Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #78

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Grief is the response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or some living thing that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed.

Grief - Wikipedia

I agree we use the word "grieving" to talk about sorrow, but we particular use it when talking about a death moo
Grief is profound but temporary. Sorrow is perpetual. jmo
When I have had the sad need for an attorney, I have hired ones who I feel best reflect my beliefs and concerns, and I have fired some when I find their affect off putting. I too do not care for SB at all and I wonder what type of person would like his representation. I wonder how much it takes, even though one has fears for themself, before they scream “Stop”, before further damage is done to others. I guess that’s what empathy is all about.

Yes, if I needed to hire an attorney in this case I would want a professional, with experience in criminal defense, but also had an ounce of empathy.
His demeanor may appeal to those that think the "tough guy" "macho man" bullying women is a good look in a case about a young man who strangled his gf to death. It speaks volumes to me.
You can simultaneously want to hire the best legal representation for yourself and your son and still have love, and deep sympathy and compassion towards the victim and her family.
When I have had the sad need for an attorney, I have hired ones who I feel best reflect my beliefs and concerns, and I have fired some when I find their affect off putting. I too do not care for SB at all and I wonder what type of person would like his representation. I wonder how much it takes, even though one has fears for themself, before they scream “Stop”, before further damage is done to others. I guess that’s what empathy is all about.

Yes, if I needed to hire an attorney in this case I would want a professional, with experience in criminal defense, but also had an ounce of empathy.
His demeanor may appeal to those that think the "tough guy" "macho man" bullying women is a good look in a case about a young man who strangled his gf to death. It speaks volumes to me.
You can simultaneously want to hire the best legal representation for yourself and your son and still have love, and deep sympathy and compassion towards the victim and her family.
Two things that I'm thinking about this morning...

1) Is it possible the FBI did catch the parents lying and an immunity deal for RL and ChL has already been signed? This along with BL being confirmed dead could be why we see SB on camera and being much more loose lipped? Maybe why the parents became so insistent on that one area in the park then managed to find his items?

2) Asking for any lawyers to chime in here... I have been exploring joint representation as it applies to this case and it seems there are some important nuances as it applies to attorney client privilege. As I understand it could be possible that SB has been careless with this and conversations between Ch,R, BL, and SB all at once could break privilege since it is only BL who was seeking counsel for his direct role in GP being missing. It also means if they all were truly being jointly represented in SB's eyes anything any individual in that group shared with SB privately must be shared with the other two as well. So anything BL told SB the parents would be informed of. Any thoughts?
Why? I'm sure it's true. Nobody is an angel. Everyone has faults and makes mistakes. That's human. That's ok. It does NOT make Gabby in any way responsible for her death.

Brian made mistakes and maybe killed Gabby. That doesn't make him a demon. He also had good qualities.

Nobody is pure. Not pure angel, not pure demon. There is good and bad in all of us. I believe putting people in simplistic boxes is detrimental to our understanding. And understanding is key to future prevention. MOO
I agree, and to demonize every second of BL's existence is to look unfavorably onto GP for choosing to spend years of her life with him. How is that right?

What BL did to GP is beyond my comprehension, so I get that it's difficult to acknowledge good in someone who can do such bad. It's why, when I'm looking at details on here, I'm trying to look at them with my eyes and not my heart, hoping I can see things for what they really are.
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Why? I'm sure it's true. Nobody is an angel. Everyone has faults and makes mistakes. That's human. That's ok. It does NOT make Gabby in any way responsible for her death.

Brian made mistakes and maybe killed Gabby. That doesn't make him a demon. He also had good qualities.

Nobody is pure. Not pure angel, not pure demon. There is good and bad in all of us. I believe putting people in simplistic boxes is detrimental to our understanding. And understanding is key to future prevention. MOO
Hmmm. Here’s the SB quote again:

“You couldn’t write this Greek tragedy,” Steven Bertolino told The Post Friday. “Brian is not a Ted Bundy. He’s not a demon. Not a serial killer. I’m not sure that the narrative that’s been pushed — that Brian was a mean killer and Gabby was an angel — is entirely true.”

Inside Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito's life with his parents

Hard to justify “mean killer”. Was he a “nice killer”?
No matter what a family member of mine had done, I’d give them a funeral. Maybe not public, if there were extenuating circumstances, like this case is, but they still deserve a funeral.

OT, but a dear friend’s daughter committed suicide a couple months ago. Her mother (my friend) was adamant that there would be no funeral. And there wasn’t.
<snipped for focus> My friend works in the funeral industry, and she tells me that it is getting increasingly more common in the last couple of decades. Or at least far more so than it was in the past.

I, too, know someone in a funeral-adjacent business who's said the same thing. Funerals are expensive and require a ton of planning and decision-making, which can be difficult to deal with (especially after a sudden, unexpected death). Also, since so many places put restrictions in place during COVID for large gatherings, people are more and more opting not to go through the pomp and circumstance, but instead are choosing to grieve in their own ways, privately or with a small group of family and friends.

