Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #33

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And a 100 lb girl slaps a guy doesn't usually get a 911.'
But guy doing that to a girl does.... My clue #1.
This must have caught a lot of attention and severe in nature.
GP couldn't articulate in detail what happened ...was the one almost arrested .. seems like both would be based on eyewitnesses. Both had minor marks.

Even if GP had expressed what had just happened in great detail.....I doubt LE would have change their decision. No Arrests . Separation. Didn't rise to be considered Criminal. I get it. Sadly.:(
But they should… b/c men are victims too.
Contrasts in stature does not excuse abuse. /IMO
I agree, and regardless of the outcome, additional training is needed. Just like the FAA tries to determine the causes and possible modifications when there is a plane crash, when there is an adverse outcome like this, we should expect there to be some investigation and a consideration of a revision of best practices.

We ask a lot of LE. It may be time to consider adding trained social workers to the mix in emergency responses to DV incidents. JMO.

When I worked for a large police organization, hands down a domestic abuse call was considered the most dangerous and I live in Canada where most homes don't own a weapon. I can't even imagine the anxiety attached to making those calls in the US.

Social workers perform a needed function sometimes (I can count the case of Sammy Yatim as being a perfect example of intervention by psychologist or social worker to ameliorate the situation) but not many are available on short notice for these situations.

However, I do believe that police officer training should involve crisis intervention. Many of our officers have psychology degrees.
hmmm...its their business and they are the ones being abused. It's their call. Especially if any were POC. The trust is lost in LE and there is a fear of LE escalation, or them targeting the wrong person because of a misunderstanding. Whether this is correct or not, it's reality for some people. Trusting LE is a privileged that only some of us have. It seems Gabby didn't have this privilege of trusting LE either based on the DV call out.

Meh, in my profession I’m a mandated reporter in the inner city. I’ve seen many cases that needed to be reported or reported sooner. Any time there is abuse of any kind I think it’s important that the victim knows that someone else knows regardless whether that LE or not. It sometimes is motivating to get out of the situation, whether they have distrust for LE or not. Shoot it may be motivating to leave just to avoid LE coming into a situation. So many victim feel they have no place to go too. LE in my city is trained to provide those resources at every DV call. I get what you are saying about escalating the situation but the situation more often than not is going to escalate anyway in time. In situations with young adults and children reporting is absolutely a no brainer.
Forget the MSM . It appears a FL "plate reader" (presumably electronic tolling device) "saw " Gabby Ford Escort van on 1st Sept as it entered FL , somewhere near Nth port. This suggests Gabby had a Sunpass or similar in the van (which should be visible on the front Wscreen if people look) or on the inside of any piece of vehicle glass.

Not a toll, just a camera reading license plates, to detect stolen cars, help with crime etc.

So no Sunpass required.

Similar described here: Cape Coral approves more license plate readers
(another Florida community south of North Point)
This could easily mean that they knew that BL took Gabby's GPS phone out there to dump it (the house is too closely watched now) or indeed his own cell phone HS . That GPS Iphone will be central to any trial if it can be found intact (or even in a state where the GPS data can be read off a damaged PCB) . The police will be going through the Laundrie garbage like maggots looking for clues - there is no way (approx) to trash the phone and dispose of it now , where they are located. Toilet and fire place are possible options but roofline of house indicates no chimney.

Who knows, the GabbyP phone may have been seized by the police in the first search of the house. What is known is it was shut down on Sept 1st. That's consistent with his bringing it all the way home. He may have intended to continue to use it to spoof Gabby's poor mother with "Gabby" txt mesages and then have been told by a family lawyer or his parents that this as a very dangerous activity ( The Laundries don't have any normal concepts like "Immoral").

Yes, this all makes sense! I also kind of take it with a grain of salt what some associate of his family said, that he left without a wallet or phone. Read to me as a possible ploy for sympathy, or to imply he was going to be impossible to find... there must be SOMEthing out there for them to look this long...
Unless other charges are added, bail for credit card fraud, or even vehicle theft, will not be "insane." Now the question will be would they be able to find a bondsman willing to issue bond, or would they need to come up with the cash.

