ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #2

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Whatever the motives, I am all for any suit that forces Casey Anthony to show her face and talk :innocent:

Or if not talk, just to make her life a continuing miserable episode after another. Witch. :maddening:
I want TES to get Casey's bank/future earnings. While I feel for ZG, I don't think any dollar award is appropriate. This specific ZG was not identified as THE zanny. You can't win a court case because her life "could have been ruined." What are ZG's actual damages??

1. Re "nothing released to suggest Casey looked at apts separately," "or that she went to Sawgrass:"

True, we know of no evidence that she actually went apartment-hunting on her own. But per text messages and interviews released under discovery/Sunshine, Casey did make multiple statements to various people over a several-week period, that she was looking for an apartment and later on, looking for a house. Examples: She told Iassen D (not sure of the date) that she was looking for an apartment for her and Caylee. IIRC, June 16, 2008, she told Jesse G that she needed to find a place to live, as she was moving out of the A home.


Casey's friends formerly lived in Unit 218 at Sawgrass, and it is a documented fact that she had visited there multiple times. Casey seemed pretty familiar with the complex IMO; her initial statement to LE on 7/15/08 mentions having last seen her daughter alive at the bottom of the stairs leading up to #210. In interviews with LE that night and the next day, she demonstrates more than a passing familiarity with Sawgrass, such as knowing the location and description of the nearby maintenance shed and the entrance/layout of the complex.


It may be neither here nor there, but as we know, a classmate/acquaintance of Casey's, named KSR, was employed at Sawgrass.

From acandyrose.com:


Note: KSR was on the witness list, but was not called to testify at trial.


From her own mouth, and under oath at that, Casey places herself at Sawgrass on multiple occasions. Yes, I know June 16, 2008 phone pings may disagree, but Casey's original story (told a month later, July 15/16) was that she dropped Caylee off with Zanny at Sawgrass "between 9 and 1," where she had dropped her off on previous occasions as well. Then, after returning later in the day to find them gone, she claimed to have sat on the steps at Sawgrass to wait. She places herself there on multiple previous occasions, and twice on the day Caylee allegedly disappeared from there.

Amazingly, the real Zenaida Gonzalez happened to really show up at Sawgrass less than 24 hours after Caylee's mother would later claim she went missing from there. Zenaida's personal details were recorded on a visitor card and she was accompanied to the demo unit directly downstairs from #210. And there we have the "coincidence" of the century, folks: The real Zenaida Gonzalez is known to have appeared, not merely at Sawgrass Apartments, but at the precise spot Casey would later identify as the place where she handed off Caylee to the "nanny" Zenaida Gonzalez, never to see either again. What are the odds?


2. Re "there was no such person at Casey's school:"

Right, no Zenaida Gonzalez. But there was definitely a girl named Zenaida A----o in Casey's class (2003) at Colonial High School. And several Fernandezes and Gonzalezes.

Back in 2008, I saw and copied the 2003 and 2004 alumni lists on the CHS web site. They are saved on my PC, but I can't c/p here because the rich text formatting is all scrambled now, d/t a couple of hard-drive transfers since then. Unfortunately, a quick check at CHS's web site reveals that the alumni lists aren't there anymore, so I'm sorry not to be able to provide a link.

(P.S. In addition to a Zenaida, Casey's classmate list includes the names Jennifer, Rosa, Raquel, and Farrell (possible building blocks for names of the imaginary roommates of the imaginary nanny), as well as separate first/last names matching up with her imaginary "coworkers" and "bosses" at Universal used in the fake work emails, such as Cheryl, Frank, etc. Oh, and the names of Zanny's imaginary family members are there as well: Samantha, Victor, and Gloria.)

Hi, Desdemona. :seeya: I definitely didn't mean to suggest any of the above wasn't true. I am convinced that Casey patched together the ZFG character and all her other imaginary friends from her stuck-in-high-school memories. I'm also convinced she somehow learned that ZG had visited Sawgrass and thought, "Wow! I could use this lady for my fake nanny!" If only Morgan had focused on proving that, he might have a better case.

FYI the alumni lists are still on the Colonial High website, but I think the website has been redesigned to be, um, less helpful. Here's the link to Casey's class (2004 actually not 2003, but this page has 2000-2009):

LOL Since my family moved to Orlando,(over 10 years ago) I have always seen Morgan and Morgan on TV and heard him on the Radio :)

I haven't counted how many times per day in the past 10 years I have seen Morgan and Morgan TV ads..but I can say it is A LOT :D

Last year I read an article in Orlando Magazine on John Morgan..
He has one of the largest law firms in the South.
Morgan owns, not only the Law firm, but other businesses that include Hotels, Tourist Attractions, Billboard advertising and Marketing firms
He has hired Former FL Governor Charlie Crist to work at his law firm..
And...He hosted a party for President Barack Obama at his home when Obama was in Orlando, a fundraiser.

