Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #30

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As the crime appears to have been committed on Federal lands, it will be tried in Federal Court in Cheyenne, Wyoming through the US Dept Of Justice using
With the warrant indicating Sept 1st, how could BL be the one passing through that toll booth in Florida on the morning of Sept 1st?

Maybe also buying some long-term survival gear along the way.

He certainly didn't go through $1000 of gas and McDonald on his 36 hour trip.

Note that they lay the first part of the charge as Aug 30, not Aug 29

Did he stay at the van the night after the hitchiking event?
I knew they could come up with some reason to arrest him if they tried hard enough.


Sorry for yelling.
Re: theory that GP's dad ordered her Uber Eats because BL had taken her cards instead of the stated reason that the power was out...I wondered that too, as well. Power outages might affect the Wi-Fi, but rarely do they affect 4G/5G/LTE. Look at all the SM posts that flood the interwebs when there is a disaster with power lines down/etc. So just because the power was out, it would have to be a doozy for GP not to be able to order herself some pizza.
Who said the power was out? Her dad said they were sorting out her e-mail for her new website and ordered pizza through his Domino app.

Dr. Phil talks to Dad
Does anyone think it's possible that the Laundries and their lawyer met in Orlando at another attorney's office to hand the case off to someone in FL that may have the experience and requirements to handle federal crimes as well as maybe a phone call on a phone that isn't tapped to Brian who may have a burner. They could have done it to talk to him about turning himself in. Could we be so lucky? JMO MOO
The date is messed up: says WEDNESDAY, September 23rd. So, was is Wednesday (the 22nd) or today (the 23rd)? Could the mess up on the date cause any legal "loopholes" for BL?

No, and any time difference can be reconciled. The essential element of the crime is access being "unauthorized" not what time it happened. But, yes, they have to establish the facts, including that the person did access the funds. And most assuredly they have evidence of his using the card, most likely photographic evidence. I haven't looked into the time issue you're referencing but I doubt it amounts to anything.
Funny, the announcer on WFLA live feed on YouTube just had to reset and go dark for 12 seconds or their channel was going to "spontaneously combust." The chat on there was moving at the speed of light while they discussed the timeline. You couldn't even read it as it flew by.
True. Sadly I’ve wondered if he is hitchhiking and offing people, stealing vehicles, money etc. as awful as that sounds.

May be off topic but did anyone see what happened earlier in the week in Mississippi? Two men found a car with a sign that said, “free” in the window and keys inside. Took the car home only to find a dead, naked body in the trunk. It was right around the time he was spotted in Mobile, AL. Kind of gave me chills thinking he could be doing something similar.
OMG-- that would be horrifying
My question is for active/well-known WS members, attorney's, anyone in LE, familiar with past cases. Why would they serve the federal arrest warrant today if they think BL is alive and possibly hopeful he would turn himself in? Wouldn't this deter those efforts or give BL more reason to self-harm? Have you seen this done in the past?
It isn't for murder... So this "little" warrant gives them all their available resources to use while also saying... "WE ARE SERIOUS".
I prefaced it aknowledging it was going down the rabbit hole. Those aren't positions, those are questions. Positions are statements. Not open ended. Statements she gave WERE odd, IMO. You're welcome to address them individually if you'd like.

Ironic that you later make the claim I'm ignoring all circumstantial evidence and preceed that with a claim that's entirely circumstantial. Christopher made a statement saying he saw her repeatedly hitting him in the arm. Not "aggresively trying to keep her place in the camper" as you just fabricated. You're assuming you know what was going through her head at that moment, care to explain how? And also, can you tell us how you know beyond a shadow of a doubt she was abandoned in the end? Last time I checked, none of us know for sure. You can guess, but a guess isn't facts. It's a guess.

I definitely conceded that prior to even saying it, so that kind of answers itself. It wasn't so much a statement as to "why I think he's innocent", as it was just odd, and would be entirely congruent with facts of the case if he were to have left her there thinking she was alive still. Can you prove to me he knew she was dead at that time? Last time I checked, we don't have that info yet. Another guess.

I get that. I said that. Nothing you're saying here wasn't pre-acknowledged per my own post. Doesn't really change the fact that a text that was considered non-essential, still could be odd for reasons I can't go into on this site apparently.