The feds filed a motion in the District of Wyoming for pre-trial detention (no bail) arguing that he is a flight risk and there is a risk for obstruction of justice if he is let out.

18 U.S. Code § 3142 - Release or detention of a defendant pending trial
The fact that she was willing to place herself at fault as she "angered him" is indicative of abuse. Absent her direct testimony that he attacked her criminally (and she was apparently unwilling to give that testimony), it does not count as evidence of a crime.

I don't doubt that L was being himself that day. Having an unpleasantly self centered, or even an anti social personality is not a criminal offense- nor is it evidence that a crime occurred.

As for the accuracy of the 911 caller, his testimony alone that a crime occurred may not be sufficient for prosecution if the actual victim was unwilling to testify.

In short, the police cannot force victims to testify and they cannot force couples break up- even if they have bad feelings about the pair.

Ironically, when police make arrests on "maybes", "does not look right", or "Put'em in jail for the night- let 'em go in the morning" type thinking they are over zealous or harassing.

Yet, when the crystal ball is not working, they get accused of "should have done more" or "Should have predicted "x" ".

I didn't state any of the things you seem to be assuming/responding to. Specifically, the bolded (my bolding) above.

Nor did I suggest (and my several comments are quite clear in my comprehension of human limits on perfection) that LE is ever going to be perfect or that in this case they are directly responsible for GP's death.

The point of my comment to which you are replying is that a skilled read of the information before them (with or without the 911 call) along appropriate protocol/procedural infrastructure that acknowledges and incorporates some fairly unique features of domestic violence could very well have resulted in LE taking a very different tack in this situation.

Were they unskilled? Was there inadequate infrastructure? We don't know. But given that the correct dynamic (and perhaps the depth of it) was indisputably not identified, it is 100% reasonable for there to be an inquiry and investigation, done with an open mind and the input of domestic violence experts.
Apologies, if this has already been hypothesized, but what if there was no diabolical "escape plan," and BL died, accidentally, in the reserve, during what was just a hike? He didn't hide the body, he used her credit cards, he came home, with her van, without her, and hung around the neighborhood for 2 1/2 weeks. I don't see where he suddenly becomes Robert Fischer and makes a perfect getaway. It doesn't add up.
I think (a)(1) which is listed on the arrest warrant is kind of the "catch all" for that series of offenses. They are spelled out more specifically on the indictment. Maybe a lawyer can chime in?
It seems when reading the statute, the difference might be the words “counterfeit” & “unauthorized”? But that’s JMO. Any lawyers in the house? Haha
Looks like he may have worked on a music playlist during that time. He didn't have time to hike for "days" as she was seen on August 27 in Jackson and he leaves WY on or about August 30 - arriving after a 40 hour drive (not counting gas stops) back home at 10 am on Sept 1 (supposedly - I think MSM has taken the parents' word for that).

I would say that he was probably not in the best state of mind at that point, which is why it makes no sense.
Minor correction. The time of his arrival was documented by a plate reader in the highway exit approx. 10 minutes from his house. That was in the first search warrant, so the van’s arrival time (10:30 AM on Sept. 1) is solid, not his parents’ word.
I mean, there is precedent, as I and others have pointed out, to say that BL is regularly a big ‘do as I say, not as I do’ hypocrite vis-a-vis his feelings on the environment
I have seen this in other posts as well (about BL being a hypocrite about the environment or the food he's eating, etc.) but what are the sources of these facts? I haven't seen any and I would like to read/view them for myself. Thanks.
There are good men out there, great men, I am married to one. He may not have experience with LE but he knew how to play the cool, calm collected one when just minutes earlier he was seen slapping and hitting her multiple times, safe to say out of anger. The bottom line, if he cared more about her than himself, if he really wanted to place the consequences of both of their actions on himself, he would have stepped up to the plate and taken responsibility for his actions, told the officer he was hitting her and that contributed to her current emotional state. He did not do that.

this is an excellent point. Brian did have the chance to say ‘[well maybe] I was being provoking’, but I don’t know if this changes the outcome either.

