Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #49

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IME, when LE thinks a subject is long gone (especially from a wilderness area), the dragnet planning is quite different. If any of these sightings are BL (and there will now probably be hundreds more as these stories get front page news and are on youtube and cable news), LE knows he's moving. It's possible he said "to California" when he intends to stay in the East. I don't know how well he's functioning right now, but some people are gifted strategists when it comes to their own self-interest, regardless of how stressed they are or how unusual the circumstances are.

If this was a hoax, the hoaxer is interfering heavily in LE's attempts to catch BL.

The plans that LE use for rolling out a nationwide hunt for someone on the move may well be in action now - they aren't going to tell us everything. I believe they are working with this information - but what would be the point if BL is already headed west?

There's a reward. Many, many sightings are going to be reported. I don't think people think about "What is the FBI going to do with my tip?" they just call it in. It's fugitive lotto. Unfortunately, many of the sightings will be wrong.

Meanwhile, LE will have to try and gather evidence from gas stations, truck stops, etc. F-150's are too common to have much of a chance of using DOT camera data to find this particular one (but maybe? I don't know how isolated the area near the AT was).

But only close followers of this case would know that - and that's why I am curious about what the FBI will do next...the problem is that the tattoo can also be hidden or disguised. Is it on his left hand?

10ofRods I posted a video of the man’s interview this morning and I also transcribed his spoken words. Why don’t you take a look and let us know if you think he is genuine and sincere ?
I agree [ebm}. I think premeditation would only be likely if she was leaving him or if he had some kind of psychotic motive. [ebm - MOO]
In my gut, I feel like he lost control of his emotions, grabbed her by the throat to shut her up and he never let go until she was no longer moving. From what we know so far, he was the runner, right? He was always wanting to distance himself from her when they were fighting, but neither were willing to leave the van for fear the other would take off in it. I don't know if I can see him chasing her after a fight. I think if she took off running he would just leave with the van. I think they got into another fight at the campsite and it got physical and he lost it on her. I just don't see him chasing her to the river unless she had the keys and the phone and she took of running to keep him from taking them from her. Phone, keys, van, silence. Well, I guess those are the motives.
There's a categorical trinity that is supposedly required, or needs to be present, for a perpetrator to commit a crime:
  • Means
  • Motive
  • Opportunity
If BL killed GP, I feel that of those three, 'Opportunity', we can tick off first in the list. 'Means' is again easily explained away, he undoubtedly had the ability to commit the crime.

What I'm stuck on is the motive.

What do people feel BL's motive would be for killing his girlfriend/fiancé?

... OR... does motive only come into play if there was actual intent to kill?

Maybe the reason I'm struggling to find a motive is because I'm still not certain that BL set out to actually kill GP.

Again, I'm not saying I don't think he did kill her, simply that it wasn't premeditated and the intended outcome.

I think of these three aspects of a crime, proving motive is the one that will have the most clout when it comes to convincing a jury at trial.

I'd be interested to know others thoughts on this!

MOO What was his motivation for slapping/hitting her (per the witness)? That was a premeditated act, it might have been a reaction to a situation but we decide how we react. With that same thought process, he wanted to hurt her, I don’t think her death was planned but I do think it was most likely premeditated. Premeditation can happen in an instant it does not have to be planned. Premeditation can be you made me so angry I’m going to kill you, an altercation that escalates, simmering anger that explodes. I think cause of death will help to know if it was premeditated. Strangling, multiple blows, deliberate actions as opposed to a single head wound that could result from a fall.
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Many threads back someone had posted about this but I remember thinking they didn't actually make a whole lot of money on the transactions. IIRC one of them was something like 30k. That will maybe pay for the camper and a used truck.

Thank you.

I was thinking less along the lines of the properties being a means to fund BL being on the run, and more that they may have some empty properties in various locations that BL could be using as stepping stones or to lay low in.

That is not his room.

How do we know for sure, though? In a pair of yearbook or high school pictures of GP and BL seen online, BL is wearing a Batman t-shirt--a statement piece for "picture day," IMO. See the Batman logo artwork framed in that 2017 bedroom. To me it seems likely to be his room.
I have serious doubts about this "sighting". Is it just a coincidence this guy is from florida?

Brian is trying to hide. I don't think he is flagging people down in remote areas in the middle of the night.

Also, isn't the whole point of him POSSIBLY being on the AT is that he'd be hiking/camping? Why would he be there if he had a vehicle? I guess it is possible he could be there with a vehicle. Just seems unlikely to me.

Heck, I might be more inclined to believe that this witness was working with brian's parents. If they knew he isn't on the AT, then why not try to make people think that he is? Again, this is just another unlikely, but possible, scenario.

