Zahra Baker Search and Recovery Effort and Input

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Not sure if this is the correct thread to put this in. I just continue to be so heartbroken over this. Zahra was such a shining ray of light that is so easy for all of us to see. Why couldn't her own family see what a gift she was? She brought happiness where ever she went. How could anyone snuff out that radiance? Did she outshine EB so much that she had to destroy her? I just don't know. Bless all of the children who are still suffering as Zahra no longer has to suffer.

BBM: I don't think there's anything wrong with adding this to ANY of Zahra's threads.
If it helps, maybe try and include a thought or two on where you think she might be located on this thread as well.
a thought....has anyone looked into any crimes in OZ the time AB lived there and near to where he lived? I'm thinking if he disposed of Zahra, he would have to have some frame of reference to how or where to dispose of her. Maybe some OZ locals can check on that?
I admit that I am totally lost on this particular forum. Is there a thread for what is going on with the investigation currently? Or would that just be listed as a "breaking news" kind of thing if and when?

Usually the newslink thread is a good place to start each day. It is updated by devoted members daily. Sometimes if breaking news has to do with another specfic topic (such as the bio mom interview) it will show up as its own thread or within the thread it pertains to.

Overall, the news thread is where I like to start.

Hope that helps cluciano, I know, we are still trying to get organized in here (the forum is a newborn yet, still got some growing pains)!
Is it snowing there? It is here...flurries but ground is not frozen.

I would think that colder temps would help preserve evidence where they are searching. What do you guys think?
What others have you there a link for this because I know ALOT about this area and may be alot of help.
Froggin has mapped several routes if you back in this thread three or so pages (maybe two) I have an area of interst on Deal Mill, near the unnamed road that goes to the dam.

any other ideas you have are very welcome shay, as are you :)
I don't know, if evergreen trees grow in that area, i believe there called evergreen trees, they are tall, and look like Christmas trees, maybe there called pine trees, I am not sure.
the area south of cove mountain lane has a lot of dirt roads and looks as if it could be accessed without drawing attention day or night.
Are there any locals who have seen Mount Caramel Church on Christie Rd, near the intersection of Christie and Deal Mill Rd.? If so, can you tell us about that overlook area just before the graveyard?
I'll go back through and take a look shortly. I was thinking today that some of Elisas exes have family along the routes I was thinking...just thought maybe that she would take these other routes from experience. The other thing was I took my husband through there this evening as he grew up in this area around the same time as EB. He pointed out a very good spot ! There is an old landfill in the vicinity of Christie go off Pine Mountain Rd. I ended up there once by mistake. But there was a dragstrip in the area back in the day and I was asking him where the teens went and were some big "drug" areas might have been then....may not be the same know but you never know. He gave me some good suggestions as well. I will look on google map and see what I can do to pinpoint some of theses other areas tonight. Don't know what good it may do but I am interested in helping some way. Thanks for listening.
I'll go back through and take a look shortly. I was thinking today that some of Elisas exes have family along the routes I was thinking...just thought maybe that she would take these other routes from experience. The other thing was I took my husband through there this evening as he grew up in this area around the same time as EB. He pointed out a very good spot ! There is an old landfill in the vicinity of Christie go off Pine Mountain Rd. I ended up there once by mistake. But there was a dragstrip in the area back in the day and I was asking him where the teens went and were some big "drug" areas might have been then....may not be the same know but you never know. He gave me some good suggestions as well. I will look on google map and see what I can do to pinpoint some of theses other areas tonight. Don't know what good it may do but I am interested in helping some way. Thanks for listening.

thank you so much shay, this is exactly the sort of thing that is invaluable. As locals, you know what we are looking for way better than us.
I know where you are talking about exactly....but I don't know anything about the overlook such as why its there or who uses it, neither does my family..... looks almost like it is used for construction workers or someone to park vehicles, pretty large open spot on google but tonight ( in the dark) riding through i never noticed it so I wonder if it is now grown up a lot.
Ok this is the first time I have looked into all this sluething stuff so I am curious what do you guys do with the info when you get it ? Do you go look yourself? Or pass it on to an investigator or psychics? Or just to help with your personal theories?
Ok so I have been lurking in here just trying to read and be most quiet due to alot going on with my family but there are some things that I have been really thinking about. I think that in regards to the pics of the house it was amazing how much they actually took from that house and in my opinion taking those pipes did not mean anything good. I makes my stomach turn over just thinking about all the things that have been thought about including but not limited to the "we really didn't kill her" I hope I have that right. Sorry if not. And what AB did after the fact was horrifying. I think that there is a lot of things that will come out but my belief is that she was dismembered in the tub. That they washed their hands int he sinks. And they needed the plumbing in order to prove it.

Anyway, if they had left that poor little angel just laying in that bed it was probably in order to find the area or areas that they were going to ditch her. In thinking and looking at these maps and all of the areas that I have no idea where any of it is, but still and all if they put her in different places then in all by all means there is a good chance that we will never find her completely. The animals could have gotten to her and if they did put her in the water then the fish could eat everything but bones I guess. I just keep looking at the maps and different views and just hope against all hope that they can find her. Also, I really hope that everyone understand where I am going with this. I think that I may have went off on a tangent.

What I was trying to say is that when LE found the bone I figured that they were lucky. There is so many places that she could be. I am so sorry for this little girl. I also feel so sorry for LE that they have had to go through all this in the search for this baby. I also wanted to say that we all have done a unbelievable job sleuthing. And I really love being a part of this.

Keep it all up and sorry for the extremely long post.
Ok this is the first time I have looked into all this sluething stuff so I am curious what do you guys do with the info when you get it ? Do you go look yourself? Or pass it on to an investigator or psychics? Or just to help with your personal theories?

Welcome to WS's Shay, and thanks for your insight! In answer to your question - sometimes all of the above. It depends on the situation. We generally discuss it until we feel it is a good lead. We don't like to pass things onto LE (Law Enforcement) unless it is really, really, important. The last thing they need is a bunch of false leads to chase down. There are times, however, when the information seems important enough that contact is made. I would always run that past a moderator first, just because it seems like the right thing to do. Hope that helps!
I know where you are talking about exactly....but I don't know anything about the overlook such as why its there or who uses it, neither does my family..... looks almost like it is used for construction workers or someone to park vehicles, pretty large open spot on google but tonight ( in the dark) riding through i never noticed it so I wonder if it is now grown up a lot.

If you look at the google maps overhead shots, it appears that if you pull in straight off the road and go forward, there is a ravine of some sort. Off to the right is either brush or trees and a small body of water. To the right of that, perhaps downhill, is the graveyard, and to the right of that is the church.

From what you saw tonight, can you still drive into that overlook area? Or is it so overgrown that access with a vehicle would be difficult? I'm also wondering how difficult it would be to get to that body of water, either with a vehicle or on foot. Also, is that area lit at all, or is it really dark there at night? If you can help answer any of that, it would be most appreciated.
It was very dark tonight. I didnt even notice this pull off and I was looking for things such as this. But then again I may have missed it because I was trying to pay attention to the church name. But will be back that way tommorow.
YES!!! This is near one of the areas my husband and I was searching tonight. I noticed that body of the pic it looks very muddy and maybe drying up at that time. But I am still working on pinpointing our "ideas" !!
Shay, if you look to the bottom right of a post, you'll see a quote button. You just click on that to quote the person you are replying to, and then type your text as usual. Saves alot of confusion for others about who you might be answering. :)
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