GUILTY Yoselyn Ortega charged with 2 counts ea-1st and 2nd Degree Murder of Krim Children

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It's a nice yarn you spin, but unfortunately the facts don't exactly support it. Don't you think that what she's done is bad enough without having to villify her even more? MOO

The facts in publications permitted on this Board DO support that she left her son to be raised by one sister, lived with another sister, ran up debt, and went to her brother to have her son's private school tuition paid.

We can discuss and postulate on them on this Board. Since they were reported in reputable media, it is up to you, if you can prove they are post links to other articles that disprove them. I certainly am willing to consider anything that you can post to that end. In fact, I look forward to that information...if you have it.

As far as "villifying her even more" post suggested she never accepted much responsibility and her family enabled her. Lots of good people have problems accepting responsibility. Once someone slits the throats of two defenseless children who probably LOVED her, there isn't anything to write that can "vilify" her more than THAT.
The facts in publications permitted on this Board DO support that she left her son to be raised by one sister, lived with another sister, ran up debt, and went to her brother to have her son's private school tuition paid.
Okay. Could you please give me a link showing that she left her son to move in with her sister in New York because she loved it, and came to have her sister care for her while her family back home took care of her son? Maybe one that shows that they told her the gravy train had ended too? I have to say that if I had asked my employer for a raise and was told that if I wanted more money I could clean the rest rooms, I'd probably be a bit irate too. What I remember reading is that she is a Naturalized US citizen, which means she's been living here for many years. I also read that she had rented a home and spent a lot of money on it, then he decided to come back to the US and she was stuck with nowhere to live, and that's why she moved in with her sister.

It's been quite a while since those things were written, but I'll see if any of them are still out there so I can provide links Please do the same with your info. TIA
and I have no proof that YO left her son, or that he went to private school. In my opinion, it is villifying someone, to write incorrect facts about schooling or living conditions.

I do not trust anything written in the Daily Mail, or the NY Post, or Radar, or the Daily News.

My opinion only.
The newspaper also reported that the Krims offered extra hours to Ortega, a native of the Dominican Republican who has been a U.S. citizen for 10 years. They also referred her to another family for a baby-sitting job on the side, though that family turned her down because they found her "a little too grumpy," a law-enforcement source told the Post.

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A native of the Dominican Republic, Ortega had been a naturalized U.S. citizen for 10 years.
Friends had introduced the family to Ortega, and she had worked for them since Leo's birth two years ago, police said.
She lives at another address on Manhattan's West Side with her son, her sister and her niece, Kelly said.

Besides her mental health woes, in recent months, Ortega had been kicked out of a Bronx apartment she'd been renting from an acquaintance when said acquaintance returned from the Dominican Republic. Ortega was then forced to move with her 17-year-old son into her sister and niece's apartment in a tenement building in Hamilton Heights. The super for the Hamilton Heights building told the New York Times that Ortega was especially sad about having to leave the Bronx apartment because she'd sunk a lot of money into maintaining it.

Okay, this is what I've found so far. The first 2 are almost the same information, but one is from a right leaning news source and the other from a left leaning one. I included both to show that it's one thing that seems to be agreed on by all sources discussing it.

Ortega’s relationship with Marina Krim, her husband David, a CNBC executive, and their children seemed flawless. They treated Ortega as though she were part of their family, and traveled to the Dominican Republic to meet her family before they hired her. Several other times, they escorted her there when she visited her son, who was living with one of Ortega’s sisters at the time.
Roughly eight months ago, Ortega decided to bring J<modsnip> to New York to live with her in her new apartment in the Bronx.
&#8220;She thought he would do better here,&#8221; a source explained.
Like the many affluent mothers on the Upper West Side she saw every day, Ortega enrolled her son in a private school in the Bronx.
While a brother agreed to pay for the initial year&#8217;s tuition, he said that Ortega would be responsible for the ensuing tuition bills."

Looks like she moved to NYC 10 years ago...leaving a 7 year old to be raised by her sister

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and I have no proof that YO left her son, or that he went to private school. In my opinion, it is villifying someone, to write incorrect facts about schooling or living conditions.

I do not trust anything written in the Daily Mail, or the NY Post, or Radar, or the Daily News.

My opinion only.

Absolutely your right to choose your sources. Manypeople don't believe anything written in the NYT. They were so in the tank for the later DISBARRED corrupt prosecutor in the Duke Lacrosse case that even their public editor was embarrassed later.

But it sure would be hard to run a Board like Websleuths if every newspaper some,body here distrusted was not allowed. Where would we get any information?

Just saying...

