Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #49

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Did GP actually spend long stretches of time on her vlog apart from the day in Moab that we know about? She only put out one video, which wasn't until August 19th, which would have been during those days that BL was away and only about 10 days before she died. She didn't post very frequently on SM either, so I'm not sure that she was doing much work at all on the vlog until her final weeks.

What I've also always found curious is that she uploaded the YouTube video but then didn't seem to promote in on SM. I don't think there is any link to the video on her Instagram, for example, so I'm not sure how people were supposed to find it so that she could get a following. Normally with this sort of stuff I would expect multiple postings of "Come check out our video and follow along our journey" or something like that. This is why I think that the video was really a message to BL of "look how much fun we had and the awesome things we did together... let's get back to doing that instead of fighting."
I'm not sure, but it would have taken some time to put all those clips together with music. Seems that she was sending postcards back to Brian's nephews, so she may have sent something to them at that time, or other people. I believe there was also issues with the electric going out? If you remember, her father had to order her food one night because she couldn't get an internet connection at the hotel due to a power outage, so there was at least some time where there were connectivity issues that would have hampered her ability to do any online work.
As to the the youtube video, remember that they had also started their own site, which has nothing on it yet, and she did post a pic of what they working on for artwork on the site so she may have been planning to put that youtube video on the site but was murdered before she was able to finish.
SBM = snipped by me
BBM = bolded by me

It seems the only publicly released verification is from Gabby's mom and uncle. Whether that's based simply on what Gabby may have told them, we don't know. I expect the FBI has verified any flights with the airlines, but that info has not been shared publicly, as far as I know.

Gabby and Brian checked out of the hotel in Salt Lake City together, so at some point, they both got there from Moab, which is several hours away. And presumably any flights he may have taken were from SLC. Did they drive together from Moab to SLC? I don't think we know that for sure, we're simply assuming that. I suppose one could have driven the van, and the other could have gotten to SLC by hiring a shuttle, taxi or bumming a ride.

It amazes me just how few actual verified facts there are in this case. 99.9% of what we "know" is really speculation. It may be reasonable speculation (for example, that they traveled together from Moab to SLC), but it is still speculation and can always be proven wrong with new info.
Maybe she did ghost him after the Moab incident. But to teach him a lesson. Like to show HIM how it felt to be left alone (since he was trying to ditch her and take her van). But she maybe didn't want it to be permanent. She assumed they would reconcile. He flew home pissed. Moved her stuff to storage. Then she was contacting him and begging him back. So back he went, faking reconciliation but FUMING inside. That's what I think happened. When were they seen checking out of hotel together? Like the day he flew back, they left hotel? Or were they there a couple days? I bet she died very very shortly after leaving that hotel (where they had too many eyes on them).
It would be interesting to see the flight details for that trip back to FL. If it was a one-way ticket and BL moved Gabby's things to storage that would imply they were done, but then reconciled and he flew back.

If it was a roundtrip ticket, that would indicate he always intended to go back when he finished doing whatever he was doing in FL.

The source may very well believe the person he saw was BL but he could easily be mistaken. The conditions certainly weren't ideal as both were in vehicles at night.

The NY Post article cited above also says "The Appalachians is understood to be an area familiar to Laundrie, who was previously reported to have once lived there “by himself for months.”

Hmm. Even if the claim BL lived in the mountains alone for months is true and I'm not sure it is, "The Appalachians" is a huge area spanning many states. So I'm not so sure about his "familiarity with the area."

Certainly, this could be a wishful but false siting. For me, it rings true

Amateur opinion and speculation
My sincere apologies. BL and GP were working to make money towards this trip , not for need or for direction. They lived with family that appear to have assisted greatly. They were focused on something other than making a living.
That they had this grand goal, does make them stand apart from many who are just working “for now”. Beyond that, I did not see any evidence that BL had sinister plans. What happened after GP was killed and BL ran, is not a well planed series but a series of panic moves. All of this is MOO and their jobs were just one more piece in the whole picture that I wanted to show as not a complex landscape.
Even if they had been well paid and had high responsibility roles at work, I’d have stated the same. These crimes were the result of some accidents, bad immediate decisions, likely bad temper, loss of control rather a sinister diabolical plot.
Again, I apologize for any effect my comments made that make anyone feel demeaned.

When taken together, all the varied aspects of a person's life give us a clearer image of their personality, so I think mentioning that his interest didn't lie in climbing the corporate ladder is apropos. It gives us a clearer sense of Brian, helps us to better understand his desires and goals.
I also want to comment about the statements saying they loved each other. NO, they did not. It's likely GP did love BL at the beginning. At the end, it had morphed into something else. As for BL, he saw GP as an object: a woman the likes of which he would never have again.

Remember: If something traumatizes you, it isn't love.

This makes me think when someone who has power in a relationship often make the other person feel like 'no one else will ever love you'. type of hold over you. JMO
<modsnip> We likely won't ever know if there was actual physical abuse before this trip. Maybe there was, maybe there wasn't. The parents sure didn't see it over the years. Eyewitnesses in Moab and the restaurant certainly saw it. But, in the end, it doesn't really matter, does it? Yes, it's a sad thing! But, you probably have friends and family involved in some similar aspect of it right now. I hope you are championing as much for them as you are for Gabby!

<modsnip> his scratches and/or her purported bruises. Neither can be clearly, beyond any doubt, seen by any of us from that video.

I also actually think many are giving BL way too much credit and reading way too much into what very little is known about him. I don't think he's that smart, or that deep. He's seems more like a poser. Obvious failure to launch. <modsnip> Several here who are great with words, and likely working on crime novels, or should be, have painted a far reaching picture of him as a calculating mastermind. I definitely don't think he's capable whatsoever of out-cunning the FBI and DTBH!

IMO he found a very good hiding spot to off himself the day he left or soon after, and he won't be discovered for a very long time, if ever.

I mean, think about it, there's no way there's an underground network is supplying him with food and money, place to stay, vehicles, etc. His phone, if there is one, has been dead for days. Where would he charge it on the AT (or an island for that matter)? If there is a slim chance he's still alive at this point, I'm sure he's about to reach the point of desperation and decide enough's enough.

I hope there will be justice for Gabby, and that her family is given answers. My hope is also that Gabby's foundation successfully helps to find someone else (or many!) who is/are missing someday!

If you are actively sleuthing to try to help bring BL in and bring justice for Gabby, kudos & more power to you! <modsnip>
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I can't bear to go back and watch the Moab videos again, but does anyone recall questions about weapons? It's standard procedure for responding officers to ask about any weapons present when they go to DV calls.

Did LE even ask? I don't think Gabby would have lied if there was indeed a gun in that van.

As I recall, in the first video when they first were questioning Brian and leading him over to the curb to sit down, they had him raise his shirt to check his waistband for weapons. This was different from later when they had him raise his shirt to check for injuries. I don't recall weather or not they questioned or searched Gabby for weapons. MOO
I don't know, maybe i'm old, Using a nickname doesn't bother me, but I can see the issue objectively too...

A belittling nickname would bother me! I’d come up with a similar “affectionate” nickname for him until we both decided to stop. LOL

Maybe that’s what daddy wanted… a guy with enough guts to call him out on it. MOO

Weren't those determined to be listing photos of the home prior to the Laundrie family purchasing it?

We're buying a vacation home right now and there's a photo of television set in in one of the rooms, and it was on when the photos were taken. It's plainly obvious what program was being watched and I sincerely hope no one ever tries to ascribe that particular interest to me.
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