IMO, the most likely scenario is that this witness believes what he is saying, but that it was not brian whom he saw.

I have been wondering if the guy was headed there to search for him. MOO
I really do know what you mean, but in this case I truly think he was just desperate to show credibility, because LE and FBI had ignored him.

In other words: He’s not a young guy drinking beer in the woods, he’s an engineer, a married father and professional. The stakes are high. I think he was only relating it to the believable nature of the sighting, not trying to pull rank. He was hurt that LE didn’t seem to believe him.
You deleted the rest of my comment in your quote. This is what I said:

"Honestly I was really put off by his "I'm highly educated" comment. It's arrogant.

But I also think it was an impassioned plea for LE to listen to him."

You need to consider the whole comment, not just one part that gets isolated from the rest.
In my gut, I feel like he lost control of his emotions, grabbed her by the throat to shut her up and he never let go until she was no longer moving. From what we know so far, he was the runner, right? He was always wanting to distance himself from her when they were fighting, but neither were willing to leave the van for fear the other would take off in it. I don't know if I can see him chasing her after a fight. I think if she took off running he would just leave with the van. I think they got into another fight at the campsite and it got physical and he lost it on her. I just don't see him chasing her to the river unless she had the keys and the phone and she took of running to keep him from taking them from her. Phone, keys, van, silence. Well, I guess those are the motives.

Seems like a very plausible scenario. It's too bad BL didn't learn to leave her keys and phone with Gabby and take a walk to cool down.
There was no need to take her phone/keys to cause her to panic unless that was the point to make her panic.
I was thinking maybe they had another fight over her vehicle and he got in and tried to drive away without her and he drove into her and killed her.

However she died, I am certain that he was the one responsible.

I wish she had been listened to properly when she tried to get help.
You deleted the rest of my comment in your quote. This is what I said:

"Honestly I was really put off by his "I'm highly educated" comment. It's arrogant.

But I also think it was an impassioned plea for LE to listen to him."

You need to consider the whole comment, not just one part that gets isolated from the rest.
Ok, apologies. My mistake. I was rushing to respond to posts because the thread’s moving so fast.:oops:
I was thinking maybe they had another fight over her vehicle and he got in and tried to drive away without her and he drove into her and killed her.

However she died, I am certain that he was the one responsible.

I wish she had been listened to properly when she tried to get help.
I don't recall her trying to get help, though. ):
Thank you.

I was thinking less along the lines of the properties being a means to fund BL being on the run, and more that they may have some empty properties in various locations that BL could be using as stepping stones or to lay low in.


I agree, I think at the beginning of his taking off that might have been a real possibility. They could have even stocked various places with supplies, money, disguises etc but by now I'm sure LE knows everything they own down to how many pairs of socks!
Ford F-150s have been around/made since 1975. This is a very popular truck in the south and lots of older ones around. I see many 2000 and up on the local market place, for sale. Great HD farm/work/back woods vehicle.

Everywhere you look its F-150 or Dodge Ram.

He may have purchased for cash, used. Some will let you borrow the tag to drive home or he may have stole a tag.


Aren't F-150s the bigger ones of the lineup? Or do they come in different sizes? Just thinking that if I'm hard up for cash (bc who knows when I can earn some more), I'm going to try to buy the cheapest clunker I think will get me to where I think I want to go.

I'm also thinking that if I'm so out of my mind (for whatever reason) that I'm asking strangers in NC/TN (wherever they were) at night for back roads directions to a place 2500 miles away bc I believe my dead girlfriend that I've recently spoken to is there, and there's a literal bounty on my head, how likely is it I've chosen and managed to find and acquire a vehicle to purchase on the down-low?

Yes, he could have stolen it, though absent (afaik) a sketchy legal history, he knows how to hot-wire a car? Or lucked into finding (and dared to risk being sighted/caught) one with the keys in it?
BL cannot drive a motorcycle - IMO - that is a whole other skillset. All the men in my immediate family are big motorcycling enthusiasts - and have owned and ridden many Harley's, BMW's, everywhere, in the US and all over the world in group trips.
I'd like to see him try! He's so smart & all -- y'know. Just get on the seat (not as easy as it looks initially), press some button for "start," and go. When the cycle leans to the left in a curve, you just counterbalance :eek: to the right, and you'll be fine. :rolleyes: And put on the brakes just like your bicycle -- it's down there somewhere. It's cool. Right???
And who's gonna pay for it and get it to him?

Maybe he should get a Segway -- great for those mountain roads, right?

Obviously, I'm just getting here today -- running behind...
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