Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #51

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The “accommodations” that are pictured here are rudimentary at best. These are not a cabin or cottage. Dispersed camping runs along the most southern states although the northern states don’t allow it.
For a “wilderness” experience, having shelters is an extreme luxury. I slept in maybe 150 of them. They average 7 miles or so apart. They have nice, non-aromatic, privies.
Other trails have few, if any, shelters.
Forgive me guys ❤️❤️❤️
I need help with something please.
I have read so many articles watched a ton of videos then trying to keep up with these many long threads my head is swimming lol.

I cannot for the life of me remember where I saw this so maybe you can help me.

Has anyone her posted or has seen posts pertaining to Brian owning a gun and a photo of Gabby holding a gun type item?
I cannot remember where I saw the photo that was posted of Gabby.
An AT update.

The AT hikers were updated via YouTube yesterday that BL could be in the Appalachians. It included the sighting by the FL hiker at Water Mill Road near I-40. It also included multiple pictures of BL with distinguishing features highlighted and pictures of Appalachian waterfalls in pictures Gabby had posted.

So, hikers in the area of the southern AT should be well informed.
Who posted the vid? Official notices would be posted at this is the site NPS sends people to. Currently I only see alerts for shelter closures due to bear activity or covid social distancing guidelines. There is no alert regarding a fugitive at large.
Alerts & Conditions - Appalachian National Scenic Trail (U.S. National Park Service)
Yikes! Hope they can verify if it’s him. I was just reading this morning that one tactic criminals on the run use to throw people off is to back track over previous routes. Especially, after making public appearances so that authorities are looking ahead while they are going the opposite direction. I still have trouble believing this dude would be walking out in a public area. If the Davis account was true BL seemed to know even an interstate highway would be risky and he would be easily tracked. If he is walking he’s super exposed and has essentially no getaway. Unless of course if the he’s ready to be caught…wishful thinking with fingers crossed.
if the AT accounts are real he is already snapping into a break down. One that you cannot rationaly hide from. I think he will be found soon.
I checked flight radar, doesn't look like anyone is searching. Brian Entin's twitter is quiet, JB's is quiet. I'm starting to feel as though he will never be found - alive or deceased. I really want #justiceforgabby.

This was the only "new" information I could find, but it isn't even much:
Reports said Brian was in Florida from August 17 to 23 and helped his dad empty the place, where he and his girlfriend kept their stuff. He then reportedly went back to Utah and the couple checked out of the hotel on August 24. But, Nicole is suspicious about that whole trip and why it became so necessary for him to clean out the storage unit amid the trip. The devastated mother also asked, “Where are her [Gabby’s] things?”

Brian and his family have not spoken directly with authorities regarding the case. They have, instead, hired an attorney. When Nicole was asked if she knew why the Laundrie family had done that, she commented, “You know I wish I knew that answer, why. I know that's the reason this story is so sought after is because it's odd. The police have said it's very odd. We don't know what's going on, and where is my daughter. I just want to find her.”
Why did Brian Laundrie leave Gabby Petito mid-trip? Questions raised over Aug 17-23 Florida trip

When did Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie reunite after the fight in Moab on Aug. 12? I’m seeing people say Laundrie allegedly flew home on Aug. 17th out of Salt Lake City Airport— returned Aug. 23. Why?
Since this article has come out, I’d like to make a point about a post I saw yesterday about BL losing his temper and getting out of control in their opinion. Abusers do not lose control, they make an active choice to cause harm, they could choose to walk away from the situation or walk away from the relationship or get psychiatric help, they choose not too. This is them in control of their actions and they love control. However we do not know without a doubt he was an abuser although IMO he was. If it’s because of a mental health problem that different and he might not be in control of his actions IMO. I could post links to show evidence but because it DV not sure I’d be allowed. Just really hope this case educates on DV and the many myths surrounding it and trust me there are many. Gabbys dad is right we need to do more, education and prevention IMO.
Sorry for the rant.