I don't think he needs Zenaida to get his face in the news...


He also had the Obama's for dinner
again - the bottom line - she is the only only only Z/ZG/ZFG that is connected to "The Sawgrass Apartments" . And for the life of me, why is anyone that believes that Z/ZG/ZFG has a case considered a "Casey Anthony" hater? Hate her, love her or don't give a squat about her has nothing to do with whether or not Z/ZG/ZFG has a case or not. And Zenaida's past has nothing to do with whether or not she has a case. I mean, really, how does that have anything to do with whether or not she was slandered by Casey? Really, that boggles my mind.....

I don't believe I said that anyone who feels ZG has a case is a Casey hater, if I did, it's certainly not what I meant. What I think is that some people are allowing their dislike of Casey to cloud their judgement. I'm sorry, but that's how I see it. I can not see any merit to ZG's case. No one, not posters here, not ZG, and not her lawyers, has yet quoted one slanderous statement made about this particular ZG by Casey Anthony. Quite the opposite actually, Casey was very clear about who the nanny was and what she looked like, it was not ZG. More than that, she insisted right from the start that it was NOT this ZG.

It is also very clear to me that this particular ZG has attempted to assume the identity of ZFG for the purposes of this suit. That is fraud. She also blamed her unemployment on Casey when, apparently, she has a long history of not working and collecting welfare. I have no real problem with her living off the state, it's difficult for a woman with that many children to maintain a job, but I do have a problem with her lying about it for the purpose of claiming damages in this suit.

ZG's past shows that she is a person of very questionable morals. It boggles my mind that anyone would say otherwise. As a matter of fact, had there been enough evidence to support the charge of child molestation, we'd probably be reading about her on the Crimes in the News forum and I wouldn't be alone in my feelings about her.

I have no problem admitting that I am a Casey hater. I dislike anyone who would harm a child and that includes ZG. I will not close my eyes to ZG's faults nor will I convince myself that she deserves to win this suit simply because I want to see Casey pay - and trust me, I do.
I don't believe I said that anyone who feels ZG has a case is a Casey hater, if I did, it's certainly not what I meant. What I think is that some people are allowing their dislike of Casey to cloud their judgement. I'm sorry, but that's how I see it. I can not see any merit to ZG's case. No one, not posters here, not ZG, and not her lawyers, has yet quoted one slanderous statement made about this particular ZG by Casey Anthony. Quite the opposite actually, Casey was very clear about who the nanny was and what she looked like, it was not ZG. More than that, she insisted right from the start that it was NOT this ZG.

It is also very clear to me that this particular ZG has attempted to assume the identity of ZFG for the purposes of this suit. That is fraud. She also blamed her unemployment on Casey when, apparently, she has a long history of not working and collecting welfare. I have no real problem with her living off the state, it's difficult for a woman with that many children to maintain a job, but I do have a problem with her lying about it for the purpose of claiming damages in this suit.

ZG's past shows that she is a person of very questionable morals. It boggles my mind that anyone would say otherwise. As a matter of fact, had there been enough evidence to support the charge of child molestation, we'd probably be reading about her on the Crimes in the News forum and I wouldn't be alone in my feelings about her.

I have no problem admitting that I am a Casey hater. I dislike anyone who would harm a child and that includes ZG. I will not close my eyes to ZG's faults nor will I convince myself that she deserves to win this suit simply because I want to see Casey pay - and trust me, I do.

The ONLY way I could see that she has tried to assume the role, would be if she had visited Sawgrass Apartments AFTER the case broke in the news and BEFORE law enforcement visited there.
I don't believe I said that anyone who feels ZG has a case is a Casey hater, if I did, it's certainly not what I meant. What I think is that some people are allowing their dislike of Casey to cloud their judgement. I'm sorry, but that's how I see it. I can not see any merit to ZG's case. No one, not posters here, not ZG, and not her lawyers, has yet quoted one slanderous statement made about this particular ZG by Casey Anthony. Quite the opposite actually, Casey was very clear about who the nanny was and what she looked like, it was not ZG. More than that, she insisted right from the start that it was NOT this ZG.

It is also very clear to me that this particular ZG has attempted to assume the identity of ZFG for the purposes of this suit. That is fraud. She also blamed her unemployment on Casey when, apparently, she has a long history of not working and collecting welfare. I have no real problem with her living off the state, it's difficult for a woman with that many children to maintain a job, but I do have a problem with her lying about it for the purpose of claiming damages in this suit.

ZG's past shows that she is a person of very questionable morals. It boggles my mind that anyone would say otherwise. As a matter of fact, had there been enough evidence to support the charge of child molestation, we'd probably be reading about her on the Crimes in the News forum and I wouldn't be alone in my feelings about her.

