Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #52

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I wonder if this interview will pull the parents out. Can’t imagine them seeing that and feeling fine about how far it’s gotten and that it’s taking their relationship with their daughter and grandchildren away for good and the silence harming them so drastically. But, if it doesn’t spur that kind of reaction, then there is absolutely a reason for their silence that goes beyond “lawyers recommendation” IMO.

I just wonder if tomorrow the parents will be ready to throw away their lawyer’s advice and say a piece of their own.

(Also because Cassie sort of “rehabilitated” herself from talking, got the protestors to leave, etc…)

It’ll just be very interesting to see if that ups the pressure or consequences or rewards for them….or doesn’t.
They've essentially chosen BL over CL. Maybe they're saving his life but they didn't have to cut her out to do it. They could've found a way. I honestly didn't think they weren't speaking to her at all. I'm generally not one to demonize the family of a suspect but this interview said a LOT. She must be hurting so much. I hope she has support elsewhere.

MOO I don't see it as cutting her out. Its keeping their secrets from being her secrets. What becomes of Cassie if she is allowed inside the inner circle and they tell her that BL actually killed GB. Now she has to do the right thing and sell out her entire family. How does one handle something like that for the rest of their life. Its a hard, loving parental act to keep her out of it so that she doesn't know anything she has to tear her soul apart over.
Decades ago the FBI launched a department for psychological profiling suspects based upon available evidence and known facts. It’s amazing what they were able to do even way back then.

It must be mind blowing (pun intended) what the FBI can do now. You can bet they have a full psychological profile on every family member, on all of their relationships and even more. MOO
There is just zero reason to be talking at all. Zero. Unless you have something really useful to say - like, I don't know, that your client is surrendering himself - then I don't know why this guy thinks he's contributing anything useful to the discourse at all.

Exactly. I'm...flummoxed by the opinions I've seen here that he's doing great, think he's conducting himself wonderfully.

This last comment of his borders on injecting himself personally into the matter. Smh to eternity.
There were some wondering if when she said they only stayed at the campground for 6 hours on the 6th, it was partly (my words) b/c they had school the next day. Then we got twisted up on dates between Aug and Sept and then folks questioned if that statement was true since in some states schools are closed for Jewish holidays. I believe this has since resolved itself that her statement abt the kids having school the next is accurate. MOO

thank you! i definitely missed some posts :)
I'm trying to keep up but I'm banging my head against the wall. So Cassie is not sus anymore even though she lied about seeing Brian and going camping ?
And who had the fight outside the Laundrie home?
She didn't lie about seeing him on the sixth. A reporter said she lied or that she made inconsistent statements. Imo
If my brother caused what CL's brother has caused, I'd be furious that it was leaking into my private life, scaring my kids and causing the world to think I helped him escape justice. I'd be angry at my brother, angry at my parents and angry at their lawyer for making me look like an idiot worldwide.
This. Six hours at the campsite and she couldn’t find a few minutes to pull Brian aside and ask about Gabby, her “future sister-in-law” who loves her kids and she says she loves so much? No phone calls before or right after to ask? She just doesn’t know and never thought to ask? Really?

I’d like some verification from the police that the Petitos “must have had the wrong number” or that CL had no incoming calls from them when they tried to call her.

When who tried to call her?

Gabby's mother stated she tried to contact BL and his mother. She didn't mention Cassie.

JP stated 'we called' on the Dr Phil show but who is we?
Was this just recalling secondhand information from Gabby's mother, incorrectly because Cassie has now said twice that Gabby's family didn't reach out to her.

Surely you would not lie and claim this twice if it wasn't true?.
They've essentially chosen BL over CL. Maybe they're saving his life but they didn't have to cut her out to do it. They could've found a way. I honestly didn't think they weren't speaking to her at all. I'm generally not one to demonize the family of a suspect but this interview said a LOT. She must be hurting so much. I hope she has support elsewhere.

They could be saving her future by cutting her out right now. Long term, being cut out and not knowing anything could be the greatest gift.
MOO I don't see it as cutting her out. Its keeping their secrets from being her secrets. What becomes of Cassie if she is allowed inside the inner circle and they tell her that BL actually killed GB. Now she has to do the right thing and sell out her entire family. How does one handle something like that for the rest of their life. Its a hard, loving parental act to keep her out of it so that she doesn't know anything she has to tear her soul apart over.
I agree with this however, she said they threw her under the bus. How so?
Seems the Laundrie's are close to their grand kids. I wonder how they are coping with the separation from all of their family. I don't know how they can keep this isolation up, especially if Brian isn't found soon. They should come out with their attorney and tell Brian to turn himself in. Do the right thing. JMO
I think something is going to happen soon. Information is going to come out. She is distancing herself from BL and her parents, and telling what she knew and when she knew it. Her body language was much more troubled today.
According to her the FBI knows and that's what's important!! She wants those idiots out of her yard so she threw them a bone. Now they need to move on!
Cassie did not know Gabby was missing when they went to fort desoto - from Cassie’s own mouth on Banfield

she very well could have been unaware that gabby was missing but I find it incredibly hard to believe that Gabby did not come up in conversation either on the 1st when she was surprised that BL showed up with the parents or when they spent 6 hours at Fort DeSoto. Like, not even a “oh hey Bro! Surprised but happy to see you! Where’s Gabby?”

We just don’t know enough.
Cassie feels “thrown under the bus”
But why
It all goes back to who knew what and when
Some are speculating that the L parents are protecting Cassie by distancing her.
But IF they knew something before the camping trip, why invite her and her children!?

I’m thinking because the camping trip was before she was declared missing and before the entire world took notice of the situation
They could be saving her future by cutting her out right now. Long term, being cut out and not knowing anything could be the greatest gift.
I agree, I am just wondering why she seems so hurt at them and why she said they threw her under the bus? Jmo tia
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