Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #67

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I guess anything's possible, but wouldn't the landlord have a clue? I'm stumped. I see where he could have taken a lot of cash with him, but not a lot of supplies and no vehicle. Dunno. jmo
Could be in a rundown area... people don't ask questions always..
I'm speculating he used the Mustang to bring his accumulated supplies to his new lodgings and then either dropped it back himself or had somebody else do it.
He had a 5 day head start, after all, courtesy of his parents.
Maybe every witness is actually telling the truth to the best of their ability.
That girl got an enormous amount of online bullying at the time.
Everybody said she was lying and she was abused.
Then the merry Piglets confirmed they had indeed been there.
We all see through our various filters, we are not a homogeneous lot.
Live and let live, I reckon.
Oh no, didn't know that!! Feel bad for my comment now. Previous thread so can't delete it :(.
He demanded to be let out when he saw they were taking the other road that that went away from where the van was parked. Perhaps he didn't want to alert his first ride of where he was actually trying to go, or planned to say they could just drop them at a location once he was near the site. He was more clear on his second hitch attempt. Or maybe he was panicked, originally wanting to flee without the van, but had second thoughts and hitched back to the van. Perhaps he was just looking to make imprints on witnesses that he could tell his story to about being away from his girlfriend for a length of time that, coincidentally, she just happened to be killed during.

"Perhaps he was just looking to make imprints on witnesses..."

Makes sense. Even if her remains were not found for a long time, she had parents that would report her missing fairly quickly and he would be the person of interest. It doesn't hurt to have a narrative out there that he had been hiking alone after he was last seen with her alive. That could bring in reasonable doubt in a jury.
Then we are different. I certainly would notice a patron coming back in four times to argue with the staff.

We probably are different. And that's fine. But the blogger reporting this didn't know what the argument was about when it was happening at the next table. If I were in that position, I don't know that I'd try to follow what went on at the door. I think I'd be trying to enjoy my (apparently pricey) meal and my companions if I were somewhere like MP. So I wouldn't count on all the patrons paying attention to the incident or the returns. But hopefully there were more people like you than me that day at MP.
I think he is being helped, somehow, but I can't figure out how. jmo

There are many ways it’s possible he is being helped. The parents get spotlighted a lot for that but MOO they did not have anything to do with his leaving the house. They seem law abiding to the T, making sure the run everything about this thru an attorney, and aiding and abetting BL would be a major break in the Law for them, opening them up to very serious charges.

Also, turning son into fugitive is a very dangerous thing to do. Not many can succeed long term and BL does not look like he has wherewithal to just make it on his own somewhere suddenly. The Laundries are not wealthy, nor are they experienced in this sort of thing. As for Brian….he’s not that bright and the parents likely know this.

The Laundries did the best they could to protect him from the likely serious charges BL will face when caught if still alive, and this flight is just making things much worse.

But there are people out there who might find this a thrill to hide BL. It is possible he is holed up in their place or somewhere they found. If he met someone in that Reserve parking lot, he could be anywhere. Lots of empty places to squat these days.
For me, the fact that the woman who saw Brian and Gabby in Merry Piglets has an online presence/following loosens her credibility.

I wonder how many extra followers she's gained since going public with what she saw? The stories she posted about it were certainly very self-indulgent and melodramatic IMO.

Also, if she had to point out to her other half that they were arguing when this was supposedly going on at the table right next to them it can hardly have been an argument with raised voices, otherwise she wouldn't have needed to point it out.

Unless the tables in that restaurant are positioned 40ft apart perhaps.. ;)

I would think they would have had to have a little bit of something going on at their table for them to abruptly get up & leave & for GP to be already visibly upset while at the table. But who really knows lol JMO.
"Perhaps he was just looking to make imprints on witnesses..."