Looks like she moved to NYC 10 years ago...leaving a 7 year old to be raised by her sister

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Many people have to leave their children with other family members, sometimes for their entire lives, so I don't really see that as anything evil about her. She did try to give him a good life, even if it didn't work out the way she planned. I don't think the bad part was her sister caring for her son those years, but more that she doesn't seem to accept her "station in life." I doubt that most single mothers who work caring for other people's children would ever expect to be able to send their own children to the same schools as the children of their employers. It's great to dream, but she should have kept one foot on the ground when her head was in the clouds. MOO

Basically a repeat of the same information.

There is nothing "evil" of course with leaving your child with family. But that little boy was HER responsibility to love, guide, and care for. If she came here ten years ago, he was ten years without his Mother. My point intially was that YO wanted to go to she went. Her sister took on the responsibility for that child...maybe for TEN years...that is major. It does not make her evil. But it means she put HERSELF, her desire to move thousands pf miles away...ABOVE her responsibilities to HER child. She CHOSE herself.

Another sister gave her room and board. Her brother paid her sons tuition. OTHER PEOPLE kept taking responsibility for her in so many ways. It is not "evil" to get used to being indulged that way...that somebody else will take are of your problems, indulge your priorities. That begets a feeling of "entitlement." But it is not real life. Maube her family was tiring of her too. The brother had set a limit on his financing the private school.

I think it is not too far a leap to think she expected her "second family", the Krims, to bail her out too...but NOT with work. THAT idea supposedly infuriated her.
Ortega&#8217;s relationship with Marina Krim, her husband David, a CNBC executive, and their children seemed flawless. They treated Ortega as though she were part of their family, and traveled to the Dominican Republic to meet her family before they hired her. Several other times, they escorted her there when she visited her son, who was living with one of Ortega&#8217;s sisters at the time.

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According to Marina's own journal, Josie had already been hired when the family took a nine day vacation to the Dominican Republic, spending approximately half their vacation time there with Josie's family. The other half of the time they spent at a luxury hotel/resort.

There was no indication in the journal entries I saw that the Krims escorted Josie several other times to visit her son in the DR. That's preposterous, IMO.

ETA: In reading back, I just noticed that this reporter actually called KEVIN Krim, David? My gosh! How accurate is the rest of his reporting? This dnainfo reporter until a couple of years ago, worked for 17 years as a reporter for the NYPost. Before that he reported for the NY Daily News. Just a FYI.
The newspaper also reported that the Krims offered extra hours to Ortega, a native of the Dominican Republican who has been a U.S. citizen for 10 years. They also referred her to another family for a baby-sitting job on the side, though that family turned her down because they found her "a little too grumpy," a law-enforcement source told the Post.

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A native of the Dominican Republic, Ortega had been a naturalized U.S. citizen for 10 years.
Friends had introduced the family to Ortega, and she had worked for them since Leo's birth two years ago, police said.
She lives at another address on Manhattan's West Side with her son, her sister and her niece, Kelly said.

Besides her mental health woes, in recent months, Ortega had been kicked out of a Bronx apartment she'd been renting from an acquaintance when said acquaintance returned from the Dominican Republic. Ortega was then forced to move with her 17-year-old son into her sister and niece's apartment in a tenement building in Hamilton Heights. The super for the Hamilton Heights building told the New York Times that Ortega was especially sad about having to leave the Bronx apartment because she'd sunk a lot of money into maintaining it.

Okay, this is what I've found so far. The first 2 are almost the same information, but one is from a right leaning news source and the other from a left leaning one. I included both to show that it's one thing that seems to be agreed on by all sources discussing it.

Thanks for these quotes. So YO's sister and niece, who had been helping her, are living in a "tenement"...her brother is paying for her son to go to private school...and YO, who works part time, "sunk a lot of money" into an apartment for HERSELF and her son. Money on credit...or she would not have been in debt after the sublet ended.

I think she was trying to be something or someone...that she was not.
I am so confused that people are saying it's ok to leave their child to be raised by someone else? I would never leave my kids to be raised by someone else if I was totally capable of doing it myself?
I agree with the other posters in this regard.

If indeed the son was in private school, why was he if she could not afford it.
I have said it before but if I had a 17 y/o son and I was struggling I would have sent him off to work,even to McDonalds. No way I could accept a handout from someone to pay MY sons tuition for a year.

Getting upset about cleaning toilets? Wow....A decent,caring mother would do anything. ANYTHING to make some extra money if things were so tight.
Clean at night,deliver pizza's, it does not matter.

The only way to get ahead is to WORK HARD. I hate these people who just expect to be given everything.

I don't think any of these comments are vilifying the nanny further. She deserves every second of her remaining life to be miserable. This selfish murderer has bought all of this onto herself. She has no one to blame but herself.

