Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #36

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Seems pretty transparent to me. He likely came home and said GP was leaving him, running off with some guy (or whatever), and that she wanted her things put in storage. Clearly she was already deceased at that point. I think this is tied to some cover story he attempted to sell. Her autopsy should have provided a very good time/day of death, based on a variety of factors we don't need to get in to. The coroner would know.

Amateur opinion and speculation

Gabby was alive. She was seen by several people after this supposed trip 8/17-24. So that's not what happened at all.

--Hotel manager saw her check out.
--Mom faced timed with her
--People saw her at the restaurant Merry Piglets
Perhaps their capacity for asking for these samples only became possible once the federal warrant was issued. Prior to that, maybe they had no jurisdiction to make this request for a 'person of interest.'

If they reported their son missing wouldn't they willingly supply DNA to find him without a federal warrant? But I think you're right they had to get a warrant first. I don't think his parents are cooperative at all.
I am curious about the female Ranger's bodycam footage. I understand not everything is released but I am beginning to wonder if something was said or done during that discussion that may be part of the investigation. Mild speculation. MOO
Thing is - the interaction did not end when the film footage ended.
Await the investigation, I reckon.
So did I. When I went back to check previous articles, I read where they stated it hadn’t been confirmed yet that she was cremated already.
FOX 13 Tampa Bay on Twitter
NOW: Loved ones have gathered in New York to say farewell to Gabby Petito. Family will use an empty urn during the service. WATCH LIVE:

12:02 PM · Sep 26, 2021·TweetDeck

P.S. In case you missed it, her memorial thread is here:

Honoring the Life of Gabby Petito (
Perhaps the FBI stopped by to kind of scare the parents with their DNA request. The Laundrie's will worry now that maybe the FBI has found something. Maybe the Laundries will attempt to contact Brian through some predetermined and difficult to trace means. Just a thought.
Gabby Petito funeral planned for Sunday as Brian Laundrie remains missing: LIVE UPDATES

FBI agents visit Laundrie home, asked for personal items to help with 'DNA matching'
Two FBI agents briefly visited Brian Laundrie's family's home in North Port, Fla. on Sunday morning to ask for help with "DNA matching."

"The FBI requested some personal items belonging to Brian Laundrie to assist them with DNA matching and Brian’s parents provided the FBI with what they could," the Laundries' lawyer, Steven Bertolino, told Fox News on Sunday.

The agents walked into the front porch around 11:00 a.m. and left with a brown paper bag.

Sunday's visit comes almost a week after roughly 20 FBI agents swarmed the Laundrie home and could be seen carrying boxes and suitcases

Maybe this is for the death investigation in Wyoming....or maybe he is dead...
Perhaps the FBI stopped by to kind of scare the parents with their DNA request. The Laundrie's will worry now that maybe the FBI has found something. Maybe the Laundries will attempt to contact Brian through some predetermined and difficult to trace means. Just a thought.
I fully believe he's already near or in the AT and has a burner phone, cash, and plenty of masks ya know because he's worried about CoVID.
Did they get a new warrant or something? Just seems like they would have a plethora of DNA from the van the mustang and the other belongings they took from the house last week. Maybe something was inconclusive? He didn’t have much hair but he did have leg and arm hair.

Could they have grabbed something that may have touched his mouth to look for other people’s DNA besides his and Gabby’s?:(
If there was any dna on GP that wasn’t hers they will need his. They need to confirm it is his so there is no reasonable doubt re: a stranger. For example, under her nails from self defense.

Right. Or maybe a rock or something else used as a weapon. Or it's because they found him dead. I agree.
In response to @10ofRods, P#685, T#35 post about my "Alternative Scenario" to BL as GP's killer. See my P#599 on this page if interested:
Found Deceased - WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #35
All IMO.
First I'll remind folks I posted this Alternative Scenario in the full spirit of objective sleuthing - turning data upside down sometimes to ferret out new theories. Like many of you here, I strongly suspect BL killed GP in a rage. But I also want to be a good sleuther and not get too tied up in one scenario, especially with so few facts.

1oofrods: “So she left him with all her stuff? Including phone and debit card. How unusual.

RedHaus: In this alternative scenario, I did not suggest GP left BL with all her stuff. To the contrary, this scenario has GP staying put in the van when BL leaves for his Snake River hike (to clear his head and avoid hurting her in his 'excited state') likely late afternoon or early evening of 8/27.

10ofrods: And what an incredibly thing to have happen - a nefarious actor, who apparently. steals nothing <modsnip - no link for fact>. Wow....

RedHaus: Well, I certainly have heard about countless rapes and murders of women where nothing is stolen from their home, their car, their selves. Rape is about violence and not about theft. And murder often is as well. So I am not sure why this seems incredulous. This scenario has GP being killed by a stalker on 8/28.

10ofrods: Or did he take her phone and text Stan as well as Gabby's mom?