It probably makes LE drop the potential ‘well maybe’, from Brian’s speech and look at him more critically; but it doesn’t erase 100 percent of the weight they have to give Gabby aggressing back, either.
I don't think that's happened yet. The search warrant was for Brian's and his parent's things - not Gabby's. And there are cameras on that house at all times...the neighbors are talking to reporters. I think we'll know if and when that happens.

Surely it will happen? If I were the grieving parent, those things would not be the first things on my mind. It would take me a while to be able to handle seeing my beloved daughter's possessions, after death, under these circumstances.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a crowdfund or benefactor that gifted every neighbor a Ring type surveillance system that neighbors could place on their own property, fully within any applicable laws and taking care not to "harass" or otherwise intrude on Brian's family. Truly just neighbors desiring additional security for their own private residences and taking care to cover every angle, every entrance, every nook and cranny in that neighborhood. Even roof and pole mounted cameras so nothing escapes 24/7 cameras. I fully believe LE has some sort of surveillance already in place and will maintain it in some capacity as long as Brian is a wanted fugitive. But, lots of additional eyes and ears, from every conceivable angle, would also be nice.

just my opinion and conjecture
I very respectfully disagree. One hour and a few minutes is a long interaction But i think no one feels worse (besides the families) than these officers. Judgement calls, man in the fire, I'm sure they have a lot of stuff floating around in their minds right now, especially with the political climate for LE right now in this country.

So, based on that video, and two contradictory witnesses, you would have thrown Brian in jail?
I think BL will be caught and sooner than later. It's not like he is a trained special forces operative who did a decades worth of tours in Afghanistan and other hot spots. He's not a survivalist.

I also don't believe his parents are involved to the extent most people think. These people own / sell property and have some kind of juice franchise.

We are not talking about Whitey Bulger. They are not a well established criminal organization with the intelligence, connections or resources to fund an extended run from LE.

No one will ever be able to convince me that the three of them were able to collectively devise a master plan while covering up a murder.

I do however, believe that BL's father knows enough about real estate to have stashed him somewhere with enough supplies to last a while (re the "camping" rip")

Well, he has eluded authorities this long so he must be doing something right. It doesn’t take a special op to be able to survive while eluding capture. Obviously, he has survival skills. He came home without Gabby in Gabby’s van, went on a “camping trip” with his parents in a camper hardly big enough for two, comes home (if he even came home) and then disappears into anywhere. The mustang was parked at the nature preserve and the parents brought it back home because they knew he wasn’t coming back. I believe that was a ruse concocted by the parents. I’m not even sure if he is there. I hope every property they own or are selling has been searched. I 100% believe they are involved. And they will be charged.
His parents seem to me to make a modest living with their juice business, so if they have anything of value, it will need to go to the lawyers first.

He could say he never ran from police. He can say plausibly deniability that he didn't take his phone and didn't know there was a warrant out for his arrest. Depending on what he has on him when he is found and where of course

I assume any lawyers fees can be paid with a sit down interview. Based on the interest. The lucrative offers would already be coming in. jmo
GabbyPetito was like a granddaughter to Noreen Gibbons who flew in from Portland ahead of Gabby’s funeral. She told me Gabby and #BrianLaundrie were supposed to finish their cross-country trip at her home in late October. She couldn’t have been more excited for their visit.
Such a lovely lady!
Just reminded me f the numbers of people that are bereaved that we will never know of after every death.
She backtracked that, tho, right after. I watched it twice and now the only video I can find has much more of the conversation muted. Does anyone have the original that is only muted for names and addys? I will watch again...just because I am sure, well, I remember, she said, "no, well...just a little", or something like that. I may miss posting in this thread, it is so fast, but will share when I see it again.
This link at 4:54 is when BL says she grabbed the wheel.

This link 0:53 is where she said he was hitting her. At 2:40 she says "only for a second" regarding grabbing the steering wheel.
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