You Know You're Addicted to the Case When:

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
You know you're addicted to the case when:

Your DH thinks youre having an online affair!

You brake for a squirrel in the road because you don't want it in your engine

You call your grand daughter "Caylee"

You suddenly have high blood pressure and doubled bladder capacity

Your wall is re-papered with post-it-notes of various colors

Your cat follows you into the bathroom because its the only time it sees you now,same with DH
When it's 3:45 in the afternoon and you're still sitting in front of the computer in your PJs and house slippers.

What? We are supposed to take the PJs and house slippers off. I just drove to pick up DH from work in mine.
When after reading a few of the posts on this thread, investing in a microscope and attending funerals sounds like a good idea.

I am so sorry I planted that seed. I just wanted to see a death band for my self. My DD lives right around the corner from a funeral home and wouldn't go in there for me. But I keep trying.
my sister is very much alive. just trying to prove a point. just wanted to see if it was possible for a band to appear without being dead. it's really sad i know. i plan my life around this case. my best friend is actually jealous of kc, she says she never gets to see me anymore
* the thought of not having internet access & missing some important tidbit causes you to buy a new laptop

* new laptop must be ready for ANY kind of connection, i.e., wired and wireless LAN adapters, modem, and Sprint aircard with data plan. Ya never know where you'll be & surely one of these devices will get ya connected!

* you use your laptop in the car to read @ WS (when someone else is driving of course)

* you upgraded internet access @ home to fastest the ISP offers because ya don't wanna wait all day on the videos!

* you upgraded the audio adapter on your laptop & bought headphones to be sure you caught every single sound in 'the jailhouse visits'

Will you share how you updated the audio adapter? The sound on my laptop sucks! (I'll figure out a reason to convince the IT guys why I need it after I figure out how to do it, they like me :))
Will you share how you updated the audio adapter? The sound on my laptop sucks! (I'll figure out a reason to convince the IT guys why I need it after I figure out how to do it, they like me :))

You can get a new audio card that fits in a spare slot on your lappie. Most newer ones have ExpressCard/32 or ExpressCard/54 slots, and older ones have PCMCIA-type slots.

HTH, Lisa!

ETA: there's also USB adapters if you don't have a spare slot
Being on a rather health-conscious kick, hubby asks for fried chix Monday night.
I feel badly for him so I agree.
He is served Burned/Blackened-on-the-bottom fried chix.

Tuesday, we try again.
Pink and bloody chix.

Tonight, compliments of Banquet Southern Fried Chicken 10 pieces to a Box....
Burned again.

Thank you, NG.
I am so sorry I planted that seed. I just wanted to see a death band for my self. My DD lives right around the corner from a funeral home and wouldn't go in there for me. But I keep trying.

The fact that a long-lost Aunt won't be with us much longer, any day is what they say....has not even entered my mind. Nope. I haven't given one single thought to any hair with a death band, Nopers, not me.:crazy:

*uncrosses fingers from behind back*
sadly when my mom was dying in August....I probably would have done this if I knew at the would have understood...she would have been right with me on this.....miss her alot...thankfully we didn't wait forever for her to rest......she earned it and got it....

Zoey, I am so very sorry!

I hope you don't think that my earlier post about my dying Aunt (who I haven't seen in 26 years) was in any way disrespectful to you or your Mom....because I would never, ever do that nor was it meant that way.
May sincerest apologies!

Stick foot in mouth, stir gently......that's me. :bang:

Your butt has overgrown the chair where you sit at your computer.

You keep refreshing WS all day while at work, and sometimes you say "f*&^ what if I'm not supposed to stream video.....I doing it" when there is breaking news

You have to explain to your college age daughter who is home for winter break that WS is your Facebook

You NEVER, and I mean NEVER cook at night. You eat fast food at your computer while watching JVM, NG, LKL, GR and whoever else might have a new tidbit. I.E., the main reason your butt has overgrown the chair you sit in.
You know you are addicted when:
1. Your house stinks
2. You stink
3. Your seventeen year old son is the best cook on the block(survival instinct)
4. I remember my laptop and forget my purse.
5. I blow off my boyfriend several times a week telling him I need to "do stuff"
When you find yourself getting a little misty-eyed when NG shows new pics of the twins because you feel like you "KNOW THEM". *sigh* They grow up so fast...
OMG..that cracked me up!!! I did that the other night and was going to have myself commited!! I'm okay now!!:):)
You keep refreshing WS all day while at work, and sometimes you say "f*&^ what if I'm not supposed to stream video.....I'm doing it" when there is breaking news

:eek: <raises hand> Guilty!

Ok I have done this recently - when I wake up before work and there is a brand new, 30 page thread that I *need* to read, I quick hit the button for the printable version, copy and paste the text into an email, and email myself at work. Then when people come by my desk I am VERY CAREFULLY and IMPATIENTLY reading my email for the first hour or so of work. Sweet!
The fact that a long-lost Aunt won't be with us much longer, any day is what they say....has not even entered my mind. Nope. I haven't given one single thought to any hair with a death band, Nopers, not me.:crazy:

*uncrosses fingers from behind back*

Now we see exactly what this case has done to us. We are wanting to pluck hair off of soon to be deceased relatives. Wanting to sneak into funeral homes to pluck hair. This is just weird. But, I really do want to see for myself.

Your butt has overgrown the chair where you sit at your computer.

You keep refreshing WS all day while at work, and sometimes you say "f*&^ what if I'm not supposed to stream video.....I doing it" when there is breaking news

You have to explain to your college age daughter who is home for winter break that WS is your Facebook

You NEVER, and I mean NEVER cook at night. You eat fast food at your computer while watching JVM, NG, LKL, GR and whoever else might have a new tidbit. I.E., the main reason your butt has overgrown the chair you sit in.

I solved the cooking issue. When I get up in the morning, I hurriedly put the coffee on and throw supper in the crock pot.
Then I never have to leave my chair all day. Whoever invented the crock pot was a genius.
Now we see exactly what this case has done to us. We are wanting to pluck hair off of soon to be deceased relatives. Wanting to sneak into funeral homes to pluck hair. This is just weird. But, I really do want to see for myself.

:laugh: omg that never occured to me- thanks for planting THAT idea in my head!
You know you're addicted when you:

1. Go crazy because you forgot to sync your thumb drive with all the new stuff that you've saved before you go to work.

2. You have to talk the IT guy into increasing your allotment of storage space in your personal folder on the network drive because of all the pics, docs and videos you're storing there. (Luckily he doesn't ask any questions)

3. You've still got an investigation to type up from last week but keep putting it off because you spend your time keeping up on WS.
You know you are addicted when you spew your madness about all that needs to be done over in the rant thread, then sit and continue to spew about other things when all that you spewed about just sits there! LOL did that make sense?:crazy:
:laugh: omg that never occured to me- thanks for planting THAT idea in my head!

See I'm the bad influence your Mamma warned you about.

And it is 12:30 am and I am tired but to addicted to this web site to go to bed.

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