Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #36

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Are you saying he gave away a piece of evidence? He might have used the skateboard to commit the crime, and he simply gave it away?

I don't know why, but I get the feeling that the cause of death is going to be either manual strangulation or asphyxiation :(

I know some have said they think they that it was blood that the police had sprayed and marked at the location where GP's body was found, but IMO it didn't look like blood. I just have a hunch that no blood was shed.

Brian does not have any tattoos on his hand in the engagement photo. I wonder if the tattoo artist can be found and shed any light. Tattoos are usually meaningful.
How sure are we that they’re tattoos? Could it have been henna? With guys tattoos are often just tattoos. And by that I simply mean they just like a design. /jmo
Right. I wouldn’t be shocked if he’s “found” today.
With all the anger out there and money being offered, if I were Brian's parents I'd be wanting him to turn himself in. People are out there with pitchforks and I'd be more concerned that someone will hurt him than that he will hurt himself. I could also see some group of old men with guns looking to make a few bucks, finding him and unintentionally causing him harm in trying to take him in. Brian's more at risk from the "bounty hunters" than he is from alligators in a swamp. But maybe that would be poetic justice.
Just an FYI, but how many times has a body been exhumed during a murder trial? Not very often, in fact very rarely. Even when they don't initially have a suspect, they don't exhume the body for the defense. I would guess that means before the body is released they have ample evidence for tests to be performed by any defense team.

I don’t have any stats, but Chad Daybell’s wife was exhumed. The difference to me with that case vs. this case, Tammy Daybell’s death was not viewed as suspicious at the time. Gabby’s body IMO, was given a very detailed autopsy because of the circumstances surrounding her disappearance and body recovery site. IIRC it was stated Gabby was cremated. IMO
She was in fear for her relationship, for her business, for her life. Somehow her saying "why are you so mean" to him, one hour later became "sometimes I am mean". She was terrified what he would do to her later.

After watching that encounter various times, the most important sentence he said jumped off the page...." I gave her time.... So, who the crzp is HE to give HER time? Her van, her business, she was the heart of that duo. Yet by that time in their trip he was in charge of her van, her phone, her computer time, up to and including whether or not she could enter her own van as her locked her out and tried to abandon her on the street. And he was purposely dirty just to show he could do what he wanted, because it would hurt her "LITTLE vlog"

Listen to that tape again....he admits to threatening her with a public scene in Moab.

Just watch the film without sound. How very creepy, the camera frequently catches him laughing, head tilted back with his whole set of teeth showing from the inside. That was not "smiling" that was chortling, braying like a donkey. (Nothing against donkeys).

Now zoom forward, resume sound, and watch the last part where he is nearly berserk in the back seat of the squad car, unbroken stupid things pouring from that bizarro. The cop, while reassuring Brian that there are women like that in his own family, finally in frustration breaks into BL's manic monologue to say, hey you're not in handcuffs are you?

I hate Brian for what he did to Gabby. Not just the ending of her life (moo), but the slow destruction of her confidence, the dismantling of her dream. She tried so hard to make this work. I wish she had realized he wasn’t worth any of this. That she could dump him and pursue her dreams a different way.
I believe they did inflame the situation. They handed BL more power by assigning the victim label to him. One more bad act he could use to send her on another distorted guilt ridden trip.

They had no choice but to follow Utah law and procedures. It wasn't their fault. Certainly not Officer Robbins and Ranger Hull's who appeared to do all they could to diffuse a situation, which appeared, a mental health crisis.

And before anyone says "ohhh but he was all buddy with him at the end to the motel", dude was just being friendly and polite.
Emptying out the storage unit really bothers me. Who planned that and why? For some reason I’m getting a feeling that BL family might not of been that fond of Gabby. I would of been hysterical if she was my future daughter in law that lived with me for 2 years. But the L family just rode bikes, didn’t answer calls and acted like normal.Really cold hearted IMOO
Was it emptied out or did they just move some things out? If Gabby was really a neat freak like me she may have had different seasons of clothes packed in tubs and stored away. Yellowstone is cold already this time of year so maybe carrying all of their winter clothes in the van for the whole trip was too much so they had planned to fly back and get what they needed.
I hate Brian for what he did to Gabby. Not just the ending of her life (moo), but the slow destruction of her confidence, the dismantling of her dream. She tried so hard to make this work. I wish she had realized he wasn’t worth any of this. That she could dump him and pursue her dreams a different way.
Thank you. That so beautifully sums it all up perfectly.
Gabby's death has been ruled a homicide, homicidal violence, not accidental, not suicidal, and not natural causes. This is a factual diagnosis by the ME not me. It can't be twisted, fitted into a different idea or thought.

