Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #35

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DNA Solves

Where do you think BL is right now?

  • Mexico

    Votes: 50 7.1%
  • Cuba

    Votes: 12 1.7%
  • Canada

    Votes: 20 2.8%
  • Carlton Reserve, FL

    Votes: 98 13.8%
  • Somewhere else in FL

    Votes: 166 23.4%
  • New York

    Votes: 24 3.4%
  • Somewhere else in the US

    Votes: 306 43.2%
  • Somewhere else in the world

    Votes: 32 4.5%

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Can we read anything into the FBI's (relative) silence so far beyond a generic request for tips coinciding w/ the federal warrant (and Brian's reporting above)?

I'm new to this, so not familiar with their standard operating procedure in high profile cases, but I'm somehow somewhat optimistic that the FBI's not releasing/leaking information, having daily press conferences, appealing to the public etc.

There has been a lot of public scrutiny of LE so far, so I would think if they are in a mad scramble to locate him, they might be a little bit more forthcoming sharing information, asking for help (and trying to head off future criticism by spelling out everything they're doing).

I'm hoping all this means they are closing in, but I could be way off in a lot of these assumptions and wanted to see if this is just wishful thinking on my part.
There is almost NEVER news releases on FBI cases in my experience.
Just the way they work.
They set us a task, made a poster..
they want him found..
I hope that is true but where does that number come from? I'm seeing $30k in today's news. ???

SEP 25, 2021
Reward for Brian Laundrie at $30,000 | WPEC (

The figures I've heard are between $30k- $70k, but the larger figure comes with a big, big asterisk. $50,000 of that is so far just a rumor.

$20k was contributed to the reward fund by Boohoff Law, a North Port law firm. There are a number of articles in the MSM beside the linked one verifying this.

Then $5000 from Jerry Torres, a neighbor and retired Green Beret (verified by MSM link.)

$1000 was contributed by Steve Moyer, a former Chief of Police for Sarasota (verified by MSM link.)

Jerry Torres then announced on Twitter that he had gathered approximately another $4000 in small individual donations. (Verified, it was also reported in the linked story above about Steve Moyer's donation.)

But this one's much more dubious... a minor celebrity, a country musician named Ryan Upchurch, is claiming on his instagram (he is a verified user) that he's adding 50k to the reward fund (link is NSFW for cursing.) That's where the 70k figure came from. But so far there is no evidence yet that this is more than just talk. It hasn't been reported or verified by any MSM I can find.
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I just wanted to answer some questions about stomach contents and DNA. Yes, it is completely possible, but it wouldn't be easy and I doubt they would go through the effort if they didn't need to. It would involve DNA sequencing similar to identifying someone in a database via DNA at the scene of a crime, but more complex because there would be a lot of contributing DNA instead of a single profile. I'm a trained molecular biologist and have done DNA analysis, including environmental DNA. They may have a set of primers or SNPs that they use for gut analysis on human remains so I could be off (I'm not a forensic molecular biologist) but generally to identify something via DNA you either need to match a sample to a known sample using something called primers, or you sequence and run the results through a database. If they sequence the results, they definitely can figure out everything she had in her gut (including bacteria) but I really don't imagine they would go to that extent unless there was a dire need to. Considering the US has a backlog of DNA testing for rape kits, I can't imagine them performing and expediting a test like this if it doesn't really further the case. This is of course only my opinion and I am not a verified expert so the mods may snip. I can provide proof of my knowledge though if they care enough.
This is long and i'll preface by saying it is just my summary of the Moab stop that make me think my original opinion that LE could have done better has changed..I think they really did the best they could. It was a tough call.
**Mods if this is not allowed DBM if you must
Again this is just MHO.
Okay...for no other reason than my own mental sorting out. . .

i just watched Moab again. . I listened actually with my eyes closed, because i get lost in visual details sometimes.
I was once again curious, because of the phone question, that' s what started me going down this rabbit hole, but then i got immersed in other fine points.

