Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #33

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I’m wondering if anyone asked her about how safe she felt. I know every time I go to the doctors office I get asked, “do you feel safe at home?”
That is a very simple question and it should be asked by LE in all DV calls, IMO. I don’t recall any of them asking how she felt, but rather wanting to know what she did. They obviously weren’t listening when she demonstrated BL grabbing her face and chin, not once but twice.
I wonder if LE has found items of HERS in the Reserve.

Maybe clothing, or jewelry, or cosmetics or dishes or anything.

Maybe like a shrine. We assume LE didn't find much left in the van when it was retrieved. And BL has had weeks of access to her personal items that were apparently in his parents garage.

I assume LE took them all from the garage and will release them to her family.
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Brian Entin tweeted this quote from North Port Police about an hour ago: "We are not wasting our time out here."

This could easily mean that they knew that BL took Gabby's GPS phone out there to dump it (the house is too closely watched now) or indeed his own cell phone HS . That GPS Iphone will be central to any trial if it can be found intact (or even in a state where the GPS data can be read off a damaged PCB) . The police will be going through the Laundrie garbage like maggots looking for clues - there is no way (approx) to trash the phone and dispose of it now , where they are located. Toilet and fire place are possible options but roofline of house indicates no chimney.

Who knows, the GabbyP phone may have been seized by the police in the first search of the house. What is known is it was shut down on Sept 1st. That's consistent with his bringing it all the way home. He may have intended to continue to use it to spoof Gabby's poor mother with "Gabby" txt mesages and then have been told by a family lawyer or his parents that this as a very dangerous activity ( The Laundries don't have any normal concepts like "Immoral").

This part of the story is really the strangest- What was he actually doing? Did he hike without her for days, then hitchhike back and kill her? If she was already gone, then why go back? He wanted to get back to the van, he then drove it straight to HIS OWN HOUSE and stayed right there. He used her cards as you said. Makes no sense.

Looks like he may have worked on a music playlist during that time. He didn't have time to hike for "days" as she was seen on August 27 in Jackson and he leaves WY on or about August 30 - arriving after a 40 hour drive (not counting gas stops) back home at 10 am on Sept 1 (supposedly - I think MSM has taken the parents' word for that).

I would say that he was probably not in the best state of mind at that point, which is why it makes no sense.
Thank you for everyone answering my questions cause these threads are moving at lightening speed!
I assume thermal imaging has been used with no luck to locate BL in the reserve? Leads me to believe he's not alive if he's there.

This was reported on earlier, it is so thick and dense that termal imaging does not necessarily work to its full abilities in large areas of the reserve.
Sometimes that does more harm to the business than good. But you never know when a male (or female) karen ends up being a murderer
I just don’t think I could ever sit with my conscious in a situation where I don’t know for sure it’s been reported. The restaurant may not want to report it because it is written down as an incident report and looks bad to any public that reads or hears about it. Is that a reason not to call?…no, no, no!
Manipulation of LE by BL, if he was really wanting to protect her he would have have told them how he had been hitting her prior to them getting back in the van. There was nothing chivalrous in his interactions with LE.
Maybe you are right. I just didn't see that the way you did, and am sure my own confirmation bias may be at play. I have yet to meet a man in real life that would offer such a thing as going to jail for me after we had been scrapping, chasing each other around to the point of a police intervention, where I, admittedly, had scratched, hit, and cried and been emotional... a man who would have ever cared enough about me to even think to offer such a thing. Jail is scary to most people, men especially...IF this is an attempt at pure manipulation, I don't see it (according to his record, of which there is none that anyone has found that I am aware of, he doesn't have experience with this or LE)

IMO: In that moment, when he suggested it, it could have been a viable option. MOO! What I see, is him trying to control the only thing he can, to get her free of this traumatic situation, by placing the consequences of both of their actions on himself. It didn't work.
oh of course, i think his nature thing was a sham, but i do understand the 'collector or the 'enthusiast that's normal. and often i watch velocity TV (not by choice)' so i get that type of individual. But, i think you know the type i mean...the guy with the vett and the license plate RUNVS? it took me miles to figure that one out. And if BL got that car in HS and he's 23, even through it was a few years old, that's a pretty sweet ride for a kid--the car does not match his persona.
"...the car does not match his persona" THAT couldn't be more true. Here's my bet. That'12 is the families second car... prolly used my Mrs. The son doen't have his own vehicle... so, kinda by default, it's sorta his too. Who knows how much he even drove it.
Yes, she did say that, among other things. They both seemed to portray (aligned with BOTH witness statements) that putting hands on each other during times of frustration was at least normal enough to speak pretty openly about it. MOO!!!