RedHaus: As I understand the time line, on 8/27, Gabby's uncle posts there was a snapchat Gabby sent a friend -heading to Yellowstone (in Dailymail article). This alternative scenario could fit with that fact, in that Gabby could have sent this to her friend the morning of 8/27, before the Texmex restaurant blow-up. Maybe she and BL had in fact made plans that morning to go to Yellowstone – perhaps the next day on 8/28.

Further, I still contend BL texted GP’s Mom about Stan on 8/27 (as I've previously posted). This likely happened after the Texmex restaurant as BL may have taken GP’s phone from her and perhaps Grampa (Stan) had intuition something was wrong. Perhaps BL's blow up and his taking her phone was the 'straw' for GP.

And as for the 8/30 text to GP’s Mom, I believe BL sent that as most here do. That still fits with this alternative scenario as it is possible BL still had GP’s phone with him when he left for a hike and then when he left for home with GP's van. That could also explain the apparent radio silence from GP's phone on 8/28 (and 8/29).

So on 8/30, either before he left for home with GP's van, or from the road, in this scenario, BL texts GP's Mom to shut her up. And maybe he is demonstrating some confusion by announcing there is no cell service in "Yosemite" when in fact, GP may have been talking to her Mom (certainly her friend) about going to Yellowstone.

If BL had her phone, it might explain why GP couldn't call for help if she felt threatened by a stranger or was being attacked on 8/28 as this scenario considers.

10ofrods: Since LE already have those records, it's truly concerning that they aren't looking for a serial killer in WY. And not a single camera so far has picked up evidence of this person - who had to have a car, as he couldn't exactly trot behind their vehicle all the way to Spread Creek.'

RedHaus: How do we know LE is not searching for another possible killer in the Grand Tetons? I don’t recall there being many CCTV locations in the area GP was killed. Of course, the proposed alternative killer would not be on foot… already in the campground perhaps? Perhaps he chased her to where she ended up?

A10ofrods: And LE also has Brian's phone records. Why didn't he call Gabby to see what was up, if she just disappeared? Why don't his parents tell. Gabby's parents what. happened? Why is Brian the only POI?

RedHaus: If BL had GP’s phone then he couldn’t call her to ask where she is when he didn’t find her at the van after he returned from his hike 8/29, in this alternative scenario. Why BL would not have called GP’s parents to check on GP is a great question, but that is why I added the comment at that point in the alternative scenario that “this would have to presume he does not process information like most people"… “this would require a suspension of normal social expectations.”

Simply put,
I don’t think BL is like most people so his behavior may appear… well..., very different from you or me.

As for why there is not another POI, who knows… maybe there are no others, maybe there are some, maybe LE hasn’t gotten that far. Isn’t the autopsy findings pending pathology and toxicology? If they could do a rape kit, wouldn't DNA pending? I suspect that is what BL's lawyer(s?) is/are hoping for perhaps.

All IMO.
This alternate theory is very easy to prove or disprove through DNA matching during autopsy. If there was a third person involved and there was rape or other assault (hope this was not the case), they will find that person's DNA on the body and should be able to rule out BL as the prime suspect of the homicide. But if that was the case, no reason for BL to have disappeared as he did so I am inclined to rule out the alternate theory. MOO
Seems to me they could have gotten parents DNA from the mustang or the truck (?) or even from their library visit..... or any possible documents they signed. JMO
They spent about 6 hrs searching that house already.
If it was just a sample of his DNA from a beard brush or whatever, a local LE could have collected it.. but it was the FBI that rolled up...
They're investigating fraud.
I find it very hard to believe BL would have killed himself. Everything about him screams coward, like running to mommy and daddy to fix his issues. He is most likely laying low somewhere, perhaps has even crossed a border and it is just a matter of days before he is caught ( I hope!)
Nah, this visit by the FBI doesn't pass the sniff test. The more I think about it, the less sense it makes that they were there to collect DNA. If they knew in advance they were coming it would give them a chance to finagle something to give them that would be bogus, like a toothbrush that had been dipped in bleach or peroxide or even a brand new one that they just smeared toothpaste on and rinsed right off. 3 agents showing up for that? Either the FBI is just playing with them or the visit was for something else. After all it was their lawyer who gave the reason for the visit sooooo......
Pasco Sheriff on Twitter
PSO deputies responded to a report of decomposed human remains in the Richwood Ln., Port Richey at approx. 8 p.m. last night. While the remains are heavily decomposed, they appear to be an adult female. (1/2)
11:47 AM · Sep 26, 2021·Twitter Web App

Pasco Sheriff on Twitter
Identification & cause of death are both pending determination from the Medical Examiner's Office. Due to ongoing social media rumors, we want to be clear that these remains are NOT associated in any way with Brian Laundrie or the ongoing FBI investigation into that case. (2/2)
11:47 AM · Sep 26, 2021·Twitter Web App

Hopefully they can identify that human remain and give a sense of closure for the other family.
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