Early on BL also points out that besides his 'dirty feet, the 'flies' are really getting to her. weird right but I hate flies too.
LE the bearded LE , when first speaking with GP. also does ask her if 'he has a lot of anxiety and stress' and she replies yes, note**** I think I hear LE referring to BL anxiety not GP)
she says 'he gets frustrated with her alot'.
SADDEST thing i might have heard at approximately 11:13 when LE said 'maybe it's bad for your soul'.
GP says later about the altercations at 11:25 'it's never happened before'.
12:30 or so BL during his physical exam says "she has marks on her too".
I find it interesting that he says 'we had a little squabble. . .hanging out at the coffee shop', he mentions the coffee shop 3 times.
14:39 'i don't have my phone. . I don't really, i don't have a phone. "
14:59 "I got really loud and that probably got everyone's attention" (like maybe BL knew LE was aware of the coffee shop so he was explaining a situation because he goes on to say a bit later '
i feel bad i had to get so public, and get so loud. . .I was trying to get her to calm down. . . look everyone is watching".
19:22 asked about the how long they have been on trip --"4-5 months now, 5 months'. he refers to their trip 2 years before, was cross country in a nissan sentra.

But LE does discuss the scene at the cafe when he says he says to another LE "i spoke to one of the two witnesses' 'he never saw the male hit her". 'he's trying to disengage, she's clawed her way in . . what he (BL) said is what is the witnesses said'.
** My note ** (i wish they checked her nails for clawing damage)

And in the end after what i would consider a review of the laws by the officer to the other officer (around 21 minutes into 22 minutes +) there is discussion about her going to jail as she was the primary aggressor.

The LE did attempt to find a place to 'hook her up for the night' --40:09

Around 47 minutes she is on phone with her parents, after that there is a discussion about whether they should charge her again.

Initially he said just his wallet was in his right hand pocket of his shorts and 'ID in the car' then at 54 minutes he does take his wallet out of his pocket with his license-- but says he thought it was 'with car stuff' or something.

***At 55 minutes he takes PHONE out of the same pocket....this is bothersome to me...JMO again.

At 1:00 hour when BL learns of the hotel room he says something about 'outside' I am not sure if he's asking if GP is sleeping outside, or referencing himself sleeping outside. . . I just can't catch it.

So in the end, I have gone from saying that I think LE could have done more to saying I think they did the best they could with the info they had. I also think some of their discussions with BL/GP were done in a way that was supportive, like trying to help them both out.

Don't shred me please. But i'd encourage anyone who only watched part of the video to sit and listen carefully. It was a very hard call for LE in the end. It is even harder to watch this very sweet and polite little girl cry and that she is not here anymore.

Sorry so long. These are just my own personal thoughts and observations.
But you have completely ignored that the first call described them man hitting and slapping the woman. You have left out where the male was all palled up and laughing when he called GP crazy and when he sympathized because he had had a 'toxic' exwife.
So this article has
-5K from a Green Beret
-5K from a neighbor
1K from the Police Chief
Reward being offered for info leading to arrest in Gabby Petito case

Then there is the 20K from the Law firm for a grand total of 31K. The local news agencies also say the reward is up to 30K.
Reward for Brian Laundrie at $30,000

I don't see any other rewards being offered. Someone said something about a country star offering a reward, but I couldn't find it.

Is this on your list? Lawyer and mother of 2 offers &20k?

Florida Lawyer Offers $20,000 Reward For Finding Brian Laundrie As Carlton Reserve Search Enters Its Second Week
She hit him once on the arm to try to make him stop instead of accelerating away when the police were behind them with lights on.

She also grabbed and scratched him during the Moab sidewalk incident, seen by as many as 6 witnesses, two of whom called LE.

