You Know You're Addicted to the Case When:

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
You know you're obsessed when you're so very happy that you're sick and feeling terrible, now you can stay home from work and read WS all day instead.
I have spent so much time reading and trying to keep up to date, I have not had "time" to register and post. Now I am actually going to try and participate with this great site and all the great people on it!
1) You lose power because of a hurricane, and immediately upon getting the generator fired up, you log onto websleuths to beg people to PM you to keep you updated.

2) Your kids say, "What's for dinner?" and you point toward the Honeycombs cereal box.

3) You grab a quick shower, but shaving your legs is too can do that later.

OK...list yours. :)

That made me smile. :crazy:
I have spent so much time reading and trying to keep up to date, I have not had "time" to register and post. Now I am actually going to try and participate with this great site and all the great people on it!

Congratulations Susan, you are now an honorary addicted member. I have been here (before Tricia took over) since 1998.
I posted so much on the van Dam case, one member shared that when she got up in the morning her husband said, "so what did Ned have to say today on the forum" LOL now that's addicted.
I have spent so much time reading and trying to keep up to date, I have not had "time" to register and post. Now I am actually going to try and participate with this great site and all the great people on it!

Welcome. :)
1) When you can remember the 8 digit password (too much time to change it) websleuths gave you but you have forgotten your bank account #.
2) When your nightly drink has changed from beer/wine to coffee so you can stay up later and read websleuths without the words being blurry. (Alcoholism solved)!
3) When you are sending links to your friends trying to get them addicted to websleuths so you can talk to them about the case.
4) When your kids don't have to get ready for bed because they are still wearing their pj's.
5) When you go camping and keep updated using a pda.
6) When you start calling your kids by their initials instead of their names.
7) When your house starts looking like it does when you leave your huband alone with the kids for the weekend... all the time.

I could think of a bunch more but I have to go check the other threads!!!:bang:

ROTFLMAO that was fricken funny :woohoo:
Oh my gosh, I'm rolling here lol!

Here are a few:

1. WESH and Myfoxorlando have a special place in your heart even if you've never been to Orlando.

2. You want to visit Orlando NOT for Disney World but to get a chance to watch the Anthony parade in person.

3. You have a new appreciation for shiny silky shirts since nightly viewing NG.

4. You attempt the "GRETA SNARL" at your kids in an effort to get them to tell you the truth when they fib about sneaking the ice cream . . . and it works!

5. You've never in your life cared/known much about bail bond terms, etc., but you could now write a 15 page dissertation citing JUST internet sources.

LOL and you realize Black Cowboy hats are really back in style and you go out and purchase yourself one.
...When you can list the event schedule at Fusian for the entire month of June, as I just did in one post. ("no, that wasn't the Hot Body Contest - it was the White Party.")
also, when you find yourself in the car driving and thinking several times a day, "chloroform??" and shaking your head.
Now that the searches are over, I don't know what to do with myself other than catch up on housework and laundry (ugh!). While I was searching, I had someplace to channel my emotions. Now I feel so edgy and emotional. I feel like I need a really good cry.

How can the family be so stone faced and seemingly unemotional? :cry:
You know you are addicted when you are in such a hurry in the shower that you grab the bottle of liquid soap instead of the one with shampoo your hair with liquid soap:bang:
You know you're addicted when you spend COUNTLESS hours staring at satellite maps of the Orlando and hoping a street name or clue will pop out at you, wishing you had access to live satellite maps so you could see current ground conditions.
I grabbed the conditioner twice the other day and then wondered why my hair was such a greasy mess. :)

You know you are addicted when you are in such a hurry in the shower that you grab the bottle of liquid soap instead of the one with shampoo your hair with liquid soap:bang:
You know you're obsessed when you and your DH stop at Pizza Hut on the way home from visiting your grandchild and over pizza the two of you discuss not the grandchild's doings, but the credit card and other financial fraud committed by Casey Anthony!
When you check the forum at LEAST ten times a day and still tell yourself that you are not addicted. Does anyone feel that an intervention is needed? Not me!!
you know that you are over the edge addicted when it interferes with your daily life and you are neglecting family members and your housework, exercizing and eating right.

You know you are over the edge addicted when you let negative posters get under your skin.

~~someone please hug the nurse cause I am fried~~
you know that you are over the edge addicted when it interferes with your daily life and you are neglecting family members and your housework, exercizing and eating right.

You know you are over the edge addicted when you let negative posters get under your skin.

~~someone please hug the nurse cause I am fried~~
:blowkiss: HUG!

There! Better?
You know you addicted when you refuse to eat pizza. And you send your poor hubby out to buy Popeyes instead. Also when he asks you if you want Burger King or some other sort of carry out. Poor guy has lost so much weight, but he's hanging in there.

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