Makes sense. Even if her remains were not found for a long time, she had parents that would report her missing fairly quickly and he would be the person of interest. It doesn't hurt to have a narrative out there that he had been hiking alone after he was last seen with her alive. That could bring in reasonable doubt in a jury.
We know Gabby's phone has yet to be recovered. I feel like cell phone tower data for their phones will be very important if this goes to trial.
"Perhaps he was just looking to make imprints on witnesses..."

Makes sense. Even if her remains were not found for a long time, she had parents that would report her missing fairly quickly and he would be the person of interest. It doesn't hurt to have a narrative out there that he had been hiking alone after he was last seen with her alive. That could bring in reasonable doubt in a jury.
And then he spent over 1k of her money, just for the hell of it while he drove her vehicle home without her. Slam dunk.
There are many ways it’s possible he is being helped. The parents get spotlighted a lot for that but MOO they did not have anything to do with his leaving the house. They seem law abiding to the T, making sure the run everything about this thru an attorney, and aiding and abetting BL would be a major break in the Law for them, opening them up to very serious charges.

Also, turning son into fugitive is a very dangerous thing to do. Not many can succeed long term and BL does not look like he has wherewithal to just make it on his own somewhere suddenly. The Laundries are not wealthy, nor are they experienced in this sort of thing. As for Brian….he’s not that bright and the parents likely know this.

The Laundries did the best they could to protect him from the likely serious charges BL will face when caught if still alive, and this flight is just making things much worse.

But there are people out there who might find this a thrill to hide BL. It is possible he is holed up in their place or somewhere they found. If he met someone in that Reserve parking lot, he could be anywhere. Lots of empty places to squat these days.
I am not sure that getting a lawyer means that they are law abiding. Plenty of law breakers have a lawyer on speed dial IMO.
I am not as sure as you that they had no part in his leaving the house. He did drive their car if that is all they did for him. MOO.
I re-watched the old unsolved mysteries through the whole pandemic. The AMOUNT of DV going on in this country since the 40s-50s that LE laughed at or never took seriously horrifies me. I mean these mother and children had no say until CPS came in, which was rarer back then. And all they did was steal all the kids, separate them, and they had to go on TV begging to find their families. I know 40 year old men, who had real SOB dads that abused them severely. This was in the 70s-80s. Nothing was ever done. Here we are in 2021, it seems we've made no real advancements.

JMO. I agree there is a lot of progress needed in regards to DV. DV victims often have a lot to lose simply by reporting abuse. The UK has laws against coercive control and emotional abuse, but I am not aware of any other country that has followed suit by making any advances to truly prevent or help victims of coercive control or emotional abuse. I personally felt that there were many red flags sent up suggesting coercive control and emotional abuse. I assume I am not alone and I also assume that LE that were there also saw that was a possibility, but the physical things are reason to arrest, but emotional abuse is not. Our society supports that both legally and mentally. The fact that those things were linked with physical marks but none requiring medical attention is telling of how we look at DV in America. Couple that with a police officer trash talking his wife and fist bumping Brian, we are where we are today. This case is a huge reflection of what is wrong with how we as a society views DV as a whole. We can be angry with a cop who behaved questionably. That is perfectly fine. I certainly hope that sparked something with law enforcement as a whole in how they react to DV situations. I highly doubt any LE that arrived at the scene thought it would escalate and their body cam footage would be there for the entire world to see and to critique. I doubt the majority of LE does not want to be seen in this light. At least I hope. A bit of a "what not to do" kind of example. I hope it brings a bit of change and maybe that change can turn into law. I have little faith that it will though. Heck, I have seen creepy internet spaces with both satirical (supposedly) or serious support for Brian as a DV victim and a victim of a society against men. It is all so sad and troubling. MOO
"Perhaps he was just looking to make imprints on witnesses..."

