Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #50

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I can not for the life of me understand an entire family covering for someone who did something this heinous.

I am so baffled by this that I keep going back to, why?

Any chance anyone has considered that Brian being the martyr he is put the entire blame on Gabby? So, the parents help him out, legitimately not knowing she was murdered or missing at the time. Blood being thicker than water, they supported their son.

I am not trying to give them an out but I am trying to understand how/why we are here and they are just...gardening. Is there a chance they really did not know anything at first and have been cooperative since they started putting the pieces together?

There is no need to vehemently disagree with me/attack me for suggesting this. I am just presenting an option to be considered because I have been of the 'family is guilty' mindset, like most, but I have this nagging little part of me that say...did he possibly play his own family too?

MOO. They are just trying to survive right now. My initial reaction was that they were heinous and cruel. Now that more of the timeline has come out, I can see how parents can get trapped this way. I don’t think they would be any less vilified if they had spoken. What is truly gruesome here is that a lovely , young woman got killed.

As a parent of many young adults, and involved with life and love stories of many others, break ups are very common, and painful. They were in their early 20s so it was no big shock that they broke up. And it would be understandable that BL would not want to talk about it. I certainly do not pry when these things happen, and would never have suspected that Gabby was dead, that she was just left at the campsite I’d have respected BL’s desire to mope, and mourn the break up for a while. I also don’t think that the parents knew the details of whose name was on the van or bank accounts. I’d have certainly said something about just one person named on joint properties and making sure there was a good understanding who owned what but really, they were adults and it’s none of the parents’ or anyone’s business how they arranged those things. I’d have assumed GP went home to one of parents’ and BL took van home and would be waiting for some word on what to do about getting belongings back to her

I think the texts and emails got the Laundries to realize that Gabby was missing snd at that point questions asked snd the answers for them to immediately get an attorney’s advice. They appear to be following it precisely. I don’t think they know what else to do. I think there would be a media uproar regardless of what they did.
I can not for the life of me understand an entire family covering for someone who did something this heinous.

I am so baffled by this that I keep going back to, why?

Any chance anyone has considered that Brian being the martyr he is put the entire blame on Gabby? So, the parents help him out, legitimately not knowing she was murdered or missing at the time. Blood being thicker than water, they supported their son.

I am not trying to give them an out but I am trying to understand how/why we are here and they are just...gardening. Is there a chance they really did not know anything at first and have been cooperative since they started putting the pieces together?

There is no need to vehemently disagree with me/attack me for suggesting this. I am just presenting an option to be considered because I have been of the 'family is guilty' mindset, like most, but I have this nagging little part of me that says...did he possibly play his own family too?
I think everyone assumes he did downplay it.
If he's indeed on the run and trying to evade detection, it seems strange to me he'd mention anything about a fight with his girlfriend at all, as this recent witness has recounted the person he's so sure was Laundrie did. All while he's the sole person of interest in a homicide case involving his own fiancee? One would think he would avoid making any comments to anyone that might make him more recognizable.
I agree yet it seems equally odd if not more so that some random person would arbitrarily discuss such personal and specific things to a total stranger at the same time there have been possible sightings of BL in the area. I generally don’t believe in coincidences. MOO
I've asked before and never gotten answer (not necessarily asked you @jamicat) but even with "flexible rules" how could be family be sued? Brian or his estate, yes. But the family? I'm not an attorney but I don't see "wrongful death" fitting as an action against the parents as I do not think anyone would believe they helped BL kill GP. So what would the grounds be? Is there an "obstruction after the fact" civil action that could be brought? I've never heard of that.
You can always file a suit, whether it will be heard or whether you can win is an entirely different situation. :)
But in all seriousness, some of it would depend on a few things. If the autopsy were to show Gabby didn't immediately die and could have been saved if found sooner, and Brian had phoned his parents after to tell them he had hurt Gabby, then maybe there would be a case against the parents. Obstruction of justice, if they knew something had happened and didn't respond to Gabby's parents. There's issues to be sure, but if the family could file a civil suit would depend on what happened.
I have a neighbor that would do anything at all costs to protect his 21 year old son. Murder included. He lets him (his son) beat on his (son’s) grandma along with his (son’s) dad’s girlfriend and even his own girlfriend. So to me it’s not that far fetched.
True that people assist those who have committed the most heinous of crimes. At this moment, we have zero evidence that Laundries assisted their son.
I would really like to know what Gabby did when Brian went back to Florida to help his Dad move things? I am sure she was working on documenting their trip, but I wonder if she was reflecting on her and Brian's trip?
Interesting question you posed. She had a hotel and probably regular Wi-Fi. Brian wasn’t there to complain she was spending too much time…But I don’t think she did post a lot. I wonder what she was doing while BL was gone.
To me the intrigue of this tragedy is how typical snd innocent all of this was. High school friend, now sweethearts , off on a grand venture. Blessings and support from both parents. Neither of them were particular stand outs. Just everyday Joe and Jane, happily pursing a dream. Neither appeared to have deep seeded problems or criminal behaviors.

It bothers me to see such focus on some of the pieces that we have glimpsed and coming to dark foreshadowing that no one has. Gabby’s mother who apparently knew about the DV incident did not consider it a big deal. Yes, they fought, but the families have given no indication that there was some fear that this would happen. Gabby’s Father outright publicly said that he didn’t have a clue about anything sinister about BL. I believe the Laundries did not suspect in the least that anything horrible happened to Gabby when BL came home alone without her. A break up, yes, but dead? Absolutely, MOO, not. That their son might have killed her, MOO, not! Until the messages from her frantic parents arrived letting them know she had been missing for 2 weeks. That was serious and frights enough that this very average family immediately called a lawyer and MOO are following his advice to the T because they really do not know what else to do.

