Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #38

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I am not sure why you replied to my post with this when I said "he could easily be 50 yards off a trail anywhere ". Where exactly do you get that I said he was in the Carlton Reserve from my post?

Sorry, I was agreeing with you about him being anywhere and expressed myself clumsily. You're right, he could be holed up in someone's vacation cabin, in an vacant house, he could be on the AT, he could be anywhere, but for my part one place I do not think he is, is Carlton Reserve.
Finding an offender's DNA on a victim's body is circumstantial. Matching a bullet found in a victim to a gun owned by an offender is circumstantial. Evidence of decomposition is circumstantial. The best evidence out there is circumstantial.

Just out of interest, is there any evidence that is NOT classed as circumstantial? Ie: is it actually categorised into 'circumstantial' and another category?

I assume the alternative to circumstantial evidence is evidence that has actually been recorded on CCTV, for example - such as actual footage of a perpetrator murdering a victim?

Also, from NYTIMES re: Wyoming: Piled Bodies, Overflowing Morgues: Inside America’s Autopsy Crisis (Published 2020)

There are coverage deserts, huge (mostly rural) parts of America that lack ready access to autopsies or trained death investigators. For a month in 2015, anyone who died in Montana had to be transported to South Dakota or Washington if an autopsy was needed; in Wyoming, bodies often have to cross state lines because there are no forensic pathologists nearby.

ETA: I’m not sure if this is relevant to this case; I’m sure they have a qualified person on this high-profile case. But it’s concerning that not every death receives the same treatment. And something to remember whenever we discuss autopsies.

ETA: thank you to @Which_pancake for finding the information about Gabby’s Forensic Pathologist: WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #38

There is a significant shortage of forensic pathologists.

However, Gabby's autopsy seems to have been performed in a very timely manner.
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There's no way he's on the AT and hasn't been spotted yet. It's an extremely popular trail especially this time of year. Someone familiar with that trail (like BL) would never do that if they wanted to go unseen, jmo.

I would imagine that if he was there. He would stay on a main trial. He would hike someone remote and set up a camp. It wouldn’t make sense for someone on the run to stay anywhere near other hikers.

That said, even if he was dropped there on the parents camping trip it’s hard to imagine no one saw him hiking to a location. It’s possible someone did and hasn’t followed the case or remember. But it’s a stretch.

"The FBI requested some personal items belonging to Brian Laundrie to assist them with DNA matching and Brian's parents provided the FBI with what they could," attorney Steven Bertolino said.

I thought about this last night - what are the chances that the lawyer was lying and it's DNA evidence they need from the Laundries? Not Brian, but the parents.
An eye witness, a confession, DNA on the body that otherwise no connection to the body. Those are examples of best evidence and they are not always 100% reliable.

DNA on the body is circumstantial since it requires an inference.

As you point out both eyewitness accounts and confessions can be extremely unreliable.

The idea that circumstantial evidence is somehow second class is a canard. I'm amazed to see it constantly trotted out in this forum.
Possibly instructed by Lawyer not to for reasons we don't know.
I was listening to the radio this morning on my drive back from kiddo's school and they said they believe that the lawyer tells people not to say anything guilty or not. It doesn't make a lick of sense to me, but we are.

I do believe that they are doing whatever they are told to do by the lawyer, but since he's not a criminal defense attorney (I believe he's more real estate) he's not on the up and up on how to handle this. One of his associates may be helping him along the way, too. We just don't know, so much grey area here, jmo.
Brian had a head start of a few days. I think where ever he is right now (dead, camping, in an abandoned house, or down someone's basement) he is stationary. He's not moving or else he would have been caught with all the media attention.

If he is an experienced long distance hiker as one of Gabby's friends said, he could easily be 50 yards off a trail anywhere and be able to hang out for months. You could pass right by him and never know he was there. He had the time to prepare and supply to make this happen. MOO
Yes- totally hidden 30-50 yards off trail. Easy peasy on the busiest of trails.

The thing I keep wondering about though, is his access to media & communication. He left his phone at home, so unless he had a replacement (which someone somewhere is paying for), he’d have no access to news & thus no knowledge of how big this story grew or what’s currently happening. He wouldn’t know how deep to lay low or for how long. Does he know about the bullhorns outside his parents’ house? Or GP’s memorial yesterday? Very curious about what he knows & how. Most MP cases/ homicide cases are not this big- not even close.

BTW, welcome to WS!
The idea that circumstantial evidence is somehow second class is a canard. I'm amazed to see it constantly trotted out in this forum.
Right? At the risk of beating a dead horse, I blame TV for this. Decades of lawyer and cop shows giving people totally fictional ideas of how criminal investigations and prosecutions work, right down to "Oh it's all circumstantial evidence therefore you are not guilty!" I hate to think of what this (along with the CSI effect) is doing to juries.
I would imagine that if he was there. He would stay on a main trial. He would hike someone remote and set up a camp. It wouldn’t make sense for someone on the run to stay anywhere near other hikers.

That said, even if he was dropped there on the parents camping trip it’s hard to imagine no one saw him hiking to a location. It’s possible someone did and hasn’t followed the case or remember. But it’s a stretch.

Wherever he is, he's not moving around or he'd be caught by now. And BL is a very generic-looking guy, as we've seen from all of the dopplegangers from tips. A wig or hat, sunglasses, and a COVID mask and he's going to look like a thousand other twentysomething dudes.
So the warrants would be issued, then? Do you think they’re conducting searches of these types of things, or just believing he’s outside on trails somewhere? I do hope they’re not limiting the searches….

I think they're doing what they need to do given all they've gotten so far. The thing is, it's FBI lead and they're EXTREMELY tight lipped. They could be searching places/things and we won't know until after the fact.
I don't agree with this. For one, we don't know what LE has, but for two, his bizarre behavior after the fact and documented instances of him behaving strangely right before she died, coupled with stealing her ATM card, make this pretty likely to get a conviction in my book. We also don't know what else FBI has. We shall see.
We all know Casey killed Caylee...I don't disagree with you, but I guess I am just never comfy until conviction.
Yes I have wondered that too. However, I think there were control issues as well. I have also been curious as to whether Gabby was paying for expenses more
than he was in return for him driving her, taking photos for her and being a companion, etc.

I feel like Gabby was funding the entire trip, financially. She had quite a bit of money in her account that was stolen by BL on his trip back to Florida.

At this point I have a feeling that they never discussed the expectations of what each wanted to achieve during the trip. What she was planning may have been very different from what he planned for himself. Different goals. He seemed like he was along for the ride and she wanted to become a influencer. jmo
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