Edit. Just to add I don’t want to cause a debate on DV I just wanted to point these facts out, they’re easily viewable on search engines.
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Hi all, regarding BL the sightings, his appearance, behavior, clothing. IMO. I think that after 4 weeks almost of being in the wind that nothing about him is predictable or can be compared to previous. I think his 'being lost, needing to go to CA, referring to a girlfriend' could be quite calculated. Avoiding the LE for so long does take some degree of cunning. I realize now, I didn't give enough credit to this calculating behavior over the previous time period.
He actually “popped out of the woods” and quickly ducked back in, according to the account. The person who saw him tried to find him but was unable to. I highly doubt it’s him, but still intriguing.
gosh i just had the thought that the BL halloween costume this year is sure to be in top demand. :/
The neighbors barely remembered anything that happened in September. Not many responded and they couldnt remember dates very well. Doubt they remembered back another month. Also those who spoke to LE likely asked not to share info.

Not surprised LE wouldnt acknowledge seeing anything of GP's. I would not if I were there. Just asking for trouble. Question would be what you saw.
MOO. This has been and is and always be a trauma and tragedy for the Laundries. I do not believe for a second that they are carefree and fine. I’m sure they are suffering tremendously. As are GP’s families. It’s a I’ll wind that blows no one good and this one is a storm.

Initially, I was horrified and was ready to join the mob in the outcry against the Laundries. But with all the info here, I’ve come to realize that with all of the adult children I have, their break ups and coming home, I would not have ever suspected any of them killed a friend or left someone the way it appears BL did. It’s possible that the texts and emails apprising them that Gabby was missing came on the 10th , and these folks decided this was more than they can handle without advice and went to a trusted attorney.
From there, they did as told. They may not know anything Certainly LE would have charged them by now if they had an iota of proof that they did anything against the law.
BL is their son, and Im sure they are mourning him terribly in their own way. He may be dead and if not, he has a gauntlet to run for what he did. I do not condone lynch mobs. The story is not all out yet. They certainly would be advised to not go out searching for their son or doing anything to add to this circus scene. It takes away fro LE resources as the house mob is.

MOO I do not agree that "Certainly LE would have charged them by now if they had an iota of proof that they did anything against the law."

In fact, I lean heavily toward the opposite. MOO leaving them be could be two-fold (and this is speculation):

1) Wait it out and see if any party breaks and attempts to make communication; and/or
2) They are continuing to gather evidence brick by brick, piece by piece, to ascertain if the parents knew of Gabby's death prior 9/14.

Because IMOO, if they did know prior to 9/14, the fact that the indictment was not handed down and the warrant not issued until 9/22/2021 is irrelevant to any criminal charges. It would not exonerate them IMOO. Could be wrong, but IMO people don't get away scot free with criminal conduct solely because an indictment has not been handed down yet if they did, in fact, engage in that conduct.
Docket for United States v. Laundrie, 0:21-cr-00113 -