Basically a repeat of the same information.

There is nothing "evil" of course with leaving your child with family. But that little boy was HER responsibility to love, guide, and care for. If she came here ten years ago, he was ten years without his Mother. My point intially was that YO wanted to go to she went. Her sister took on the responsibility for that child...maybe for TEN years...that is major. It does not make her evil. But it means she put HERSELF, her desire to move thousands pf miles away...ABOVE her responsibilities to HER child. She CHOSE herself.

Another sister gave her room and board. Her brother paid her sons tuition. OTHER PEOPLE kept taking responsibility for her in so many ways. It is not "evil" to get used to being indulged that way...that somebody else will take are of your problems, indulge your priorities. That begets a feeling of "entitlement." But it is not real life. Maube her family was tiring of her too. The brother had set a limit on his financing the private school.

I think it is not too far a leap to think she expected her "second family", the Krims, to bail her out too...but NOT with work. THAT idea supposedly infuriated her.

:goodpost: :goodpost:
I am not worried about vilifying the nanny, however many of these comments come from people who really have no incite into the situation. I am not specifically quoting anyone because I do not want them to feel singled out.

But let's be realistic, she comes from a third world country. People that do come over to the US do get help from brother's, sister's, mother's and may not make the best decisions financially. Many when they do get a job send money back to Mexico, DR/wherever, to help family back home.

Regardless, none of this even really matters. Whether she went to mass, her son went to private school, or she makes bad credit decisions. What matters is what she did on 10-25-2012.
I happen to know several people who are raising the children of other family members, and several others who WERE raised by relatives other than their parents. I would hope the people around them aren't judgmental about them. Sometimes things happen, and a good family will be there to offer support and whatever help they can. Granted, in most cases it was grandparents helping out, but I do have a couple of friends (mother and daughter) who are helping to raise the children of the son/brother and his wife.

I have also met many people from other countries who came here to start a new life, with plans to send for the rest of the family when there was an income, home, etc. waiting for them. I think the biggest problem there is that most of us (especially in the US) have never had to live with the circumstances that other nations/immigrants do. I hear people complain that "those people" come here and live off our welfare system, but they're lousy parents if they actually leave the children with trusted family/friends until they can take care of them without that help. I know that's not exactly what people here are saying, I understand that it's mainly do to the horrendous thing this woman did, but there are a lot of people out there who I have no doubt say those things on a regular basis (I know people do at least off and on.)

ETA: What manzana said!
At one time, YO was an accountant, correct? Or did she just work for an accounting firm in some capacity? She may have had aspirations of providing for herself and her son. I'm curious to know what happened with that job.
At one time, YO was an accountant, correct? Or did she just work for an accounting firm in some capacity? She may have had aspirations of providing for herself and her son. I'm curious to know what happened with that job.

I don't think they ever really said what her job was there, but I may have missed it. I've been trying not to make any judgments about her until they give more facts, but it's hard. The only things I'm sure of from what I've read so far are that she deserves to spend a very long time in prison, or a hospital for the criminally insane until she can go to prison, and she should never be near another child. MOO
Okay. Could you please give me a link showing that she left her son to move in with her sister in New York because she loved it, and came to have her sister care for her while her family back home took care of her son? Maybe one that shows that they told her the gravy train had ended too? I have to say that if I had asked my employer for a raise and was told that if I wanted more money I could clean the rest rooms, I'd probably be a bit irate too. What I remember reading is that she is a Naturalized US citizen, which means she's been living here for many years. I also read that she had rented a home and spent a lot of money on it, then he decided to come back to the US and she was stuck with nowhere to live, and that's why she moved in with her sister.

It's been quite a while since those things were written, but I'll see if any of them are still out there so I can provide links Please do the same with your info. TIA

It is not in one link. but stmarysmead did not make it up at all.
One article said her son was living with her sister and last May she decided to bring him here, and he went to privet school.
Another article said she lived with her sister in Harlem.
And another one said she moved in to a Bronx apartment and the people went to DR but came back
and wanted their apartment back.

YES it looks to me like her son lived with one sister in DR and she lived with another sister in Harlem. It does not look like she was a self reliant person for much of her life.
It is not unusual that the baby of the family is treated like the baby till they are grandparents themselves.
and I have no proof that YO left her son, or that he went to private school. In my opinion, it is villifying someone, to write incorrect facts about schooling or living conditions.

I do not trust anything written in the Daily Mail, or the NY Post, or Radar, or the Daily News.

My opinion only.

The papers say her son was in privet school that does not vilify anyone.
I realize the papers are all saying whatever they come up with in addition to what they actually gather. But that is not vilifying IMHO

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