Also, some families--like one branch of my extended family--just simply don't do funerals. For some, it's more meaningful to visit their loved one's favorite place and share their favorite memories of them, or share a favorite meal together.

Ultimately, how one wants to be remembered or how survivors want to remember their loved one are very personal, private decisions, and I don't think we (the public) should try to infer anything by this choice.
No matter what Brian told them about his reason for driving home in Gabby's van, it seems normal to me that they would be concerned about her welfare enough to try to contact her and if not able to reach her (which, obviously, they wouldn't) then call her mom just to ease their minds that all was well with Gabby. But, no. They tried to ignore the whole strange abortion of the van-trip, hoping that it would just go away. jmo

I agree, and their response was totally unforgivable in my mind. JMHO
IIRC, he did not meet them in Orlando per his own admission. It was speculative that they were meeting him. I wish I could find the data. MOO
I missed a lot but I don't remember SB backtracking on this one. Are you sure?
Brian Entin tweeted that the Ls met with him (SB) in Orlando
You beat me to it but just wanted to add this tweet with a copy of a text from SB.

Shannon Clowe on Twitter
CONFIRMED — The #Laundrie family was meeting with their lawyer in Orlando

[URL='']5:11 PM · Sep 23, 2021
·Twitter for iPhone[/URL]
I agree, and to demonize every second of BL's existence is to look unfavorably onto GP for choosing to spend years of her life with him. How is that right? What BL did to GP is beyond my comprehension, so I get that it's difficult to acknowledge good in someone who can do such bad. It's why, when I'm looking at details on here, I'm trying to look at them with my eyes and not my heart, hoping I can see things for what they really are.
I do agree with you about viewing someone’s entire existence, but I don’t think SB statement was about a demonization of his entire life. I read it as pertaining to his one act as a killer.

My eyes , and heart, are stuck on the dead body of a brutally murdered young woman.

No matter what Brian told them about his reason for driving home in Gabby's van, it seems normal to me that they would be concerned about her welfare enough to try to contact her and if not able to reach her (which, obviously, they wouldn't) then call her mom just to ease their minds that all was well with Gabby. But, no. They tried to ignore the whole strange abortion of the van-trip, hoping that it would just go away. jmo

See, and based on my own personal life experience it seems perfectly normal that if he came home and told the family that he and GP had broken up that the family would not have reached out to her or her family at all. When my fiancé and I broke up I never heard from his family again. Lovely people who I spent weekends, holidays, and vacations with. But they were his people not mine. And neither of our parents would have readily had contact info for the others.

If BL told his family that he and Gabby had broken up and she didn't want to drive back to Florida with him, but flew home to NY to her mom instead and he drove the van back, I think it would be very reasonable for them to let it lie, vs jumping to the conclusion that something terrible had happened and that they needed to immediately contact her or her family.

I can easily see a timeline where BL family wanted to cheer him up with a camping trip and he needed a phone because Gabby kept hers. Then they legitimately missed a call from Gabby's mom, because I never answer the phone. RL saw the voice mail, asked BL what happened. He says, mom a terrible accident happened (accident in that he wishes he could go back in time and do something different.) They called the lawyer, and the lawyer said do not speak to anyone about anything under any circumstances. By the time the police showed up on the 11th they handed them the contact info for the lawyer. Then depending on the timeline, BL was gone 2 days later.

I see so many people acting like BL is some criminal mastermind. I think he was just a confused, mixed up, semi-adult who did the worst thing he could imagine doing, and ran home to his parents. The whole time he's driving there he's doing his best to convince himself that *that thing* didn't really happen. He was able to pretend to himself until Gabby's mom called. I understand parents wanting to protect their children and calling a lawyer before her parents or the police. I don't necessarily think their intent was to help him get away with murder. They did as their lawyer instructed. Maybe they thought, if we do what the lawyer says he will only get 20 years instead of life.

There are a lot of moving parts here, but social media blew this up, partially, because they feel like they're entitled to know every thought that is going through the Laundrie's minds right now. And they just aren't. They say the Laundrie's aren't "acting right" but no one knows how many Xanax it may take RL to come out to get the mail. Or if she's crying all day, every day in her house. I don't think we have any concept of how the Laundrie's are acting at all, other than they aren't speaking to the media. I don't think it's fair to convict them in a court of public opinion for being silent.

All MOO of course.
Grief is the response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone or some living thing that has died, to which a bond or affection was formed.

Grief - Wikipedia

I agree we use the word "grieving" to talk about sorrow, but we particular use it when talking about a death moo
Grief is profound but temporary. Sorrow is perpetual. jmo
Hmmm. Here’s the SB quote again:

“You couldn’t write this Greek tragedy,” Steven Bertolino told The Post Friday. “Brian is not a Ted Bundy. He’s not a demon. Not a serial killer. I’m not sure that the narrative that’s been pushed — that Brian was a mean killer and Gabby was an angel — is entirely true.”