You have to remember they get one shot at this. If defense counsel could fashion an argument that they did not know and the government is not ready, this could present double jeopardy issues. MOO. Also, by waiting, the clock (for trial, not statute of limitations) does not begin to run. And, since their conduct (if any) is inherently tied to BL and BL has NOT been indicted yet (or has been and it is under seal) they need to wait (MOO) for this to all come together. I do wish they could have hauled them in and rolled them. They may have gotten BL's location. But I believe (based on the above) that they have a very good reason for sitting tight. MOO. JMO. Not fact.
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Actually, I am seeing there was a possible sighting in Newnan as well (which is the city to the west of Peachtree City.
Fascinating! I've always thought Atlanta and suburbs would be an easier place to "get lost" in a crowd than the Appalachian Trail. Easier to find food, a place to sleep, maybe an odd job to make money. And BL could just drift onto a college campus and nobody would notice him. I think that might be a good lead actually.
This has probably been discussed in one of the earlier threads that were so hard to keep up with, but I’m interested in why people think he committed suicide?
In MOO, the abandoned vehicle with a note to tow or whatever, in a swamp area where known gators are is such an IMO obvious ploy to buy time and possibly convince people that he’s dead.
Also from my personal experiences, narcissists (which I believe BL to be in a major way IMO), think they can fool people easily because they are smooth talkers who overinflate their own intelligence.
The thing that made it even more unconvincing to me was the interview with the swamp expert and the lack of vultures. Brian Laundrie could never survive in Florida swamp: expert
IMO he is either on the AT or holed up in a rented/abandoned cabin or something until the news dies down. I strongly believe the swamp thing is a decoy MOO. I could be proven wrong.
The news might die down but the warrant for BL’s arrest will not go away. It will be there until he is caught. He can’t hide forever, and I hope when he gets caught, his parents are forced to pay for the massive hunt for him. I also hope they face charges. I wholeheartedly believe they are guilty in aiding him somehow.
This has probably been discussed in one of the earlier threads that were so hard to keep up with, but I’m interested in why people think he committed suicide?
In MOO, the abandoned vehicle with a note to tow or whatever, in a swamp area where known gators are is such an IMO obvious ploy to buy time and possibly convince people that he’s dead.
Also from my personal experiences, narcissists (which I believe BL to be in a major way IMO), think they can fool people easily because they are smooth talkers who overinflate their own intelligence.
The thing that made it even more unconvincing to me was the interview with the swamp expert and the lack of vultures. Brian Laundrie could never survive in Florida swamp: expert
IMO he is either on the AT or holed up in a rented/abandoned cabin or something until the news dies down. I strongly believe the swamp thing is a decoy MOO. I could be proven wrong.
I’m with you except for the vultures. He’s only been gone 20 days. Even if he killed himself on day 1, vultures may not have noticed. And in that amount of time, the gators, bugs & other creatures would have entered the picture, imo. According to the body farm researchers:
vultures can take much longer---37 days instead of 24 hours---to find a body… vultures can also pick clean, or skeletonize, a body much faster than we'd thought: it took just 5 hours instead of the expected 24.”
How Vultures Eat Human Bodies

South FL has a serious vulture prob in Everglades. Guessing similar in Carlton Reserve, but idk.
Vultures & Visitors - Everglades National Park (U.S. National Park Service)
Though I agree with you about the strong possibility of a capture, it may not be soon.

"L" is on the run with no car, money or support system in conjunction with his name, face and circumstances of the crime he is suspected of all over the news.

For most people, this would lead to relatively rapid captures. "L", however, has a previous lifestyle that facilitates an ability to "submerge" into the homeless or semi homeless world more easily.

This is a world where the news is not watched regularly, questions about background may not be asked, a good number of people could be escaping from something, and aversions to ID, use of multiple names or nicknames etc. fairly common.

But..... I think it is important to also factor in that this world is also a tough world and "L" is going to be facing a temptation to "re-surface" into the regular world sooner or later. The more he re-surfaces, the better chance of him getting identified.

I just hope that he does not "re-surface" with an identity stolen from somebody in the homeless world.
Here are a couple factors that I think will strongly contribute to his capture. First, I don't think he is in a rational state of mind; he's scrambling and may be confused and disoriented. I think he is.

Second, the "Dog" factor. Many chortle and write him off as media fluff. He's not. He is a skilled bounty hunter, and even more important, has lots and lots of followers who are now joining in this manhunt.

I wouldn't want to be BL. I hope this ends better than I speculate it might.
Right about now would be a very good time for his parents to communicate a plea for him to turn himself in. Of course, that is way overdue.

I am praying that more innocent people aren't hurt when BL is cornered, and captured. This is a dangerous situation, IMO.

Amateur opinion and speculation
I checked flight radar, doesn't look like anyone is searching. Brian Entin's twitter is quiet, JB's is quiet. I'm starting to feel as though he will never be found - alive or deceased. I really want #justiceforgabby.

This was the only "new" information I could find, but it isn't even much:
I'm sure the search is continuing and things are happening in places we haven't even heard about yet. Don't despair if there are some quiet times. The FBI is out there following leads and the wheels of justice are turning for BL.
If BL is on the AT, should he be heading toward warmer regions (like SoCal or Mexico)? I imagine it'll be pretty cold at night in the mountains within a few weeks. I'm thinking he doesn't have cold weather gear as it would require a large pack and would slow him down (MOO - I don't know much about hiking).
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