Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #50

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Because at the point of them helping, he wasn’t actually “wanted”. So maybe they told her some BS excuse as to what was going on. Or maybe they told her they would come back for Brian.
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you elaborate?
But, the parents couldn't have known BL was going to kill Gabby, could they? So, why buy a truck for him and stash it near DeSoto or anyplace else for that matter?
Maybe he did tell them, we don’t know. They Seem like a pretty close knit family. And they’ll obviously do whatever to protect their kids. Even if it means going to possible jail
I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you elaborate?
They could’ve told her “oh we’re going camping, want to come? We will pick you up outside the gate and you can ride in with us. Brian is gonna stay for an extra night and we will come back to get him.” Then he leaves in the truck
I just had a thought...
It occurs to me that BL may have been moving around, to and from empty vacation cabins, up and down the coast from Florida, and Georgia, and South Carolina , as well as NC.

But here we are now in October, and that may start getting much trickier. People from Maryland and Pennsylvania and New York, who have vacation homes down south, may decide to start taking
long weekends to get away from the cold. BL may find that the places he hoped were empty , now have people in them.

Hunting season is around the corner as well. Even the most remote cabins will suddenly be filled with flannel and beer.

See Brian’s statement to the Officer below. It appears, per Brian, he had seen a doctor who did prescribe him medication. There’s also a possibility Brian wasn’t as truthful about his true mental status to the officer or perhaps he held back some critical information. Perhaps him taking medication would have made a difference. I wonder if he actually was taking meds and stopped them on his own without being properly weaned off them or if he perhaps just refused to take them from the get go. Anyway, there’s this:

Transcript from 1st Bodycam Moab Stop

Brian Laundrie:
My doctor told me I had anxiety, he prescribed me medication [inaudible] I believed that if I took the medication I might put myself off balance and be more anxious. That’s probably just a part of my anxiety.

True. I had forgotten about that. Thanks. But I also don't get the feeling posts here are talking about anxiety or an anxiety disorder being BL's mental problem.
But she said in her original interview that she hadn't talked to him since that day. Doesn't that mean that she talked to him that day? I thought the suspicion was due to the camping trip, not the info we already knew. Still doesn't suggest that he told her he killed his gf.
She also saw him when they were camping. Of course, we don't have any way to know for sure that he told her he killed Gabby, but it's reasonable to think she questioned where Gabby was and why he was back in town in her van without her. Some people believe she lied about not seeing him after he got back. I believe she back peddled and then tried to say she hadn't seen or talked to him after he went missing. Moo
There is one outstanding feature to me and it's his nose. For a 24 year old his is very large, very distinct. It hooks down at the end, but it's very prominent.

If this witness saw BL from a side view and remembered that nose, plus the elf ears those are distinct. So for him to go and look at his phone and pictures of BL and know it was him, I believe him. Also it was smart of him to call Dog and get the voice of BL, only confirming in this man's mind that he did indeed see BL out at 12:30 am just driving around.
Could be covered by a mask. I say also pay attn to pointy eaars. MOO
MOO It was a complete innocent event as far as his family knew. They were already planning a trip that they canceled when they learned he was coming home and rescheduled a week later. Obviously BL knew but he was keeping that to himself. I seem to be one of the few people that don't see any importance in the DeSoto camping trip other than an opportunity for BL to get rid of evidence. There was no need to set up an elaborate escape scenario. At that time there was no one looking for him. And concerning evidence, how many major rivers did he cross on the way home? He could have tossed everything she owned over the side of the bridge to never be seen again, not to anyone who would ever know the importance of it.

MOO It was a complete innocent event as far as his family knew. They were already planning a trip that they canceled when they learned he was coming home and rescheduled a week later. Obviously BL knew but he was keeping that to himself. I seem to be one of the few people that don't see any importance in the DeSoto camping trip other than an opportunity for BL to get rid of evidence. There was no need to set up an elaborate escape scenario. At that time there was no one looking for him. And concerning evidence, how many major rivers did he cross on the way home? He could have tossed everything she owned over the side of the bridge to never be seen again, not to anyone who would ever know the importance of it.
Thanks for the reply. That might mean that even by Sept 6 they were believing a story from BL that he came back in her van without her but she was just fine. They could have been clueless about her missing, but weren’t GP’s parents trying to reach them before then? Wasn’t GP close to the sister who also went camping on the 6th? I don’t know who all GP’s parents called looking for her, I’m just assuming they would have called BL’s parents and sister.

Addressing reports of the incident on Wednesday, Gabby's mother, Nichole Schmidt told 'It's irrelevant.

'Two people traveling together with each other 24 hours a day, it's not going to be perfect, it was an argument, and that's all I'm going to say about it.'
I would not take too much stock in that statement. It was made before Gabby was found dead. It was made before the body cam footage was released. At that point, she was still saying that she thought Gabby might still be alive. And the article ends with this quote: "'Maybe the relationship wasn't what I thought,' she said."

We don't know if her mother still thinks that. I would be surprised if she did. MOO.
Maybe he did tell them, we don’t know. They Seem like a pretty close knit family. And they’ll obviously do whatever to protect their kids. Even if it means going to possible jail

Colluding with their son to murder his girlfriend by buying supplies and a car for him before he killed her? I think that sort of "before the fact" help would go beyond being close-knit.
She also saw him when they were camping. Of course, we don't have any way to know for sure that he told her he killed Gabby, but it's reasonable to think she questioned where Gabby was and why he was back in town in her van without her. Some people believe she lied about not seeing him after he got back. I believe she back peddled and then tried to say she hadn't seen or talked to him after he went missing. Moo
SB didn't confirm that she saw him at the campsite.