Inside Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito's life with his parents

Hard to justify “mean killer”. Was he a “nice killer”?
There was just no point in making that statement...he must have said that to make the L's feel better about the horror of it all. That is something a friend might say to a friend, but it's not for public consumption. jmo
See, and based on my own personal life experience it seems perfectly normal that if he came home and told the family that he and GP had broken up that the family would not have reached out to her or her family at all. When my fiancé and I broke up I never heard from his family again. Lovely people who I spent weekends, holidays, and vacations with. But they were his people not mine. And neither of our parents would have readily had contact info for the others.

If BL told his family that he and Gabby had broken up and she didn't want to drive back to Florida with him, but flew home to NY to her mom instead and he drove the van back, I think it would be very reasonable for them to let it lie, vs jumping to the conclusion that something terrible had happened and that they needed to immediately contact her or her family.

I can easily see a timeline where BL family wanted to cheer him up with a camping trip and he needed a phone because Gabby kept hers. Then they legitimately missed a call from Gabby's mom, because I never answer the phone. RL saw the voice mail, asked BL what happened. He says, mom a terrible accident happened (accident in that he wishes he could go back in time and do something different.) They called the lawyer, and the lawyer said do not speak to anyone about anything under any circumstances. By the time the police showed up on the 11th they handed them the contact info for the lawyer. Then depending on the timeline, BL was gone 2 days later.

I see so many people acting like BL is some criminal mastermind. I think he was just a confused, mixed up, semi-adult who did the worst thing he could imagine doing, and ran home to his parents. The whole time he's driving there he's doing his best to convince himself that *that thing* didn't really happen. He was able to pretend to himself until Gabby's mom called. I understand parents wanting to protect their children and calling a lawyer before her parents or the police. I don't necessarily think their intent was to help him get away with murder. They did as their lawyer instructed. Maybe they thought, if we do what the lawyer says he will only get 20 years instead of life.

There are a lot of moving parts here, but social media blew this up, partially, because they feel like they're entitled to know every thought that is going through the Laundrie's minds right now. And they just aren't. They say the Laundrie's aren't "acting right" but no one knows how many Xanax it may take RL to come out to get the mail. Or if she's crying all day, every day in her house. I don't think we have any concept of how the Laundrie's are acting at all, other than they aren't speaking to the media. I don't think it's fair to convict them in a court of public opinion for being silent.

All MOO of course.
I would "Love" this, if there was a button...
I missed a lot but I don't remember SB backtracking on this one. Are you sure?

You beat me to it but just wanted to add this tweet with a copy of a text from SB.

Shannon Clowe on Twitter
CONFIRMED — The #Laundrie family was meeting with their lawyer in Orlando

5:11 PM · Sep 23, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

Did SB, in any of those interviews * deny * that he'd met with the couple face to face ( such as Orlando)

I don't recall anybody - incl Banfield & the others - asking him about Orlando or him denying Orlando.

I suppose I could have just missed it.
Or it didn't just come up in the Q&As

ETA: that question might be better for @BeanieBod or the OP ( I'm working backwards from the last page of this thread so IDK who the OP is)
Talk about victim shaming:
“You couldn’t write this Greek tragedy,” Steven Bertolino told The Post Friday. “Brian is not a Ted Bundy. He’s not a demon. Not a serial killer. I’m not sure that the narrative that’s been pushed — that Brian was a mean killer and Gabby was an angel — is entirely true.”
Inside Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito's life with his parents
Italics by me. Moo
RSABBM. The shock to me is that by making the comparison to Bundy, demons, and serial killers ~ he is unwittingly admitting he does consider him a killer ~ just not the mean kind. Still mooing! :oops::rolleyes:o_O
I agree. I think that as soon as Gabby's homicide occurred BL was on the phone asking mom and dad what to do.
In the early days of the case, I asked the attorneys on this forum if the exact date that the L's first spoke to their attorney will ever be revealed. Someone replied no, that will remain private information. Ugh. The date would tell us a lot. IMO.

SB already revealed that the first time he was involved in the disappearance of Gabby Petito case was a phone call around 11:30pm on Saturday, September 11, 2021. IMO he apparently received an emergency call late that night after the Laundries found out that Gabby's parents were going to the police. IMO they found this out via voice messages on their phones.

Let me point out that we know that the Laundries were camping at Fort DeSoto around the 8th. We do not know their location on the 9th through the day of the 11th. Fort DeSoto does not have cell service except in the camp store and office - places most campers don't spend a lot of time at. Maybe they were still at Fort De Soto on the 9th - 11th and didn't get their cell messages until they returned home.

All just IMO.
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