GUILTY WY - Jesse Speer for kidnap, rape of 10yo girl, Cody, 8 Oct 2012

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Maybe they will luck out and get some DNA, if he is in the system ... Poor little sweetheart.
Fourteen miles from the library, so close!

My first thought with the mention of South Fork Road was GRIZZLY BEARS AND WOLVES. You couldn't PAY me enough to camp in that area because there are so many grizzly bears. I shutter think what could have happened to her tonight.
3 hours! This monster knew he was going to beat and rape her.
Did it quickly, right after he kidnapped her. What a scum. True prediter and it makes me think she is not his first victim!!
Here is a 210 mile radius of Cody, WY...he has to be in here somewhere...but where?

Yes, and he's limited on his drive options. There aren't that many ways out of Cody. The cops should have set up road blocks on all roads out. If he took her 14 miles west of Cody to drop her (probably the location where he harmed her) There's limited ways back into Cody and there's no where else for him to go. He had to go back through Cody to get out of there. I can't believe they wouldn't have found him. I'm confident that this perp will be found tonight or tomorrow. Best chance to find him is while he's still in WY - limited population and every town is fairly well isolated.
How is it that we got such a good description of the perp and even down to hearing what enticed this poor baby into the vehicle.... If it was another child, I can see it, but that description given, if from a accurate?
On the other hand, if this description that was given, came from an adult.... WTH? WHY didn't that adult that overheard, didn't step in an possibly prevent this from happening?
Things like this really bother me....
A thought - libraries are a good place for transients to use the bathroom, check email, etc. I wonder if this perp entered the library at any time today. LE should review any security camera footage for the entire day.
Definitely! She's only 6 right now, and is rarely ever out of my sight. Hopefully telling her again and again will keep it in her head though.

Your concern shows you are a good mom! Raising children is tough....but you will do fine.
A thought - libraries are a good place for transients to use the bathroom, check email, etc. I wonder if this perp entered the library at any time today. LE should review any security camera footage for the entire day.
Not living with security cameras so much here where I live, I forget this option. Of course, the security camera could've caught description of the perp...but how does it explain how it was known the perp enticed this baby? Reading lips?
OT - I understand your frustration Cherie... but, it is not always a male. Sandra Cantu was taken by a female. There is evil in this world and it knows no gender. Gone are the days when we could think women were all pinkness and light :( Nowadays, they often help their boyfriends and it appears (I have no statistics) that they are more and more working on their own. :banghead: It is just evil at work.


Thanks for replying Salem. I guess I forgot about the female who coerced Sandra Cantu. I am sick about the evil in our world. I wish children could be safe. Today people really have to keep their radar on.
Libraries are not the safe haven for unattended children some think they are. We had a 5 yo boy raped in the children's section of the library in our state. :(

You can google for multiple similar cases in the US.
I had assumed Yellowstone National Park's east entrance (from Cody) was already closed with snow but I can't find anything indicating that, which leaves me to believe that it is open. It closes at 9pm from what I read on the NPS website. In other words, the perp left her and continued on into Yellowstone National Park. From there he could head to Jackson, WY and over to Idaho, or, more likely, to West Yellowstone, MT or Gardner, MT and up to I-90 to head west for ID & WA or east for Billings, MT.
This girl was extremely fortunate to have been found by hunters in the wilderness there. How that happened I have no clue. She had to be abandon there and left to the elements. An extremely cruel thing to do to someone on top of everything else. I hope he meets the fate a rabid wild animal might meet.

Great job outdoors men, you saved a life today.
My first thought with the mention of South Fork Road was GRIZZLY BEARS AND WOLVES. You couldn't PAY me enough to camp in that area because there are so many grizzly bears. I shutter think what could have happened to her tonight.
I hate to think it but I'm afraid the animals were part of his plan.
Really a sick freak.
My first thought with the mention of South Fork Road was GRIZZLY BEARS AND WOLVES. You couldn't PAY me enough to camp in that area because there are so many grizzly bears. I shutter think what could have happened to her tonight.

OMG he could have left her there on purpose hoping that she would be attacked by a grizzly, how much evidence would a grizzly leave?
Sorry, just musing here. But a perv would know the schools & libraries were closed, so why would one look for a victim there? Could he have been stalking her? I dunno. I just hope he does get a heavy spoonful of Wyoming justice.
Sorry, just musing here. But a perv would know the schools & libraries were closed, so why would one look for a victim there? Could he have been stalking her? I dunno. I just hope he does get a heavy spoonful of Wyoming justice.

It would sound more like an opportunistic crime -- driving past the library while she was dropping off books, maybe?
Sorry, just musing here. But a perv would know the schools & libraries were closed, so why would one look for a victim there? Could he have been stalking her? I dunno. I just hope he does get a heavy spoonful of Wyoming justice.

Pretty sure it was posted earlier that there is an ice rink next to the library, that had lots of activity today. So maybe she was at the rink and walked out of the rink by the library.

Page 2, post #43, sorry don't know how to bring that info to this post. But there was an open skate session today.

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