“To my knowledge, Cassie went for a day,” Laundrie family attorney Steven Bertolino confirmed to Entin. When Bertolino was asked whether Cassie Laundrie was at the campground at the same time as her brother, he responded, “idk” meaning “I don’t know.”

Brian Laundrie’s sister was at campground with family, says attorney | ABC4 Utah
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Ummm, you said it, @moonlessnight! Yes, indeed. We all have wondered why this smart, hard-working young woman, so well-loved by her family & friends, would spend a minute with this nincompoop, but you're right on target, IMO.
Brainwashed by him she was, from the get-go. And her habit, usually a good one, of trying to please, did not serve her well with this misfit, and he saw it and used it against her till her last minute. SMH.
She was one of the good ones. And she's gone.

To me the intrigue of this tragedy is how typical snd innocent all of this was. High school friend, now sweethearts , off on a grand venture. Blessings and support from both parents. Neither of them were particular stand outs. Just everyday Joe and Jane, happily pursing a dream. Neither appeared to have deep seeded problems or criminal behaviors.

It bothers me to see such focus on some of the pieces that we have glimpsed and coming to dark foreshadowing that no one has. Gabby’s mother who apparently knew about the DV incident did not consider it a big deal. Yes, they fought, but the families have given no indication that there was some fear that this would happen. Gabby’s Father outright publicly said that he didn’t have a clue about anything sinister about BL. I believe the Laundries did not suspect in the least that anything horrible happened to Gabby when BL came home alone without her. A break up, yes, but dead? Absolutely, MOO, not. That their son might have killed her, MOO, not! Until the messages from her frantic parents arrived letting them know she had been missing for 2 weeks. That was serious and frights enough that this very average family immediately called a lawyer and MOO are following his advice to the T because they really do not know what else to do.

I think what happened here is ever so horrifying because it can happen even in such innocuous looking relationships. We too often shrug off what happens to those who lead very marginal lives because it is sadly expected that some dire event is going to happen. There are relationships in my town here that have dozens of DV reports and where someone has already. Even seriously hurt. One did evolve into a murder last month, and no mention here on WS, not at all national news, and those who knew this couple say they could have predicted this, and they have a list of more such tragedies waiting to happen based on past events.
But not so with BL and GP. To me, the pure innocence shattered of this young couple; they were in their early 20s!! , is what makes it a story of such interest. If it can happen to them, it can happen to anyone
SB didn't confirm that she saw him at the campsite.

“To my knowledge, Cassie went for a day,” Laundrie family attorney Steven Bertolino confirmed to Entin. When Bertolino was asked whether Cassie Laundrie was at the campground at the same time as her brother, he responded, “idk” meaning “I don’t know.”
"NewsNation reporter Brian Entin was able to exclusively confirm Cassie was at the Fort De Soto campground at the same time the rest of the family in early September."
I have a personal opinion on the whereabouts of BL. But I know its not the only possibility so I keep an open mind when new information comes in and don't discard it simply because it doesn't meet my personal narrative. I appreciate posters who can do the same thing. Here is my personal opinion.

I believe BL killed GP.
I believe BL killed himself in the Reserve.
I believe his parents didn't know he killed her until they learned GP was missing.
I believe that once he confirmed it to them they began efforts to preserve the life of their son by getting a lawyer involved.
I believe he really did go into the preserve to hide out once he was named a POI and before the media circus went into high gear at the house.
I believe on Friday after he left they found out somehow he offed himself or was going to so they contacted LE.
I believe LE thought they were looking for a body and spent so much effort at it because they knew they only had a limited amount of time before the conditions in their might erase all signs of him and then they would have an open manhunt forever.
I believe that the reason we don't see much of a manhunt anymore even though there are supposed sightings, is that LE don't believe any of them and are only going through the motions to calm the local residents.

But I also know I might be completely wrong on all these points so I look at every new piece of information with my mind open for all possibilities. BL could be on his last mental and physical legs and will be caught soon, or he could be having the time of his life playing super-fugitive and laughing at all the crazy sightings. Or anything in between.

If he killed himself at the reserve, it’s been reported that there would be lots of buzzards flying around. No idea though how easy that would be to see.
Thanks for the reply. That might mean that even by Sept 6 they were believing a story from BL that he came back in her van without her but she was just fine. They could have been clueless about her missing, but weren’t GP’s parents trying to reach them before then? Wasn’t GP close to the sister who also went camping on the 6th? I don’t know who all GP’s parents called looking for her, I’m just assuming they would have called BL’s parents and sister.

I am thinking the story could have been, we broke up and she hates driving the van so I drove it here and she flew back to her parents. Then when everything started happening with GP being reported missing they knew/assumed/thought he’s done something bad, we need a solicitor, we need to protect our son etc. All JMO. I can’t see them knowing right away, he could have explained any injuries on him away by telling them what happened at the police stop and saying she attacked me again. It’s a very strange case and honestly it wouldn’t shock me if they knew, just trying to see it from all aspects. Also if his plan from gabby death was to commit suicide then he might want to go back home to say his goodbyes.
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