Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #71

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How uncanny that, should the Laundries have decided to tell LE they were going to search for their son two days ago, the psychic would have been spot on. Weird and MOO.
If so
I respectfully disagree. The Petito and Schmidt family specifically stated they wanted him alive. They wanted answers. And, they wanted him to live the rest of his days in a cell with the knowledge of what he did to their daughter. See the Dr. Phil interview on the Media Thread. They were quite clear. MOO
Unless I missed it, none of GB's parents indicated they wanted the death penalty for Brian.
They want him in jail for the rest of his life.
The entire situation is suspicious. The L's ran a bunch of errands yesterday, the most since their son disappeared, as if they knew they weren't going to be out in public for a while. The area where the belongings/remains were found today, opened to the public yesterday. Yet the parents did not go yesterday but instead called LE last night and told them of their intent to search this morning. Then after searching for a short period of time, the parents find his belongings. The area may have been under water but if cadaver dogs were used in the previous searches, they could have easily picked up the scent of remains underwater. Whatever was going on, his parents basically went straight to where the items/remains were found as if they knew where he would be located. IF they knew, they should have informed LE asap. If he's been deceased for a while, that means they knew where he was for a while. Something is off for sure. IMO.
This screams suspicious
JUST IN: A law enforcement source tells ABC News that investigators are working to determine whether remains discovered at the Carlton Reserve are human remains & whether those remains and other articles discovered at the site are related to the disappearance of Brian Laundrie.

So they’re not positive they’re human remains?

If it turns out to be dinosaur bones, I'm done with this until I catch the resolution while passing a newsstand.
I am baffled by how many people think the parents or anyone for that matter, planted the articles or partial remains.

A second tent has gone up... I have felt all along he was dead, seems like it will be confirmed here shortly.


I'm not "baffled" by it. I'm right with them unless and until they definitively identify the body as BL. The parents gave every indication of not wishing their son to have any impact or consequence from Gabby's disappearance turned murder. Many murderers have tried, some with assistance, to fake their own deaths to evade responsibility. Since evasion of responsibility is a common thread here I don't see it as at all baffling to consider it a viable possibility given the entirety of the situation.
because dogs are not invincible.
Did the water just recede very recently? Could the dogs' failure to detect the body and belongings be due to their being physically unable to plow through the depth of water? I mean, how deep was it during their searches? Sorry, I know someone posted this many pages back, but I just can't...
But everyone keeps saying the dogs can alert on a tiny bone from a dead person and it can be 30 ft underwater, so why wasn't it found before this if there's a body there? Just honestly curious? If they're so GOOD why hadn't it been found yet? I can understand SEEING things when the water recedes but how does it matter to a cadaver dog?

they can but not all dogs will be as trained to work certain environments or are as adept
The Investigation podcast/HBO movie.

A tale of heroism & humanity really ( more than true crime) , dogs, divers & detectives determined to find the rest of the victims remains sunk in a submarine, in the ocean, in winter with choppy seas

Thus begins a multi-episode arc in which cadaver dogs bob atop inflatable boats and attempt to sniff out the wake of a terrible crime, while the humans complain—“Your dog isn’t working,” one cop says. Slowly, the police come to the realization that they actually have to calculate and compensate for the wind, then they realize that it’s the currents that redistribute the smell, and finally they come to understand that the dogs are smelling fat not gas, which moves slower in those currents. Dogs—just like doggedness—are instrumental here. It is the show’s willingness to dedicate so much of its runtime to them that sets it apart from every other crime series that has begun to clog every other streaming platform.

the only other alternative is that cadaver dogs did not search this spot or Brian was not there when they did
He wasn't charged with anything. They told them where he was, he has been found where they said. Its not their fault LE took a month to find him. The protesters have been chanting "Lying Laundries" for a month. Turns out not really lying. Or that we have proof of. All that has been said publicly through their lawyer by them was he was in the reserve......not mexico, not under the flowerbeds, not stashed at one of the lawyers properties, not at the cops who has the same last name, not at the fathers business partners, not at the sisters, not in the walls of the house....there are to many more to mention.......

Imagine for a second they had nothing to do with it and didnt know anything. They are sitting in that house like prisoners, mourning Gabby, coming to terms with the fact their son is a murderer, whilst conflicted with worry that he is missing and maybe dead.

So what, they walk out of their house expressionless for 1 minute to get in their car, they mow their lawn because there is a grass regulation height and know if they don't mow it, the many social media detectives will report and fine them. They did about a sign. They go into the garden to pick some veggies. What do we want from them, to cry and scream when they leave the house, to get on the news beeging for their sons return when they know he cant see it cause he is in the reserve with no phone. What did we honestly want from them, and what would we have honestly been satisfied with. Because Cassie broke and spoke to the media, and not many people were satisfied with that either. So yeah, IMO i think the protesters should maybe do some reflection. And the protester who is a known fraudster who makes a career out of litigating should be ashamed of himself for trying to make money from Gabby's death.
IMO, if all of what you said is true, SB is the reason for most of the animosity. Calling people names in the media for helping search, giving flippant responses, etc. Had he remained as silent as the Laundries, we may all have felt differently about them. JMO.
I'm beginning to think that when BL took the van and went home he was already planning to take his own life. Maybe he was horrified by what he did. Maybe not. But I think he went home and kept his family in the dark so that he could spend some time with them and say his goodbyes, even if they didn't know that's what it was. He went biking with mom and did yard work with dad. He went with his parents to pick up the nephews at school. They all went to Fort de Soto for Labor Day. And then when GP's family started contacting them, he told his parents he needed a lawyer and not to answer any calls or texts from the Petito/Schmidts. Then, a couple days later when the coast was clear he took off to end it all out in the wilderness on his own terms.
So remarkable. Why didn't they inform LE of their suspected evidence site weeks beforehand? IMO

Good question. IMO there's a few possibilities. 1) they were somehow communicating with BL regularly and that communication stopped. 2) They may have had a designated rally point in case that happened. 3) He did not die where he was found and his remains were dumped there and somehow his family knew where the remains were located. Who, what, why or how remains to be seen. IMO.
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