She doesn't say she hit him just once. If he had accelerated any more, he would have plowed into the barriers at the entrances to Arches, clearly a federal crime. There's no mention of him accelerating - he was still going offramp speed for about 50 yards past the 15 mph sign, at which point he stops and then is directed into a parking turn out.

Since Brian had the new scratches on his arm...the witness story from Moab was corroborated. I think the LEO's involved thought these injuries were minor and took into account his "smooshing" (strong arming) her as well - both were involved in (minor) domestic violence that afternoon. He claims he was trying to get into the van to protect himself, and she comes to the driver's window and struggles with him - she manages to regain entry into the van, but now they. are once again in a small space having just had a public altercation.
Nope...just watched. He said he didn't have a phone really....she was on the phone with her parents when they are asking him for his ID and then he takes his phone out. SO weird.

He went back to the van for his phone. And Gabby had hers. Maybe he just does not carry it around with him, ever.
Could someone round up all of Brian's available artwork into one file and upload it? It might help reveal what's living in his head.

I'd be careful drawing any conclusion from his artwork. It's mostly cartoony art and adjustments to cartoons and graphic novel stuff. I know tons of artists (being one myself) who create art that has nothing to do with their states of mind other than they like the art, admire the artist, or just want to sell their art. Both BL and Gabby were selling their art and designs online. I've done that. If you want things to sell, you try to sell things you think people want. The art BL did was derivative and violated all kinds of copyrights, but it was also somewhat popular as you can see online it was selling.
And maybe he already has... There are lots of nice houses (summer retirement homes) and little hut-type houses in the NC mountains, and the other states as well. Many are well-hidden and not near any towns -- private property, of course. I have several friends, as we all probably do, who have these homes and they go there in the summer months.
Reminds me, @borndem, of the North Woods Hermit, that made national news. The guy was a hermit for 27 years in northern Maine. He suddenly left his home and walked into the woods at the age of 20, not seen or heard from until arrested. He lived in an elaborate and hidden compound he created and stole provisions from houses. This article I picked out has a more psycho-social focus to it, as we may see some similarities between the famous hermit and BL. In other words, what is the long game?

‘North Pond Hermit’: Choosing to spend life in isolation
Carolyn Gusoff on Twitter
Gabby Petito’s mother breaks silence to express gratitude for “overwhelming” outpouring of support and share video montage of Gabby. @CBSNewYork

6:06 PM · Sep 25, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
No. He stalks off from campsite because they’ve been fighting. When he returns, she’s gone. She had told him she’s leaving. Maybe even taunted him as how she could do it. So he jumps into van snd heads home. Unaware that she is dead 200 yards from van.

It’s not a likely scenario, IMo, but MOO, possible. He clearly left the campsite alone as he was found and given a ride going back to it at least twice.

Unless there is some evidence that can point directly to BL as the one who killed GT, there are such possible scenarios. That’s what the fed prosecutor has to prepare for
I find so many scenarios, victim blaming. In every one, it is some action of hers which causes her death. What would her 'taunting' him have to do with anything if someone else killed her?
Does that also explain why he spent her money or why his parent or himself could not tell GPs parents that that happened?
I find this one of the more intriguing questions. For some reason, I doubt he has a passport (and no chance of getting one now). But if he does have a passport, I do think there are (illegal) ways for him to flee the US to either Canada or Mexico. I think Canada would be prompt in catching him if he tried to fly out of Canada though. So he'd have to go on the lam. In Mexico, he could keep traveling south and would probably find a local airport (I can think of a couple) where he could catch a flight (Cuba won't work - need very specific visas to board a plan or ship to Cuba) or get on a ship (better idea).

(Long post follow...TL;DR...there are several ways to get a fake passport).