I think what happened here is ever so horrifying because it can happen even in such innocuous looking relationships. We too often shrug off what happens to those who lead very marginal lives because it is sadly expected that some dire event is going to happen. There are relationships in my town here that have dozens of DV reports and where someone has already. Even seriously hurt. One did evolve into a murder last month, and no mention here on WS, not at all national news, and those who knew this couple say they could have predicted this, and they have a list of more such tragedies waiting to happen based on past events.
But not so with BL and GP. To me, the pure innocence shattered of this young couple; they were in their early 20s!! , is what makes it a story of such interest. If it can happen to them, it can happen to anyone

I am not sure about your last sentence, first paragraph. To me "deep-seated problems" means "present for much of the lifespan," it may mean something different to you.

I do think it's possible BL had some deep-seated problems or issues. Common ones, but still ones that may predict a poorer course for inter-personal relationships. And for Van Life. I say this because of what I've observed (I do field observation for a living) and also due to the way things have unfolded. It makes sense to me. I'm not married to that hypothesis, but Gabby's mom knows something we don't - I think it has to do with Brian.

I think Brian's parents knew much more, but most parents don't create a dossier on their offspring when they. go out dating.
You can always file a suit, whether it will be heard or whether you can win is an entirely different situation. :)
But in all seriousness, some of it would depend on a few things. If the autopsy were to show Gabby didn't immediately die and could have been saved if found sooner, and Brian had phoned his parents after to tell them he had hurt Gabby, then maybe there would be a case against the parents. Obstruction of justice, if they knew something had happened and didn't respond to Gabby's parents. There's issues to be sure, but if the family could file a civil suit would depend on what happened.

Ok. I kind of doubt an attorney would file suit because the Laundries didn't return telephone calls weeks after GP died but I guess if it could be proved BL left a dying but medically salvageable woman because his parents told him to.... Seems far-fetched but thanks for answering!
I've asked before and never gotten answer (not necessarily asked you @jamicat) but even with "flexible rules" how could be family be sued? Brian or his estate, yes. But the family? I'm not an attorney but I don't see "wrongful death" fitting as an action against the parents as I do not think anyone would believe they helped BL kill GP. So what would the grounds be? Is there an "obstruction after the fact" civil action that could be brought? I've never heard of that.


I said upthread I didn't think so, because I thought intentional infliction of emotional distress required bodily injury in a least most states. But, upon reflection, I think I was thinking of insurance law/policy language and not tort law. Maybe that could be a viable cause of action. Trust me. If there is ANY tenuous basis for tort liability a plaintiff's lawyer will find it :D jmo
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It is VERY odd! Maybe his parents told them that Gabby had to go? No more living together? Maybe they worried that the relationship was too volatile and they refused to allow Gabby to come back?

good questions.

If that were the case, why have BL move GP's things from the storage unit to the Laundrie's garage?

Why not just say: "Hey son, get your things from the storage unit, she can take care of hers, leave her things there". ?
IMO there are absolutely parents who will take their son’s side and blame the evil girlfriend, fiancée, DIL, for anything up to and including their own murder (she pushed my poor baby boy too far), and/or help their son get away.

MOO I can see the Laundries being like the Watts and so many others like them, it seems sadly more common than you’d think.
This supposed siting of Brian in N.C. and the behavior described has added a new twist to my theory about him. Whether he intentionally or unintentionally hurt Gabby, it would mess with his mind either way. Say he has gone psychotic over it. First there was the text about Yosemite--in California...then telling someone his girlfriend is--in California. By the time he made it back to Florida, he may have been an absolute zombie. Maybe he told his parents Gabby met up with her friend and went to California, so they didn't totally panic as would be expected. His sister said she couldn't talk to him, she wished she could talk to him--but she had seen him. Msybe he was so far out of it that they couldn't really communicate with him, and that's what she meant. I'm not sure the reason for his parents not returning calls or contacting LE, except that if Brian was out of his mind they may not have know what to make of what he was saying and didn't want to hand their psychotic son over to the law in his mental state. There are just so many things we don't know, it's really hard to come up with a logical explanation for what's going on, but I try to find a way to explain things in my mind that don't involve intentional evil. The picture painted of them from the little we know doesn't seem to match one of evil.
Oh my God! He left Wyoming the day before their bodies were found. This is unreal. Maybe he felt they were judging him; maybe they took Gabby's side during the 6 hours they spent at the Moonflower. I have always felt that. Maybe when Brian went back to Florida to empty the storage unit it was because in his mind the relationship was OVER. Maybe he was humiliated by the encounter with the Moab police also. And then why did he go back? It's too much.

Don't let BL fool you, I think he is an extremely dangerous person. He needs to be caught and fast.
good questions.

If that were the case, why have BL move GP's things from the storage unit to the Laundrie's garage?

Why not just say: "Hey son, get your things from the storage unit, she can take care of hers, leave her things there". ?

Sometimes narcissists need a physical demonstration of their intentions; of their plans. Moving her stuff out (where did it go) would provide that satisfaction for him in his mind.
Strange how none of BL’s family found it odd that Brian returned home to Florida this time by Van and without Gabby. Because the last time he made it home was when he got on an airplane from August 17-23 while the van was parked outside of the hotel that Gabby was staying at. Even his sister mentioned in an ABC interview that he’d often fly home, or something to that effect.
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