You Know You're Addicted to the Case When:

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
When your husband states "You have 2 live 3-year-olds to take care of!" when you watch NG or sleuth WS!
You know you are addicted when you sit up til 3 and beyond looking at an inactive webcam. Then look forward to waking up at 6:45 to get your child ready for school so you can check for "updates". "pathetic"
When you find yourself thinking and saying these things:

1) I wish I never got this family used to eating every day. Now they expect it.
2) No, honey, your shirt isn't wrinkled, that's the style.
3) Sooner or later, I'm gonna have to get a porta potty next to the computer.
4) I can't wait for NG tonight
5) I wonder of the grocery store delivers?
6) Wearing clothes twice won't hurt you. Just alternate days so nobody knows
You know you're obsessed when:

1.) You use the mortgage or rent money to by a laptop so you can check the message boards for new info no matter where you are.

2.) You forget to eat because you get too absorbed in the latest developments.

3.) You forget to let your dog out and don't realize it until you step in something you'd rather not.

4.) You move half-way across the country so you can live near Orlando and get all the local news about the case.

You know you are addicted when you sit up til 3 and beyond looking at an inactive webcam. Then look forward to waking up at 6:45 to get your child ready for school so you can check for "updates". "pathetic"

Yikes! Have you been watching me? Now, where's that camera hiding...
You know your addicted when:
*You know more about what is going on in Orlando news than you know about your own town!
*Your two year old says, "Look Mommy! Its Caylee!" When she sees her picture on your computer or news.
*Your husband says, "So what's going on in the case? Which person did the A's wave the hammer at today?"
*You sit and watch a webcam that hasn't changed in hours!
*You have tons of files on your computer that are named Caylee Anthony.
*You have all of the Orlando websites, OCSD website, and websleuth pages bookmarked on your computer.
*You have 5 windows opened and they are ALL related to this case!
*You are listening to the Orlando news or recently released audio and reading the threads so you won't be behind!
*You have made NUMEROUS youtube videos of this precious little girl :(
*Your friends and family think something is wrong with you because you are on the computer all the time.
*You haven't slept that well since you heard the name Caylee Anthony.
*You stopped watching and taping your favorite soap opera because you'd rather be on WS or watching Nancy Grace! (Days of Our Lives btw,.... anyone watching it? WTH is happening on it lol)
*you try to make since of how 2 dead squirrels could climb into a motor of a car....:confused:
*You laughed (out loud, with hubby shaking head) at the past 25 pages of posts, and can relate to 99.8% of them (the 0.2% is because I only have dogs, no cats...and I'm not currently nursing anyone).

*You ALWAYS have at least 4 tabs open: WS, webcam, school website, (4th tab is for whatever I happen to be researching at the moment :rolleyes:). This way, when hubby walks in, click on "school" and look productive...

*12 months on the dean's list may be in SERIOUS jeopardy.

You want Christmas to be over with, so it is time for the trial.
You know you're obsessed when:

1. You're betting with other posters on which shiny shirt NG will be wearing on her show that night.

2. You're planning on what shiny shirt & jewelry you'll be wearing for the show that night.

3. You sulk because your irate hairdresser (who clearly doesn't understand your obsession) insists you cease surfing for updates on the internet via your cell phone while they're trying to cut your hair.

You made me LOL. The other night, I put on a shirt I reserve only for the holiday season. It's a little shimery. I thought, "Hmmmm ... Is this too Nancy Grace?"
You know your addicted when: You photoshop a Squirrel as a COMPUTER HACKER!!
We have some new members that probably never saw this thread, so I figured a bump was in order. Highly recommended reading for a bit of lightness on a slow news day. :biglaugh:
This is an awesome thread!!!

LOLLLLLLLLLLL at the computer hacking squirrel!!

Here are my "You know you are addicted when".....

1-You hold your pee waaaaaaaaay too long and wonder if that crazy NASA lady that drove to Orlando (ding ding ding) was on to something wearing that space diaper.

2 - You have to hold back from asking any stranger you come into contact with if they are keeping up with the case.

3 - You consider taking the kids to Disney World but will definitely take a 1-2 day tour of the "sites".....Hopespring Dr., Sutton Apts, Sawgrass, Amscott. "Look kids! There's the church from CocoaMom's Theory!"
you pretend to be asleep so your husband will go ahead and nod off, when you hear the nice even breathing, you gently get out of the bed, and shuffle quietly off to the computer room. because you cant stand to see that look of disgust on his face that says, isnt allday everyday enough ? ( I have started making a true effort to shower and brush me teeth before he arrives home)
~ you give 'the look' to people who actully come into your office and ask you something that directly pertains to work...hence the name - ishouldbworking.

my boss is very familiar with my obsession and starts all dialog when entering my office with - any updates on the case? then proceeds to ask me whatever he came in for.

wtf ~ email doesnt work anymore buddy???
You know your addicted when you log on before Karate Dad has opened the discussion to see what great pic he has got for you today. LOL

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