I know someone who fled the US and joined the Merchant Marines in Panama. He used his regular ID, no one checked. He lived that way for 2 years before deciding to come back (statute of limitations had run out - it was a fairly minor crime compared to this). I know another person who went illegally into Mexico and couldn't get back (US denied him entry due to various reasons) and spent a year in a legal battle to prove he really wasn't intentionally breaking the law and was in fact a US citizen. I know someone who had a passport already and walked over the border and flew from Juarez Intl to someplace in Europe, where he lived for a year. He was not wanted by LE, but he was attempting to avoid all contact with his parents over a specific situation. I could keep going. As an anthropologist with experience in Mexico and specifically in border towns, these people (or their families) have contacted me for help - I know some people in the FBI who have helped me understand the in's and out's of some of this. This is not an exhaustive list of people I know who have fled.

Getting a new identity is not that difficult if you know a few criminals. Heck, four houses away from me, two people were busted for procuring fake identification. And at one DMV in California, people were busted for accepting bribes to issue fake ID's. In Downtown LA, you can buy them if you know what you're doing. My own identity was stolen about a decade ago, which I found out when I didn't receive my DL renewal notice (someone had changed my address for me and had a replacement DL sent to Texas, where they were also using my credit card from time to time - the bank merely reimbursed me, the DMV asked me for proof of address and reissued the right license - to me; now I have it calendared when I'm supposed to get the renewal notice!)

(I believe the renewal notice was stolen from my mailbox and that we have the person on camera, but the time/date stamp was not correct and the police had no interest in viewing that video whatsoever - they told me to get a locking mailbox, which we did).

Of course, I've lived all my life in a big metropolitan area, so my experiences are not all that unusual. My ex-husband had his identity stolen early in his university years (by. someone with the same name) and unknown to him, that person got a CA DL using his name and my ex's current address - while using his own birth certificate). It was a nightmare getting it straightened out. The guy was wanted for a few property crimes - we found that out when we were screened for a rental and told that my ex was a criminal - not true!)

Someone tried to steal my dad's identity (older people are victims of this all the time) and got a copy of dad's SS card. Once a person gets one valid piece of idea, the next one is easier to get. Actual passports are hard to counterfeit but those passport cards are not so hard - and those can be purchased.

All that being said, a person has to be a determined criminal and of a criminal mind to do this. Seeing no evidence that Brian or his parents fall into the category, I am assuming he'll hide out in the US for a long time. He can hitchhike. He can change his appearance. He probably looks nothing like the photos being shown everywhere on SM at this point in time.
Thanks for the info, this is fascinating. And pretty frightening too!
I'm pretty sure a bounty hunter is allowed to knock as long as he's not harassing them. But some bounty hunters have in the past kicked down doors and drug out suspects/fugitives. But he's NOt gonna do that on live tv! I don't think so! I think in Texas Dog could enter w/o permission with handcuffs and a gun.

A Florida attorney can chime in this is what I found:
"As a general rule, they can enter the fugitive's property, but not anyone else's. ... Part of this agreement allows a bounty hunter to enter your property to re-arrest you if you attempt to escape. They do not, however, have the right to enter a third party's residence without permission, even if the fugitive is inside."
Blog | Bail and Bail Bondsmen Explained | Half Down Bail Bonds | CALL NOW: 703-369-5555
So maybe this has been answered/asked . . . if it's his parents home it's really not his property..Yes or no.
Thinking back to the Gannon Stauch case. Stepmonster will be on Trial for his murder. How it all played out was far from what I surmised. There were searches and investigations going on all over the States. Much we just didn't know. I wonder if this case will be similar as to what the facts truly are.
So this article has
-5K from a Green Beret
-5K from a neighbor
1K from the Police Chief
Reward being offered for info leading to arrest in Gabby Petito case

Then there is the 20K from the Law firm for a grand total of 31K. The local news agencies also say the reward is up to 30K.
Reward for Brian Laundrie at $30,000

I don't see any other rewards being offered. Someone said something about a country star offering a reward, but I couldn't find it.
Thanks! I read that differently and thought the Green Beret was the neighbor. I'm sure it will all become clear eventually. MOO
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