I have no problem admitting that I am a Casey hater. I dislike anyone who would harm a child and that includes ZG. I will not close my eyes to ZG's faults nor will I convince myself that she deserves to win this suit simply because I want to see Casey pay - and trust me, I do.

BBM. I am happy that we agree on this :)

And I do agree that this is a weak case.

I also think you are being harsh on ZG publicly.

ZG may have faults (don't we all) but please keep in mind those faults would have never have been brought to light had Casey Anthony not accused ZFG of kidnapping her child. Law enforcement would have never called this ZG and we wouldn't even be talking about this.

BBM. I am happy that we agree on this :)

And I do agree that this is a weak case.

I also think you are being harsh on ZG publicly.

ZG may have faults (don't we all) but please keep in mind those faults would have never have been brought to light had Casey Anthony not accused ZFG of kidnapping her child. Law enforcement would have never called this ZG and we wouldn't even be talking about this.


According to Casey's motion many people with a name similar to ZFG were investigated. We never heard from them. Why? It seems clear to me that it's because they never contacted the media and arranged to be interviewed.

Perhaps I am being harsh on ZG, but nothing I've said appears to be untrue. As a matter of fact, with the release of the recent defense motions, she looks to be of even lower moral character than I thought. Had she not gone to the media, presented herself as ZFG, and filed this fraudulent suit, we wouldn't know about her sordid past. I don't believe she's been harmed at all and, so far, she hasn't presented anything to prove that she has. On the contrary, I think she, perhaps with Morgan's guidance, is turning Caylee's death and Casey's lies into her golden goose. Had she even once, during any of her many media appearances, pointed out that her name is not ZFG or admitted that she was unemployed all along, I might feel differently.

I have felt many times that people were being unfairly harsh toward George and Cindy and it probably made me more defensive of them than I'd have been otherwise. In this case, I feel people are being overly sympathetic and defensive about ZG, to the point that they're refusing to see the facts clearly. Perhaps that's making me overly harsh. Like you said, we all have faults and I know I have more than my share. :)
The ONLY way I could see that she has tried to assume the role, would be if she had visited Sawgrass Apartments AFTER the case broke in the news and BEFORE law enforcement visited there.

So you think she didn't realize that her name isn't ZFG?
BBM That's not the way I remembered it at all. ZFG didn't throw herself into the media! Geesh I think we have all had enough of the Zenaida bashing! I'm really starting to feel bad for the woman!

According to the defense motion, ZG went to the media. She even had her son call the local station and set up an interview. I wonder if money changed hands.
So you think she didn't realize that her name isn't ZFG?

Chilly....you seem to gloss over the one fact that THIS ZG had in common with the IMAGINANNY - she visited Sawgrass. The very scene of the crime for how many months? Until the body was found? Until opening statement of trial?
Until that opening statement, as far as ANYONE knew outside the people here and elsewhere following the case and watching the defense throw EVERYONE under the bus, was that somebody named Z-e-n-a-i-d-a Gonzales supposedly took the child from Sawgrass apartments. Period.
Chilly....you seem to gloss over the one fact that THIS ZG had in common with the IMAGINANNY - she visited Sawgrass. The very scene of the crime for how many months? Until the body was found? Until opening statement of trial?
Until that opening statement, as far as ANYONE knew outside the people here and elsewhere following the case and watching the defense throw EVERYONE under the bus, was that somebody named Z-e-n-a-i-d-a Gonzales supposedly took the child from Sawgrass apartments. Period.
I don't believe that for a minute. Are you saying that the average person who does not post here missed all the media coverage between the first day Caylee was reported missing and the day the trial started? Did they not know that Casey was in jail charged with first degree murder?
BBM. I am happy that we agree on this :)

And I do agree that this is a weak case.

I also think you are being harsh on ZG publicly.

ZG may have faults (don't we all) but please keep in mind those faults would have never have been brought to light had Casey Anthony not accused ZFG of kidnapping her child. Law enforcement would have never called this ZG and we wouldn't even be talking about this.


BBM :clap: ITA
I am SLAMMED at work but NUMEROUS alerts on this thread. No time to take care of it now, but I will review it when I get off work, so....post at your own risk.
According to the defense motion, ZG went to the media. She even had her son call the local station and set up an interview. I wonder if money changed hands.

There you go again...you have a pretty high standard of proof with ZG but have no problem implying ever so subtly that money may have changed hands. <modsnip>
I am SLAMMED at work but NUMEROUS alerts on this thread. No time to take care of it now, but I will review it when I get off work, so....post at your own risk.



Seriously, peeps. :nono:

You all know better.

You all know the rulez.

TOs will be distributed liberally from here out. Know that.
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