Did you see him there, or did you just see a door close? Her van being parked near where her body was found doesn't mean automatic guilt for BL. You act like he was standing beside the van waving as the camper passed by. For all we know he had already left after a fight and was sleeping on the tarp, which led to him being picked up by the hitchhiker on the 29th. Stop pretending like you have all the facts because the last time I checked the police either don't even know themselves, or they haven't released that info. Can you tell us if Gabby was actually dead prior to him going hitchhiking? How do you know she wasn't alive prior to him leaving, and then he turns to come back and finds her dead and panics?

You could be right, but you could also be wrong.

You're exactly who I'm talking about when I said people who pretend to know exactly what happened. You can have your opinion based off your perceptions, but don't delude yourself into thinking that that somehow makes it a fact.

Not the same investigators, not the same case. "how it's done now" lol can you show me the policy change? The smartest thing you said in this entire post was to add the "imo" at the end of that sentence. You're entitled to your opinion about it, but personally I think if they had enough evidence for probable cause they would have charged him by now. The fact that the autopsy has taken place and there are still no charges shows their either waiting for second opinions or there is no evidence in the autopsy report that links BL to her death. Who knows, they could charge him tomorrow though. The point is, as of this moment, they still haven't. The more time that passes, the less likely it'll happen unless some new witness or key piece of evidence surfaces.

Zero supporting evidence? lol That's actually funny, considering you're the one ignoring FOUR separate accounts of GP initiating violence with BL. GP, BL, Christopher and Rose. ALL four have said GP assaulted BL. Between the two of us I'm the at least trying to be objective about this and actually consider all sides.

Do you know what a tangent is? No one went on a tangent. Everything I said directly relates to this case. I pointed out specific facts that appeared odd, imo, and not congruent with the narrative people like you are desperately pushing prior to actually knowing. The fact that you are selectively ignoring the whole "rabbit hole" preface prior to that part is a you problem. Ignoring certain aspects that don't fit a preconceived narrative appears to be a theme with you though.

Do you consider any post you disagree with as tangents? That's incredibly toxic. Isn't that the same as people describing GP as acting "crazy" in the body cam? Mischaracterizing something I said to try and improve upon your own point is a sign of a weak argument.

Thank you for pointing out he evidence is circumstantial btw, that just means evidence by inference. Thank god we don't find people guilty based on circumstantial evidence in this country. Just imagine for a second that GP died accidentally, and BL ends up killing himself because of this social media lynch mob. That would make you, and people like you, complicit. I'll hold my judgment for further information.

People are convicted on circumstantial evidence in this country all the time. Figerprints at a crime scene are circumstantial.

Edited to add: Circumstantial Evidence - Definition, Examples, Defense Strategies

Also I can't with the BL apologists.
Homicide technically just means a person was killed by another person. But there are legal homicides (self-defense, accidents, etc.). If you intended to harm the homicide victim (not including self-defense) and that lead to their death, that's also murder.
Generally speaking that last statement is not always correct. Varies by circumstances, jurisdictions, and of course prosecutor iCal discretion based on strength of case and other factors, but that type of homicide would often be charged as a type of manslaughter.
That guy looks tall to me. Isn't Brian 5'8"?

Yes, Brian is 5' 8", but the height of the guy in that picture is distorted by the camera angle. Look how short his lower legs seem to look. Seeing where that counter hits his torso is a better gauge... or the photo of him near the door. He's not real tall, nor as skinny as he seems to look. I sort of doubt that it's Brian, though. I'd guess that he'd wear a covid mask going into anyplace with cameras like that, but who knows...?
I don't understand. The FBI has issued a warrant to investigate Laundrie's activities FOLLOWING Gabby's homicide?

So this is about theft, and not about her murder?
Likely the first charge among many. The evidence was clear enough for a grand jury, and that's all they need for right now while they continue the murder investigation.
Who said the power was out? Her dad said they were sorting out her e-mail for her new website and ordered pizza through his Domino app.

Dr. Phil talks to Dad

Petito’s father, who lives in Florida, said the couple was in Salt Lake City on Aug. 21. He knows because he placed an Uber Eats order for them.

“There was a power outage. She said she didn’t have WiFi, so I ordered her some food,” Joseph Petito said. “I know it was in Salt Lake City. It was the last time I spoke to her.”​

Authorities searching for missing 22-year-old woman last seen in SLC
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