Yes. I believe they loved each other but it seems increasingly obvious that during arguments they would become physical. We have plenty of reports that both would lay hands on the other. During the traffic stop she admits to punching him and that at one point he grabbed her face to push her away, I think. If there was another physical altercation in Spread Creek and he did that again, I wonder if he could have done it hard enough to break her neck.
This is what I struggle with, both statements end with them driving off in the van, so they both saw the end of it.
Yet the reports are somewhat different.

I thought the statement of Witness 1 started with the slap fight on the sidewalk, and the statement of Witness 2 commences with the ‘cop needs to follow these people driving erratically’…? Happy to be corrected, though.
Does anyone know if BL's sister and her home are being watched by police? I saw a video a few days ago, that they went there for a visit, possibly the same day that the Laundrie family home was searched. But does the house continue to be watched? Once it has been checked, if no one is watching, could BL just go there?
There are still reporters staked out at her house. Also, she would be charged if he stayed there unless it was against her will.
Talking of bail.. Will he even be allowed bail!? If they capture him they surely know he's a risk for evading the police again. What kind of insane bail amount would be set!?

His parents seem to me to make a modest living with their juice business, so if they have anything of value, it will need to go to the lawyers first.
The FBI can easily cease that information from a library.

I don't think they'd do anything as far as try to pick up a "secret" message from BL or anything, or even send one. JMO
I do. They are already in deep. We don't know what LE knows about their choices and decisions the entire time GP lived with them & during the van trip.

A search warrant would be required but use of the library computers could be evidentiary. I wouldn't rule out anything.

BL's sister is about 9 years older than him so he had a lot of "only child" time at home growing up. With what we know about his lack of independence, I believe they would do anything - anything! - including aiding and abetting.

wow, this just triggered an association I had not made before. During this police stop, BL’s instinct was to run. To flee the cops - GB was trying to force him to pull over. His instinct is to flee. Just like he has done now. No big deal, but just a lightbulb moment for me.

Makes you want to ask why? Why flee?
No it said they were running up and down the sidewalk IIRC.

And a 100 lb girl slaps a guy doesn't usually get a 911.'
But guy doing that to a girl does.... My clue #1.
This must have caught a lot of attention and severe in nature.
GP couldn't articulate in detail what happened ...was the one almost arrested .. seems like both would be based on eyewitnesses. Both had minor marks.

Even if GP had expressed what had just happened in great detail.....I doubt LE would have change their decision. No Arrests . Separation. Didn't rise to be considered Criminal. I get it. Sadly.:(
Tons of people subject to police intervention lie, obfuscate, attempt to exercise power of a sort, etc. It is LE's job to evaluate the situation. Their hands are not tied to making a superficial assessment or taking people's words for it.
.....and I believe LE did the best evaluation of the situation they could do with the information they had

For whatever reason, the consensus decision was taken to treat BL as a DV victim and GL as the abuser.
.........and the Reason from the evidence was BL was a Victim and Gabby was the abuser. Hindsight is 20/20.

And when something big goes wrong or missed, there absolutely is or should be an investigation and review of every step of the actions taken.

I totally agree with this assesment. Investigation and review is required.
Didn't see/hear in that piece that Sarasota Sheriff was actually using Teledyne FLIR. Maybe they are. Lousy reporting, IMO.

I agree. People are loving certain aspects of the reporting - but I am not. It's lazy and it's about viewers, IMO. I have personally contacted a particular report 4 times now about blatantly non-factual statements (to his credit, he did revise his statements - but of course, no retractions because it's...TV news). TBF, his mistakes came from reading stuff on the internet - perhaps this very website and reddit (if he would just stick to Oviedo's timeline and keep it open in a window, he would benefit).

Or as an alternative, instead of having talking heads (are they all men?) tell us what's going on inside other people's heads, just have Oviedo there in a nice little box (by Zoom or whatever) to blow a whistle each time this TV journalist gets his facts wrong (he's definitely getting better).

We think there are trail cams in that preserve - but I heard it hear first after a couple of people went and found pictures from said cams on the preserve's website (but that wasn't being mentioned by the TV news). Someone should indeed ask the incident communication commander (who is there to answer public questions) whether they've used FLIR and whether they used it at night - and when!
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