Makes sense. Even if her remains were not found for a long time, she had parents that would report her missing fairly quickly and he would be the person of interest. It doesn't hurt to have a narrative out there that he had been hiking alone after he was last seen with her alive. That could bring in reasonable doubt in a jury.
When the second girl who gave him a ride to the road to Spread Creek offered to take him in all the way to his van and he said no, she teased him and said something like, OH, you want your fiancée to see you hiking in, not being seen to be hitchhiking! Then he jumped out of the car. jmo
I just wanted to add the interview with the restaurant witness from my OP to this thread. I should have added it to multi quote before the thread closed but I didn’t think about it. So if anyone needs it for reference, here it is.
There are many ways it’s possible he is being helped. The parents get spotlighted a lot for that but MOO they did not have anything to do with his leaving the house. They seem law abiding to the T, making sure the run everything about this thru an attorney, and aiding and abetting BL would be a major break in the Law for them, opening them up to very serious charges.

Also, turning son into fugitive is a very dangerous thing to do. Not many can succeed long term and BL does not look like he has wherewithal to just make it on his own somewhere suddenly. The Laundries are not wealthy, nor are they experienced in this sort of thing. As for Brian….he’s not that bright and the parents likely know this.

The Laundries did the best they could to protect him from the likely serious charges BL will face when caught if still alive, and this flight is just making things much worse.

But there are people out there who might find this a thrill to hide BL. It is possible he is holed up in their place or somewhere they found. If he met someone in that Reserve parking lot, he could be anywhere. Lots of empty places to squat these days.
Not being pedantic here but if they were really law abiding to a T , why would they have given an incorrect departure date to LE when they summoned them to make the report?
Why did they wait weeks until the FBI caught up with them before they admitted he'd left on the Monday, not the Tuesday..?

Why did they lie about the day they returned the Mustang?
I'm not sure we know they're not wealthy.
I have not seen anyone say that Gabby and Brian were arguing before his anger at the staff. It is being spoken about as another demonstration of his lack of control over his anger.
Were have you read that they were arguing and the staff got involved?

Here: Instagrammer details explosive argument between Gabby Petito, Brian Laundrie at Wyoming restaurant

".. she witnessed Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie get into an explosive argument"

And here: Gabby & Brian had 'huge fight at restaurant before she was last seen'

"Gabby Petito had ‘full-blown fight with aggressive Brian Laundrie at restaurant"

And here: Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie had an ‘incident’ in a Wyoming restaurant, manager says

"A manager of a Wyoming restaurant said she saw a “commotion” between Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie"


You state that this is "another demonstration of his lack of control over his anger". Can you please reference the other times where he's had a lack of control over his anger?

As far as I'm aware, the only footage we've seen of BL is the Moab police stop FOOTAGE, in which he doesn't seem angry at all.

He comes across as polite, well mannered, cooperative with the police, and if anything, a bit nervous and anxious. I didn't detect any anger whatsoever so I'm curious as to how you've made this deduction when that's the only footage any of us have seen of him.


When the second girl who gave him a ride to the road to Spread Creek offered to take him in all the way to his van and he said no, she teased him and said something like, OH, you want your fiancée to see you hiking in, not being seen to be hitchhiking! Then he jumped out of the car. jmo
Between both rides we know about, he shows real anxiety. Possibly imagined he would stumble upon a scene with LE upon return to the site.
Maybe the help is inadvertent. Florida seems to have several intentional communities aka communes that would suit his needs nicely. Off grid, nobody asks many questions and people drift in and out frequently.
I still think he's off grid in the area. You'd have to know North Port and the lay of the land to understand why I still think that. I'm 50/50 on whether he is still hiding or already met his fate as gator bait.

We used to go 4 wheeling right down near the Sarasota/Charlotte county line on the west side of I-75. There isn't any running water or electric unless someone intentionally built a house. The trails there are incredible. Years and years of dirt bikes, 4 wheelers, fire pits, etc. NPPD tries to keep people out but it's hard. There are bodies found way out there, people dumping trash, old homeless camps, etc.

Anyway, BL would blend right in. [This guys comment......] You can see the park is currently closed. The area with the red X, marked by me, is what I'm referring to above.



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