Gabby died by homicidal means, we just don't know the cause, shooting, stabbing, strangulation, blunt force trauma. The country, possibly the world is watching out to find the POI (suspect) who is BL!!!!
And Medical Examiners are flawless always? Hardly. Over the last four years in WNY there has been an ongoing case wherein the initial "ruling" so-to-speak was overdose. Earlier this year, they reexamined and "ruled" blunt force trauma no drugs. ME's always spot on correct? They err at times. And this... 5 Legal Facts About Autopsies That You May Not Know - FindLaw And this ... Autopsy as an Outcome and Performance Measure: Summary - AHRQ Evidence Report Summaries - NCBI Bookshelf Oh, and this... Things To Know - Autopsy 101 | Post Mortem | FRONTLINE | PBS
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JS said that the van had been parked in an unauthorized place for several days, and she was surprised the park service had let that occur. Is this another link in the series of events leading to his having the seclusion to IMO kill her and carry/drag her body around?
With all the anger out there and money being offered, if I were Brian's parents I'd be wanting him to turn himself in. People are out there with pitchforks and I'd be more concerned that someone will hurt him than that he will hurt himself. I could also see some group of old men with guns looking to make a few bucks, finding him and unintentionally causing him harm in trying to take him in. Brian's more at risk from the "bounty hunters" than he is from alligators in a swamp. But maybe that would be poetic justice.
I particularly want him found alive..
I believe they did inflame the situation. They handed BL more power by assigning the victim label to him. One more bad act he could use to send her on another distorted guilt ridden trip.

Agreed. One of BL’s MOs seemed to be making Gabby feel like she was crazy and at fault for all of this. She eventually began to believe that it wasn’t BL’s actions that were wrong, it was her reaction to his actions that was wrong. The encounter in Moab did nothing but cement this. I absolutely think BL left that encounter with the thought that he was entitled to treat Gabby any way he wanted. IMO.
BBM. Both GP and BL were/are 22/23 years old, so legal adults by every definition of the word. And some parents become especially "hands off" once their kids become adults. Maybe BL's parents truly didn't ask/probe because they felt like it's something between BL and GP and might not have been their business (not realizing the severity of the situation when BL returned).

Just giving a different viewpoint since I see so many on here acting like the parents should be in BL's business at every moment. True, maybe neither GP nor BL was the wisest (who is at that age?) or making the best decisions, but they were not kids anymore. Maybe the parents were walking a fine line between being non-invasive to their adult child vs. getting into helicopter parent territory.

I don't think BL or his parents are some kind of evil masterminds who have spirited him away to safety or hiding with long set-ups for survival in the wilderness or life in another country. Prior to this, they were probably a fairly typical American family. Is the average person/family ready within ten days to hide a felon? Prepare for a life on the run? Get fake ID and travel outside the country? No. I don't think so. The suppositions and scenarios that some are coming up with are completely wild, imo. (Do I think the parents are making themselves and their son look complicit by their complete silence? Yes. But, that is also their right. And, they seem to be following legal counsel, for better or worse.)

Perhaps he is already dead and is yet to be found. Perhaps he is indeed on the run. If so, I think he will eventually be captured, whether that is next week or a year from now. I am stunned at the level of resources given to this particular case, especially as I would guess that BL is not a general danger to the public (maybe only to himself and/or any romantic partners he may have). Obviously, I do hope he is found and that justice is served in this case. But I am still very surprised at the level of intensity that this one case has garnered.

Also, I find it entirely distasteful how the media frenzy/SM frenzy is spinning this into something much more than GP's death -- it's about fame, ratings, political posturing, culture signaling, and more at this point. At heart, a young woman is dead. And a young man is missing. He may or may not be involved, but the authorities need to collect information, be methodical, and do their due diligence, all while continuing to try to locate him or have him come in. The rest is becoming a three-ring circus that is rapidly spinning out of control, imo.

I can agree you my husband’s parents don’t ask questions they’ve even said I’ve raised him he’s an adult
I live in a beach town in Florida. We have tourists year round. Most people stay a week or two, then go home. They would not notice anyone staying for a long period of time. It would be very easy to blend in with tourists.... straw hat, sunglasses, etc. because everyone is dressed that way. This time of year our homeless population doubles or triples because it's warm in the winter. I know this because I volunteer at a free food pantry/clothing bank. Food and clothing would not be a problem and, if he disguised himself, he probably wouldn't be recognized. I don't believe he left the state of Florida. He doesn't have to worry about the climate so housing wouldn't be as big a deal as a colder place. There is literally water everywhere, so he can fish or scallop for food. He might not be as comfy as he would be at home, but he wouldn't be miserable. This is just my opinion.
edited by me--I haven't posted before and I think I replied to the wrong post. I meant to reply to the one about being on a beach somewhere.
I live in a retirement community in Florida even though I’m younger I was thinking this would be perfect nobody would notice anything it’s so crowded and a lot of snow birds he could be in plain sight
They had no choice but to follow Utah law and procedures. It wasn't their fault. Certainly not Officer Robbins and Ranger Hull's who appeared to do all they could to diffuse a situation, which appeared, a mental health crisis.

And before anyone says "ohhh but he was all buddy with him at the end to the motel", dude was just being friendly and polite.
And slagging off his ex-wife and making comparisons to GP but sure, I get your point.
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