm 99.9% sure that in one of the social media pictures somewhere, Gabby was seen reading a book about the Zodiac killer. Sometimes a book is just a book.
It really would cost less to hire movers to deal with the storage unit than it would be for airfare. None of this timeline makes sense. I feel for Gabby's parents so bad. This is so scary.

agreed! I did this in June and it was $250 for them to empty and move the contents of my 5x10 storage unit. And they brought their own truck!
Nothing in the police report about offering to take her for an evaluation? It reads like she was barely able to communicate her thoughts, like she was in distress. If the officer concluded that this was a mental health event and not true DV, why weren't trained EMTs called?

I don't know where you are, but I've never heard of a policeman offering to take someone for an "evaluation."

And I've worked with police and in mental health for 30 years. Trained EMT's? For disorderly conduct? Not where I live (non-urban Los Angeles) and my friends in Utah have had way more dramatic things happen without any EMT's called.

I've not one example of LE (where I live) offering an evaluation. They either make a decision to have an evaluation (and I've been involved in more than I could possibly count) or they don't. Mostly, they don't. We have exactly 1 psychiatrist per million the LE/public sector where I live - which, btw, is considered a fairly well-off place - especially compared to Moab (pop. 5000; LE employees on duty for one night? Probably 2).

I find exactly 1 psychiatrist working in Moab, btw. I can't even imagine.

Someone crying and acting hysterical, where I live (rubbing knees, face in hand, constant crying) is not going to get a psych eval. We are trying to train mental health workers (if someone wants to move here and get the training - PM me), My daughter is one of them. I do some of the training (cadets, LE academy in SoCal).

I also have spent a lot of time in Utah (and while not in Moab, not too far away).

One more thing: where I live, there's one set of EMT's available at any point in time; very busy. They aren't going to appear for disorderly conduct. If, however, one of the parties in this case had asked for mental health care, they probably would have gotten something - the next day. Not right then. What the officer did is, IMO, community standard for at least 8 Western states.

Would be happy to know it's different elsewhere.

One has to assume that if there is a missing persons case, the hospital has at least a duty to notify law enforcement that the person is not missing. That information doesn't have to be made public. LE can simply say she has been found. End of case.

Edited to add that HIPAA applies to health organizations and businesses, not individuals.

I wish this could be said on every platform, infinite number of times.
I wondering and thinking what if the uncle wrote down Yosemite on that hand written note when he meant yellowstone ... since she had planned to go to yellowstone after Grand Teton state park.
We know her van and her boyfriend was on his way home to FL about the time of that text.
The uncle probably wrote down what the text to her mom said. MOO
Nothing in the police report about offering to take her for an evaluation? It reads like she was barely able to communicate her thoughts, like she was in distress. If the officer concluded that this was a mental health event and not true DV, why weren't trained EMTs called?

Evaluation for what? She wasn't a danger to herself or others. It was an argument. She and B agreed to separate for the night so she was certainly coherent.
I thought they were seen arguing at the Kicks 66 convenience store? I'm confused by some of the details in this case, to be honest. IF they were fighting outside Moonflower Co-Op, to me, that is a BIG red flag that BL may have had something to do with Kylen and Crystal's murders.

I think the Kicks 66 was where the cashier gave an account of remembering BL and GP shopping there.
This is probably one of the most bizarre crimes I have heard about. No red flags. The domestic sounds like maybe the two of them overindulged on maybe weed or booze and a little slapping match, granted you should never abuse someone, but it seems to be she smacked him, he was trying to keep her away, that sort of thing. If he had come back without her and had some sort of “excuse”, like she ran off with someone else, she dumped me, but he straight in said he had nothing to say, lawyered up. I feel so much for Gabby’s family, and I am shocked that Brian’s family has just given him a free pass. <modsnip - no link> I pray that Gabby’s family gets answers soon!
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A lot of mentions of Brian's art and fascination with Chuck Palahniuk's "Lullaby" book, but I personally don't see the relevance. If he was a crime show buff, people would be obsessing on that and saying that makes him capable of thinking he can get away with it. His generation (and mine) love that edgy crap.
It's easy for some to ascribe anything negative to Brian right now, and try to parse through the very little that is known about him and their relationship to gather a full picture of his personality, his behavior, even his treatment of Gabby and his parents' treatment of him. I don't think it helps though, it adds a lot of unnecessary [false] speculation.
Lets say hypothetically they had a fight and the boyfriend drives off without Gabby. Gabby then succumbs to the wilderness of where she was left, either dehydration or eaten by an animal. What sort of charges would the boyfriend be looking at? Would there even be charges?
Lets say hypothetically they had a fight and the boyfriend drives off without Gabby. Gabby then succumbs to the wilderness of where she was left, either dehydration or eaten by an animal. What sort of charges would the boyfriend be looking at? Would there even be charges?

Yes. I'm sure the DA would craft something under Reckless Endangerment-type laws of that state.
I wonder if the van revealed anything? Naming him a POI made me wonder about that possibility.
Naming him a "POI" means he may have information related to Gabby's disappearance. It may/may not mean BL committed the crime, and it may/may not lead him to being labeled a "suspect."
If they have evidence he committed the crime, he'd be named a "suspect."
Since they were living in the van for months, I doubt any physical evidence will be useful in court. And he had weeks to remove anything incriminating, so I doubt there is much in the van.

what is the dead body chemical that cadavers leave? I can’t remember. Plenty of blood evidence could be found too.
Well, it’s not quite like that. The two murders were definitely part of the same crime, and whatever happened to Gabby happened almost two weeks later. But it’s a strange coincidence that the domestic incident happened right where one of the murdered women worked.

I'm interested to see how this pans out, I feel like there's going to be something bigger here.. I just heard about this case a few days ago and getting all up to speed the double murder seems too coincidental to be unrelated, IMO.
at this point it wouldnt surprise me if Brian came up missing too, is someone watching that house? i mean sinc his parents are so good at protecting him who is to say that they wouldnt help he go underground just as fast.I know they feel the walls are closing in on him.

I am not aware of anyone laying eyes on Brian since the return home on sept 1. I would like to know who has seen him, talked to him besides the parents. Maybe the sister? What has he been doing; has he just been holed up in the house since sept 1? I assume the lawyer wouldn’t represent someone he had not talked to, but have they met in person?

It’s just another weird thing.
Gabby Petito - live updates: Police ‘looking at everything,’ including Utah homicide

Nicole Schmidt, Ms Petito’s mother, said the last time she spoke with her daughter was 30 August, but because it was a text she cannot be sure that she was actually speaking with the woman. Before that the mother and daughter video chatted on 23 or 24 August. Ms Schmidt said it was normal for her and her daughter to video chat multiple times a week.

When her daughter did not check in after Mr Laundrie returned early from their road trip, she grew concerned and eventually the family alerted the police.
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